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Mohana says you have taken my love and I will return that. Mohana sits down with Angad and cries. Mohana says now you will see a witch’s revenge. Lights start sparking. Mohana picks Angad. She recalls their moment together.
Vedeshree says Mohana is really angry. I don’t know what would she do. Chetali says what will happen now. Ansh says we will face whatever happens now. Vedeshree says her gaze didn’t let us live. How dangerous would her revenge be? I am her sister, I know what her revenge can do. Chetali says Ansh, you shouldn’t have killed Angad. Ansh says he would have killed so many people. Shekhar says we should prepare for what’s coming.

Mohana cries and says we were going to live our life together. I didn’t know it would end like this. They didn’t let us complete our 7 rounds. I will ruin their lives. They will cry so much that their tears would dry.
Ansh says Piya you also think I did wrong? Piya says you did what you should have at that moment. She hugs him. Mohana does Ansh’s funeral. She says no matter what happens, I will avenge your death.

Nishant says this wasn’t right. Savi says Mohana has threatened them. Nishant says a witch’s threat cannot be taken lightly especially when her heart is hurt. When she comes back, we will see her face when we have never seen before. She was so selfish that she was ready to kill her own son for her age. She fell in love. Her love was taken from her, she will cry for next 24 hours. In those 24 hours her revenge burns. We have tonight only, to stop her.

Piya says to Ansh, we have tonight only to stop Mohana. Tomorrow she will be so angry, she will ruin everything. Papa told me that. She will come to take revenge from you tomorrow. Ansh says I am not scared of her. Vedeshree says but I am scared. I can’t lose you. Shekhar says we have to stop Mohana. Piya says we have to catch her.
Mohana says you killed Angad to kill Singha. You have tonight only. After that, no one can save you from my wrath.

Savi says we caught Mohana so many times but she ran away always. Nishant says we have to find a way out. Savi says we have to detain her. A frame falls. Nishant says this frame fell before too. Savi says no nail stays on this wall. I did this before too. Nishant says I found a way to detain her.

Nishant comes to Ansh. Ansh says are you sure papa? He says I am not but we have to try. Shekhar says sometimes, we have to do wrong to stop the wrong. Vedeshree says if we don’t stop her, she will kill us all.

Mohana says you left me Angad, but my revenge isn’t gone. Everyone comes there with arrows. Mohana says wasn’t kill Angad enough that you want to kill me as well? Ansh says we are here to catch you only so you don’t do what you shouldn’t. Mohana says I will do what I have to. You did what you shouldn’t have. No one can save you now, not these weapons. Vedeshree says but our faith can save us. She shows her ganga jal. Everyone throws ganga jal on her. Nishant ropes her. Vedeshree says we understand your pain. But I wish you could understand why we are doing this and why Ansh killed Singa. Forgive us.

Mohana is detained in a casket. Nishant says this is the nail. Only you know hit the nail on the casket to lock her there forever. Mohana says no Ansh, don’t lock me here. She cries. Piya says Ansh, this is the only way. Mohana says my only mistake is that I was trying to change? Is this what I got? Savi says Ansh, don’t listen to her. Mohana cries and says no Ansh. Mohana says I gave you birth Ansh. You considered Vedeshree your mother always. I only wanted you to be happy for me. Now you’re locking me here forever, don’t take my freedom from me. She cries. Ansh hits the nail on the casket. He says done, let’s go. They all come out. Nishant says I have sealed the door as well. We shouldn’t be scared of Mohana. She is detained forever.

Mohana throws the nail. She says I knew Ansh, my emotional drama would affect you. You didn’t hit the nail right. You don’t link from the mind like your mother. Now, no one can save you. Your mother would be your Kaal.

Vedeshree says we repeated history. Chetali says I hope Mohana doesn’t come back to our lives. Shekhar says how will we remove her from thoughts. Chetali says what’s the guarantee she is gone. She comes back every time. Avi says she won’t return this time. This story is over. Vedeshree says where is Ansh? Piya says he is in his room. He was upset. Let me see him. Vedeshree says nothing bad will happen now. Nishant says in heart how do I tell them there’s a new problem coming in their lives.

Ansh says to someone one day or another I will have to face Mohana’s anger. She will come back to take revenge from me. I did that to save my family but I killed an innocent man. I am ready to be punished for my sin. I don’t want my family to suffer. I have to do something that makes it easier for my family to bear all this. I need your help. She is coming. We don’t have a lot of time. He says why don’t you understand, I have to do it. Piya says Ansh, who were you talking to? He says I was on call. Piya says thank you for saving us all. Piya hugs him. Mohana says I am coming. Piya feels something weird. Piya says are you okay? He says yes. Piya says I felt like you’re hiding something.

Savi says why didn’t you tell them? Nishant says for the first time I saw them peaceful. I saw hope in their eyes and not fear. How could I? Savi says what if we don’t warn them and it becomes dangerous. We should tell this to Piya.
Piya says Ansh, I know Angad’s death is troubling. We are all responsible for his death, not you. Anyone would have done the same. Let me see the kids. Don’t take the stress.

A driver stops a bus. Mohana is standing on the way. She gets on the bus and kills all of them. Mohana drives the bus. Nishant calls Piya, Ansh picks the phone. Nishant says Piya listen to me. Ansh had to hit that nail because only a witch’s son could do it. But it’s said that if a son seals his mother, the mother’s evil comes inside the son. But I think it’s least likely because Ansh is a devik’s husband and all evil in him is over. We don’t have to worry but I want you to keep an eye on him. Let me know if you notice a change in his behavior. Why are you not saying anything? Is Ansh around? Ansh hangs up. He says I found the way.

Ansh walks out. He recalls what happened. He recalls what Nishant said. Mohana hits a wood in anger. Ansh looks at her from the balcony. He says Mohana, what is she doing here? She came out. Mohana says you have two days only. Ansh is scared. Ansh says I have to do something in these two days.

Nishant says Piya didn’t call. I hope everything is fine. Dilruba says to Nishant, my bats are saying my necklace is shinig. My husband is lost. He hasn’t come back in 3 days. Nishant says don’t worry we will find him.

Ansh looks at Piya and the kids. He says I am ready to pay for my sins. My family shouldn’t suffer. He picks Piya and says if they get to know Mohana is going to attack me. I have to do something that they send me away from them. So even if Mohana kills me they won’t know. Ansh lays Piya on the bed. He holds her hand. Ansh says I won’t stop Mohana. I have to show that I am not old Ansh. Piya says Ansh.. Ansh walks out. Piya says what happened? He leaves.

Savi, Dilruba and Nishant follow the bats. Dilruba says when a witch is in trouble, they send signals to these bats.. Turn off your phones. Nishant says we have to find Naman.
Piya says to everyone ansh’s behavior has changed a lot. Chetali says he is holding himself responsible for Angad’s death. Vedeshree says I cut my finger, he didn’t give me the medicine. He said I don’t have time. They hear Avi screaming. Ansh is throttling Avi. Chetali says Ansh leave him. Piya says what are you doing. Vedeshree says leave him Ansh. Ansh shoves him and says don’t dare to come to my room again. Avi says I only went to his room to say that he shouldn’t lock himself like this. Piya says I should call papa. She says papa’s phone is off.

Dilruba says let me look there. You two stay here. Piya hears Ansh playing with the kids. She goes in and sees Pari hitting Adi and Ansh encouraging her. Piya says what is happening here. Adi.. Adi makes a fire circle around Pari.

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