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The Episode starts with Gurumaa getting solitary confinement. She shouts Avni is lying. DD says well done, you have saved someone’s life. He gives her a note and says I know there is much darkness in this jail, but we will get answers under the light, just keep head high and hope in heart. He goes. Neil says Ali I will meet you in 5 mins. Bebe stops him. She says today I feel like you have grown up, you are bearing all the troubles alone, you didn’t think about us. He says I don’t want to worry you all. She says I understand, I know I can’t stop you, I won’t put you in a dilemma, I have to give something, I have arranged some winter wear, prasad and food, just think of me in any trouble, you will find me with you. He hugs her. She blesses him.

Jailer comes to Avni and gets the note. She asks what’s this, your lover’s letter. She sees the blank paper and says I know you change colors so soon, you had framed Gurumaa. Avni says I know you are with pandit, why don’t you help her in escaping. Jailer says yes, but you are her would be bahu, so she wishes to take you from here, I can’t come between saas and bahu, don’t forget your mum is a guest for Gurumaa and Vidyut, its tough to say your mum will be alive or not, just hurry up, it will be good if you follow my instructions, your mum is waiting, remember. Avni recalls DD’s words. Avni applies water on the letter. She read Neil’s letter. He writes…. I m searching for Neela, I shall find her, commissioner is also by our side, take care. She says you are supporting me by staying far, you used to fight when you were close, what’s the need to bear everything, did you love me for this.

Ballu gets Neela somewhere. She counts the steps from the door. She hears the sounds and guesses the place of kitchen and staircase. Ballu gets food. He asks her not to flee, guard will be watching her. He goes. She counts the steps and reaches the kitchen. She gets a knife and cuts the ropes. She frees herself. She goes upstairs. She checks the doors. She enters a room and stays alert. She says there is nothing here. She sees a door inside the cupboard. Avni comes to Gurumaa. She says jailer is busy, I thought to meet you, my cell is close to solitary confinement. Gurumaa says you can’t open the door now. She says not without jailer’s electronic card. Gurumaa says you will risk your life for your freedom, we have your mum in our clutches. Avni says you will get this card, you can run away, how shall I believe that my mum is fine, show me her video, if she is fine, this card is yours, else I will make this jail a hell for you. Neela goes in and says who is it. She sees Mishti and gets shocked. She hugs her and says you are alive, how are you, why are you here. She hears guards. She says Mishti, don’t tell anyone, I will meet you later. She goes back and sits on the sofa. Neil and guard come. Neil says your sleeping time is over, we will shoot you now, its Ballu’s order, we have to shoot a video. He touches her feet and signs her. She gets shocked seeing Neil.

Avni cut tomatoes. She thinks if anything happened to Neela. Her finger gets hurt. Tara worries for her. Avni says I m fine. She says I have complete trust on Neil, nothing will happen to Neela. Neela says Neil…. Ballu says you took Neil’s name. Neela gets tensed. Neil says she is threatening me about Neil. He says you are kidnapped, Neil won’t come to save you, if Vidyut is captain, Ballu is vice captain, don’t waste time, let us record the video. Ballu laughs and says did you see this guy, he is new but smart, we want loyal people like him.

Neil says just smile now, your daughter won’t like your gloomy face. Neela asks Avni how is she, don’t worry for her, she is fine. She says I just have one scratch on my wrist, its because of you, you remember when you went for swimming for the first time, you were scared and held me. She says I wish I had my phone, it had our memories, since you went to jail, I was living with those memories, I wish you were here. Ballu says enough, you have to make a small video, not a film. He calls jailer and asks shall I send video on pandit ji or your phone. Jailer scolds him. She says you come to the visitor’s room with the video, I will do something. Ballu goes. Neil thinks he can’t talk to Neela in front of guards. Avni sweeps the ground. Jailer asks who asked you to clean the guard. Avni says Tara and Sitara looked after Sunehri all night, they are sleeping now, so I thought to do their work. Jailer dumps the garbage again and asks Avni to clean it. Constable says Avni made the breakfast and now she is cleaning the ground.

Jailer comes to Gurumaa and says Avni is fooling me, she is just talking nonsense, she has no plans to escape. Constable comes and says commissioner called Gurumaa for inquiry, we have to take her to police station. Jailer asks Gurumaa not to get her name in between, she has two kids. Gurumaa says I know, Vidyut will manage everything, he is her pride, he won’t let anything happen to her, he can go to any extent for her, if you stay loyal, you will be in profit. Neil and Ballu ask guards to get Neela downstairs. Ballu says I m going to show this video to Avni. Neil asks will you go, most of the people know you, it will be a problem, you shouldn’t go, its matter of reputation. Ballu gets jailer’s call. Jailer says commissioner called Gurumaa for questioning. Ballu asks what, why, if Vidyut knows this. Neil thanks DD and commissioner for planning this. Jailer asks Ballu not to blame her, just get the video. He says I will send my man there. He asks Neil to take the video and show Avni, nobody can enter the jail without security checking, if you do this, you will be with us forever. Neil sees Neela. She signs him. He goes. Gurumaa is interrogated. Commissioner asks DD to call Neil, he should know Gurumaa’s plans. DD calls Neil and asks him to come to police station, commissioner wants him here. Neil says I m going jail to show the video to Avni, I will come soon. He thinks I have to know Gurumaa’s plannings. Neil comes to meet Avni. Jailer says I have shut the CCTV cameras, you won’t be audible outside, just do the work fast. Avni asks who are you. Neil says when will you get sense, this isn’t right, we had promised to live and die together, did you forget. He winks. She smiles and hugs him. He says I had to do all this to get you back. She hugs him. She asks why did you leave me. She beats him. He jokes. She says husband sends me away and policeman locks me in jail, they both should be beaten up, if anything happened to you. He asks why did you run away and took risk. She says I wanted to save you, else Vidyut….He says fine, sorry, I may trouble you again. She says I will teach you a lesson. He says we don’t have time, Neela is safe, I will rescue her soon. She says I didn’t make any escape plane. He says you won’t, you don’t need to escape, I will take you. She says I trust you, don’t cheat me this time. He says never. She says we have to make some plan. He says Vidyut is not in the city, he had to go for some surgery, Neela went to Mexico and visited that hospital, before she could knew anything, his men kidnapped him, I became Onkar Singh and joined his men to know his plan and save Neela, Neela has sent this video.

She sees the video. She says Neela is trying to do say something, I don’t understand, please this video again. She says Neela is making gestures with hand, she has learnt this sign language, open ASL finger chart in mobile. Neil says Neela is forming an alphabet after every sentence. They say Mishti….

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