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The Episode starts with Shlok asking Kalindi why do you want to ruin your daughter’s life. She says because my daughter can’t live with a man who does not respect women, you are like your mum Anjali. Shlok get angry hearing this and shouts enough and breaks a glass and gets hurt by it. His hand bleeds. He says you said a lot. He laughs seeing the wound and Kalindi is shocked. He says now tell me how can I sign. Kalindi says now I am more sure about you, you can’t be right for Astha, your divorce will happen, I will make sure at any cost. She leave in anger.

Astha is in the same office. They don’t see each other. Astha come to her senior and says Sir, I am sorry, I can’t do this job. He says what, you can take a leave for some days then you can resume. Astha says no, I have to leave this job permanently. He shows her the bond and ask her to forget this for one year. He says I can’t help you in this, now get back to your work. Astha leave from his cabin. She comes to her cabin and thinks what to do. She resume her work and goes to take photocopy of some papers. The peon help her. She says fine, I will do this. He insist. She comes to know that Shlok’s hand is hurt. She get worried.

Astha runs to Shlok hitting people on the way. She comes to Shlok and does the first aid. She is shocked seeing the blood in his hand. She blows on his hand and cares for him. Shlok look at her. All the office staff look at them. Music plays………………….. Shlok looks at the divorce papers. He sees how much she loves him. Khuda…………………….plays……………… She apply the ointment and does the bandage. People says I wish my wife also loved me like this. Shlok hear this and get angry. Astha leaves Shlok’s hand and says I am fed up listening about us from others. He says did I tell you to do this? She says I don’t care even if you are hurt. He says then why did you come running, you can’t change this fact that you are this company’s boss’s wife, I told you I will erase your identity, your identity is that you are my wife. Astha says your pride will break soon as I am going to erase Mrs. Astha Shlok Agnihotri’s identity soon. She leave from his cabin while Shlok look on.

Sojal and Jaya are having a talk about Astha being absent in the Vaan. Anjali is listening to them. Anjali scold Jaya for making gossip. Niranjan says I am proud of you Varad, you freed Shlok at the right time from jail. Shlok comes. Niranjan and Varad are tensed seeing his hand hurt. Shlok says its a small wound, would be fine. 
Kalindi tells Ajju what Shlok did. Kalindi says I am worried about Astha, I don’t think he will give divorce to Astha, he has hurt his hand when I asked him to sign the papers. The neighbors ask Ajju and Kalindi to come for the Vaan. Kalindi says why should we do this. Ajju says I think Astha should do it. Kalindi says why so, we can’t insult Vaan as Astha and Shlok are not in such relation. Ajju says Astha is Shlok’s wife right now.

Anjali is looking at the door and ask Sojal to heat the food as Niranjan would be coming. She scold Sojal. Jaya says when will Niranjan come, we have been waiting for him for so long. Anjali says women eat after men, not before them. Jaya feel hungry. Sojal says I am so hungry, don’t know when he will come. Jaya takes a roti and hides it in her saree. She says Sojal, Kavya is crying, come with me. Sojal says I can’t hear anything, you go. Jaya shows her the roti and says come with me. Anjali says go and see Kavya. They leave from the hall. Niranjan come and Anjali takes his bag. He says did you not sleep till now. She says how can I sleep when you are not at home. He smiles happy with her reply. He says you are always proved you are a very good wife that makes my expectations increase. He says I expect you become a good mum inlaw, you think Astha is not good for this house, I think every girl is the same, its our duty to put values in her, she is our daughter inlaw now, it does not matter now, we should keep the relations intact for lifetime, don’t do anything that makes her hate this house. Anjali says sure, I will take care. He start eating.

Its morning, Niranjan gets ready and sees Anjali putting fruits in a plate. He says Anjali, you decorated the Vaan plate. She says yes, I am sending his to Astha’s house, its her first Vaan. He says you should go yourself, she should see her love. He says give your jewellery to Astha which your parents gave you, your parent’s love should reach her. Anjali agree. He leave.

Ajju and Kalindi are ready. Astha says mum you are looking very beautiful, but why are you worried? Kalindi says I am not. Astha asks what happened? Anjali comes and greets them. She comes with the Vaan plate. Everyone are shocked to see Anjali. Kalindi says how come you are here. Anjali says I came here to give my daughter inlaw her Vaan shagun, I hope you also celebrate this as its her first Vaan. She says take this Astha. Astha does not take it. Anjali keep it there and leave.

Kalindi says what do they want from us, why don’t they let us live peacefully, what does this mean when Shlok does not regard Astha as his wife, why don’t he sign the divorce papers, what should we do, I went to explain Shlok, I asked him to sign the papers and he has hurt his hand. Astha is shocked knowing this.

Kalindi say why is Shlok not singing the divorce papers. Astha is shocked knowing Shlok has hurt his hand so that he can’t sign the papers. Kalindi says I am losing, I can’t see any way now. Ajju says calm down, don’t be disheartened, trust the Bappa. Astha says yes, don’t worry, what you want will happen, I will make Shlok sign the divorce papers. Ajju asks what will you do. Astha says whatever I do will be right. She thinks of something. She sees the Vaan shagun.

Anjali is doing Sojal’s tilak at home. They celebrate Vaan. Anjali give her bangles and asks her to return the bangles tomorrow. Sojal says I will take good care of them. They are shocked to see Astha. Astha walk in. Kavya smiles seeing Astha. Anjali is happy and goes to her. Anjali smiles and does her tilak. Astha greet her touching her feet. Anjali says you have made us very happy wearing the shagun saree and ornaments, a woman should always bend. She give her necklace which Niranjan wanted her to give it to Astha. She says this is the necklace which my parents gave me. Sojal is annoyed. Astha ask where is Niranjan. Anjali shows the room. Astha goes to talk to him. Astha comes to his room and Niranjan turns to see her. She greet him. Niranjan is happy to see her. Astha says I have come to ask for something. He says ask, its your right, you are my daughter. Astha says I have worn everything which I got in Shagun, but what does this mangalsutra mean to me when Shlok hate me. She says this marriage has become a cage for me, I can’t bear the burden of this relation, please free me. Niranjan is shocked. Permit me to take the divorce. Niranjan says is this your wish. She says yes. He says its strange my daughter asked me for something for the first time and what she asked, fine, but remember always mine and your relation won’t break anytime. Astha smile while crying and touch his feet. She cry and says thank you.She keep Anjali’s necklace there. Niranjan is angry seeing this. Astha come back to him and greet him again. He says be happy. She leave from the room.

Shlok is in his room. Niranjan comes to him and sits by his side. He look at Shlok’s wounded hand and says I know how you got hurt, you are angry with whatever is happening, your anger is right, but we have to win the heart by love not by anger, use your anger at the right place, anger should not be in relations. Shlok says I won’t do what Astha wants, as your happiness is not in that. Niranjan hug him and says I know how much you love me, but I can’t see you in pain, I am your dad, listen carefully to what I am saying now. (Muted!!) Shlok is shocked. Shlok says what you want will happen. Niranjan smile. Astha comes to the mandir. Few women see her and talk with her. They ask her to come with them and do the Vaan. Astha nod no. They insist and takes Astha with them. Shlok comes there and sees Astha at the mandir stairs. She turns to look at him. Saiyyan Ve ab raasta dikhaade tu……………….. plays……………. Shlok and Astha have an angry eyelock. He says its good I saw you here, you are confused, you are doing this rituals and wants divorce from me. He says you want freedom from this relation, holding this Vaan pot, do you think you will get freedom from me. He hands over the divorce papers to her and asks her to take care. He says you wanted this and taunts her. He ask why are you wearing the mangalsutra, on whose name is it? He try to break it and she holds his hand and stops him. They look at each other. She says you don’t have the right to break it, don’t forget, I gave you the right to make me wear this. She says now our ways are different, that we won’t unite ever. She says don’t come in my way, got it. Ve Saiyyan…………… plays…………………. Shlok leave. She looks on and cry. She has divorce papers in one hand and Vaan pot in other. Khwab vo pyaara aisa hai tuta……………….. plays……………

Its night, Astha comes home crying. Kalindi sees her and asks what happened there, what did Niranjan say. Astha says what you wanted, Bappa gave you that, Shlok has signed the divorce papers. Kalindi is happy seeing the divorce papers. Astha is very much upset that her marriage broke.

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