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The Episode starts with Shlok scolding Astha. She gets afraid by some sound and hugs him. Khuda………… plays……….. Astha feels cold and shivers. Avdhoot comes to know about about enquiry committee report. Kalindi asks him and he tells her everything. She says nothing will happen as you did not do anything wrong. She asks him to have food and he says I m not hungry and leaves. Ajju says I m thinking to keep Grah Shanti puja at home. Kalindi says it would be good, I will talk to the pandit. Ajju says invite Shlok’s family also, it would be good to have good links with them.

Shlok also feels cold and says tonight might become the last night of our life if this continues. He tries to take up some wood and ignite the fire. Shlok taunts Astha and says beautiful girls ignite fire even in the water, come ignite it now. Astha jokes with him and taunts him. They have an argument. Astha asks Shlok what are you looking for. He says I went to take stones to ignite fire. He tries to ignite fie by using the stones, rubbing them. Astha looks on. He ignites the fire, Astha comes close to the fire and gets some warmth. She makes her hair dry and Shlok sees this and gets up. He moves away from her. He removes his shirt and Astha gets tensed seeing him. He offers his shirt to her and asks her to wear it seeing her feeling cold. She says its your shirt, you wear it. He cares for her and insists. He says your clothes are wet, you will feel more cold, wear this till your clothes become dry. Khuda………. plays…………….She takes it from him. Astha wears it. Anjali is at home burning her parent’s photo feeling sad.

Sojal sees Varad’s plate clean and empty. She sees someone’s plate having some spicy food and thinks of eating it. Anjali comes and slaps her. This is Sojal’s dream. She gets up and tells Varad how hungry she is. Varad says don’t this, let me speak. Sojal thinks she is starving. Astha changes her clothes by putting her saree in between her and Shlok. Shlok looks at her. Shlok sees her walking at the other side. Suddennly the saree falls and Shlok sees Astha wearing only his shirt with no bottom. Saiyyan Ve………… plays while he stares at her.

Astha again ties the saree in between them. Khuda …………….. plays…………………..He sees a snake coming and is shocked. He runs to her and holds her mouth to make her quiet. He shows the snake to Astha and she is shocked. They get closer. The snake passes by their side. He leaves Astha. They look at each other. He goes away from her.

Shlok rests there and Astha also sits at some distance. Shlok gets up and goes to her. He takes the saree covers Astha seeing she is feeling cold. Khuda ………… plays………..Shlok sleeps. Its morning, Astha and Shlok are still in that dark house. Astha is shown sleeping on his shoulder hugging him. Shlok wakes up and finds her in his arms. He wakes her up and says do you wish to live your whole life here, come on, get up.

Astha gets up and goes to change her dress. Jyoti is working at home and tells her mum in law that she is not feeling well. Her mum in law calls Abhay and asks him to take Jyoti to the doctor and maybe they will get some good news. Abhay asks jyoti are you pregnant. Jyoti looks on. Abhay says leave this work, come, lets go to the doctor. Abhay’s mum wishes they get a baby boy. Shlok and Astha start walking in the jungle. Music plays………… Shlok says lets go this way, maybe we will find the way out. She slips and he holds her. They have an eyelock.

Shlok and Astha are walking in the jungle. He looks at her and Khuda……………….. plays……………. He sees she stopped and lifts her to bring he down. She sees some people and smiles. She shows them to Shlok. Abhay comes to Shlok’s office and asks for Suresh. He meets Suresh while Suresh is talking on phone. Abhay hears about Shlok framing Avdhoot in a case. He is shocked. He smiles. Shlok meets those people in the village and all of them look at him and Astha. Shlok says can you tell us the way out from this jungle. They ask first tell us how did you come in this jungle.

Shlok is irritated and showers his anger on them. They ask Shlok to go and not ask for their help. Shlok says fine, lets go Astha. Astha says one min, and talks to those people. She tells them how they came in the jungle and requests them to show the way. The people says this is not the way to ask us. Astha apologizes. Astha says I m talking with respect, it does not mean you will insult my husband. Shlok looks at Astha. Astha says I will go wherever my husband takes. The people says we will help you but ask him to apologize to us. Astha says I don’t want my husband to apologize. Please show us the way, it would be great. They say see we will help only because of your wife, but the way is not easy, so you won’t understand if we tell you the way, I will leave you there after the puja we have here. Astha thanks them and asks about the puja. He says Chakki puja, we would be glad if you also attend the puja. Astha says why not. They arrange some new clothes for Shlok and Astha and gives them. Shlok says do we have to go to the mandir for this puja. They say no, we preach the wife thinking women are men’s power. Shlok says I won’t do this puja, sorry. They say you can’t go from here without the puja, as your wife said yes for it, go and change your clothes in that room.

Shlok looks around in the room and asks Astha what are you doing. She is changing her clothes. She says look that side. He says we will find the way, we can’t stay here for the puja, do you want me to do this patni pujan so that you want to take revenge. She says I don’t believe in all this, I think husband and wife are equal, you won’t understand, forget it. He says woman does the puja, not a man. He asks her to hurry up and goes to her to hook up her blouse. Astha feels this. He says come, lets go and they leave hiding from those people. Someone sees them running and follow them to catch them. Shlok and Astha run away. Abhay goes to Shlok’s cabin and redials and calls Shinde. He speaks as if he is Suresh. He asks Shinde to give all the evidence to the police against Avdhoot. He smiles cunningly and hides under the table seeing Suresh. Suresh does not see him. Abhay is relieved and leaves. The people run after Shlok and Astha. Shlok and Astha try to escape but Astha gets tired and runs slowly. The people chase them and finally catches them. They say you both did not do this right by running from our area. They say no one can show you the way out from here, we trusted you and you cheated us, you cant get out of this jungle without our help. Astha apologizes to them and says my husband is angry but good by heart, he is somewhat mad, Shlok looks at her. Astha says we don’t believe in all this. They ask them to do the puja and insists. He says the woman is the true power of the world, you have to do this puja if you want to go out of here, come with us now and do the puja. Shlok says fine, coming. He holds Astha’s hand and goes for the puja. Anjali tells Sojal that its Niranjan’s birthday day after tomorrow and Shlok and Astha will be coming till then. She asks her to start the arrangements for it. Sojal says ok and leaves. Kalindi calls Anjali and invites her for the Grah Shanti puja. Anjali thanks her for the invitation and says the puja is today and you are saying us now.

Kalindi says sorry, we were busy and asks about Shlok and Astha. Anjali taunts Kalindi and says its one month now, still Astha does not realize her duties. She says we will come for the puja but we won’t stay there for long time. Someone calls Varad and he is shocked to know something. Varad says this cannot happen, this news can’t come on tv as this news is related to us. Shlok is doing the patni pujan. He follows the guidelines and does as they say. Astha smiles. Everyone look at Astha and Shlok and laugh seeing how Shlok is following the rituals.

Astha bites his hand when he makes her eat the sweets. He pushes the whole sweet piece in her mouth. He says is this over now. They asks Shlok to sit down and get up only with Astha and walk with her taking two steps. They say your wife is your power, do pranaam to her. Astha signs do it. Shlok does the pranaam and Astha laughs. Astha and Shlok walk together and complete the puja. Shlok says now is it over, now please leave us till high way.

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