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The Episode starts with Avni checking Bebe’s bathroom. She sees the broken wire and thinks no one noticed this. She gets a bangle piece and thinks how did this come here. She goes to Bebe and asks her to get fine soon, Neil has broken down. Juhi comes and asks Avni does she not remember what Bebe wanted, she wanted Mishti to have a family, you came back to make me out of Neil’s life. Avni says Neil wants to be with me, not you. Juhi says go away and see, he will not call you back, I m his first love, do you have any sign of love.

Avni says truth doesn’t need proof, but lies need truth. Juhi says you have no place in Neil’s life. Avni asks will you get a happy family for Mishti by forcing Neil, even my mum could have done this but didn’t do. Juhi says so you are here, do you want same thing to happen with Mishti, Neela made my passport and visa, but Bebe wanted me to get married to Neil, you have 24 hours, if my marriage doesn’t happen with Neil, he will lose Mishti forever. Avni sees her bangle and recalls the piece she got. She says Juhi has cheated us, she came here with this motive, she is responsible for Bebe’s state, I will not leave her.

Avni shows Bebe’s message and says Bebe wanted to tell us something, but she got electric shock and went to coma, Juhi did this, she has threatened to take Mishti away. Ali says I will stand as a wall in between, she can’t do. Neela says how can she do this. Avni says when love gets selfish, it can go to any level. Shweta says I doubt is this girl of Juhi or not. Avni says its not Neil’s child, Juhi can lie, she called media and got Neil and me humiliated, she will go to any extent to get Neil, we just have 24 hours to prove her wrong. Ali asks why don’t you tell this to Neil. Avni says no, she won’t go away from his life, I will prove Mishti is not Neil’s daughter, I will take his hair sample and get Dna test done. Shweta says I will get Mishti’s hair sample. Avni says I will throw reports on Juhi’s face, I will drag her to jail, she has just seen Avni, not Ananya.

Vidyut scolds Juhi. Juhi says I will use Mishti against Avni. Vidyut threatens her. She says you can’t kill me, you are using me to separate Neil and Avni, think about it. She goes. He says you are right, you have to stay alive, as Avni has to die.

Neil comes to Chamko cafe and sees decorations. He sees the cake. Avni sings happy birthday and wishes him. She says Bebe is in coma, you are upset, but Bebe won’t like you to be sad, everything will get fine. He says thanks, you have to close eyes. She closes her eyes and says I won’t open eyes till you say. He says you will trust me right, can I trust you. She says of course. He holds her hand and gets close. He asks her to open eyes now. She sees a lie detector machine kept and the clip on her finger. She asks what’s this. He says I planned this surprise, this polygraph machine hates lies. She asks why, you asked me whether I trust you, I feel you don’t trust me. He says just answer my questions. He asks what happened are you hiding something. She says even last time you did this. He asks was I not right that time. She asks him to ask what he wants. He says you wanted to celebrate my birthday right. She says yes. He sees true… He asks are you here just for this motive. She recalls her words and says yes. He sees lie…. He says I know Avni the most. She says enough, I won’t give more answers. He holds her. They have an eyelock. He makes her sit back. He asks why were you not happy when I took you home. She says I was scared of Vidyut. He gets angry on her lie and says you are hiding something. She says no. He asks are you trying to save someone. She says no. He sees lie…. he asks whom is she saving, to save Mishti, why is she lying. He scolds her. He says is this your love, you are weak, you can’t trust anyone, you don’t love me, you are a coward and selfish person. He feels sorry to say this. She says enough, I was saving you. He asks from whom. She says from Juhi. He sees true…. on the machine.

 Avni say Juhi has threatened me that I have to get you married to her in 24 hours, else she will go away with Mishti, she is dangerous than Vidyut, she has got Bebe’s accident done. He sees true on the screen. She says please trust me. He sits in shock and says who asked you for proof, Juhi did all this. They cry. He says I didn’t remember of engagement night, she used this thing, she cheated me, I loved her before, we risked our relation for her. She asks do you think…. He says Mishti is Vidyut’s daughter, not mine. She looks at him. He says its my mistake, I believed all her lies, I made you do all this for Juhi. She says Vidyut and Gurumaa did this with us. He says Juhi was supporting them. She says Shweta tried to show us truth many times, we felt she is a liar. He says I thought so, I will make Juhi admit her truth. She says she will never accept. He says she will accept if we make her believe that marriage will happen. She says don’t marry else… He says never in any birth. They hug.

Ballu comes to Vidyut and says Juhi called and said she threatened Avni a lot. Vidyut asks him to get his gun. He keeps an apple on his head and asks him not to move. Ballu gets tensed. Vidyut says its fun to have enemies like Avni, Juhi is a fool, she doesn’t know Neil and Avni are together. Ballu says Neil is more clever. Vidyut says I m not Raavan and this is not Ramayan, this is Kalyug. He looks the other side and shoots at the apple. Ballu gets relieved.

Vidyut laughs. He says I got the thread, I have to tie it to bird’s leg, I have to get Mishti, I will see will Neil-Avni win or Juhi and Vidyut, call that foolish woman, she would be dancing happily. Juhi adorns herself and says now I am close to marry Neil, Avni loves Mishti so much that she got ready to sacrifice Neil. She apply haldi to herself. Neil comes and hold her hand. He taunts her. She says I thought haldi rasam is important, else it will be abshagun. He ask marriage. She says I know Shweta is against, but I have a hope… He says your wish will be fulfilled, this marriage will happen. Shweta hears this and shouts. She goes and says I have to talk to Avni.

Prakash says Neil, Bebe is in coma, how did you agree for marriage. Juhi comes and says for Mishti, she wants a normal family, when Avni agreed, why are you opposing. Neil says yes, we will have a simple marriage, Avni is gone. Shweta asks where. Neil says Avni is where she should be. He pints to his heart and signs them. He says Avni is at her mum’s house, sorry you have to support me. Shweta and Prakash agree. Shweta asks him to tell Juhi to touch her feet and take her blessings. Neil says fine, apply mehendi to Juhi’s hand, she doesn’t like abshagun. Neil hugs Shweta and asks her not to do overacting. Juhi smiles.

Neil and Avni meet. He says why do we always need to get away, Juhi and Vidyut shouldn’t talk, we have to stop them. She says I will keep Vidyut busy. He says you will keep Ali along, promise me you won’t do this alone. She asks what if I run away with Mishti and hide. He says you again said about breaking laws, shortcuts takes person towards crime, promise me, when you think of breaking law, think about me once, promise me. She nods and hugs him. She says I will never do, I promise, happy birthday and sorry. They get close. Music plays….. He writes I Love U on her neck by his fingers. She says I love you. Teri dhadkano se….plays…. they have an eyelock. He says none should give me a better birthday gift than this. They hug.

Its morning, someone rings the door bell. Vidyut looks on and sees a sack. He doesn’t touch it thinking who kept this. Ali says he is very clever, he won’t check. Avni plays Gurumaa’s voice to stop Vidyut. He gets a chit under the sack and reads it, last sign of your mom. He checks the sack and gets shocked seeing some bones. He falls back. Neil tells Neela that they have 20 mins, Vidyut will be busy, I don’t trust mom, she loses temper. Shweta says don’t you trust me, I will do what you say. He apologizes. She hugs him. Prakash signs Neil about Juhi. Neil says Juhi is coming. Shweta goes. Vidyut sees some men and scolds them. Avni and Ali say our plan worked, he did wrong and now he will know the pain of losing his mum. She says we will leave other things to Neil now.

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