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Beauty screams Puchki.. You wanted to cut my clothes? Now see what I do. Puchki runs and beauty runs after her. Shantanu stops her. Pucki says move aside. She catches Puchki and says why you did this? She says you burned shantanu’s books. Beauty says now you will tell me how to do justice. She says raise your hand and picks a rod. Shantanu stands in front of Puchki. Beauty says so your body guard came. She hits Shantanu’s hand. Shantanu takes puchki from there.
Beaut says to Mamoni I wont leave that little thing puchki. Mamoni says she is just 5 and she made you dance? Beauty says she is evil. She says go and sleep. Mamoni says take revenge but on right time when she gets older. Beauty says I will sell her myself. She says I will get her on auction.

Shantanu says to puchki see I got juice for you. He says sit and drink. She says no. Shnatanu says why? She says I can’t sit. He says drink before someone comes. She says you drink too.. He says no I got it for you. Puchki says we will both drink half half. Chanda comes and says lets go its sleeping time. she reads Puchki story. She says there was a princess and she was locked in the castle. Shantanu says prince will come and save the princess. Puchki says princess doesn’t need anyone. She can save herself. Chanda says you are right.

The next morning, Chanda says to puchki stay with shantanu. Arpita says stay with pathan kaka as well. She says okay i will but please don’t cut my hair. I like them. Arpita says I wont. Chanda says to Arpita why you do this? Se says I dont’ want to be like us. My husband left us here and ruined my life but he also ruined Puchki’s. I dont know how to hide her from these people.

Shantanu studies. Puchki sits with him. Chanda says puchki you study too. Puchki comes to lake. She goes on the tree. Shantanu says what are you doing here? Come down. If choti ma sees she will be angry. Come down. Puchki jumps and falls in the water. Shantanu screams puchki.. He jumps in the water. Puchki comes out laughing. She says look at you scared one. He says come out. Its not a joke. He pulls her out.
Puchki says should we take pandit’s clothes from here? He says no dont even dare. She picks his clothes and runs. Pandit screams.. He says puchki stop. Leave my clothes. Don’t you have any shame. Puchki says you are so old and you bath here. Don’t you have shame? He says didn’t your father and mother teach you anything?
Chanda says to arpita you have to get ready puchki wont leave you. A woman says to arpita both kids aren’t there. They run.

Pandit says where are you from? He says pari mehal. Pandit says I will have to shower again. You both are dirts. He says you made the water impure too. Puchki says what is impure? He says don’t even come near me or the water. Puchki says bari ma says ganga jal cleans everything.
Pathan kaka says arpita and chanda are looking for you? PAndit says take these sins from here. Puchki says what is sin? Puchki asks what is sin? ANd impure means? Why said water is impure?
Chanda says you are not well arpita. Arpita says beauty wont let me sit home. Puchki comes home. Arpita says where were you? She says went to ganga and learned new things. Three words sins father and impure. What do they mean? what is father?

Puchki says who is my father? Who is shantanu’s father? Arpita recalls what happened to her. She slaps Puchki and faints. Puchki screams. Chanda comes. She puts her in bed and says puchki please rest. Puchki is crying. Puchki says I will sleep with her. She is not well. chanda kisses her forehead and says sleep. Puchki sleeps with Arpita.
Arpita wakes up and says you dont’ deserve to be here. I don’t know how to save Puchki.

The Next morning, Chanda says to kids go and study. Beauty says they wont go. They wont go to school. CHanda says why? Beauty says we have big clients coming here? THey can’t be left outside. They will be locked here. We don’t need to study here. Chanda says what if Thakur ma gets to know. Beauty says I will tell her myself.
Clients come. THey say to beauty if we find a good kid we will buy her and take her abroad.
Puchki and shantanu are locked in the room. She peeks out. Shantanu says cme out. I want to go out. I want to see those foreigners. Shantanu says please don’t do this. Come down.

Thakur comes to meet the clients. She says sorry inspector we earn here. We don’t sell them. Inspector says beauty has taken advance from them. Beauty says did you ask me? We can’t sell this girls. Beauty says we have to get more profits. Thakur says don’t tell me how to do my work. I wont let you do this in pari mehal. Thakru says inspector please send them back and return their advance. Don’t ever break the rules again beauty.
Beauty says to chanda you did this. You ruined my plan. Chanda shoves her and leaves.

Shantanu is studying. Puchki sneaks out and falls from from the door. The clients see her and smile. She says hi. The kids smile and say hi back. Chanda says puchki lets go from here. They leave. Chanda says pucki stay here. Beauty comes and says stop. Puchki hides behind shantanu. Puchki says move. Shantanu says sorry. Chanda says she came by mistake. Beauty says I will decide what happens with her. SHe takes her to store and locks her there. Puchki says I am sorry. I wont do this again. Beauty ropes her there. Beauty says no one should be seen near this store. Beauty says to Murli now you see what I do wit this girl. She will go away.

Arpita says to thakur please get puchki out. She is scared of darkness. Thakur says she should know what her future will be. stop crying. Women shouldn’t cry here. Thakur says go and do the work. Arpita says please.

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