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Piya’s if pulled into the mirror by her witch version. She screams Ansh.. Ansh runs towards Piya. He sees her being pulled in the mirror. Ansh holds her and pulls her back. Ansh breaks the mirror, Piya’s witch disappears.
Vedeshree’s sister says smart. I thknk they know. We have to lock them before Vedeshree comes.

Chetali and Avi are inside. Chetali says what is happening outside. Avi says they don’t even know we are stuck here. And the ones with them are witches. Avi says I wish we go out and tell everyone about Vedeshree’s sister Kalashree. Piya says all mirrors are witch mirrors now. We have to warn everyone. If kids look into them, they would be caught in it as well. Ansh says you’re right. But we can’t go together. You stay here, I will break all the mirrors. Piya says be careful. Ansh says you also stay careful and don’t step out of the room.

Avi (witch) says I think they know about us. Kalashree says yes they do.

Savi says how can you run like this Dilruba? Dilruba says my whole family is of gold. I don’t know what to do. Savi says tell me everything you know about Chota Pehlwan. She says he loves his gold and everyone who tries to steal his gold, he makes them of gold. Savi says give me your jewelry. Dilruba says I don’t give it to anyone. Savi says if you want to fix your husband and mom give it to me.

Ansh comes to Chetali and Avi and says thank God you’re fine. Avi says what would happen to us? Ansh breaks the mirror in their room. Nishant calls Piya and tells her about Chetali and Avi being locked in the mirror. He says the ones in your house are their witch versions. Be careful.
Piya says Ansh went to talk to them. What should I do?

Chetali says you also think I am a witch? Ansh says all mirrors in this house are dark mirrors. They want to pull us in. Piya calls Ansh and tells him everything. Chetali and Avi put hands on his back. Chetali says you know about us now? Ansh says so Mohana was right? The kids are there as well. Chetali says no one trusts Mohana, her back luck. They grasps Ansh. Ansh says leave me, Chetali says we would but inside the mirror. Ansh shoves them. He asks the kids to go out and asks them not to look in any mirror.

Avi says we aren’t scared of you. We are wiches. Ansh says I am Davansh.
Adi and Pari come to Piya. Adi says dada dadi are witches now. Pari says what is happening? Everything would be fine?

Savi comes in front of Chota wearing gold. He says you stole my gold? Savi says please don’t make me of gold. He says I will take three idols and turn you into gold as well. He points his wand towards Savi. Dilruba comes there with a mirror and Chota becomes of gold himself. Naman and Dilruba’s mom become alive.

Shekhar and Vedeshree are in an elevator. Ansh says to Kalashree ma you have to get out of this house. It is dangerous. Vedeshree says the elevator stopped working. Please do something. We need to get home. The elevator becomes dark.
Kalashree brings a mirror in frnot of Ansh. She says you were running frmo this mirror right? He is being pulled inside.

Pari says mama where are you going? Adi says to save papa? Pari says is he in trouble? We will also go to save him. Piya hugs them and says you two will stay here. Don’t look in any mirror.
Kalashree says give up and go inside Ansh. Ansh says I won’t give up and let you succeed.
Chetali says if Ansh is caught here, we will be locked here forever. Piya would be alone outside.
Piya sees a broken mirror in the corridor. She says I am coming to Ansh. Ansh is being pulled inside. He pulls his witch version outside. Ansh’s witch says you can’t fight me. I have your powers and a witch’s powers. Ansh says my family is with me. I have my mother’s prayers. Kalashree says will you make me cry? Avi says you will be with your family soon. You will meet them inside the mirror. Both Ansh and his witch version go inside the mirror. Kalashree brings the witch out and real Ansh is locked in the mirror.

Naman says to Savi where are you going? She says you can’t go. He says I can’t stay with these witches here. Savi says move from here. Savi is driving. Naman comes in front of her car Savi screams. Naman laughs. She says first I had to tolerate you, then that witch came and you married her. Now you have that mother in law. You’re a witch yourself. Naman says I am not a witch. My heart is of a human. Give me a chance. She says to catch a dark power and show that you’re still a Divavanshi.

Avi says to Ansh what will we do now? We are locked here.

Piya looks for Ansh. She hears the shower. Ansh’s witch is inside. He comes out. Piya says you can’t be Ansh. Where is Ansh? What did you do to him? He says the same that happened to Chetali and Avi, and what would happen to you. Piya says shut up. He says your husband couldn’t fight with me. If Davansh couldn’t how would Devik. Piya says you will see how would Devik. Piya breaks the mirror. He says I don’t want to capture you in the mirror. I have other plans for you. Piya looks in the water in the tub. Her witch comes out. She says go to your husband.

Nishant says Ansh and Piya are captured in the mirror as well. Pandit ji says what will we do now? If they could, anyone can. Nishant says Pari and Adi are out, so we have hope. They have powers like Ansh and Piya. They won’t give up.
Kalashree says I knew it won’t be easy to capture Ansh and Piya. Chetali says so let’s have Vedeshree here now. Kalashree says no. Chetali (witch) says who is left now? Avi (witch) says Mohana? Kalashree says she is a senior citizen of witches, I have no fear from her. Chetal9 (witch) says who then? Kalashree says Adi and Pari.

Pari says mama and papa didn’t come back. Adi says are they in trouble? Pari says we should go out and check. Adi says but mama asked us not to go out. Pari says they might need us.
Pandit ji says we have to think of a way to get them out. Nishant says if they can’t come out, is it possible that you can go in but never come out? Pandit ji says we should use a witch diamond. Nishant says you’re right.

Chetali says how will we go out now. Ansh tries to break the mirror.
Kalashree says we will become the most powerful. You will all become my witch family. Avi (witch) says those kids are still out. Kalashree says I will handle them. You people handle Vedeshree. Piya (witch) says where is she? She shows them Vedeshree in the elevator. The elevator starts working and they come home.
Shekhar looks in the mirror and is caught. His witch version comes out. Vedeshree says did you say anything? He says no. Chetali says poor kids they don’t even know we are stuck here.

Vedeshree says where is everyone? Shekhar (witch) says they must be in their rooms. Piya tries to break the mirror. It cuts Ansh’s hand. His hand doesn’t heal. Piya says why isn’t it healing. Kalashree says your powers don’t work there. That is my world.
Ansh says go from here Piya says our powers aren’t working. Avi says what will we do now? Chetali is crying. Shekhar says Vedeshree is alone outside. Ansh says kids shouldn’t step out of the room. Piya says that witch will try to get them out.

Kalashree comes out of the room. She says Pari and Adi come out. Adi says mama asked us not to get out of the room. Kalashree says in Ansh’s voice, Adi and Pari come out. Pari says papa is calling us. Let’s go. Adi says stop. Adi peeks out and sees Kalashree. He says to Pari papa and dadi aren’t there. There’s a witch who looks like dadi.

Dilruba comes to Naman and says why do you look worried? He says no. She says did Savi say anything? Naman says she keeps insulting me. Dilruba says how dare she.
Vedeshree sees Piya and Ansh (witch). He says where were you? We got stuck in the elevator. Shekhar please give everyone parsad. Shekhar, let me give it to them. He says why would you? Chetali (witch) says did you hear anything? Vedeshree says what? Shekhar says take parsad. Avi (witch) says I don’t want it.

Dilruba says I will eat her up. Naman says why do you talk about eating all the time. It happens, people get nervous. Dilruba says when do people get nervous? Naman says when people are in love. Dilruba says is she in love with you? She wants to take my husband? How dare she? Naman says relax. Dilruba says I will see and check what’s between you two.

Vedeshree says to Piya and Ansh (witch) what is wrong with everyone? Avi got so angry when I was giving him parsad and Shekhar keeps looking in the mirror. Ansh (witch) says everything is fine. Vedeshree says mirror? It broke, how? Piya (witch) says how many questions do you ask? Ansh says you keep talking all the time. We have a life too. Piya says don’t annoy us all the time. Vedeshree says are you mad? Did I do anything wrong? Piya says let’s go Ansh. Vedeshree says Ansh never spoke to me like this. What is wrong with everyone.

Naman says Savi gave me a challenge. I will capture a black power. He says Chota Pehlwan why are you making noise? He says I am an idol now. Naman says then keep quite. Chota says I can help you. But you have to fix me. Bring gold, and make me eat. He says my witch wife has it.

Pandit ji says everyone is captured in the mirror. Only kids are out. Nishant says we have to find a diamond first. If everyone is caught, we won’t be able to do anything. Pandit says who is she? If she is Vedeshree’s sister why didn’t anyone tell us? Nishant says we have to find out who is doing it and why?

Kalashree breaks the door and comes in. She says you can’t run away from me.

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