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The Episode starts with Astha bringing the Kada tea for Shlok. She sees Shlok’s locked room open and goes to see who is inside. She sees the room messed up. She gets a diary. It has memories of Swati. Astha read the diary. She sees a dry rose in it. She take that diary with her and leaves from that room. Anjali think I am keeping Niranjan’s promise to make Astha and Shlok together, I will try my best to bring them closer. Kaka comes to talk to Anjali. Anjali says we will talk in the morning. Kaka says its important, you know till I talk to you, I won’t get sleep. He says I went to the Ashram and did not found your parents, they went somewhere. She says they are not kids, they might have gone by their wish. He says how can you this, you made them leave from there, did you not feel anything for them, did you heart not stop you, you have taken their last support from them, where will they go, its a big sin and Bappa will never forgive you for this. Anjali get angry and asks him to leave it on her, as Niranjan is her Lord, who will decide everything for her. Anjali says what my relation with my parents, I don’t care about them now, after I got married, nothing is more important to me than Niranjan, they did a sin by hurting my Lord, if you respect Niranjan, end this here. Don’t ask me about my parents again, I did all this so that they can repent of their sins. Jaya hears this. Kaka says great, you are judging your parents. He says make a favor on yourself, stand infront of the mirror and look at yourself, how much you changed, you won’t be able to identify yourself, you will see you are not lost, think again and see if you did not change, you would have saved this house. Anjali leave.

Jaya stops Kaka and asks what happened, is everything fine, did Anjali tell you anything? Kaka says its our personal matter, you don’t get into it, you are a guest here. She try to ask what did Anjali tell about her parents. Kaka says fine, I will tell you, Anjali asked me to take care of her parents, now you go and sleep, good night. Jaya says is it, then why were they fighting, there is something. Astha comes to Shlok and sits by his side. Shlok says why did you leave me and go. Astha says Shlok get up and have tea. Astha makes him drink the tea by spoon. She cleans his face as the tea falls. Khuda…………… plays……………… She hold his hand and warms up. Shlok holds her hand tightly. He says don’t leave me, be with me here, don’t go anywhere. Astha look on.

Anjali tells Niranjan that she fulfilled her promise as Astha is in Shlok’s room. Astha read Shlok’s diary. He writes from the day he met Swati. Astha look at Shlok. She reads further. Astha says I can’t believe Shlok was such. She closes the diary. She says how can he love someone so much, he loved Swati a lot, then why did she cheat him, this diary has hold your feelings which you have shut somewhere, now I understand why are you are like this, you did not get love in return and even your mum did not take care of you when you needed her the most. She caresses Shlok. She says I am sorry Shlok for hurting you by keeping the red roses in your cabin. Its morning, Astha sleep near Shlok. Khuda…………….. plays……………… She wakes up and looks at him. Sajna Ve………… plays…………. She moves back. She sees Shlok got high fever and gets worried. She check his temper and is shocked. 

Jaya comes to Sojal with the news. She says Astha is no one in the house, it looks like Shlok has kicked her out. Sojal is happy and laughs. Jaya says make your place in this house, serve everyone. Sojal says I will give tea to everyone now.

Astha comes calling out Niranjan. She tells Niranjan that Shlok has high fever, we have to call the doctor. He has fever since yesterday, as he was in the rain. Niranjan says calm down and calls the doctor. He says go to Shlok, the doctor will come soon. He ask Anjali not to take any work from Astha till Shlok gets fine, he says see the way she is worried about Shlok, it means she wants to be with Shlok, are you understanding. Anjali says yes. Niranjan leaves. Sojal and Jaya are upset seeing Astha. Anjali ask Sojal to take breakfast for Astha and Shlok.

Astha apply cold water cloths on Shlok’s forehead and waits for the doctor. Shlok says why did you do this, holding her hand. Khuda………….. plays…………. Astha look at him. Doctor come to see Shlok. Astha look at Niranjan and Anjali. The doctor check Shlok. Astha looks on and cry. Niranjan sees her crying. 

Sojal is cooking in the kitchen. Jaya comes to her and asks for breakfast. Sojal is annoyed with her getting irritated that she is only made for work. She says I will run from here. Jaya says think to make Astha run away. Sojal says now Astha has reached Shlok’s room.Jaya says Astha is very clever, she has trapped Shlok and married him, she took him to court, took 50% partnership. Sojal says its Astha’s goal after all. Jaya says think about Varad, how to make him in your control.

The doctor ask Astha to take care of Shlok, and give him medicines on time. He says if his temperature does not go down, then we have to hospitalize him and keep him under observation. Niranjan says don’t worry, Shlok is brave, he will be fine soon as you are with him. Astha get worried. She cares for him. Sojal is taking breakfast for Astha and Shlok. Jaya asks Sojal to fill Astha’s ears against Shlok. She says do something to make them stay away from each other. Else Astha will stick to us for lifetime, they are not yet divorced, its our work to make their fight a big matter. Anjali says Jaya. Jaya and Sojal are shocked and look at Anjali. Anjali asks what are you teaching Sojal now. ?Jaya smiles and says nothing, I was teaching her to keep the family united and serve Varad. Anjali ask Sojal to go and give the breakfast. Sojal leaves. 

Astha think about Shlok and that he took Swati’s name and got furious at her. She says don’t feel you are alone Shlok. He says Bappa, make him well soon. Anjali comes to them and says Astha, take this, you do this Jaap holding his hand, pandit have said this. Astha says I don’t believe in this, I am following what the doctor said, he will be fine soon. Anjali says fine, she keep the beads there and leaves. Astha says high fever is increasing and does the Jaap. Sojal comes with breakfast and look at Astha sitting so close to Shlok. She is shocked. She keep the breakfast and leaves. 

Avdhoot tells Ajju that Astha is going through a tough phase of her life, we should support her but Kalindi is not understanding. Ajju says call Astha to stay with us for few days, maybe Kalindi will understand this when Astha explain toher. Ajju says Kalindi will trust Astha and she will be confident. Avdhoot says yes, I will call Astha and make her talk to Kalindi. Kalindi will be happy talking to her. 

Astha look at the time. She gives Shlok medicines. Khuda…………….. plays………………….. Astha sits by his side for hours caring for him. Shlok wake up and asks what are you doing here? She says its time for your medicines. He says I won’t drink it, not by your hand, who knows it can be poison. She still makes him have it. He says I won’t, I told you. She holds his face and makes him drink it by force. She says your fever is gone, I will inform everyone, you take rest. Everyone are in the hall. Anjali says the doctor said if Shlok’s fever did not go, we have to take him to the hospital. Niranjan ask her to go and see. Astha comes to them happily and says Shlok woke up and his fever is gone. Anjali says he might be feeling weak, take glucose for him and make him have fruits. Niranjan thank the Lord. Anjali comes to Astha and says I will send the glucose by someone else, I want you to stay with Shlok in his room, as guest room is under repair. Astha says I want to know, I want to help Shlok and bring him out of his past, who is Swati. Anjali is shocked. Anjali says who Swati. Astha says don’t you know her? She is that girl whom Shlok always talk about. Anjali says I don’t know her. She scold Astha and leave without answering him. Astha says how can this be, Anjali does not know about Swati, what should I do now.

Astha takes her belongings and goes to Shlok’s room. Everyone looks on. Sojal tells Jaya see mum, she reached Shlok’s room. Shlok sees Astha coming to his room. He get up and ask whats all this, what are you doing? She says can’t you see, I am keeping my clothes. Shlok says I don’t understand, when you had to stay in my room, why all that drama, you again proved me right, I was having fun when you were not here, as I don’t have any interest to live with you. She says change your bad habits. He says oh hello, what do you want to do. She says I want to clean our room. He says reality check, its my room, if you want to stay here, do as I say. She says reality check, this room is mine too, I can keep it according to me. They start arguing. A vase break. Anjali comes and asks whats this?

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