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An old Rajasthani temple is shown. Camels in desert walk towards temple. A woman Siya enters temple addressing Devi maa that whoever comes to temple complain how their problems increased, but she never complained as she trusted god, she got her husband Ram with her belief, he loved her so much, but now wants to break up with her, holding divorce papers. She continues how can Ram leave her when could not live without her, how can devi maa watch this; when devimaa is snatching her light even Devi maa will see darkness. At night an old woman lights fort with torches. Chudail taunts her. she calls Bhairav singh. Chudail watches old woman Dayimaa from a distance. Old woman searches Bhairav Singh shouting where did he die. She turns hearing voice, but does not find anyone. Chudail continues taunting her. Dayimaa realizes chudail escaped from fort. Chudail walks saying she had to and will meet her love after 500 years. Dayimaa sees Mara Mara/dead on main door and finds Bhairav Singh’s dead body hanging. She asks chudail why did kill Bhairav Singh and walks out. She gets into middle of desert and sees Ghagra paltan dancing around chudail, gets afraid and warns Chadail she will not let her harm kunwar Saa/Ram. Chudail says if she had got her love kunwarsaa in previous lives, she would not have waited so long. She attacks Dayimaa with sand, but Dayimaa stands intact and warns again to stay away from kunwarsaa.

Ram reaches Jaipur airport. His grandmaa calls him and asks where is he, return home. He says he was heading to Jaipur to meet Siya, but due to bad weather he landed in Jaipur. Grandmaa gets afraid and asks to return to back from there right now. Lights flicker, network gets disconnected. Ram thinks where to stay tonight. Behramgarh board is shown. A car stands in front of him. He picks chit from his pocket and verifies car’s number and gets into it. He greets driver and asks to take him to Behramgarh. Bhairav Singh’s ghost drives car. Grandmaa calls Dayimaa who asks to keep Ram away from Behramgarh as chudail has escaped. Grandmaa says Ram is in Jaipur now and asks to not let him enter Behramgarh.

Siya sings song for Ram in desert and in the morning, takes holy dip in lake and says she is sacrificing her and Ram’s relationship and even god and hers. Grandmaa calls her and asks what childishness is this, she went to India and Ram went behind her. Siya looking at divorce papers says he came to take divorce. Grandmaa says he is in Rajasthan and is heading towards Behramgarh, if he reaches there, evil spirit will not spare him, their 2 generations did not stepin to India. Siya says even she is near Behramgarh and will stop Ram from entering Behramgarh. Ram reaches near fort and gets out of car. Car disappears. Ram walks towards his briefcase when chudail walks towards him and is about to touch him when Siya reaches. Her dupatta falls on them. Chudail disappears. Siya sks what is he doing here and takes him along. Chudail picks soil of Ram’s footstep and smearing it as sindhoor greets Ram to her land.

Mohini Chudail picks Ram’s footstep soil and applies it as sindhoor, saying welcome to her place. Siya takes Ram into her car and scolds what is he doing here, he is not suppose to come to Behramgarh. He calls her rasgulla. She scolds to stop calling her rasgulla, if she knew he is so irritating, she would not have married him. He hugs her. Mohini looks at them climbing on car. Siya sees divorce papers and parting ways asks to go back to London, Daadi told it is dangerous for him to stay in Behramgarh. Mohini thinks she will not let Rana sa/Ram go from here and punctures all 4 tyres. Siya tries to open door to check, but door does not open. Ram gets out of car even after Siya’s warning and extends his hand asking to trust her. She says he already broke her trust buy sending divorce papers and herself comes out.

They both walk while Mohini walks behind Ram. She dances and tries to touch him but in vain. Ram reaches fort. Mohini walks behind him and greets him to get into fort. Ram sees abhimantrit dhaaga/thread around door and stops. Mohini excitedly asks him to get in. Ram tries to step in when Dayimaa enters throwing her stick in front of Ram and warns not to get inside fort. She gets emotional seeing Ram and sheds tears. Ram asks who is she, then touches her feet and says she is Dayimaa. Dayimaa asks how does she know. He says since childhood dadimaa described her and he imagined her face and found exactly same. Dayimaa emotionally hugs him and asks who is this girl. Ram introduces Siya as his wife. Mohini is shocked hearing that and thihks Rana sa brought her sautan here. Daiyamaa says they cannot stay here as storm will come anytime, thinking Mohini must be somewhere around. Ram asks where are they going. She says his Behramgarh palace and takes them in her jeep.

Mohini reminisces Ram love for her 500 years ago and promising to marry her. Ram reaches haveli and imagines his past life as Rana sa in this palace and says he feels he is bought up here. Dayimaa says he never came here and must be visualizing Dadimaa’s stories. Phone rings. Dayimaa says Raimaa must have called and asks Siya to pick call. Siya picks call. Dadimaa thanks god that Siya and Ram reached palace safely and asks her to leave for London as soon as possible and be with Ram like a shadow till they reach London. Dayimaa calls maid Jalebi and asks if she prepared Kunwarsa and kunwar rani saa’s room. Jalebi says yes. Mohini thinks Rana saa came here after 500 years and brought her sautan here.

In room, Ram come shirtless after bath in front of Siya and gets romantic with her. Siya throws shirt on him and he realizes it his imagination. Ram gets romantic in real and asks if she is getting weak, she can go to another room. Siya walks away with bag, but returns reminiscing Dadimaa’s words. She sleeps on bed. Ram sit on other side. She draws curtains between them. They sleep reminiscing their romantic days.

Dayimaa speaks to Dadimaa over phone and says she will protect Ram even if she has to sacrifice her life. Mohini thinks Ranasaaa has to come to her tonight. Siya asks Ram reason for seding divorce papers and turns, but does not find him. Ram walks towards main door, hypnotized. Mohini calls him. Siya runs towards door trying to stop Ram followed by Dayimaa. Ram smirks and leaves in jeep. Siya and Dayimaa run behind him. Mohini throws her hair and jeep down. Ram meets with an accident and collapses. -Siya and Dayimaa reach there. Ram’s head bursts. Siya runs towards him in shock.

Mohini calls Ram to meet him. Hypnotizzed Ram heads in jeep. Mohini pulls jeep with her hair. Jeep rolls over, and Ram falls down severely injured. Siya and Dayimaa reach there and are shocked to see Ram unconscious. Siya rurns towards Ram and rushes him to hospital. Dayimaa sees Mohini around. Mohini asks if she saw ghagra paltan’s magic, now she will get her Rana saa finally. In hospital, doctor treats Ram while Siya stands outside room. Doctor comes out and says I am sorry.

Dayimaa goes to fort and confronts Mohini that Ram stepped on this land just today, she cannot punish Ram for what happened 500 years ago. She sees Siya crying holding Ram’s body and confronts Dayimaa that Ram was her responsibility, why did not she save Ram, she failed in her duty. Dayimaa walks to her. Siya turns into evil and shouts she is Mohini and nobody can snatch Ram from her, she will get Ram at any cost. She continues only Dayimaa can see her and still be alive, etc.

In hospital, doctor informs Siya that Ram has gone into come and does not know when he will wake up. Siya asks doc to wake Ram up somehow. She walks into Ram’s room and cries holding his hand. Dadimaa enters and asks her to never go away from Ram as she saved Ram. Siya says Ram came here because of her. Dadimaa says it was in destiny. Mohini dances in desert and thinks she called Ram here and he will go with her wish,, she is waiting for him since 500 rs. She asks Ram to wake up now to meet her and call her name. Ram wakes up from coma calling Mohini. Mohini happily informs her friends if they heard Rana saa took her name, now Rana saa can see her. Ram asks if he took someone’s name. Dadimaa says nobody’s and asks him to relax. Ram asks when did she come here. Dadima says she came to take him back to London, they will go from here right now, she will arrange chartered plane. Ram says he will stay here and finish some pending task. Dayimaa enters and says Kunwarsa took right decision.

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