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The Episode starts with Anjali, Sojal and Jaya waiting in the hall worried. Jaya hugs Anjali and says its very bad that happened. Varad and Kaka come home and tell Anjali that he could not do anything, but will talk to the lawyer. He calls the lawyer and asks him to come to the police station soon, as they have to get Shlok and Astha out. Kaka says Shlok did not do this right, I told him many time not to do wrong things. Anjali get angry and says you should support Shlok being his Kaka. Varad says I will go to police station now. Kaka says I will also come. Varad says fine. They leave for the police station.

Anjali call Niranjan but he is busy and reject her call. Anjali says why is he not taking my call, he will be angry knowing about Shlok, but its important to tell him. Shlok and Astha are together in the police station as they are handcuffed. Shlok says Astha, there is still time, tell them everything is fine between us. Astha says why don’t you understand, we have only hatred between us, we won’t get anything being together. Shlok says we are married. Astha is annoyed. The inspector ask what happened? Shlok says my wife is annoyed with me, tell me how to make her mood good. Astha says please open this handcuffs, I can’t be with him. Shlok look at her.

Varad talks to Kalindi and requests her to take the case back. Kalindi says what Shlok is doing with Astha, is that right, he crosses his limit by coming to my home and taking her with him forcefully, if I don’t stop him, we don’t know what he will do. The constable try to open the handcuff. Astha looks at Shlok and is annoyed. Anjali call Niranjan and informs him about Shlok. Niranjan is shocked and get angry. He says my son is my pride, my strength, we will get him out. He call someone and asks him to free Shlok today itself and he will pay anything for it. He uses his contacts to free Shlok.

The handcuffs does not open easily and the constable says don’t know why is it's not opening trying many keys. At last it opens. Shlok get behind the bars. Astha is free and taunts him saying my dad was like this, I can’t bear anything now, you crossed your limits. She tells the inspector she does not have to complain against him, as her mentality is not cheap like Shlok. Kalindi says come Astha and Shlok look angrily at Astha as she leave. The inspector leave Shlok. Varad says we will go from back way as the media is there at the front side. The media get Astha and Kalindi and question her about domestic violence case against Shlok. Astha deny everything and says its just a rumour. She says you can ask the inspector if you don’t believe me. The inspector says the same. Varad says it was a rumour, you won’t get any news here, you all can go. Its night, Shlok is sleeping in his room. Niranjan comes to him and sits by his side caressing him. Anjali sees them. Niranjan cover him with a quilt and leaves from his room closing the door. Anjali is tensed looking at Niranjan.

Niranjan says the history is repeating itself, its happening what happened many years ago, it happened with me, and now with my son, that time your parents have sent me to jail, but I did not leave you, I don’t want Shlok to leave Astha, do you understand what I am saying? 
Its morning, Varad get a notice for Shlok. Niranjan ask what is it? Varad says its a divorce notice for Shlok, Astha has sent it. Everyone are shocked. Niranjan look at Shlok. Sojal smiles. Shlok says I knew about this dad, Astha’s lawyer called me, I thought if I go to take her, everything will be fine, but…. Niranjan says the matter is getting worse. Astha tell Avdhoot that she is waiting for the interview call as she has sent her resume to the companies. Niranjan and Anjali come to Astha’s house and greets everyone. Avdhoot welcome them. Astha greets Niranjan and Anjali touching their feet. Avdhoot says come in. Niranjan says what is happening is not right, I know the children has decided themselves, we got the court notice, but I think its not right to take a big decision, we should have a talk. Kalindi says there is nothing to talk. Niranjan says not a single divorce happened in Agnihotri’s family. Kalindi says Shlok did not regard Astha as his wife. Niranjan says I agree what Shlok did was wrong, we have to explain to them as we are elders. He says we brought the proposal but you said no, we agreed to your decision, but we got them married because they liked each other, now they say they don’t like each other, what's wrong, were they wrong that time or now. How can we say they are right now, is this the value of relations, is this our duty, can we be sure and say that they won’t take the decision right tomorrow. Kalindi says Niranjan we respect you a lot, we request you not to force us on this, Shlok was wrong, we can’t call it love and humanity, what Anjali did that day, was it right, she forced Astha to decide that she won’t see us again, was this right. Niranjan look at Anjali. Kalindi says you tell us, what was this, Shlok made the relation so weak, but you want our daughter to break her relation with us. It would be good for us that Astha and Shlok get the divorce. Niranjan says what should I say now, if you have decided, then but I want to tell you we loved Astha alot like our daughter, I request you to ask Astha again.

Niranjan asks Astha to forgive them for their mistakes. Astha says I don’t have any complains. Niranjan says please think again, the relations should not break, I hope our relation is lifelong. He leaves with Anjali. Astha feels bad. Ajju says lets go for breakfast come. Astha thinks about the love she got from Shlok’s family and cries.

Shlok get angry in his room and throwing a file. He says I hate you Astha. Varad come to him and pick up the file. Varad says Shlok, you did not tell me about this divorce, we would have done anything if we knew this before, but now its very late, what happened to you, you regarded me as your friend, but this time you did not tell me anything. Sojal hear them talking. Shlok says I did not ask her to leave this house, what did she do with me. Varad says you did this for dad, you should have done that by your heart, she would have come with you. Shlok says I don’t have anything in my heart except hatred. Shlok says I am getting late, I will talk to you later. Shlok leave.

Sojal comes to Varad and ask what happened, did Shlok refused to bring Astha back, why are you worried, leave them, its their problem. Varad says I care because he is my brother, its my duty to care about his happiness, Astha is his happiness, I want to bring her back, don’t dare to speak nonsense like this again. 
Suresh tell Shlok that someone called Shinde again after he called. Shlok says is he someone we know, find out. He says also find out about Astha and where she is giving interview. Suresh says don’t worry, I am keeping an eye on her, this time there won’t be any problem. Suresh leave. Shlok says you have to come back to me Astha.

Anjali sees Niranjan upset. He says let it be, I will do my work myself. He says can I know why did you keep such condition infront of Astha, they hate us now, you should have thought before doing this, there is a way of doing everything, I wish you understood this. Anjali says forgive me, but I think Astha does not deserve to be here. Anjali get hurt. Niranjan cares for her and does the first aid. He says its good to cure before the wound get deep, relations should be made strong before they break. He says you know this better. She says yes.

Its morning, Astha greet her family as she is going for an interview. She tell them that she applied to a big company and she is called for the interview, she wish she gets the job. Everyone bless her. Ajju hug her and says all the best. Avdhoot says don’t worry, you will get this job, I will drop you as I am also going to the office. Kalindi thinks this is a new morning in Astha’s life, Shlok will never come close to Astha as I won’t let this happen. Astha gets selected for the job. She is happy and is asked to sign some documents. She is given one year bond which states she can’t leave the job for one year commitment. He says you have to join us today itself. Astha smile and is some what confused. She think of signing. She signs the bond. The man says congrats, I will show you your desk.

Sojal is applying mahendi. Jaya come to her and ask her to learn something from Astha. She says keep Varad away from yourself, then he will be after you. Anjali comes to them and asks what are you teaching her. Jaya says I was teaching her she should serve her husband and mum in law. Anjali says Sojal go and clean Varad’s shoes. She says am I right Jaya. Jaya says yes, go Sojal. 
Astha gets a file and is asked to correct it. She makes the corrections and returns it. The peon comes to her again and ask for recorrection. She does it and he comes again. Astha says you go, I will give the file to Sir. She goes to the cabin and sees no one. She says Sir, I brought the file. Tell me what corrections you want, I have checked it. She says Sir……. Shlok come there and says many……. She is shocked to see him. Shlok look at her. He says I don’t want corrections in file, but in you Mrs. Astha Shlok Agnihotri. He says sit down, have a seat. She says whats your problem Shlok, why don’t you let me live, why are you playing with my life. He says because you married me thats why, we have promised to be together for seven lives, but its sad that you want divorce from me, but lets see whose favor court decides, maybe yours as you look as anyone would pity on you. You can break this relation, but if you break this company’s bond, it won’t be good, you want to end this married life, I will end your professional life. You will get me wherever you go. He smiles looking at her. He hold her. She leaves being furious. He look on. The lawyer tells Kalindi that we have sent the notice, but Shlok has not signed it. He says we can charge him of anything. Kalindi says we don’t want to. He says then I am sorry, we have to wait, its your decision, what you want to do. He leave. Avdhoot says its good you did not take any wrong step. Astha come home crying. Kalindi asks what happened. Avdhoot says you got the job and you joined it right. Astha wipes her tears and says yes. Kalindi ask then why are you crying? Astha says by happiness. Ajju says I will bring her smile back by sweets. Avdhoot says we all are very happy. Astha hug him. Kalindi says Shlok is her problem, and I will remove him from her life, he has to sign the divorce papers.

Astha come to office the and is asked to go to her personal cabin. Kalindi come to the same office asking for Shlok. Astha think of ending the job soon. Kalindi come to meet Shlok in his cabin. She ask him to sign the divorce papers. He says what if I don’t. She says don’t think I am weak, I can do anything for my daughter’s happiness. Shlok look at the papers and does not sign. He look at her.

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