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The Episode starts with Avni saying Mishti fell down with Juhi. Neil says we didn’t get her dead body. They say it means Mishti is alive. She says I have to get her back, all this has happened with her because of me. He says I m here, I will get her, just handle yourself. Jailer comes towards them. Neil says we won’t fight with each other, we will fight with enemies, tell me, are you with me. She nods. They hug. Neil hears the sound and gets away. Jailer comes in. He says work is done, shall we leave. He signs Avni and goes.

Neil comes to DD and commissioner. He sees Gurumaa’s interrogation. He says there is one way to break her, if we separate her and Vidyut, tell her if she gives us proof against Vidyut, we will release her. DD goes to Gurumaa and says I can get you freedom, but in return, you have to reveal Vidyut’s secrets, what do you think. She smiles and says if I didn’t have handcuffs, I would have killed you now, you think you will offer me freedom and I would go against my son, bond of loyalty between criminals is very strong, you people won’t understand it, Raavan was more loyal to his people than Ram was to his people, freedom is a small thing, even if you get the world at my feet, I won’t agree, I love my son a lot, you don’t know what all I did for my son, you have no idea what my son can do for me, go.

Neil says Gurumaa is stubborn, it means there is some reason behind this. He gets Ballu’s call. Ballu says come soon, Vidyut is coming back tonight. Neil says Sir, we have just 10 hours to get Neela and Mishti back. Commissioner says go ahead. Neil drives and thinks of Avni. He sees a truck and drives away. He hits to a tree and gets hurt.

Gurumaa says you don’t want me to come out of jail, what do you want. Avni says security is very strict, guards keep an eye on me, jailer maybe on your side, sorry I need some time, nothing should happen to Neela. She thinks Neil has to save Neela and Mishtiu tonight. Gurumaa says call Ballu and find out if everything is fine, I don’t trust this girl. Jailer calls Ballu and asks is Neela’s security under control. Ballu says yes, Neela is in my jail here.

Neil massages Ballu’s hands. Ballu asks how did you get hurt. Neil says this is not called wound, its a medal, you would have got many wounds too. Ballu says yes, I have managed Vidyut’s work, this time he will give me a big reward. Neil says right, I will get hot tea for you, you should go and freshen up. Ballu asks him to get snacks. He goes. Neil asks guards will they have tea and snacks. He says I feel suffocated, I have habit to work in open, give me some space, go.

Guards leave. Neil thinks to do something, it will be tough to get Neela and Mishti out. He says thanks to my police training, I will make something that will divert their attention without any risk. Ballu comes and asks are you making tea, pakodas got burnt. Neil says its fine, have one. Ballu says we will order it, come.

Neil says this house is just like you, strong. Ballu says this house is made of hard earned money of others. They laugh. Neil says I should get a house tour. Ballu shows the rooms and corners. He takes Ballu upstairs. Ballu says don’t open this house. Neil asks why, is there any treasure. Ballu says there is someone captive. Neil thinks its Mishti. He asks why is that door shut. Ballu says its back entry of the house.

Gurumaa asks Avni what is she planning. Avni thinks to keep her engaged. She asks for some time. Neil says I will get soda. He gets keys from Ballu. Ballu asks guards to wake him up before Vidyut comes. Lights go off. Ballu asks how did the lights go off. Neil says I will check. He leaves the smoke bombs. Ballu coughs. Neil says someone has thrown smoke bomb, everyone go out. He goes to Neela and ask her to sit inside trolley fast, Mishti is inside. Ballu asks him where is he going. Neil says I m getting some valuable things. The guard says Neela and Mishti aren’t there. Lights come. Ballu sees Neil and says Neil Khanna.

Neil rush off with the trolley. Ballu asks men to catch Neil. Gurumaa says make me talk to Ballu. Jailer acts and asks her to clean her cabin before dinner. They go. Gurumaa calls Ballu and asks about Neela. Ballu says no, Neil was staying with us in disguise, he took Neela and Mishti with him. She asks what were you doing, that’s why Avni isn’t making any plan to help me escape, listen to me carefully. She tells her plan. Neil asks Neela not to worry, they will talk to Avni.

Jailer throws Avni’s food plate and says I will throw you in solitary confinement. Avni asks why, its wrong to torture prisoners. Jailer says one who tries to break the prison will be severely punished. Avni asks but why. Jailer shows the card and says look at this, she has planned to escape once again, she won’t mend her ways. She scolds and pushes Avni. Gurumaa goes to pity Avni. She says you will die here in the suffocation of darkness and we will send Neela and Neil after you, this is my promise. Avni thinks Neil couldn’t save Neela and Mishti. She says this is wrong, listen to me, I have always helped you all, please help me, I have run away from the jail for helping someone, saving a life, for justice, just stop them. Mausi says this is really wrong, maybe someone has put the card in Avni’s pocket to frame her. Tara and Sitara say we believe Avni, you investigate the matter first. Sunehri says you can’t punish Avni. Monica asks why, our lives turned to hell because of her. Sunehri argues with her. They fight.

Sunehri sees the card fallen and picks it up. Mausi falls down. Avni asks Mausa are you fine. Avni says listen to me carefully, Sunehri…. Neil and Neela’s lives are in danger, just inform DD fast. She begs guards not to do this. Constables put her in a small dark cell. Avni recalls Dayaben locking her in dark room in her childhood. She cries.

Neil, Neela and Mishti are on the way. He stops the car and sees Vidyut in front. The goons point gun at Neil. Neela asks now? Neil takes the car back. Another car blocks his way. Neela asks what shall we do now. Ballu points gun at Neil and gets him out of the car. Neela and Mishti too get down the car.

Vidyut says welcome officer Onkar Singh, did you miss me, I have missed you a lot, so I have come here, else you would have freed two birds from my cage. Neil says lets end this game today, come and beat me. Vidyut says sure, why are you in a hurry, lets enjoy a bit, you are my guard after all, this is my daughter, who doesn’t want her Papa, does she not want to come to her Papa. Neil says you aren’t a father, but just a sin. Vidyut points gun at Neil. Neela shouts no Vidyut.

Vidyut says do you know who’s your greatest enemy, your tongue, one day it will get you dead. Neil says even my hands and limbs have guts unlike you. Jailer says everyone got mad for that Avni. Sunehri asks Avni to come out fast. Avni comes out of the small cell. Vidyut drops the gun. He kicks the gun aside and asks the men to put the guns down. Neela looks on. He asks goons to just sit back and relax, enjoy, they all will get entertained today. He says my army and gun won’t come between us, hero versus villain, we will sort this out, one who wins will take these two, angel’s queen and little angel along. Neil says thanks, your men will learn your real place.

Sunehri says all prisoners are gathered in the yard, come we will escape. Avni says no, we have to go to jailer’s cabin, come with me, we have no time. Vidyut hits Neil’s face. Neela asks Neil to be careful. Neil throws away his watch and signs him to come. They fight. Vidyut falls down. Ballu and goons point guns at Neil.

Vidyut says no one will come between, just back off. Avni hears jailer. Jailer says my card is missing, I will have to call special force. Sunehri says we will run away. Avni says I don’t want to put Neil in trouble, there is always a right way, we don’t wait for it and wish for a shortcut always, just inform DD, Neil and Neela need him, I promised Neil that I will take the right away, he promised me he will get my family back, I can’t escape, you can leave if you want.

Vidyut beats Neil. He says if I win this fight, even Avni will belong to me. Neil gets angry and beats him a lot. Neil keeps his foot on Vidyut’s chest. Avni sees the jailer. Sunehri says I would have escaped yesterday if I had to, I don’t want to escape alone, you saved my life, tell me what should I do. Avni says all right, come with me. Neil asks do you still have energy left, I like this game, I won’t stop till either of us die, I have no intention to die. Vidyut says frankly, I had fun too, hero has won, take Neela and Mishti. Neil gets back. Vidyut laughs and gets up. He hits Neil on his head. Neela shouts Neil. Neil gets dizzy and falls down.

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