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Sakshi unable to see Kishan's pain runs away. Devi stops her and says she knew from before that Agni is untrustable, she is very ruthless, etc. Sakshi says she does not want to hear about Agni. Devi says Kishan needs her support, she should go back to him. Sakshi says Agni broke Kishan’s heart and now it is up to Kishan what he wants.

Agni in her room sitting on her bed deletes her and Kishan’s pics reminiscing their love for each other. Sameer silently slips into her bed shirtless. She shouts. He shuts her mouth and says people will think they are celebrating suhagraat. She bites his hand and shouts to go and weaar shirt. He continues flirting with her, and she angrily sleeps on couch thinking it is better if she goes out Sameer says wheverer she goes, she will find him. Agni walks to balcony and sees Kishan drinking alcohol, scolds him to stop. He says why can’t he, show her right and throw it then. She warns to don’t be mad and throw away this bottle. Kishan says he always obeyed her as he loves her and wobbles. She asks where is Sakshi. He says he does not know, today is our suhagraat. Agni tries to leave. He holds her hand.

Kishan confronts Agni that she loves him and cannot lie to herself. Agni nervously says she does not love him. He asks if she loves Sameer, what wrong did he do. Agni says he loved her immensely, but it was one-sided and he was behind her; she realized it when she met and she could not waste her life for him. Kishan stands shattered. Next morning, Sameer with Agni joins family for breakfast and says it is a beautiful day today. Agni says she will serve him breakfast near sofa. He says let us have breakfast with family. He makes her sit and asks her to feed him from her hand says he was not interested in marriage before, but now he is enjoying immensely. Kishan gets jealous and walks away. Sakshi takes his plate and walks behind him.

Kishan feels jealous imagining Agni and Sameer’s intimacy. Sakshi brings breakfast for him. He starts again why did Agni do this to him. Sakshi says she does not know. He says he will expose Agni’s truth in front of everyone and asks her to get out from his room. Sakshi thinks if he can reveal that Agni sacrificed her love for me.

Agni takes Sameer’s laptop and asks if he stores all his cases in it. He says yes. She says let her clean it and tries to put laptop in water. He panics and pleads to stop. She asks how dare he is to touch her waist and lips in front of everyone. He says it was acting. She asks to say sorry and will never repeat it. He nervously says sorry. She gives him rule note to never touch her, never act as romantic in front of everyone, etc. He agrees, but thinks he will teach her a lesson.

After sometime, Agni gets Sameer’s message to meet him out. She walks fuming that she would throw him in jail if she can. She sees him dark and asks why did he call her. He hugs her. She pushes him and says she warned him that according to rules he cannot touch her. He switches on light and she is shocked to see Kishan. Kishan says which wife does not let her husband touch her. Agni says it is her and Sameer’s problem, no one of his business and walks away. He thinks he will bring out truth in front of whole family.

Vaishali in kitchen tells Yashi that she will never accept Agni as her bahu. Agni walks into kitchen. Vaishali yells at her. Sameer walks in and confronts her. After sometime, KD gathers family and says they have to accept Sameer and Agni’s relationship. Sameer says they should and asks Agni and Sameer to perform aarti together. They do hesitantly. Kishan asks Sameer to put mangalsutra in Agni’s neck. Agni stands tensed.

Kishan ask Sameer to apply sindhoor on Agni’s forehead and fix mangalsutra in her neck. Sameer extends his hand to apply sindoor when Sakshi acts as feeling drowsy and falling down diverting family’s attention. Agni hurriedly wear mangalsutra. Sakshi says she is fine now and got drowsy thinking of family tension. Kishan think he will expose the truth at any cost and gives juice to Sameer. Sameer happily drink it and collapses. Kishan also drinks it and even he collapses. Agni returns and is shocked to see Sameer and Kishan unconscious on the floor. Sakshi also enters and says she spoke to her doctor friend who told antidote injection’s name, she will bring it. She return with only 1 injection and says they can save either Kishan or Sameer. Agni walk to Sameer and injects him. Kishan wake up and says he is fine, he gave mild sleeping pill to Sameer and was testing Agni if she loves him or not, he realized she loves Sameer now. Once he leaves, Sakshi ask why did she do this. Agni says she knows how much Sakshi loves Kishan and reminds her of Kishan’s electrocution incident where worried Sakshi expresses her love for him and gives him CPR, etc.

Agni and Sakshi go to Revathi’s room and see her get out of coma. Revathi reveal how Sanjay tried to kill Kishan repeatedly and kidnapped her when she tried to stop him and rest of the incident. Sanjay return home and sees family looking at him angrily. He asks what happened. Agni and Sakshi show Revathi. Sameer confront Sanjay and asks why did he try to kill my brother for property, he tried to kill Kishan in childhood and blamed me, I am ashamed to be your son. He apologizes his mother for misbehaving with her and reconciles with her and whole family and says he will leave this house now as repentance. Sanjay apologizes Revathi and pleads KD to forgive him. She asks him to get out. Kishan requests KD to forgive Sanjay chachu as he forgave him and convinces her. He reconciles with Sameer and requests him not to leave family. Sameer says he has to as repentance to correct his father’s mistake.

Sakshi walks to Agni and says now that everything is sorted out and she got her daadi back, she should leave from here now. Agni get tensed. Sakshi smiles and says she should go behind Sameer as she loves him now and remind her of all the incidents. Agni walk to Sameer and showing gun says he knew 3 lives will be spoilt, so he did not let her marry Kishan, he is good hearted, so she wants to be his real life. Sameer is surprised hearing that and asks if she proposed to him. She smilingly says yes and expresses her love for him. Sameer gets happy. Sakshi on the other side says Kishan she loves him and proposes to marry him. He also realizes his love for her and agrees to marry her. Both jodis unite and decide to marry.


Two New series will replace #RingOfFire starting 2nd Wednesday and Thursday 3rd 2021.

1. These Streets starts 2nd Wednesday at 7pm
2. The Good Son starts 3rd Thursday 6pm

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