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The Episode starts with Astha getting ready for the fast. She sees Shlok sleeping. She lights the diya and thinks what is she doing. Why am I keeping the fast, I know this fast is kept for the husband. She looks at Shlok and says is my heart changing. She says am I falling in love with Shlok again, no I am mad, I am keeping this fast only for Anjali’s sake and love is an old thing now which I have supresses in my heart. I just want to help him, as everyone has a right to move on in life. Niranjan and Anjali does the puja. Everyone look on. Anjali cough. Varad and Sojal takes the Lord’s blessings followed by Shlok and Astha Astha and Shlok look at each other. Astha smiles. Astha prays that Shlok becomes like earlier and his past wounds gets erased.

Jyoti comes to Abhay and by mistake the aarti plate falls and his hand gets burnt. Abhay hurts Jyoti and locks her in the store room. 

Jaya ask Sojal to come with her and have some food. Anjali ask Sojal to do her work. 

Abhay lock Jyoti and she cry knocking the door asking him to open the door. 

Astha sees Anjali getting unwell. She says it looks like your BP is down again, eat something. Anjali says Niranjan also has a fast today, before he eat, I can’t eat. She says don’t you know a fast should be opened in evening, I won’t eat. Astha says I know but you need to take your BP medicines, eat something, I know Niranjan won’t have a problem. Anjali says go and help Sojal. Astha think if Anjali stays adamant, she will become more ill, what to do to make he agree to have food. 

Jyoti is sitting in the store room. She knocks the door again. Abhay smiles and scolds her. She says I did not burn your hand intentionally. He says I know it, else I would have not kept you alive, but you did a mistake, you will be punished. She says I will die here, open the door. He says remember what your mum said, a woman has to bear everything. He leave.

Astha get her sweater and think about Shlok. She says don’t know whether I will understand you or not, I want to know you so that I can help you. She read his diary and reads about Swati. Astha says I can’t believe Shlok can do this for a smile. Kavya comes to her and says I don’t like keeping fast. Astha smiles and says do you want to have anything. Kavya ask how. Astha says the puja is over, you can have food. Kavya says but mum said I have to eat after everyone eats. Astha says I kept milk for you, lets go fast. Astha takes a milk of glass. Kavya asks this glass for whom. Astha says for big Kavya and that's Anjali. She ask Kavya not to tell anyone. Kavya leaves. Astha comes to Anjali with the milk. She says atleast you can have this, then take the medicines. Anjali says Astha, I won’t compromise with the fast, take the milk back. Astha care for her. Anjali says I am fine, you go. Astha think Anjali is hurting itself, I am worried she may get more ill. Anjali ask Astha to leave. Astha comes to her room and call Shlok. She wishes Shlok brings Niranjan home so that Anjali can eat anything. Shlok and Niranjan are in the meeting. Shlok cut the call. Astha says he has disconnected. She calls again. Shlok switch off his phone. Astha goes to Anjali and sees her serious. She try to make Anjali drink water Sojal come there and  says are you mad Astha. Jaya says Sojal take care of Anjali. Astha warms up Anjali’s hand. She says this is not good to neglect your health. Anjali says I can’t break the rules for health’s sake Astha think its impossible to win over Anjali. She think I will call Niranjan and ask when will he come. She calls on Niranjan’s phone. Shlok sees the call and switch off the phone. Shlok give Niranjan his phone. The conference is over. Astha is taking care of Anjali. Sojal and Jaya looks on. Astha says you are getting cold, please eat something, I am much worried. Anjali is getting more serious. Astha thinks she has to do something. She calls on the landline from her mobile. She takes the call and acts as if its Niranjan’s call. She says I will tell Anjali that you had food. Sojal sees Astha’s phone but Astha diverts her. Astha tells Anjali that Niranjan called and he said he has opened his fast. Now you can eat food. She says I will bring the food. 

Abhay comes to Jyoti near the store room. Jyoti gets up and is drained. She ask him to open the door. She says I need water, I am fainting, please. Abhay smiles and says not so soon. He says stay there for some more time, don’t worry, a person can be hungry for three days. She says I promise I will do as you say, please bring me out, I will die here. He says sorry, love you, good night. He leave. Jyoti faints.

Astha convinces Anjali to eat. Astha apologizes to Bappa and says if I don’t do this, Anjali would not be well. Anjali break her fast. Niranjan walks in and is shocked to see Anjali eating. Anjali stop eating and look at Niranjan. He says sit Anjali, you ate before me after so many years. Anjali says how dare you lie to me Astha. She get angry at Astha. Niranjan calm her Anjali as she is about to slap Astha. Niranjan ask what are you doing? Anjali tells him about Astha’s lie. Astha apologizes and says I lied to her as she was getting serious. Niranjan says its ok, no need to apologize. He says its fine with me Anjali. He says good Astha. Anjali says Astha everytime you make me realize that I should not trust you, you made me do a big sin. Astha says but I was…. Anjali says shut up, for me my husband is my Lord, I did not have food without applying the Bhog to him.

Anjali says who are you to make me do this, we are trying to join your and Shlok’s relation and you are bringing a drift between mine and Niranjan’s relation. Astha says I did this for you. Anjali scold her for making her commit a big sin. She says I want Niranjan to be happy, he became sad and you killed me doing this. Astha think she made a big mistake, but what would I have done seeing her state. Anjali come to Niranjan bringing food for him. She cry. He wipes her tears. He scares her by his words. He says I am not hungry seeing you having food, take it away. She says I did not eat intentionally, I won’t do that again. He get angry at her and says I don’t want you to apologize to me, leave it, I want you to eat before me from now on. She says I know I did a big sin. He says Anjali…. you told me that you will change Astha, but whats this, you are changing. I wanted to see you in Astha, it should not happen that I see Astha in you. Something breaks, Jaya tells Sojal that it looks like Anjali is very angry today. Sojal says you stay safe from her. 

Its morning, Shlok comes to the room and is changing clothes. Astha keeps his clothes ready on the bed. He says what the hell, where are my clothes. She ask what happened, about that black clothes, I have given that for dry cleaning. She says wear something different, not that boring black clothes. He look at her angrily. She says you have such good clothes, why don’t you wear the colorful clothes. Shlok wears Astha’s selected shirt. Astha looks at him and smiles. Astha look at Anjali and think what happened to her today. She think Anjali is upset because of her. Astha ask Anjali how did your hand get hurt, show me, I will apply medicines. Anjali walk out. Astha follows Anjali and says I will do this work. Astha apologizes to Anjali and says don’t be annoyed with me. Anjali says I am sad that your mum taght you to lie, don’t lie to me again. Astha says I promise I will not lie and won’t do anything that you get scolded. Anjali says you have to go to Jyoti today with Shivrati prasad. You have to go with Shlok and talk less there. She leave.

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