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Ansh is fainted. Piya says he’s breathing. Why isn’t he getting up? Vedeshree says he drank that liquid to save us. I don’t know how would it affect it. Ansh gets up. He draws all curtains because sunlight is hurting him. Piya says what happened Anh? Vedeshree says Ansh calm down. Ansh says I like darkness. Piya says it’s the moonlight liquid working. Let me call dad. Ansh crushes her phone and says I don’t like it. Everything in this house would be according to me. I will tell what everyone will do. Today is my raj tilak. Go and prepare for it. Barkha says what’s that? He says a ritual that’s important to me. Go and prepare. Everyone is shocked at his behavior. Ansh shouts and says go.

Naman says I will get you out of this picture wife. He says your dad will bring your mother back. I will be known in the history of churails. After that, you and your mother would be proud of me. Saavi says I got food. Saavi says good morning Dufli. Naman says I brought my Mrs back from churail lok. The picture is dark. Saavi and Naman are shocked. Piaya says after raj tilak he would become the king of black powers. Chetali says we have to talk to Nishant. Barkha says we can’t. He’s keeping an eye on us. Ansh comes and shouts stop talking. Adi breaks a glass in fear. Ansh throttles him and says what was that? Adi says papa sorry I made a mistake. Ansh says so you will get punished. Piya says leave Adi. Ansh says don’t order me. Chetali says we’re requesting.

Nishant says to Adrishi Piya isn’t picking up the call. Something is wrong. Nishant calls Ansh. He says hello Ansh. Nishant says why is no one picking the call? Ansh says I broke Piya’s phone in anger. Ansh says come to the party tonight at our place. It will start with moonrise. Nishant says to Adrishi Ansh was talking weirdly. He was telling time as per mon and not the watch. Piya comes there. Ansh says why are you here? Piya says you drank that liquid but it can’t change who you are. You can’t let evil win. Ansh says really? Piya says you can get out of that liquid’s effect. You can defeat it. Ansh says yes I feel weird after drinking it. Piya says it’s trying to take over you. We are all with you. Ansh says you think I have become bad? She says no you’re my Ansh. He says but I don’t want to change. I enjoy this. He says tonight is my raj tilak. You have to be there.

Nishant says they’re in trouble. Adrishi says let’s go there. Nishant says we will go tonight. They hear creatures shouting. They scream we have to go to our raja’s raj tilak. Piya is trying to fix the lights. Ansh picks her. He says you’re welcome. Piya says I didn’t get time to eat. Can I take a break? He says of course. Piya says would you eat with me like you used to? He says not like I used to. Because Ansh is different now.

Savi and Naman are reading books. Naman says why can’t I find a way to bring my wife back. There’s nothing in these books. Saavi says don’t be impatient. We will find a way out. Naman says when? He says she in that picture hungry. They hear Dilruba laughing. Saavi looks at the picture. Dilruba brings her hand out and tries to pick something. Naman runs to it Dilruba goes back in. Naman says you can come out? I have been reading books to bring you out. Please come out. Dilruba says I don’t want to come back to your boring world. I have everything here in churail lok. I have jewelry. He says who would you show the jewelry to? What about Dufli? Don’t you miss her? Don’t you want to play with her? Dilruba says I don’t have to come out for that. Naman says then? Would we come in? Dilruba says I will call you and Dufli in. Naman says are you crazy?

Ansh brings Piya to the room and says let’s eat. She says we thought we would eat the table? He says there’s no privacy in that. It’s boring and not romantic. So I brought the food here. Let’s eat. Piya recalls Vedeshree and Chetali put a sleeping pill in Ansh’s food. He says make me eat Piya. Piya makes him eat. Ansh falls asleep. He says I am sleepy. He dozes off on the bed. Piya says it’s done.

Ansh says I am sleepy. He goes to bed and sleeps. Piya says I think it’s done. She is leaving. Ansh holds her hand and pulls her. Ansh says ma said I would fall asleep after eating. Do you think you could do it? Barkha and Vedeshree come there. Chetali wonders why didn’t he sleep. Vedeshree says how would we run? Ansh repeats their thoughts. Piya says so Ansh can read our minds? Ansh says yes I can. Run if you can. Piya ties his leg with a chain. She says run. Piya says to bring my Ansh back I have to go from here.

Everyone is in the elevator. Piya runs towards it. The elevator closes. Everyone is scared. Ansh comes here. Ansh shoves the elevator downstairs. Piya says Ansh, please stop the lift. Everyone’s crying inside. Piya says they’d die, they are your family. Ansh says if only you do all that I ask. Piya says I promise. Please stop the elevator. Ansh says the party just started. Vedeshree says we will all stay here. But please let Barkh go. Ansh says Barkha ji, do you want to go? she says no. Ansh says you all have to make my party lit by dancing.

Nishant says I don’t know how to stop it. If Raj tilak happens, it would be very difficult to bring him back. Adrishi says can’t we do anything? He says we can’t do anything that can harm Ansh. If I didn’t go there late, Ansh won’t have to drink it. Adrishi says we can still help them.

Ansh says very good. I liked the decorations. Meet my guests. Chandarveshis are already here. More guests are coming. He says welcome in guys. Witches and ghosts come in. Everyone is scared Ansh dances. Adrishi comes to Piya and says papa sent you a message. He said if Ansh gets his raj tilak done, we won’t be able to bring him back. Ansh says the moon is here. If a few minutes, I will be the king of black powers. No one would be able to stop me then. Piya says Ansh said there would be a black dress that would fall on him. Adrishi tries to tell her the plan. Piya says don’t tell us. He can read our minds. Ansh comes to Piya. It gets dark.

Saavi says Ansh, why are you crying? What are you writing? He says I am writing the will. It’s better to write it before dying. Saavi says you have seven lives left. He says what would I do with it? She wants to stay in churail lok.

Everyone dances at the party. Piya and Barkha dance with Ansh. All the black powers are dancing/ Piya keeps Ansh distracted. Ansh sees moonlight coming in. Chetali says what if we are unable to stop Ansh. Piya says just do what Ansh is asking. The black dress appears. Ansh says why did it stop? He goes towards it. Adrishi is stopping it. Ansh throttles him. Ansh says to meet him. He is my SIL. He tried going against me. Ansh shoves him. Piya says Ansh, please stop. Please leave him. Ansh says his punishment is that you will make me wear the black dress. Piya picks the dress. Ansh stands in front of her. Ansh says don’t pray. Your God won’t show you a way out. Piya says God always helps. She makes him wear a dress.

Piya stabs Ansh. Everyone is shocked. Piya says I didn’t want to hurt you. Ansh says yet you did. Everyone is crying. Ansh pulls Piya and says no one can stop me from becoming the king of black powers. He floats with her. All the black powers bow down to him. Everyone is crying. Ansh says I am the king now. I can do whatever I want. Piya says but our family, our kids. Ansh says I have nothing to do with them now. and you are with me. You have nothing to do with them either. Piya says can we spend one last night here? I want to live those memories with you. Please. Just tonight. Ansh says okay but just one night.

The Evil eye on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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