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Vedsheree is shocked to see Parthmayan. Parthmayan says my daughter is here to meet me. Ansh says she is your mother? Parthmayan says I am your grandmother. Shekhar says really? Vedsheree says yes, she is my mother. Parthmayan looks at Shekhar and says you married a man like him? You should have married a king. Ansh says don’t talk about my father like this. Parthmayan says I always loved Vedsheree that’s why Mohana was jealous of her. Mohana says enough Maa.. Parthmayan says only Vedsheree has a right to call me Maa. She says I am going from here. Piya says you will go without Pari.

Dilruba puts an earplug in Naman’s ear. Dilruba says there was nothing written about Parthmayan, she might have written about her powers if now a weakness.

Parthmayan asks Piya to move from her path. Piya says my mother kidnapped you here. Parthmayan says so you will pay for her deeds too. She takes Pari’s hand and flies from there. All cry for Pari.

Dilruba reads a book. Naman says there is nothing written there. Dilruba shows him a page and words are written upside-down. Words fly out of the book. Dilruba says we might have cracked this book.

Vedsheree cries, Chetali asks her to not worry about her. Ansh says we have to find a way to leave from here. Piya says Shekhar and Avi are finding away. Shekhar comes there and says there is no way. Piya sees bats flying and says we can ask for help from outside.

Chetali shows lava closing in on them and says we have to do something fast. Ansh tries to move the mountain.

Naman is reading the book. Dilruba finds bats there and says they might be stuck in the cave. She comes to Naman and sees his eyes blazed.

Adi takes off his gloves and starts moving stones. He creates a small opening and holds stone away. Piya says we can’t leave Adi here. Adi says I have an idea. He lifts the stone and moves it away. He throws it in lava. All family members leave but Piya sees a white stone. She tells Ansh that this might be the only way to make Parthmayan lose. I think Divya kept this stone here for a reason. Ansh says to take it and leave. Piya takes it and leaves from there.

Guru Maa is praying in mandir but bells stop ringing. Guru Maa says this is not a good omen, time is here.

Naman ties Dilruba to a chair. She says you are under Parthmayan’s spell. You love me, think about me. Naman takes off his earpiece and leaves from there.

Avi says I have asked the police to find Pari. Chitali says they can’t fight that witch. Shekhar says I have asked Vedsheree to rest. Chitali says those dayans can use Pari. Shekhar says we have to find a way to make them lose. Ansh asks Piya do you know how we can use that stone? Piya says I don’t remember but that stone is made for some other place.

Mohana, Parthmayan, Pari, and Naman unite at a place and smirk.

Piya cries looking at Pari’s photo. Ansh comes there. Piya says I was miffed with you but Pari became a reason for me to live, what if something happens to Pari? Ansh says she can fight them, she knows about her powers and she is brave, unlike our childhood. Piya says I remember my mom used to keep that stone in that box but I don’t know where it is now. Guru Maa comes there and says I have something for you, she gives her the box. Piya says its the same box, she puts stone inside the box and suddenly box lights up bright, all move closer to see a book inside. Piya reads that use this Ram Setuman but takes Devi’s name first. Guru Maa says its a riddle, Piya finds a sack with powder in it. Ansh says we don’t have much time.

Nishant and Saanvi come to their office to see Dilruba tied to a chair. Saanvi starts reading the book while Nishant frees Dilruba. Dilruba pushes Saanvi away and told her that this is a mantra which will make you dazed by Parthmayan, Naman read it and became her ally.

Avi shows a clip in which Parthmayan is dazing everyone to put them under her spell. Chitali says she is fast. Guru Maa says she won’t stop till she makes everyone under her spell. Piya says we only have a powder, how will we fight her?

Nishant says Parthmayan wants to rule this world with her evil powers. Saanvi shows clip and says they are making them under her spell. Dilruba says she is making them powerful and making her force. The priest says we can make our own small force, we have to unite with Devik and Davansh for powers.

Adi asks if they are going to lose? Ansh says no, God is with us. Piya says today is Dushera, Durga Maa made evil lose today. Adi says she was Goddess but how will we fight? Piya says Devi Maa is with us, Adi says why she made Parthmayan evil? Piya says humans and people choose if they want to be nice or evil. Adi says how will we fight when we don’t have weapons? Shekhar says he is right. Ansh says I don’t know how we will win over Parthmayan but we have to find what she wants to make her stop. Vedsheree comes there and says I know what she wants.

Mohana and Pari are combing Partmayan’s hair as she looks at her force and sits on her throne. Mohana says they must be crying over their defeat. Parthmayan says they must be planning to make us lose, you are so stupid. Pari says right. Parthmayan says a kid is smarter than you Mohana. Mohana gets angry. Parthmayan says you want to take my seat but you can’t even compete with this kid. Mohana says I am Ekayan. Parthmayan says you are my daughter so prove it, show your powers tonight and make me proud. Mohana says I will show you. Parthmayan says I will make a show tonight as its Dushera. She tells her force that its time to do what I came here for, let’s go.

The priest tells Nishant to bring all his weapons. Saanvi brings it. Nishant says if anyone hears her mantra then that person will become her loyalist, we have to become immune to her mantra so we have to sing it.

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