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Piya says my brother? Nishant says yes. Ansh says why didn’t you tell us? Nishant says please don’t shoot. Abhay says I don’t care if he’s your son. He’s a criminal. Nishant says he doesn’t have control over what he’s doing. Abhay says he will kill people. Nishant says I know how to stop him. He can die from this bullet. But I can make him sleep. Piya says please don’t shoot. Ansh says please don’t shoot. Avi says please. Abhay shoots him. Piya stops the bullet. Atrishi falls down.

Savi rings the bell. Naman gets back to normal but the life jar slips from his hand. He picks it but the life jar pulls them both. It goes to Mohana.
Piya says I had a brother and I didn’t know? Ansh says I was living in guilt too. That I had to keep my son locked. Ansh says but why? Nishant says Mohana. He says we have twins. Piya and Atrishi. But Mohana got to know one is devik. So Mohana picked Atrishi and threw him in a tub of chalainsab thinking he was devik. He became invisible forever. I couldn’t reverse it. Atrishi started hating people. He started killing them. I had no option but to lock him. Piya says but he’s old now. If you talk to him he would listen. He can live with his family. Abhay says he will live in jail. He will be punished. Nishant says I can control him. Please don’t do this. Abhay says so he can kill people? I won’t let him do that. Abhay picks the jacket but it’s jacket only. Abhay says where is he? Nishant gave Ansh a powder and he threw it on Atrishi to save him. Abhay says if I don’t find him you will all go to jail. Piya says we have not done any offense. Ansh says go from here right now. Abhay says I won’t leave you.

Mohana opens her eyes. She comes out.
Everyone comes to the casket. Nishant says he will sleep for so long that I might never see him. We have to lock him here forever. Piya you have to lock that door. He ads a liquid in the casket and they see Atrishi. Piya says isn’t there another way? Nishant says we have to do this. Atrishi says sister, please don’t lock me. Piya says, brother. She goes out. Ansh comes to her. Piya is crying. Piya says I can’t do this to my brother. Ansh hugs her and says you just got to know about him. Think about papa. Atrishi is his son. Imagine what he’s feeling. He is doing it for his duty. Piya says there can be another option. Ansh says papa must have tried. Ansh says we have to think about others as well. We can’t risk so many lives. Piya hugs him.

Mohana says you couldn’t stop my life from coming to me. Some of my life was out because of that stupid policeman. Now you both will know how it feels like when you’re detained. She creates a mirror and locks them there. Naman says how can you lock me? I got you, your life. My daughter is out there. Shhe isn’t an ordinary kid. Mohana says even better. Savi says why did you have t do this?

Piya says I am sorry brother. He says keep some space for me in your heart. Piya nails the casket with Nishant. Piya is crying. Nishant hugs her.

The next morning, the principal calls Ansh and Piya and says Pari and adi have complaints all the time. They’re so naughty. Pari says why did you have to shove Rahul? Adi says Rahul stole your lunch. The principal says they hug Rahul.. He could fall. Pari says Adi why did you involve in my matter. The principal says Pari has scared the kid. He says Pari has a braid. Her eyes glow. Adi says why did you do that? Pari says let’s find out what they’re telling mama papa. We will prepare our defense accordingly. The principal says teachers complain he sneaks out from the classes. Of course he jumps from the windows. He can’t pass through the walls. Adi passes through the wall. Ansh says get out. Principal says why are you looking there? Ansh says nice color of the wall. He says we are talking about a serious matter Piya says we are very sorry. They see Pari handing on the ceiling.

Piya says we’re really sorry. Ansh says you won’t have to complain again. The principal says you should hire a governess for your kids to teach them discipline.
Piya and Ansh tell the kids. Adi says governess for us? Pari says who’s that? Piya says to teach you both discipline. Ansh says you hit other kids? Adi says the principal told you half story only. Rahul stole Pari’s lunch in the first place. Pari says mama makes it with so much love. Piya says I told you never to use any power in front of anyone. Pari says he pulled my braid so it happened on its own. My eyes were glowing too. Ansh says if you use your powers, you will scare other kids. They won’t become your friends. Pari says sorry papa. Adi says yes please don’t call the governess. Piya says go to your room and do your homework.

Ansh says they are kids. Piya says but they’re crossing limits. Ansh says they have a lot of powers. They are not ordinary kids. Piya says we should hire a governess.
Vedeshree says we’re all here. Why do we need a governess? Ansh says we get lenient with them. Vedeshree says I was never strict with you yet you’re not naughty. Ansh says these kids are of today. Chetali says we brought up 4 kids. Piya says they’re not ordinary kids. Ansh says they have started using their powers in the school. Avi says I think Ansh and Piya are right. Pari says sorry mama papa, please don’t call the governess. Piya says we already called them. Piya says to Ansh, Adi and Pari deserve a normal life. I hope their powers don’t become a problem for them like what happened to my brother. Ansh says they will control their anger once the governess is there.

Mohana comes in as the governess. Everyone is shocked.. Piya says Mohana. She says namasty. I am Barkha Kumari. The principal sent me as a governess. Piya and Ansh are shocked.

Naman says get us out. My daughter is alone. She says if Mohana goes to Dufli she can harm her. How will I answer her mother? Savi says she has superpowers. Naman says she doesn’t know where to use them. She won’t know Mohana is an aikain. Savi says she doesn’t have a braid, she doesn’t have her powers. Naman says but how will see survive hunger. She is a kid only. Please do something. Savi says there’s one way.

Vedeshree says this is Mohana. She came here disguised as a governess. Avi says this is Mohana. She can change her face. Piya says why would she come here with her face? Ansh says she doesn’t want us to doubt her. Vedeshree says how will we know if it’s Mohana or not? Piya says we have to test.

Savi says a black power made this mirror. Naman says how will we get out of here? Savi says we can break it from trishul. Naman says but it’s outside. Savi says everything that’s outside is inside as well. Naman says are you crazy? You can’t do this. Only a miracle can get us out of here. The trishul falls inside the mirror. Naman says this is a miracle. Savi breaks the mirror.

Piya says Barkha why aren’t you eating anything? She says I am not hungry. Piya says let me get you tea. Vedeshree comes. She says I am going to the temple. Chetali says you forgot the gangajal. She spills it on Barkha. Barkha screams. She says my certificates.. Chetali says and you? Are you fine? She says it was water only. Piya says sorry she spilled gangajal on you. Barkha says was it gangajal? She picks and drinks it. Chetali says she must have learned some new trick. Chetali throws sindur on her. Barkha says why are you doing this? Chetali says is she more powerful now? Vedeshree says I think this isn’t Mohana. Barkha says all these things are done to shove away a witch. My villagers did the same. Do you think I am a black power? Piya says we are really sorry. Mohana says I feel ashamed. I can’t work at a place like this where people treat me like a witch. I am going. She goes out crying. The principal says I have sent you CV of the governess. She has a good track record. Ansh says stop please.

Mohana comes to Dufli. Naman and Savi come out. Mohana says Dilruba was useless but you will be useful. Naman says Dufli come here. Savi says why isn’t she coming? Where is my Dufli? Did Mohana? Ansh says she isn’t Mohana. Piya says how do you know? Ansh says the principal sent me her CV. If she complains it will create more problems for Adi and Pari. Piya says we are sorry. Your face looks like someone. We are careful about our kids. Barkha says you look educated yet you believe in these witches? I can’t work here. Vedeshree says please don’t go. We are sorry. Abhay comes there and says don’t move. He puts a gun on Barkha.

Savi and Naman looks for Dufli. She isn’t in her cradle. Naman says did Mohana take her? Savi says she must have gone somewhere. Naman says she isn’t coming to me. Savi says she took Dufli? They see Mohana’s footsteps. Naman says she took my Dufli.

The Evil eye on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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