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The Episode starts with Shlok asking Astha to hold the tree branch and come up. He says before holding this, you have to beg to me and apologize. She says what, apologize and to you, for what, I can’t even dream of apologizing to you. He says I have much time, I will wait till you apologize. He says I m here only, when you want to come up, tell me. Astha looks at him. She thinks what to do now. Anjali is trying to call Shlok. Niranjan asks her whom are you calling. She says Shlok. Niranjan stops and turns to her. Anjali gets tensed. He looks at her angrily and closes the door of their room. Anjali gets nervous and afraid. He looks at her and comes to her while she stands stiff. Niranjan scolds her for not telling him about Shlok’s update. He asks her to call to the resort and find out did Shlok reach there or not. He says I don’t know what happened to you, you are not doing anything well. Niranjan leaves. Astha struggles to come up and sees Shlok lying upside the pit. He says apologize first. She says I want to come up. He says come, first I request you to apologize to me. He says what do you think I will leave you here alone, I m very selfish, its not easy to escape from me. He scares her and laughs. He says girls don’t have sense at all.

Shlok holds her hand and says you don’t know how to face the consequences. He asks her to hold her ears and apologize else he won’t let come out of the pit. Astha says I don’t want to insult the word apologize by apologizing to you. She pulls Shlok and even he falls in the pit. Astha laughs on him. Shlok gets up with all dirt and dust on him. He says are you mad, what did you do. She says I did not do anything and taunts him. He says its because of you I m here, how will we get out now. She laughs on him watching him struggle. She says there is one way, first I will go out, then I will pull you. He says you. She says yes, but you have to request. He says I think you went mad falling in this pit. He says I swear I will make you suffer so much that you won’t think of anything else. He scolds her and tries to go out of the pit. She smiles. He gets out and asks her to apologize, else stay here. Astha says I m sorry. He says what? Astha says I said I m sorry. He says tell it well. Astha says I m sorry holding her ears. He gives her his hand and she holds it to come up. Astha comes our of the pit and offers help to Shlok asking him to hold her hand, but he dos not. She insists and he holds her hand. They come out of the pit and fall on each other. They get closer and have an eyelock. Khuda………….. plays…………….. He looks at how Astha held him and she leaves her hand.

Astha starts walking. He says where are you going. She says to take my phone. He says come fast, we have to get out of here. They walk in different directions and argue that this is the correct way. He says fine, go your way. They walk in opposite directions, They stop and turn to see each other. Shlok tries to get network in his phone. At home, Niranjan asks Anjali to call again. Varad says I will call Shlok. He calls but the number is not reachable. Niranjan says inform me when the call is connected. Anjali asks him to eat anything and goes after him. Sojal says maybe Shlok and Astha are enjoying and switched off the phone so that no one disturbs them.

Anjali hears this and scolds Sojal. She says its good your luck is with you, else you won’t stay here with us. Anjali asks Varad to find out about Shlok as Niranjan is worried about him. Varad tries again and says why is his phone not connecting. Anjali looks on. Shlok gets the network and says I will find out who is right and wrong. He says I was going in the right direction, but lets see once. Astha says find out. Shlok gets Varad’s call and he says we are fine, the car stopped and here there is not network, we are in a jungle. Varad says jungle. Shlok gives him the address and the network goes again.

Astha says what will we do now, its going to be night now, my phone is also off. Shlok says only I can show you the right way. His phone also becomes off. She says we have to get out of here before its dark. He says this is the right way, come if you want, else go. She follows him calling out Shlok………. She asks are you not hungry. He says yes, but you girls are so stupid, where will I order food. Astha says I m really hungry. She sees a water melon adn runs to take it. She breaks it and sits eating it. She offers him but he does not take it. He looks at her and wipes her face asking her to eat like humans, not like animals. He starts eating and sits with her. She laughs seeing him eat. Music plays……………….. He says is it over, lets go. She says but…. and runs after him. Its night, Shlok and Astha are still in the jungle finding the way out. Astha wishes Bappa to protect her from wild animals. Shlok walks with a big stick in hand. She falls on him and says sorry. He scolds her to walk properly. She says I can’t walk further, I m tired. He says fine, sit here, when the animals hunt you, it will be fun. She gets up and says does ghosts also exists in this jungle, but I don’t have to worry, ghosts will be afraid seeing you. He says a rotten joke. She says how can you leave me alone in this jungle. He says even Yamraaj won’t be able to take you from me, your name is Astha Shlok Agnihotri, remember it. She says excuse me, you also remember one thing, its my name first Astha…… They look at each other and the screen freezes on their eyelock.

Anjali is caressing her aching foot in water. Sojal comes to her and says stop this and wear your slippers. Anjali looks at her angrily and says Sojal, do what I say, understood. She says don’t try to advice me from next time, go and do your work. Sojal leaves. Anjali tastes the tea and asks the maid to take it back as its cool. Kaka comes and smiles. Kaka tells Anjali that you did not drink the tea and it became cool, take this coffee. He says I know you don’t like tea, but I don’t know why your habits changed. He says maybe you don’t have the answer, but I know you are getting angry on me, so scolds me like you used to. You have changed, but I am same. Anjali says you are not a kid anymore. Kaka jokes. He offers her coffee and says I know you like coffee. He reminds her that he used to make strong coffee for her. Anjali says this is women’s work, let them do, its not good if men start doing. Kaka says I did not make this, the maid made it, and don’t worry, your rules won’t mend drinking this. Anjali says I left coffee from many years, my choice is Niranjan’s choice. Kaka says I don’t know what happened to you. Kaka tastes the coffee and says its very dark. Anjali says you would have understood when you got married at time, but you became a Ball Brahmachari, its not late, marry now. Kaka says I m not marrying as I don’t know another Anjali Agnihotri to come in this house. Anjali looks at him. Kaka leaves.

Shlok and Astha are in the jungle. Astha sees the water and argues with Shlok. She says its your mistake that you were fighting with me, I accept that I lost, be happy now. She tries to use the water for washing her face but suddenly Shlok pushes her down the water. She falls in the water and screams saying I don’t know how to swim, help me, save me. Shlok turns his ears deaf and does not respond. He laughs on her watching her. Shlok jumps in the water and saves her. Astha faints. He looks at her and brings her out of the water.

At Astha’s house, Avdhoot tells Kalindi about Astha’s and Shlok’s whereabouts. Kalindi says I m feeling sacred. Ajju says its because you are a mother. She says Avdhoot spoke to Varad. Kalindi says what about that phone call, I don’t know whats happening in their life, I only want them to be happy. Ajju says don’t worry, Astha’s bodyguard is with her. Shlok takes Astha in his lap and tries to wake her up. She coughs and gets up. He is relieved. Astha scolds him saying does anyone push his wife like this in water. Shlok says I did not know you don’t know swimming, anyways forget it, lets go.

Abhay is beating jyoti for calling Anjali. jyoti argues with him. Abhay says lets do one thing, I will send you to your mum’s house and you know your image in your mum’s eyes, she will kick you out of her house and you will have to come back to me, then you know what will happen. jyoti cries.

Shlok lifts Astha and she says why did you lift me, leave me. He walks with her in his arms. She looks at him. Music plays…………. They see something. He says it very dark, its not good if we walk, lets spend the night here. She says here, its a ghostly site. He says do have any option. They argue. She says I won’t go and never with you. He says think again and scares her about the jungle. He says you don’t be afraid, even the ghosts will be afraid of you. Astha says good joke, I will find a better place.

Shlok leaves her and goes inside the dark house. Astha gets afraid standing outside and hears the wild animals sound. She runs to Shlok. Anjali is doing her work at home. She is arranging her sarees and a photo falls. Niranjan picks it and gets angry seeing it. Its Anjali’s parents photo. He shows it to her and asks can I know from where did this photo come. He says did you forget how much they insulted me, its your duty as being my wife to remove this root. He says am I right, you asked them to leave from my house at Shlok’s wedding, but was it all an act.

Anjali says I have burnt all the photos, I don;t know from where did this come. Niranjan scolds her and says the question is why is this photo not burnt till now. Anjali takes it from him and looks at it. She tears the photo infront of him. Shlok hears someone coming and is ready to hit the person. It turns out to be Astha. Astha shouts seeing him with a wooden stick. Shlok looks at her and throws the stick. He says so, you came, were you afraid, the girls always say bi things. Astha says you did not even beat the dog and what did you do. Shlok says you are selfish, I did not want to kill the dog, but remember I saved you from that dog, and you are joking about me, he calls her middleclass. Astha says you are making fun of me. She gets scared and hugs him. Khuda………….. plays………………..

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Strange Love Air On Star Life From Monday To Sunday at 5pm

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