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Piya stops the kids. Ansh says why did you stop them it was fun. Piya says our kids are fighting and you were finding it fun? This could risk their lives. he says our kids are brave and strong. Piya says what is wrong with you. Is there anything troubling you please tell me. He says stop your drama. Ansh asked the kids to do this drama. He said Mohana would want to kill me. Adi said we can say sorry. Pari said we can at least tell mama. Ansh said no, I told you two only because I knew you two are brave. Will you both help me? Pari said, yes papa we will help you. Adi said yes papa. Ansh hugged them both. Ansh says stop your drama Piya. He leaves.

Dilruba comes to a cave. She sees Naman tied there. Dilruba says who did this to you? He says I was looking for Ansh. Go from here. Mohana comes there and says who else could this? Naman says Dlruba run. She says no I won’t leave you alone. Mohana says such love for your husband? This world only parts lovers. I am not like them. I can leave your husband. But you have to do something for me.

Ansh comes to his room. Piya comes there. Piya says you have to tell me the truth. I know you feel guilty but I don’t know why are you doing all this. Tell me what happened? He says why don’t you ask your papa. Ansh leaves. Piya calls Nishant.
Dilruba comes out and says Naman is fine. He is in there. He has to stay here, he can’t come with us. Savi and Nishant leave. Piya is at Nishant’s place. She tells him everything. Nishant says Ansh has gotten Mohana’s black powers. Piya says why didn’t you tell me? Savi says papa called you last night. Vedeshree calls Piya and says come home, please.

Ansh runs after Adi. He throttles Adi over the balcony. Piya says Ansh leave Adi, please. Ansh says okay.. He leaves Adi. Adi falls from the balcony. Everyone screams. Pari saves him and runs. Adi pretends to b fainted. Piya says Adi.. I can’t believe this. Adi please open your eyes. Dilruba says why did Adi do this? Mohana says you do what I asked you to. Do you want to see your husband alive or not?
Ansh comes to Mohana. Mohana says you think you can run away from them? Are you a fool? I gave you two days. Today is the second day. No one knows what will happen after them.

Piya brings Adi to his room. She says Adi, please open your eyes. Shekhar says he will be fine. Vedeshree says yes. Chetali says what is wrong with Ans. How can he do this to his own son.
Vedehsree says Ansh what is this? How could you do this to Adi. What if something happened to him? Ansh says did something happen to him? He is my son. Don’t do you lectures all the time. I know how to take care of my son. Shekhar says he is your mother. Ansh says a mother who keeps forcing her overly good concepts on me? I suffocate here. I am leaving this house. Everyone is shocked. He says enough, I will do what my heart says. Vedeshree says Ansh, you can’t leave me. You can’t do this. Ansh picks his bag. The song meri maa plays. Ansh leaves her hand. He walks out. Everyone is shocked. Ansh comes to the door. A black smoke ties him. It’s Nishant. Ansh says what will I do now. I have to go out of here to save them all.

Ansh is tied. Piya comes to him. Piya makes a circle around him. He says what are you trying to prove? She says I am only trying to stop you. I know you’re doing all this intentionally. He says I have Mohana’s evil in me. Piya says I know. Papa told you and then it all started? How? You picked his phone. You heard it all and you got to know there was a possibility. Ansh says are you an idiot? What’s the point of all these questions? You can’t change what’s happening. Piya says I only know that evil can’t take over you. Why are you doing all this? She hugs him.

Ansh says your father knew but he asked me to do it. We can’t change it either the consequence. Piya says all I know is that evil can’t take over you. Piya hugs him. He shoves her and says stay away from me. Let me go. Piya says I won’t. Until you tell me why do you want to go away, I won’t let you go anywhere. He says I have changed. Piya says this is a lie. You’re my Ansh, he can’t change. Your eyes can’t lie to me. Nothing has changed between us. You can’t change.
Mohana paints. She says I will decorate your funeral. It’s ready, I am waiting for you only.

Pari says to Adi let’s go to papa’s room. Pari and Adi come there. The circle shoves them. Ansh says carefully. Pari says why has mama tied you here? Ansh says because she doesn’t want me to go. Adi says then please don’t go, papa. Ansh says I know it’s difficult for you but this isn’t possible. We have to make difficult decisions in life. Pari says why? Ansh says God takes our tests. but don’t worry. Choose the right path always. Pari says what if we don’t know what is right and what is wrong? Ansh says ask your heart. It always directs us to the right way. I made a mistake and I have to pay for it. Pari cries. Ansh says Adi, get me the keys of the chain. Adi says where will you go? Pari says can we go with you? Ansh says you both need to stay with everyone here and protect them. Adi wipes Pari’s tears.

Adi and Pari look for the keys. Adi says Pari you stay here and warn me if someone is coming. Adi comes to room and turns into Dilruba. She has Pari’s hair. It was her disguised as Adi all the time. She took Pari’s hair. Adi is fainted under the bed.

Savi comes to Nishant and says there’s a problem. She says Tirkon isn’t in cupboard. He says did you check properly? she says yes. I kept it with all the weapons. Nishant says what’s happening. First Naman went missing and Dilruba found him yet didn’t bring him. Savi says and Dilruba is missing as well. Nishant says something is wrong.

Mohana asks Dilruba do you have trikon? She says yes here is it. Mohana says and hair? Dilruba gives it to her. Mohana takes the hair. She ties it with trikon. Dilruba says what are you doing? Mohana says it will target the hair’s owner. Dilruba says Pari? Mohana says yes, she has to die.
Pari comes to Adi’s room. She says Adi, what are you doing here? Did you get the keys? He says what keys? Pari says the keys papa asked for. Adi says I never went to papa’s room. Pari says wasn’t it you who went with me? Adi says I was here. Pari says who was it then?

Nishant says what is happening. Piya says Ansh is pretending like he is under black powers. He is guilty. He is doing this so Mohana doesn’t harm us. Savi says but Mohana is locked. How can she come out? Pandit ji calls Nishant. He tells her Mohana fled. Piya says that means Ansh knew the nail didn’t go in properly and Mohana would come after him. Nishant says if Mohana is out, she will attack him. We have to go to Ansh.

Ansh asks Adi and Pari to open the chains. He tries to step out of the circle. Piya and Nishant run towards Ansh. Ansh steps on the circle, it hurts him but he jumps out. The kids hug papa. Ansh says please go before someone comes. Pari says when will you come back? Piya and Nishant come there. Ansh isn’t there. Piya says I know were he is. I have to stop him.

Ansh jumps from the balcony. Piya holds his hand. Ansh says don’t stop me, I won’t stop Piya says I won’t let you go. Piya says we promised we won’t hide anything from each other and would not leave each other. Ansh says I have changed. Piya says this is all a drama. He says I have to go. Ansh shoves her and jumps. Piya ties him. She says I won’t let you go anywhere. Ansh says let me go or I will forget you are a devik. Piya says you can forget that but you can’t forget I am your Piya. Ansh shoves her. Ansh says why can’t you understand that Mohana’s evil is in me. Piya says I got to know that you never hit the nail right so her evil can’t come inside you. You’re doing a drama. You are doing this so we aren’t harmed. Please tell me the truth. Ansh says if you know that, why don’t you understand how important is it for me to go. I can’t harm you all in this battle. Piya says I can die, but I can’t live without you. She hugs him. Piya says we will face everything together. That’s my right. Please don’t take it from me. Piya hugs him. Ansh ties her hands. Piya says Ansh leave me. Ansh says I am sorry. This is my battle. I can’t let you and kids suffer because of me. I don’t want my love to die because I love her. I have to go. Piya says we will face everything together. Ansh says I love you. Piya says please stop. Ansh jumps off the balcony. Piya screams. Mohana looks at them and says a lot if left Piya.

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  1. I don't know why they keep trusting Mohana time and time again.
