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Avni tell Ali about her plan B, which Neil doesn’t know, Juhi and Vidyut can do anything, if Neil’s plan fails, I will run away with Mishti, Neil will not understand, just help me, promise. Ali says fine. The men ask Vidyut for stealing costly animal bones. Vidyut ask what do you mean, its not human bones. The man says no. Vidyut call someone to know about his mum. He get relieved.

Shweta says we will fulfill your mehendi wish. Juhi think Shweta had to get helpless because of her son’s love. She thank Shweta. Shweta says I didn’t accept Avni before and was helpless to accept her, I am a bad mother inlaw, I trouble my daughter inlaw, Avni has tolerated everything, anyone else would have run away, I had grinded glass and mixes in Avni’s mehendi, don’t worry, I will not do this with you, Mishti is my grandchild, I will make you keep 16 fasts. She write V in her hand. Juhi ask why did you make V. Shweta says no, see its N now, did you not understand. Neela come shouting and asking Shweta to stop her drama, this marriage won’t happen, Juhi can’t take Avni’s place. Shweta and Prakash apologize as they are helpless. Neela scold them. Juhi smile.

Neela says you all will pay a price today, I will commit suicide, you all will go to jail, I have left a note and blamed Juhi for my suicide. Prakash and Shweta ask Juhi not to worry, as they can fight in court, they will do paternity test of Mishti and prove that she is Neil’s daughter, results will be same. Neela says Juhi will go to jail after I die. Juhi says no, stop her, I will call doctor, blame will come to me. Shweta says why will blame come to you, truth is truth. Neela drink the liquid and cough. Prakash ask Juhi to prove in court that Mishti is Neil’s daughter. Juhi shout Mishti is not Neil’s daughter, I have lied, I will not go to jail, save her. Neil and DD come and play her confession recording. Neil says your truth has come out finally.

Vidyut ask the men to do anything, he will call his lawyer. Avni come there. Vidyut look at her. She get a message from Neela and smile. Vidyut says so you did this, I felt my mum.. She says you have threatened my Bebe, you have made Juhi stand against us, you tried to shatter me and my family by reminding me of my childhood. He ask was it not fun? Congrats you won, but I will end this game, it will be more fun, get out of my house. Juhi says I will tell you truth. Neil says that Mishti is Vidyut’s daughter. Juhi says actually Neil… He ask her to say it. He shouts why Juhi, you stayed with Gurumaa and Vidyut and fell so low, I am ashamed that I was once in love with you. She says I did this for Mishti, you had moved on with Avni, you started loving Avni, would you help me if you knew Mishti is not your daughter? He says this is difference between you and Avni, I would have helped Mishti even if I knew she is not my daughter, you have become Ragini pandit. Juhi says I did this for Mishti. Shweta says you did this for yourself, Mishti doesn’t come to you as you have no motherly love in you. Neela says a mum doesn’t need anyone’s support to raise her child, Avni did your work. Neil says Neela raised Avni as her daughter, what’s the point in telling this to you, you don’t deserve to be called a woman, DD take her to the police station. Juhi ask him to listen. He says get away from my house, family and me. DD send her. Neil says we have to convince child protection cell that Mishti is safe with us, take Juhi in custody DD, I will get the FIR against her for an attempt murder on Bebe.

Avni talk to Ali on call. She sees Mishti with Ballu. Vidyut come and says I told you, last move will be mine, the game just started, lets start this game with Mishti’s name, I like to compete with time, lets see if Neil wins or me, I always get what I want, I don’t like losing, especially not to a woman. He laugh and says your bad time has started, your story will end, take care. She hit on his head. Passport falls there. She asks Ballu to drop Mishti, else she will break Vidyut’s head. Ballu leave Mishti. Mishti come to her. Avni ask them not to come ahead. Goons catch Mishti. Ballu try to hit her. She hold the stick and beats all of them. She take Mishti and runs. She collide with Vidyut. Vidyut throws something in her eyes. Vidyut takes Mishti in the car.

Neil ask what, take them to hospital. Shweta ask what happened. Neil says DD and our team are attacked, Juhi has run away, DD and Dad got hurt, they are taken to hospital, don’t worry, Avni and I will get Mishti, where is Avni. He calls Avni. Mishti cry and calls out angel. Avni run on the road. She follow Vidyut. He ask Mishti to shut up. Juhi calls him. He scold her. She ask why didn’t you save me when you attacked police. He says I don’t care about you. She ask really? She says if I go to jail, you will also go to jail, I will not leave you. Avni get tired and fall down, shouting Mishti.

Vidyut’s car break down. He asks Juhi to meet him at the jungle road. She says I m close, I will come. He says I know how to end this game. He takes Mishti. Avni sees his car and checks. She says I have to contact Neil, but I have no phone. She prays. She sees the foot prints and follows. Mishti says leave me, I want to go to angel. She bits Vidyut’s hand and runs. He looks for her. She sees Avni and smiles. Juhi takes her. Avni goes ahead.

DD says I got location of Vidyut, he has last called Juhi. Neil says it means Avni is also there. Juhi asks Mishti to come with her. Vidyut collides with her. She says Avni reached here. He says I know, you reach helipad, I will arrange there. She goes. Avni sees Mishti and runs to her. She finds a doll there. Vidyut smiles seeing Avni and plays a song O Maria…. she shouts Vidyut, come out if you have courage. She recalls she has done the same thing to fool him in the casino launch party. He says your down counting has begun Angel. Mishti says leave me, I want to go to angel. Juhi says I m your mum, your angel is now dead, come with me, else I will slap you. Mishti recalls Avni’s words and drops the doll accessories. Neil and Neela reach there and see Vidyut’s car. They see the footprints and follow.

Mishti says I want to go to angel. Juhi asks her to stop it. She thinks Vidyut would be waiting for them. Avni gets Mishti’s left clues and smiles. She says thanks, I will save you from that devil now. Neil and Neela look for Avni. Neil finds the doll accessories and says I think Mishti left these so that we can reach her. Neela says it means they are around. Juhi reaches the helipad. Mishti says I want to go to angel. Juhi asks her to just come. She waits for Vidyut. She says is he playing a game with me, will he cheat me, no, phone has no network, if Vidyut doesn’t help me today, I will not leave him.

Ballu points gun at Avni. She asks him to move off her way, else she will kill him. She pushes him. He asks her to shoot. They fight. He says I will not let you go to that girl. He tries to snatch the gun. She says leave…. trigger gets pulled. He gets shot. Neil, Neela and Juhi hear the gun shot.

Shweta prays and lights a diya. Juhi raises hand on Mishti. Avni shouts Juhi….She points the gun at her. She scolds Juhi. Juhi says Mishti is my daughter, who are you to talk in between. Avni says you are not Mishti’s mum, you are a stain on mum’s name. Bebe gets conscious. Prakash, Shweta and Ali get glad. Ali asks about Avni. DD sees a document with Ali and takes him aside. Avni says you are expecting Vidyut to help you, you have used your daughter to get Neil. They argue. Avni asks her to give Mishti to her. Neil and Neela look for Avni. They don’t see anyone. Neela says I feel scared like something wrong is going to happen. Neil calls DD for backup team. Juhi says Vidyut forced me to do all this.

Avni asks how much drama will you do, Vidyut is better than you, he does enmity openly, Mishti will become Juhi if she stays with you. Juhi asks who are you to have rights on her, keep your lecture to yourself. Avni says fine, go anywhere you want, I will not let Vidyut and you take her. Juhi refuses to give Mishti. She moves back. She asks Avni to stay away, else she will jump down the cliff. Avni says fine, I will count down, stay away from the cliff, give Mishti to me.

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