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The Episode starts with Avni asking Neil to arrest her. He asks her to understand, if she is present at crime scene, it can create problems for her, go home, police will be here. He says if you try to break the law again, you will be responsible for that. He thinks I m trying to save you, I want the proof of your innocence in few hours. Neela asks did Vidyut keep this condition. Neil says I wanted to kill him, I didn’t get any proof to save Avni, I will end this today, I will shoot down Vidyut. Neela slaps him and asks him to come to senses, who will save Avni if he goes to jail. Avni tells Ali that this is all a planning, Juhi has given statement against me and then she got murdered. She says I have threatened Vidyut, I was accused of murdering my mum, Dayaben made this story, evidence was against me that time and even today. Ali says you didn’t shoot Juhi. Avni says gun had my fingerprints, there was no one else there. Ali says Vidyut has shot her. Avni says our truth is not truth, as we don’t have any proof. Neil gets Vidyut’s call and puts on speaker. Vidyut says just 6 hours left now. Neil says I know.

Vidyut says come on, trust me, I will keep her like a queen, maybe I will make a palace on her name, think well, why do you want beautiful Avni to suffer, you will also like it if she stays free. Neela cries. Ali asks Avni what will you do. Avni says I will run away, Neil will break down if he has to arrest me. Neela says tonight…. Neil says if you give me permission, I can’t see her getting ruined, she is innocent. Neela nods and cries. Shweta says Juhi has given us much stress, we can’t even tell this to Bebe. Neil comes. Shweta says tell us nothing will happen to Avni. Neil says my duty is to find out the truth, I will abide by the laws. Prakash says protecting your wife is also your duty. Neil comes to room and sees Avni with the lie detector machine. She says I want to prove my innocence to you. He asks her to close eyes and sit, till he prepares his questions. She thinks you should trust me atleast. She sees the sindoor box and ring. She says I want to give this test. He says no, I don’t want this. She asks why, you have doubt on me. He says I want my birthday to end on a good note, I want you to give me all those gifts you promised me. He makes her wear a kamarbandh.

Music plays…. He makes her wear red bangles and kisses her. He cares for her. He says I have hurt you a lot, we could have lived a simple happy married life, but my past and Juhi got our life complicated, you gave love to Mishti, its just my mistake, I love you the most, I hurt you the most. He asks her to remember, he will always love her. He makes her wear a mangalsutra and applies sindoor. They lie on the bed. He makes her sleep and thinks you will hate me for what I m going to do today, you didn’t kill Juhi, then why would you suffer, I can just see this way to save you. He gets up and silently leaves. Avni wakes up and looks for him.

Avni says whatever the world says, I will always be yours, I will always love you. DD says there is no hope now, Avni made Ali book tickets, she was going away with Mishti. Shweta comes and asks are you mad to believe Ali, he was also scared, he asked Avni to run away, its good Avni refused to him. Neil gets Vidyut’s call. Vidyut says its just 60mins left, I will be out of your house, I will come there to take my Avni, will you hand her over to me. Neil says yes. Avni gets Ali’s message. Ali asks her to come out fast.

Avni meets Bebe and takes her blessings. Vidyut comes there and looks at the house. He thinks Neil loves Avni, he will fulfill this small condition for her freedom. Avni opens the door and comes out. Ali takes her bag. Vidyut looks on. Avni and Ali get shocked seeing Neil. Vidyut stops seeing police van and smiles. He thinks you can’t run Avni, Neil will give your hand to me. Shweta and Prakash come out and ask Neil what’s police doing here. Neil shouts I told you, do not cross the line. Avni says I m innocent. Neil says I told you, you will be responsible if you cross the line. Avni says you listen to me. Neil says enough Avni, I thought you will trust that Neil who is your husband, who loves you, who never lets any innocent get punished, who never leaves any criminal, I always told you to share everything, you always do what you want, not that what I want, you didn’t think of me ever, what’s the use of this marriage, relation and love. He wipes her sindoor. Avni and Shweta cry. Prakash asks what are you saying. Neil says Avni if you want to become a criminal, ACP Neil will stand in front of you, not your husband. Neil breaks her mangalsutra. They all get shocked. Neil shows the handcuffs. Avni looks at him.

Neil says no one will say anything now. Avni says thanks for making me wear these bangles, no need to say anything, when a new relation is formed, an old relation has to be broken, I will set you free from the old relations. She breaks the red bangles. Neil and everyone look on. Vidyut sees them from far. Avni forwards hands to wear the cuffs. Bebe asks Neil what is he doing, he can’t arrest Avni, does he think Avni has killed Juhi. Neil stops Bebe. Vidyut gets angry. Neil says evidence points to this. He arrests Avni. Avni thinks it doesn’t matter what I want, Neil always believed Avni is case 123, a criminal, Neil didn’t love me truly. Neil thinks I will always love you, but I was helpless, forgive me, I m doing this to save you. They cry seeing each other. It starts raining. Kaisi ye judaai hai….plays….Neil says take her away. Bebe shouts no. Shweta and Bebe cry. Ali tries to stop Avni. Avni is taken away. Constables stop Ali and Shweta. Vidyut leaves. Everyone cries.

Neela prays. Neil comes crying and hugs her. Neela cries and says it was necessary Neil. Neil says she will hate me now, she trusted me, I broke her trust. She says this decision was ours. He says Avni shouldn’t know this, even if she hates me, she needs you. Neil says she needs you too. Neil says she should never know why I arrested her, I will always have an eye on her in jail, Vidyut can’t reach her, she was preparing to run. Neela says you did right for her. He says forgive me. She consoles him.

Avni is in jail. She removes her jewelry. She recalls Neil and removes her ring. Neil comes home. Shweta, Prakash and Bebe get away from Neil. Avni wears prisoner’s saree. She thinks of Neil. Neil sees her pictures and gets restless. He also lies on the ground like her.

After six months, Vidyut comes to some grand party. He smiles eyeing the women. Ballu says everyone is waiting like a hero’s entry is going to happen. Vidyut says I will become MLA soon, I have just one motive. He recalls Avni. He says I have to get someone, now I can even look into someone’s eyes and talk, I can still manage to lie. He gets welcomed by people. He asks them to start the party. Neela comes there as the dancer. She dances on Aaj ki raat…. She goes towards Vidyut. Vidyut thinks I can get Avni after becoming MLA. Vidyut meets some men. He asks them to enjoy the party. The man asks how shall we enjoy, last three consignments were destroyed. Vidyut says not this time. Avni practices fighting in her cell.

Neela try to hear Vidyut’s conversation. She goes close and holds him to fix a bug. Her mask falls off. Vidyut walks to her. She gets tensed. She wears her mask again and turns to him. She leaves. Vidyut says check out the arrangements, Neo won’t be able to come there. He says Neo has hurt my business a lot, today Neo will fail and I will win. Neela looks on. Vidyut shows the CCTV footage to the man. He says these are my specially trained guards, Neo can’t reach my truck, this truck will go straight to your private plane. Neela looks on. She says this is impossible. Vidyut drinks. He leaves in his car. Neil cuts the carton and comes out. He wears black clothes and a mask. Vidyut gets shocked seeing Neo in the footage. He says Neo… Neil shows thumbs down.

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