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The Episode starts with Neil asking Prakash how did he agree to Bebe. Prakash says Shweta and I didn’t agree. Bebe comes and says Neil has to marry Juhi. Neil refuses. Bebe says you will get us insulted this way. Shweta asks Bebe why is she saying this. Neil says fine, if you care for the society and people, I will leave this city. Bebe cries.

Neela says Bebe promised me, she will always support Avni, how can she give Avni’s place to Juhi. Shweta says I don’t know anything. Neela says Neil told me that he and Juhi had champagne on the engagement night… Shweta says no, Neil returned home midnight, he didn’t come in morning, I remember well. Neela gets shocked. Neil ends the call and tells Avni that they are shifting to Delhi, he will do arrangements for Juhi and Mishti in another house close to theirs. She asks what about your job. He says its not a problem, I will manage it, I will do this, Mishti was a house, fine, she will get it, but not by losing you, I love you, my decision can’t change now.

Avni gives medicines to Shweta. She says Neil is planning to go Delhi. Shweta says its good, stay away from Juhi, you have seen what she did with us. Maid gets a letter found in Juhi’s room. Shweta gets shocked reading it. Avni reads the letter. Juhi writes, I will take Mishti and get away, this ambience is not right for Mishti.

Juhi takes Mishti with her. Mishti says you are really bad. Juhi scolds her. Avni reads…. everyone wants me to get away, don’t worry for me, I have habit to stay alone. Avni says Juhi took Mishti. She turns and sees Neil. Juhi asks Mishti will she have icecream. Mishti refuses. Juhi says we can’t go back there, I m your mum, come with me. Mishti doesn’t move. Juhi says you will come with me, no one loves us there, they hate us, you have to come with me.

Neil and Avni are on the way. Neil gets info from DD. Avni says I hope we get Mishti safe. Neil asks her not to go. Shweta tells Bebe that Juhi is doing drama. Bebe says you took Prakash’s life decision, I will decide for Neil’s life, this marriage will happen. Neela says Bebe, you promised me, you will always support Avni, I beg you, please save her life from getting ruined. Bebe cries and says I want to tell something imp. She gets a picture. She sees Maddy and Kareena tied up. She says Neil will have to marry Juhi to give Mishti his name, you all read the DNA report. Shweta asks Neela to come, Bebe has turned stone hearted. They leave. Bebe sees Gurumaa looking at her. Gurumaa signs her to be quiet.

Mishti says you are very bad, I won’t come. Juhi sees Vidyut in the car. Vidyut sees a car arriving. He messages Juhi. She reads Neil and Avni are coming. Vidyut says mum will pat my back today. She asks Mishti to understand, they can’t go back, they hate us. Mishti calls her bad. Juhi raises hand on Mishti. Vidyut counts down. Avni pushes Juhi. A car speeds towards Juhi. Neil pulls Juhi and saves her. Juhi says thanks Neil, Avni did planning to kill me today. Avni tells Mishti that she won’t let her go. Juhi says she is my daughter. Avni says raising hand on kids is wrong. Juhi asks is it right to push me in traffic and kill me. Avni asks when did I do this. They argue. Juhi provokes Avni’s anger. She blames Avni for ruining Mishti’s life. Neil shouts stop it Juhi. Juhi asks why shall I stop it, why do you take Avni’s side. Avni says because I m right. Juhi scolds her. Avni says Neil tell her, if she harms Mishti, I will not leave her. Juhi asks are you threatening me. Avni says no, you will be responsible for anything that will happen next. Neil sees her and asks what happened to you. Vidyut signs Juhi and smiles. Juhi apologizes to Avni. She takes Mishti with her.

Avni comes home and thinks what happened. She says did I overreact, did I do any mistake, I should talk to Neil. Neil comes to his room and gets angry. Avni comes to him. She asks him to listen once. He asks why, do you ever listen to me, if Juhi got hit by the car by mistake, if anything happened to her, I would have had to arrest you, do you understand or not. She says I couldn’t control, I will do this if Juhi hurts Mishti again, I don’t regret. He gets angry and goes. Neela and Shweta come to her. Avni says Juhi did wrong with Mishti, I know I did wrong to push Juhi, Neil is annoyed with me. Shweta says you did right. Neela says its not about anger and regret, its about our doings, if Juhi does this mistake again. Shweta says I know the truth, Juhi was doing a drama, she will take Mishti back, she will make Avni out.

Avni says its not like that. Neela says its true, Juhi doesn’t want to go, we couldn’t find you when you left Neil, but Juhi comes back everytime, Mishti is reminding your childhood, Juhi is not Aisha or Neela, someone is repeating this history, I can see this game clearly, Juhi came to claim her rights on Neil, you helped her more, read this headlines, check this, take a look of all these, whatever happened with you in childhood, same things are happening with Mishti, you stopped thinking like Ananya, else you would have understood when Mishti has hit stone, Vidyut is responsible for all this. Shweta says Juhi is supporting him. Neela says its happening since Vidyut came Mumbai, its all planned, please think like an Ananya. Neil tells Prakash that he has seen anger in Avni’s eyes, which he has seen when she was with Dayaben, it looked its Ananya, not Avni.

Neela ask Avni to become Ananya and see Juhi’s truth. Avni says but we have no proof against Juhi. Shweta says we know the blood group of Mishti didn’t match. Avni says DNA report has matched. Shweta says maybe reports were changed, I know my Neil, he can’t do this. Prakash says someone is trying to break Avni, how can she tolerate this, Juhi still loves you, what will Avni go through seeing this. Neil says Juhi may raise a hand in anger when she sees Avni and Mishti happy, I think Avni and I should go away from Juhi and Mishti. Mishti hears this and goes. Juhi looks on. Neil says I can’t let Avni become Ananya again. Juhi thinks I have lied for you, I can’t let you go away. Avni thinks why will Juhi do this. Neela says person can do anything when love becomes selfish. Avni says we have to expose Vidyut to know Juhi’s part.

Police comes home to talk about Avni. Neil and Avni look on. Inspector says sorry, we got a complaint against your wife, she threatened to kill someone. She shows Juhi’s complaint and says Avni has pushed Juhi in traffic and threatened too, if anything wrong happens to Juhi, we have to arrest Avni. Neil says I understand, you are doing your duty. Juhi says what could I do, Avni’s past is such, she can do anything. Neil shouts Juhi. Juhi asks him not to shout, Avni tried to kill her. Shweta asks her to stop it. Avni says Juhi is right, I can’t bear this and can go to any extent. She reminds Neil what she said, she will leave when she can’t tolerate the things, Mishti got away from Juhi, Bebe is right I came between you two, Juhi is Mishti’s mum. Neela thinks this is not Avni, she is Ananya. She stops Shweta and signs her. Neil says you didn’t do this intentionally. Avni says but whatever happening is wrong, Bebe I understood this now, it will be good that Juhi and Neil get married.

Avni holds Neil’s hand and says you gave me a beautiful family, its breaking because of me. He says no. She says I have to leave for the sake of Mishti and family, I will leave tonight. She goes to her room. Shweta asks what are you doing. She asks Prakash to stop Avni. Juhi says Neil trust me, I didn’t wish this. Neil says exactly, this marriage won’t happen, Avni wants to become great, I will explain her, don’t worry. He says Bebe you are doing much wrong. He comes to room and asks Avni did she go mad. He shuts the door and says you won’t go anywhere, I will not marry anyone, enough, you are my wifey. Avni says enough, you won’t say anything, sit here.

She does aid to his hand. She says you like becoming hero, did you not understand, I m not going. He asks so? She says look we started this game, I failed Vidyut, now he is failing us, we don’t understand what to do, did you see Mishti’s behavior, someone is teaching her wrong things, understand the pattern, someone is repeating my childhood, who can do this, its a game to defeat me, its Vidyut and Gurumaa, Dayaben have told this to them. He realizes. She asks what shall be our next move, till we show Vidyut that we got separated… He says he will not feel he has won. She says very intelligent, if he feels he has won. He says he will get overconfident and do some mistake. He says you are so smart, I was getting a heart attack, you should have told me. They hug.

She thinks I wanted Vidyut and Juhi to believe this. She says plan was made suddenly. He says we should tell family. She says no, we can’t tell anyone, if Vidyut makes Juhi tell everything, our plan will fail. She thinks to lie till she gets sure that Juhi is not playing a game with Neil. She says I will leave tonight. He says its Ananya in front of me, not Avni. She says I was getting emotional, I didn’t know its so simple. He says I want my Avni. She says I m Avni by heart. He says I felt good when you did aid to my hand. She asks him to break his other hand too. He says right, I m ready. She stops him and says I won’t go anywhere. He says I will never leave you. They get close and get tied by the bandage. She says I will not go myself. He kisses her and hugs.

Avni gets leaving. Neil takes her bag. She stops him. They sign and talk. Mana ki teri….plays….. He holds her close. They get emotional. He is about to kiss her. They hear a sound and get away. She leaves. Bebe shuts the kitchen door. She gets kerosene and pours on herself. Neil goes after Avni. She turns to see him. He says its last time Avni, that we are getting away, we will get together always, I promise to give you a fairytale life which you always dreamt of. She cries and leaves. Shweta comes to kitchen and finds door locked. She sees Bebe inside and shouts to Neil. Neil and Prakash come and stop Bebe. Juhi comes. Neil says enough Bebe, I will do as you say, I will marry Juhi. Shweta asks Bebe what is she doing. She asks Neil did he get mad to marry Juhi, she will tell this to Avni. Neil says she is gone, Avni is gone. They get shocked.

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