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Pihu enters godown and sees Suchi tied to a gas cylinder. Suchi asks her to go away as cylinder will blast if fire falls on it. Pihu pleads Gopal to save Suchi. Gopal says Pihu has to save Suchi by fighting and winning over her fear. Pihu walks towards fire torch closing her eyes, picks it and runs out. She throws it on floor and sets fire off with mud and her doll, says now Suchi is safe. Aarav tries to break door lock, picks iron rod and breaks door.
Mansi gets happy seeing Aarav opening door and thinks cylinder will blast and both Suchi and Aarav will die. Aarav walks in and frees Suchi and walks out lifting her. Pihu shouts Bhurbhur, she saved her, but Suchi does not pay attention to her. Mansi fumes seeing them coming out alive.

Gopal tell Suchi that she has to go away from Suchi now as she already met her mother and conquered her fear, she was an unsatisfied soul and now she has no reason to stay here. Pihu says she does not want to go away from Suchi. Gopal thinks she will get moksh after 2 days and she will not see her end herself. Pihu leaves.

Aarav with Suchi walks on road and informs how Pihu helped her. Pihu says she helped. Suchi says she does not know who Pihu is and she lied. Aarav gets a call and moves aside. Pihu asks Suchi why did she lie. Suchi says she does not want her to go away and wants her to be with her always as she cannot have children of her own. She says after 2 days, she is marrying and then she will inform everyone about Pihu. Pihu says even she will get ready for marriage as she used to for Durga pooja.

At home, Gopal looks at Pihu’s ash pot and reminisces time spent with her. Anandita walks in and gets emotional seeing ash pot. She calls Subodh and shows pot. Subodh says they lost Pihu’s ash pot in airport. Gopal says he had disappeared it as Suchi’s end had not reached. Anandita says it is god’s miracle. Gopal says yes… Subodh says let us immerse ashes in water. Drama continuees..

Mansi returns to godown and sees gas cylinder intact. She scolds her puppet why did not cylinder blast and kill Suchi and Aarav, where did the fire torch go. She orders him to catch and bring them back, she will burst cylinder and kill them. She burns torch and throws match stick on floor. Puppet shouts madam petrol..Godown bursts into fire.

Family is busy organizing Aarav and Suchi’s wedding. Inspector over phone informs Babli that he is at godown and found a burnt dead body, doubt it is Mansi’s. Babli says today it is son’s wedding and she will hide about Mansi’s death till marriage finishes. Mansi escapes and thinks there were 2 people in godown and she escaped. She disguises as old woman and thinks she will not let Aarav and Pihu marry and will kill them, she will marry Subodh instead. Pandit finds wedding muhurath of same day. Suman says it is Suchi’s birthday and very auspicious. Babli asks what about Suchi’s parents. Suman says she already spoke to jiji and she also wants Suchi’s wedding happened today. Mansi disguised as old woman walks in holding flowers and clashes with Aarav. Aarav does not identify her.

Pihu enjoys laddoos. Subodh and Anandita decides to attend Suchi and Aarav’s wedding and then leave city. Gopal says they should leave before wedding and they cannot handle seeing their daughter’s end. He returns and disappears laddoos. Pihu scolds him. He says she cannot have worldly things and she has to leave this world now as her to wander in this world has completed. She will be getting moksh. Pihu walks to Suchi and asks what is moksh. Suchi thinks it is mooch/moustache and says only boys get mooch.

Mansi sees Aarav coming with bodyguards and tells Babli that Mansi and her goons must be around, so he hired bodyguards. Pihu walks back to Gopal and asks what is moksh. He explains its is a condition where there wont be darkness or light, no hunger, no fear, etc.. Body will destroy and only soul is immortal. He asks if she is given a chance, what should like to be born as. She sees Anandita walking in and excitedly says she wants to become her mamma’s daughter again

Pihu informs Suchi that Gopal told that she is getting moksh/eternity and will leave this world forever. He told she will be born as mamma/Anandita’s daughter again. Suchi hug her and says she is very happy that she will return back with new life. Pihu says Gopal told she has to forget laddo, sweets, mamma, Suchi everything if she wants to get back. Suchi hope Pihu does not remember her past.

Mansi walk into room. Babli notice old woman in room and asks what is she doing here. Mansi says she is decorating room with flowers. Babli says she does not have to do that. Mansi walks out hiding her gun. Babli finds anklet on floor and reminisces gifting it to Mansi.

Suchi gets ready as bride. Pihu praises her beauty. Suman tells Gulgule that it is an unique marriage as bride will go from this house and return back to same house. Aarav as groom comes with baarat. Suchi looks at him from balcony and praises him. Pihu also dances in baraat.

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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