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Mohana sees someone with a horn. She is scared. Mohana says whos there. It’s Singha. He throws the horn towards Mohana. Mohana hits him with braid but he defends himself. Savi calls Mohana. She says Singha’s next target is Mohana. You have to go and warn her. Piya says Ansh and I checked, there’s no one in the house. Savi says Mohana’s life is in danger. Please be careful. Ansh sees Singha’s feet. He says Piya look there. Piya says this is Mohana. Ansh says her life is in danger. Singha shoves Mohana. She falls down. Everyone looks for Mohana. Ansh and Piya tell everyone Mohana’s life is in danger. They run to Mohana’s room. She is injured. Angad says who did this to you? Mohana says it was someone with a horn. He was more powerful than me. Vedeshree says who could be more powerful than a witch? Piya says it’s Singha. He is the enemy of all black powers. Mohana says but I don’t know him. Angad says why does he want to kill you? Piya says he is an enemy of all black powers. He killed all-black powers in papa’s house. He doesn’t need a reason to kill anyone. Chetali says what. Piya says why is he doing it? What’s his agenda? Shekhar says all doors are closed. Piya says that means we have to find him. He is in the house. Ansh we have to look for him. Ansh says we don’t need to find him, he is here. He looks at Angad.

Mohana says Ansh are you out of your mind? Angad loves me. You can’t accuse him. Chetali says this isn’t right to doubt him. Vedeshree says they’re right. He is a guest here. Avi says Angad is a normal human like us. Ansh says he might be fooling us and pretending to love Mohana? Shekhar says it can be someone else too. Piya says how can you be so sure? Ansh says he is the only one new in this house. No one came in and no one went out. Mohana says that doesn’t mean Angad is Singa. Ansh says black powers come here not as guests. Chetali says yes. Ansh says he is one of them. You also came here as a drama. Piya says Ansh, don’t be hasty. We can deduce. We don’t even know what Singha looks like. Ansh says I am sure it was him. Angad says Ansh, what should I do that would remove your doubt? Mohana says you don’t need to do anything. I know you can never harm me. Angad says it’s not about you only. It’s about the whole family. I would want to clear Ansh’s doubt. Mohana says you’ve to suffer because of me. Ansh says Piya ask papa what’s Singha’s identification? Piya says Singha’s feet are like animals. Ansh says take off your shoes Angad. Angad takes off his shoes. His feet are normal. Mohana says happy now? She says I am sorry Angad on Ansh’s behalf. Angad says I understand his concern. He leaves.

Mohana says to Ansh I know why are you doing this. You can’t see me happy. Angad’s love has changed me. You must be thinking there must be a reason behind him marrying a witch. But we love each other. We want to be with each other. You have no reason to doubt him. Ansh says he came here tonight and you got attacked. Mohana says Singha must have come and left. Angad has shown you his feet too. Vedeshree says Ansh, stop it. Mohana leaves. She says tomorrow is my engagement with Angad, don’t do any drama. Shekhar says when was that decided? Mohana says right now. We will get engaged tomorrow. I don’t care. Piya says you are in danger. Mohana says I won’t let Angad come in my way of happiness. I hope you will understand me Piya. I have no hope of Ansh.

Savi looks at Singha’s horn. It glares. She says moonlight is making it glow? That means it has something to do with the moon.

Ansh is fitting net everywhere. Piya wakes up with noise. She hugs him. He says sorry the noise ruined your sleep. Piya says why are you making the whole house a cage? I am already trapped in your love. Who do you want to trap now? Ansh says Singha. Now, if he comes in we will know. He says I have no sealed the main door. If he comes from there we will know. I also want to see if no one comes in, and still, Mohana is attacked that would mean Singha is inside. Piya says so you can say Angad is Singha? Ansh says I only want to clear my doubt. I might be wrong but I want to be careful. There’s nothing wrong with that. That Singha can attack us too. We have to find about him. Piya says we are looking in the wrong direction. I don’t think Angad is Singha. Ansh says what if he is?

Savi tells Nishant. He says are you sure the horn was glowing because of moonlight? Savi says yes I double-checked. It was glowing under moonlight. It has something to do with the moon. Naman says all black powers have something to do with the moon. Savi says Singha is an enemy of black powers he isn’t a black power himself. Naman says when I was devawanshi they were all my enemies. Now when I am black power, we have Singha. What to do? Savi says everything isn’t about you. We are having a serious discussion. Nishant says don’t worry. We will find out answers.

Ansh and Piya see the footsteps of Singha. Piya says nothing is removing them. Piya goes to Vedeshree. Ansh looks at Angad.
Mohana brings Angad to the hall. He is blindfolded. Angad smiles. Ansh says in heart he hid something in the jacket. Mohana says choose your sherwani. Mohana says I like this one. Piya says yes this is good. Angad says then I will try this one. Ansh says yes, try this one. Give me your jacket. Ansh finds a horn in his jacket. Angad wears the sherwani. He says how is it? Mohana says very pretty but not more than my groom to be. Ansh says murderer to be. See what I found in his jacket. Piya says this is Singha’s horn. Ansh says what is it doing in his jacket? Angad says let me explain, please. I found this in Moh’s room. Ansh says don’t do this drama now. Angad says I am not lying. Ansh says why didn’t you tell us? So you could attack Mohana again? Mohana says enough Ansh, you can’t blame him without proof. Ansh says this horn is the proof.

Nishant says Ansh, pick up the call. Why is he not picking up the call it’s important. Without him, this plan won’t work.
Angad says I didn’t tell anyone because everyone was busy in preps. I was going to tell everyone after the engagement. Ansh says you knew we were looking for Singha. Piya says Ansh calm down, please. Ansh says why can’t you all see? He is Singha. Angad says I am not. Ansh says I know how to make him confess. Mohana says don’t dare to touch him. Singha is a danger to me, not you. Ansh says he is a danger to everyone and he is in our house. Mohana says don’t come between us. Don’t say a word against Angad. Shekhar says we are with you because Vedeshree came back because of you. But think before speaking that you’re talking to my son. Vedeshree says can you all please calm down. Ved gets a call from Nishant. She says Ansh, Nishant wants to talk to you. Ansh says okay papa, I am coming right now.

Savi says to Ansh, we got to know that he has something to do with the moon. But we can’t wait till night to find out. We need your help. Nishant says I want you to take the horn to the west. Take it to a place where it’s night. So we can know how does it react to the moon. Naman says wow, you have an amazing idea. Ansh says but I can’t go right now because Angad is home and I think he is Singha. Nishant says then you must go to find out. Ansh says okay papa, I will go.

Ved says to Piya you trust Mohana. That’s why we are with her in her happiness. And Ansh.. Piya says Ansh would calm down once he finds about Singha. Ved says I am with you. Piya says look at Mohana. She has changed, Angad changed her. We should start afresh.
Chetali says you look good Mohana. Angad comes there. Chetali says let’s do the tilak. Vedeshree says Piya will do the tilak. Mohana says yes Piya, my whole family is with me because of you. Piya is about to apply tilak on Mohana. Chetali says no Piya. she applies tilak on Angad’s forehead. Piya feels something wrong. She says in the heart was Ansh right? Piya says let me check Adi and Pari. Piya goes upstairs.

Ansh is flying to the west. Piya looks for Ansh.. She calls him. Piya says why is his phone off? I should have trusted him. How do I tell him about Angad? She calls Nishant. Angad comes there. He says so, you got to know everything. Piya says don’t come near me. Piya shoves him. She locks him in a fire circle. Angad says Piya please listen. This is not what you think. Piya says I should have listened to Ansh. You tried to kill Mohana. You’re Singha. I thought you’re a good human who loves Mohana. Angad says I love Mohana. Piya says you’re Singha. He says Piya please, listen to me. Try to understand. I don’t have time. Piya removes fire. She says what do you want to say?

Ved and Chetali go to the kitchen. Mohana holds Ved’s hand. She says don’t be scared. I won’t harm you. I know I have done wrong to you all. But now I want to change. You always wanted me to walk on right path and I considered you fool. But now I have realized I am a fool. After Angad’s love, I got to know how scary is it to lose someone. I tried to take your family from you. And so many times. Vedeshree says let’s get over the past. We shouldn’t talk about that today. Mohana says I know you can’t forget what I did. Vedeshree says yes we can’t. but we are your family and will not hinder your happiness. Mohana says I know you can’t trust me but I promise you I will win your trust. She gives her ring to Vedeshree and says this is a small gift for you, as the first step of trust between sisters.

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  1. Mohana has now understands what it means to be loved and be in love. I just hope she keep up the good behavior going... Oh well I'm asking too much she is a witch can't expect all that from
