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Nishant gives Devi’s jal to Piya to use on Dev. Piya comes to Dev and asks him to do the ritual. He is about to light up the diya in the box that Nishant brought. Piya gives him the plate to put in Devi’s feet. He does it. Ruchi goes to rest. Dev leaves. Chitali says he was able to lift that plate and it didn’t light up, he is not devik. Piya says I will prove it.

Piya comes to the balcony and throws Dev off. He is about to fall down, all are shocked but Dev flies up and says yes I am devik. Piya says I knew.
Dev comes to the mandir and prays to Devi. He says to Piya that I am Devik like you but I am more powerful than you. Vedsheree says two deviks? Ansh says I didn’t know a man can be devik too. Dev says I knew that Piya is a devik. Ansh says why did you hide this from us?

Naman tells Dilruba that we have to go on a honeymoon, we keep fulfilling our duties but its time for us to spend time. They open the door but birds enter the house.

Dev tells Piya that I hid it because of marriage, I was alone and didn’t get a companion, Ansh got a devik as a davansh but I didn’t, I have been fighting off evil powers but I need a companion now. Shekhar says you have found Ruchi. Dev says she doesn’t know about me. Vedsheree says you should tell her. Dev says you are right, he looks at Piya and says people should know each other when they are going to spend their lifetime together. Ansh says you should tell Ruchi and her mother. Vedsheree says we are happy that you are here. All leave. Dev looks on.

Piya tells Ansh that he had to tell us the truth, I am not comfortable with the way he talks and looks at me. Ansh says he is fine, you might be worried because of some other things.

Dev puts Shekhar under a spell. Shekhar tells the family that marriage will happen this week only. Ansh says we will start for the functions. Chitali says we will do the shopping. Piya says to Ansh that they seem too excited about Ruchi’s wedding.

At night, Piya hears something. Dev leaves the house.

Dev meets a mysterious person and says everything is going as per the plan, I won’t let anyone come in-between my mission.

Dilruba tells Naman that her mother is coming so we need to clean the house. She throws everything around and says now it’s fine.

Dev comes back, Piya stops him and asks where were you? Dev says I went for a walk, why do you doubt me? I am a devik, I can be useful, I can make your powers increase. Piya says I was never greedy for powers, she shows her powers. Dev uses his powers and shows a fireball to her, he asks if she can handle this? Piya looks on.

Dilruba tells Naman that my mother doesn’t like humans, she will be angry if she knows that I married you, she can eat you alive.

Piya tries to touch the fireball but gets shocked and falls back. Ansh holds her and gets shocked too. He asks if she is fine? Ansh tries to touch her wounded hand and gets shocked again. Dev says how will you heal her? Ansh says I will, he glares at Dev and touches Piya’s hand, he gets shocked and screams in pain. Dev says I can make her fine. Ansh heals Piya’s wound and says I can take off my Piya. He takes her from there. Dev says not for long.

Piya brings Ansh to their room, he says I am fine but he faints.

Naman asks Dilruba to tell him about her mother. Dilruba says she is very scary and can eat a man alive.

Piya shouts at Dev and says this happened to Ansh because of you, all come there. They see Ansh’s skin redden. Piya says Dev did all this, he challenged Ansh and I am sure this is happening because of him. Vedsheree says he is a Devik, why would he hurt Ansh? Dev tells Piya that you are behind his pain, can’t you understand?

Naman tells Dilruba that you can hide that I am your husband from your mother. Dilruba says she is a bat, she can know the truth.

Dev tells Piya that your protective shield as a Devik is making Ansh get shocked. Your mother would say the same thing, your mother knew about me and she made me realize that I am a Devik and I helped her a lot. Piya says then understands that Davansh and Devik have a connection and nobody can come in-between them. Dev says until another Devik comes in-between them, now we have a connection stronger than devik-davansh, if you stay near Ansh then it will hurt him, you should go away from him. Ansh wakes up and hears it.

Nishant tells Saanvi that Piya is doubting Dev and she has the good sense of judging people, I don’t know what his intentions are.

Ansh looks away from Piya. Piya says don’t even think about what Dev said, we didn’t come back together to get separated again. Ansh says it’s about connection. Piya says my connection with you only, she wipes his tears her with saree.

Vedsheree and Chitali make Piya have sargi to fast for the day. They do pooja. Piya tries to leave but Dev comes to her and says your relationship with Ansh is nothing. Piya says I am his wife and I trust my sindoor more than your powers, she promises on Tulsi that she won’t let anything happen to Ansh and says I can even go against a Devik. Dev says you are being stubborn. She leaves. Dev tells his mysterious partner that we used a liquid to keep Ansh away from Piya but if Piya doesn’t accept that she is hurting Ansh then she won’t go away from him.

The function starts in the house. Dev uses his powers on Piya. He thinks that now when Piya looks at Ansh, it will hurt him. Piya is going to Ansh but something falls in her eyes and she doesn’t see Ansh.

Naman is hiding in the cupboard. Dilruba brings him out and says you don’t have to hide, do what I tell you to do.

Nishant calls Adi and Pari and asks them to follow Dev, we are doing a secret mission, he ends the call. Adi is trying to take Dev’s photo. Adi stands with Dev and Ruchi, Pari takes their photo and sends it to Nishant.

Dilruba introduces Naman to her mother and says he is a chudail too. Her mother as a bat flies away.

Pari asks Ansh what he is gifting to Piya? She is fasting for you. Ansh says you are right, he leaves. Piya comes there and asks where did Ansh go? Adi says to market. Piya says I needed some things as well. She tries to stop Ansh but he leaves.

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