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The Episode starts with Guneet and Nimmo coming to meet Krishnakant. They learn that he is busy on a phone call. Nimmo shouts. Krishnakant goes to welcome them. He says I was talking to the client, sit, come. He asks servants to get cookies and cashew. Nimmo says we didn’t come to eat cookies. He asks why does Nimmo always stay angry, stay happy in life. He asks them to have cookies, its too tasty. He says I will just finish the call with a client and come. Guneet says Kabir has seen Meera’s profile on a matrimonial site. He shows the pic and asks what’s this KK. Nimmo asks why aren’t you saying anything now. Krishnakant says don’t feel bad, I will tell you, I have big client, he said its a good website to find good alliance, he asked for Meera’s profile and I gave it. Guneet says tell us clearly. Nimmo says tell us you want to get Meera married to Angad or not. Krishnakant smiles and says you remember that we had a powercut in the house 5 years back, Meera was crying all night, I heard her cry but couldn’t see her tears in the darkness, Meera liked this chandelier, its worth 24 lakhs.

Nimmo says we came to talk about Meera and Angad. He says I have seen poverty, my kids struggling. Guneet says you know we always stood with you. Krishnakant says yes, you always supported me, but I remember my struggles more, I have no problem with Angad and you all, I want the best for Meera, this is called growth. Nimmo asks again. He says I don’t want Meera to marry Angad. She says I told you, I understood this when he was hesitant to fix the marriage date, he got rich, he thinks we are not of his status now. Krishnakant asks Guneet to come alone, stop Nimmo. He says I respect you all, try to understand, look at my status now. He asks them to have tea. Guneet says wedding cards are printed. Krishnakant says corona changed everything, I have talked to Meera about this card, Karan got a good card printed, but its just a card, it will be printed again, I m not breaking our relations, we will always be friends, come in Meera’s marriage, I will come in Angad’s marriage, I know your shop isn’t working well, I will give you money if you want, I can bear the expenses of Angad’s marriage. Guneet angrily slaps him. Meera and Apa come home. They get shocked.

Servants look on. Guneet says you are talking of Angad’s marriage expenses, I will give you list of expenses, I m worried for Amrita and coming baby, I have to arrange money for Angad’s marriage, our family promised to keep Meera happy, you are a cheap man, you don’t deserve to keep terms with us. Guneet and Nimmo leave.

Meera asks why did Guneet slap you, why, what happened. Apa says say something. Krishnakant says he was asking for money, dowry, his shop isn’t working well, I told him to take it just like that, I won’t give dowry, he got angry. Meera gets angry. Dada ji asks why did you slap Krishnakant. Angad asks why did you go. Amrita says it didn’t happen. Amrita says he was doing right, but Guneet should have not slapped him. Guneet says I lost temper, I should have not slapped him. Nimmo says you did right, he was insulting us in front of the servants, I would have slapped him. Dada ji says Angad and Meera are connected by hearts. Soni asks will this marriage break. Guneet says this marriage shouldn’t happen. Nimmo says its fine, we will find a good alliance for Angad, a better girl than Meera, he earns well. Angad says yes, she is right, why did KK cheat. Amrita says don’t get angry, call Meera. Nimmo says no, KK will talk to us. Guneet says stop it, we are trying to fix things. Kabir says its mum’s old habit. Guneet says KK got angry because of your arguments, and matter spoiled. Amrita says just think how to handle this. Dada ji asks Angad to go and talk to Meera. Angad sees Meera coming in her car. Meera gets the wedding invite. She asks Guneet how dare you slap my dad. She shouts on him. She says you insulted him in front of all the servants, how dare you, answer me. Dadi asks her to talk well. Meera says think how bad I m feeling, he slapped my dad. Kabir says listen to the other side of the story. Meera says Nimmo and Guneet crossed all limits. Amrita asks her to calm down. Guneet says your anger is justified, I should have not done this, I m ready to apologize. Meera says I want an answer, I thought you are decent, you insulted my dad. Angad asks her to behave. She says I won’t, you are greedy, you asked dowry from my dad. They get shocked.

Neighbors come to see. Nimmo asks what nonsense. Amrita says you are mistaken, mum and dad can’t ask for dowry. Meera says my dad told me. Angad says your dad is a liar. Meera says how dare you call him a liar, you are a liar, you didn’t tell me that you lost the job. Everyone gets shocked. Kabir asks are you drink. Meera says Angad has lied. Angad gets sad. She asks didn’t you tell your family. Amrita asks her to calm down. Meera says ask Angad, am I lying. Nimmo says my son isn’t a liar, your dad is a liar. Meera says enough, I won’t bear a word against my dad, Angad will tell you himself, about this relation, I end this relation myself. Everyone gets shocked. She tears the wedding card.

Meera angrily leave. The neighbors look on and coming to ask Guneet. Kabir asks them to leave. He shuts the gate. Nimmo shouts in anger. Amrita says I will talk to her. Nimmo asks why didn’t you say anything. Soni says yes, the job thing is a lie. Kabir says she told this before also. Amrita says you should have told her that you didn’t lose the job, its a lie. Angad says its true. Everyone gets shocked. Angad says Meera didn’t say anything wrong, I lost my job, since the last two months, I m jobless. Guneet and Nimmo get worried. Guneet says no, this can’t happen. Dada ji says you go to office every day. Angad says its a lie, I go out and sit in the park or restaurant all day. He cries. Amrita asks why did you lie such a big thing, why did you hide it. Angad asks what could I do, this house had seen a death some months back, everyone were broken, what could I say that bear one more death, its the truth, dad’s shop isn’t running, Karan is not alive, if I said that I m jobless, I couldn’t see everyone dying. Dada ji says don’t cry, its fate. Angad says forgive me, I m alive but I couldn’t become Karan. Amrita says no Angad, its not your mistake, you forgot your sorrow and thought of family’s happiness, you have become Karan by this thinking, we are proud of you. Everyone hugs Angad. Meera stops the car and thinks of everyone. She angrily presses horn and shouts.

Amrita asks why does such storm come in our lives. Kabir asks her not to worry. Dadi says Krishnakant broke the alliance because Angad lost the job. Amrita says Meera can’t break alliance for his job, she is a nice girl, this alliance shouldn’t break, I want to meet her. Kabir says Angad is experienced, he will get a job. Dada says we have to do our duty, we will meet KK and talk to him, he respects us. Dadi says yes. Kabir asks will Meera meet us. Amrita says she won’t refuse, else I will think we never had a relation. Meera cries thinking of Angad. She gets Amrita’s call. Amrita asks were you crying, I want to meet you and talk. Meera says I don’t want to meet, sorry. Amrita asks her to listen to her once. Meera says fine, when do you want to meet. Amrita says right now, I will come wherever you say. Meera says fine, come to the restaurant. Amrita says she agreed to come, but it will be wrong to convince Nimmo and KK. Kabir says I will make Angad and Meera elope and marry. She asks him to stop it. They leave.

Angad looks on. Amrita and Kabir come to meet Meera. Meera asks Kabir to go and sit somewhere else. Kabir says don’t show attitude. They argue. Amrita says I got Kabir along, he was worried for you and Angad, please sit. She says I m sorry from Guneet’s side, he didn’t do right. Kabir says we lost respect in the locality, scores got even, how can your dad lie about dowry. They argue. Amrita asks Kabir to shut up. Amrita says Meera, we have to fix this matter, we won’t fight now, we can’t change what we want, we have to forget it and move on. Meera says Guneet slapped my dad in front of me, I can’t forget that. Kabir interrupts and says Guneet never raised hand on us till now, your dad would have told something that Guneet raised hand, your dad had put your profile on matrimonial site. Meera says don’t say wrong, my dad will slap your dad. Angad comes and asks what, your dad will slap my dad, how dare you even think that. She says you felt bad, think what I felt. He says my dad is a decent man, your dad is a cheater. She asks how dare you. He says I will never forgive you. Kabir says we are talking. Meera says I want to know what you think about me and my dad, my dad would have slapped your dad. Amrita worries seeing them arguing. Angad says you got blind, you can’t see the difference between right and wrong, Amrita came here to talk, you are saying this, don’t come to my house again. Meera says I won’t really care, we won’t talk now, the man who can’t respect my dad, he can never be mine, good bye. She leaves. Amrita feels uneasy. Angad asks are you fine. Amrita says I have to go to washroom to puke. She rushes.

A girl comes there and hides. Pritam follows. He says you would feel that you will get saved here, I have come here, come out, we will talk and sort this matter. The girl says no. Amrita gets scared. The girl cries. Amrita says this is ladies washroom. He says oh, fake doctor, you ask her to come out, it doesn’t know good that a man comes to the ladies washroom. He asks the girl to come out, she has taken the packet, she won’t get saved. Amrita gets scared. He asks her to leave if she is done, bad manners. He asks the girl to give the packet, a decent lady is getting worried here. The girl throws the packet. He picks the drugs. He thanks the girl and says tell me the name of the person who gave this packet, I m waiting outside. He leaves.

A New Life Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 5pm

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