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Abhay says I saw you and Ansh trying to give Vedeshree current. Shekhar says this is a misunderstanding. He says arrest them. Chetali says no, please. Nishant and Savi come there as Santa Claus. Abhay says you’re late. The party is over. All the kids come and celebrate with Santa. Abhay says what’s in the bag?? He says it’s not for you. They throw in two balls and the entire room is full of smoke. Nishant and Savi take Pari, Piya and Ansh from there. Abhay says where did they go.

Pari says you think you can separate me from your Pari? Ansh says we will take our Pari back from you. Ansh says Piya attack. Pari says mama I am your daughter. Please don’t attack me. Pari shoves Piya. Nishant says Piya you have to attack her. Piya takes the dagger. Abhay comes there and says Piya leaves the weapon or I will shoot. Piya attacks Pari. Abhay shoots. Ansh comes in front of her. Piya holds him but he falls from the building. Everyone screams. Piya says this isn’t Pari. This is Mohana. She attacks her with a dagger. Nishant locks her in a jar. Piya hugs Pari. Pari says, mama. Piya cries Ansh, Ansh comes back up. Ansh hugs them both. Pari says mama ppa. Piya says are you okay? She says I feel weak. Adi gives her cookies. He says you’re back Pari.

Abhay says what is all this magic and witches? Ansh says this is true. You saw it with your eyes. Mohana came out of Pari. He says and you locked Mohana in this coffee jar? Piya says this is life jar. He says now you would say Mohana is Ansh’s mom. Vedeshree comes and says yes she is. Everyone is shocked. They hug Vedeshree. Vedeshree says Mohana is my sister and Ansh’s biological mother. She is a witch. I brought up Ansh. She shoved me off the stool. Avi says Piya is innocent. He says what about Jani Yadav? Avi says Piya attacked him in self-defence and she has right to it. Abhay says I will keep an eye on you.

Nishant says with half-life, she won’t’ be able to do anything. We have half of her life in this jar. Savi says what about its security. He says I know how to keep it safe.
Ansh hugs Piya. Ansh says this is all that matters. You being close to me. Ansh says I want to tell you how much I love you. He hugs her. Pari and Adi laugh. Ansh says, naughty kids. They run. Ansh runs after them.

Nishant says we have to do a test. They go to the basement. Abhay comes there and says this is life jar. He is about to open it. Nishant says what are you doing? Your case is over. Abhay says I need your help with a case.

Bell rings. Piya opens the door but no one is there. Ansh comes. She gets scared. Ansh says someone must have rung the bell by mistake. He says let’s go sleep. He picks up. Piya says someone will see. He takes her to the room. A chair is rocking on its own.

Nishant says these are a few crimes. Look at this man, no one is there but shoved this man in front of a car. In another video, someone throttles another man. Savi says this is an invisible force. He says I think you can help me.

Ansh wakes up from sleep to a noise. He says did I hear something? or was it a dream? Someone throttles him. Piya says Ansh what happened? Ansh is being dragged. Piya screams. Everyone comes and sees Ansh being dragged. Piya runs after him.

Someone drags Ansh. Piya runs after him. Everyone wakes up. The power hangs Ansh. Piya cuts the rope. Ansh says are you okay? Shekhar says how did this happen? Ansh says someone was trying to throttle me and then hang me. I didn’t see him. Chetali says someone invisible? Chetali says is it Mohana? Ansh says no this can’t be her. Piya says she doesn’t even have her braid. This is someone else who is very powerful but we can’t see him.

Nishant says we can’t help you Abhay. Abhay says you’re scared the world would know your tricks? I was asking you for help. A lot of innocent people have died. We can save some people now. Nishant says I don’t have to give you any explanation. Please leave. Savi says why didn’t you help him dad? Nishant says no one can know we are Rivawanshi. He says I can’t be involved in this case. Or that someone would come in front of me who I left behind.
Piya calls Nishant and tells him about the incident.

Piya says why is Ansh not healing. Piya says those powers’ wounds aren’t healing. Piya says did you feel anything? Voice? Smell? Ansh recalls a breathing noise. He says I heard him breathing. Piya says he is powerful and dangerous. And invisible. Adi comes a and says mama papa please come with me.

Savi places Mohana’s life jar in a shelf and locks. She makes Trishul on it. Savi sees Mohana’s shadow. Savi says what? This must be my imagination.
Abhay follows Nishant.

Adi says to everyone see this blood. and something is written on it. Ansh says that power must have done this. Vedeshree says what does he want? Ansh says he is trying to scare us. He says come in front of us. We aren’t scared of anyone. Shekhar says what if he’s using Chalainsab to disappear? Piya says there’s a way to find that out.

Nishant comes to a cave. Abhay follows him. Nishant moves an idol. He sees a door opening. He goes inside. Abhay comes there and says where did Nishant go?
Ansh says is everyone ready? Everyone says yes. Piya says we have to throw water everywhere. He would be visible if this is Chalainsab. They throw water everywhere. Ansh says he must have listened to us and left. Avi says or he might not be using Chalainsab and has the power to disappear. He shoves Piya. He says scared? You said you’re not scared of anyone.

Nishant comes and sees a casket. He opens it and says this means I was right. Drishi is behind all those crimes. How is it possible? How did he get out of here? Why is he against Rathores? Piya says who are you and what do you want? Piya shoves a lot of water. they feel someone running. Ansh tries to catch him but he runs. Avi says he is here with a reason.

Savi is asleep. She feels like someone is singing. Savi says who is here? She looks out no one is there. Savi sees Mohana. Savi says this is not possible. You are locked there. She says I am Mohana and you will release me now. Savi says this can’t be you. She runs.

Ansh says his mission is to harm us. Piya says how would we stop him? We can’t see him. Ansh says we will face him together. Nishant says that means he ran from here. He sees Abhay and says should I tell him everything? I can’t take the risk. I have to inform Piya. There’s no signal in his phone.

Piya says papa’s phone is our of reach. We have to face that black power and defeat him. Nishant says why is Abahy not leaving. Abhay leaves. Nishant takes out a ball from the casket.

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