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The Episode starts with Ballu saying Neil is gone, your car is ready. A man hires Neil as replacement guard. Vidyut says I didn’t see you before. Ballu says even I didn’t see him. Vidyut asks how did you get him here, will you protect me this way. The man says he is Onkar Singh, he is replacement for Sukhwinder, his leg broke up. Vidyut checks the file and reads out. He says so Onkar Singh, you have worked at big place, your are trained in martial arts. He checks the last reference. He says we will ask Sodhi about you. He calls Sodhi and asks about his security person Onkar Singh. Ali says he is extremely good and trustworthy. He praises Neil. Vidyut thanks him and ends call. He coughs. He says I feel I have seen you before. He falls down and coughs.

Ballu asks the men to get injection fast. Neil looks on. Vidyut sees Neil. Ballu asks him to help him, go and get water. Neil goes. Ballu shouts for ambulance. Ballu gets the passport. He talks on call and says I want a non stop flight, if I don’t take Vidyut there, he will get unwell. Neil recalls the video, where Vidyut pays the doctor for an illegal operation. He thinks they are taking Vidyut to Mexico, what’s happening.

The goon says Neela has to die after two days. Neela acts to get a fit. The man says ambulance has come, we have to take the long route. Ballu asks him to hurry up. He asks the man to ask Dr. Saxena. Neil asks DD to get the doctor’s list with last name Saxena. He asks for all the info.

Avni cuts the wires. Sunehri looks on. She says you run Avni, I will see how you escape. Doctor instructs goon to treat Neela. Neil reaches the doctor and beats him up. Neil gets a number from his phone. He calls DD and asks for help. He asks DD to trace a number. DD says I m going for an emergency. Neil asks him to give his access code, its very imp for him, he is still protecting the law when he is not on duty. DD says I trust you. Neil checks the details.

Avni asks did Neela get water. Gurumaa says my men would have given her water, a daughter like you is a mum’s pride. Avni says I have cut the wires, be ready in evening, jailer said she will manage. Gurumaa asks her not to worry.

The goon checks Neela. She gets up. She beats the goon. Neil is on the way. Constable says the way is blocked here, how will you go, turn your vehicle. Neil goes the long way. Avni asks Gurumaa to get ready. Gurumaa says I m waiting since long. Everyone drinks tea. They get dizzy. Gurumaa asks what happened. She stops Avni and says some sedative is added in their tea, they won’t die, stay here. Constables take everyone. The lights go. Jailer signs Gurumaa.

Nurses treat everyone. Tara says Avni and Gurumaa aren’t here, where is Sunehri. Jailer says they maybe in the cell. Sunehri stops Gurumaa and says you are not going to escape, I will also flee along, else I will fail your plan. Avni says don’t do this. Sunehri says I have to escape. Neela hides from the goons. Avni asks Sunehri not to do this, she is helpless. Sunehri says take me along. Gurumaa says you can come along. Avni says she is not part of our plan. Gurumaa says I have to leave from here. Sunehri says you will leave me behind, I will go fast. Gurumaa asks her to hurry up. Avni thinks of keeping glass pieces to hurt Gurumaa. She stops Sunehri. Sunehri asks her to leave her Gurumaa says I have to leave, I m going, come along. Avni says she can’t go first. Sunehri falls on the glass pieces and gets stabbed. She falls down. Gurumaa and Avni get shocked. Sunehri says save me….

Neil comes to the godown. Neela runs. He tries to stop her and call out. Vidyut’s goon come. Neil lies that he couldn’t stop the woman. He shows the other way. Neela thinks why will he hide, he is Vidyut’s man. Ballu stops Neil and asks won’t you come. Neil goes with him. Neela gets into a car and tries to start. Ballu holds her hand. Neil looks on.

Ballu scold Neela. Neil gets angry. He asks Ballu to move, let him handle her. He holds Neela’s hand. Neela looks at him. Bebe calls DD and asks about Neil, there are riots in the city. DD says I will call you back. Bebe says whom shall I call now. She calls Ali and asks him to come home, they have to find Neil. Bebe says where are you Neil….. Ballu says she will go with me. He scolds Neil. Ali comes home. He tells Neil’s plan. He says Neil and I left from the house and exchanged the cars, so Vidyut’s men thought I m Neil and followed me.

Bebe worries. Ali says Neil will come out safe. Neil asks the men where is Ballu taking Neela. The man asks why were you acting smart. Neil takes them by a shortcut. Bebe says everything got ruined since Vidyut came in our lives, Neil is trying to find peace, I can’t put Neil and Avni in danger, you will make me talk to Avni, can’t you do this for me. Ali says I will take you to meet Avni once the riots end.

Neil stops at the checkpost and talks to DD. He signs DD. The man says we are Vidyut’s men. DD scolds them. Neil goes aside with DD. He says Ballu has run away, he took Neela with him. He gives the details. DD says I will call special unit to find him. They see commissioner.

Sunehri says its hurting a lot, please do something. Avni cries. Gurumaa says if anyone of us went first, we would have got hurt, you laid this glass trap for me, Sunehri got hurt. Doctor says I can’t reach there because of riots, is there any nurse or prisoner who has medical knowledge. Jailer asks if anyone knows about medical aid. Avni says I have medical knowledge, please trust me. Doctor guides Avni on video call. Jailer asks will you be able to do this. Avni nods. She thinks I may hurt Sunehri more. She imagines Neil. Neil holds her hand. He says you saved me from death, you can save Sunehri, I completely trust you. Avni follows the doctor and removes the glass pieces from the wound. He says we have to stitch the cut. Neil says Sunehri and Neela will be fine, we will stay together. Doctor asks Avni to be careful while stitching the wound. He asks her to put cotton and bandage the wound. Avni does it. She says this was for Vidyut and Gurumaa, I wanted to give them a warning, you came in between, so sorry Sunehri. Ballu calls the doctor. Doctor says we have to do Vidyut’s surgery, his other kidney is also on dialysis, he could be in trouble, we need the signs on consent forms first. Ballu says I will arrange Gurumaa’s digital signs. Neela hears him and thinks Vidyut has gone to Mexico for his kidney surgery. Balu calls the jailer and says I want Gurumaa’s digital signs, I will send a video to you. Jailer says its Ballu’s call.

Gurumaa says go and check if she is alive or not. Bally says I m not sure about it. Neela thinks about whom are they talking. Ballu drives ahead. Gurumaa sends her signs. She says Vidyut, my son, Lord protect him.

Jailer says your money is greater than Avni’s justice, what’s your plan. Gurumaa says I wanted to see her escaping. Jailer says I wanted to catch her red-handed, Sunehri failed the entire plan. Gurumaa says we will find some other way, I will make Vidyut’s love for Avni end. Commissioner says a prisoner is injured. Neil says I want to go there and check Avni.

Commissioner says Avni is getting questioned, you can’t come. Neil says I can become Onkar Singh again and get proof against Vidyut, I will save Neela. He insists and gets a chance. Commissioner says department won’t help you if you get caught. Neil says its not about Avni, its about the law, I have sworn to protect it. Jailer says lets applaud for Avni, she is blessed with beauty and brains, she has saved Sunehri. She asks about the escape plan. Commissioner comes and says I know Sunehri got injured, and Avni saved her, what’s the story behind this, did Sunehri try to escape.

Avni says no, Gurumaa is behind this, this is the truth, she tried to escape, Sunehri tried to stop her, I heard the noise and went there to stop her. Gurumaa and jailer say Avni is lying. Commissioner asks were you there at that time, how do you know. Avni says jailer wasn’t there, just me, Sunehri and Gurumaa were there, you can check CCTV footage, it was Gurumaa’s plan to escape, Sunehri came to stop her, Gurumaa threatened her, Sunehri moved ahead and it led to this accident, Gurumaa is responsible, check the footage, you will understand everything. Gurumaa shouts such a cunning vixen, she is lying. Avni says this had to happen. She gets something from jailer’s pocket. She says Sunehri is still in danger, you want to injure me now. She asks commissioner to punish Gurumaa, she should get imprisoned in a special jail. Commissioner says I will decide her punishment, she won’t get special treatment now. Avni thinks you have just met me, you have to face my wrath, I m fire, I have to burn your and Vidyut’s funeral pyre.

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