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Anandita cry reminiscing Pihu. Mansi travels in car and stop seeing Subodh on the road. She think she still love him and wants him at any cost. She gets out of car and clash with Aarav. Her doll falls down. Aarav pick her doll and return it her. He sees Mansi and walks towards his car. She starts acting mad and cry. Subodh returns to her. She hug him tightly. Babli sees that from window and feels sad that Subodh still did not go away from his affair with Mansi. Subodh leaves freeing himself. Babli comes and scolds Mansi why is she repeatedly going behind Subodh, don’t she know he spoilt their live?

Pihu requests Gopal to teach Mansi a lesson. Gopal says when she make anyone mad with her mischeives, what is Mansi. Pihu like his idea and starts pestering Mansi. She keeps fake cockroach in Mansi’s food plate. Mansi shouts cockroach. Babli rush in. Pihu silently takes cockroach away. She then keeps rubber lizard on Mansi’s clothes. Mansi gets afraid and looks herself in mirror and sees no lizard. Pihu then keeps rubber scorpion. Mansi shouts scorpion and beats it with bat angrily. Babli try to stop her and gets hurt. Aarav also walk in. Mansi says scorpion. Pihu silently takes it away. Babli says she is acting mad. Aarav think Mansi will be a threat to people, so he should shift her to mental hospital back soon. Pihu tells Gopal that Mansi’s lies are putting her in trouble, it is tit for tat. Gopal says she is right.

Subodh calls Suchi requests her to help him in convincing Anandita and he wants to buy her a gift. Suchi says it is a good idea and Anandita will forgive him for sure as they both got a news about Pihu’s arrival on this day years ago. He tells he is helping a burnt boy and if Anandita can come there, her anger will calm down. Mansi hears Suchi’s conversation and hide. Anandita hears Subodh speaking to someone and telling he will come to particular address. Anandita hears that and thinks Subodh is still meeting Mansi, she has to find out. Gopal asks Pihu to follow her other mother and be with her.

Anandita reach the address and knock on the door. An old man comes out. She asks the man if he knows Subdoh. Man says very well, he is their god. He shows his burnt child and says Subodh saved this child with monetary help and requested not to tell anyone. Pihu thinks her papa could not save her, so he saved that child, her papa is not bad. Subodh comes. Anandita emotionally runs and hug him. Pihu jumps in happiness saying her mamma and papa united.

Anandita runs and hugs Subodh emotionally seeing him helping a poor child. Subodh says he has a surprise for her and takes her home where he shows room decorated with balloon and Pihu’s toy celebrating Pihu’s arrival day. Mansi gets more emotional and hugs him saying he loves Pihu so much. He also reciprocates. Pihu gets happy seeing his parents uniting.

Suchi calls doctor for Mansi who ties her and gives injection. Suchi says Mansi will feel good with it. Aarav gets impressed and thanks Suchi. Mansi says she needs to go to washroom. Aarav asks Suchi to take her. Suchi takes her to washroom. Mansi silently calls her aide and asks if he kept file in Subodh’s cupboard. Aide says yes. Suchi knocks door. Mansi silently hides mobile and returns, thinks now Anandita will leave Subodh now and will come to her.

Anandita sees cupboard untidy and rearranges clothes. She finds a file and sees Mansi’s fake pregnancy report in it. She alleges Subodh how can he betray her so much, she thought his and Mansi’s affair was till office, but he crossed limits. Subodh says let him explain. She as usual continues alleging Subodh without listening to him and says she cannot stay with him anymore, he is still continuing with Mansi who killed their daughter. Pihu sadly returns home crying.

Mansi thinks Anandita must have seen file now and would leave Subodh. Suchi enters with soup and seeing Mansi acting as sleeping asks her to stop drama and have soup as Aarav asked to take care of her. Mansi opens yes and asks if she mixed anything in her. Suchi reverts back and says she lives between human and not evil like her, so she need not worry. Their conversation continues…

Pihu returns home crying. Aanndita asks what happened. Pihu says papa failed because of evil aunty Mansi and got 0 marks, mamma is scolding papa. She then sees Gopal enjoying butter and confronts why did he make such a bad world where always evil like Mansi win. Gopal says he made both good and bad and now it is Pihu’s responsibility to expose Mansi and reunite her parents.. Drama continues.

Anandita tells her side of story to Suchi, crying. Suchi says she must have misunderstood. Anandita says this is truth, she found Mansi’s pregnancy and abortion report yesterday, Subodh did a big sin by first having an affair with Mansi and then getting her child aborted, that is why god snatched Pihu from them. She says she will not forgive Subodh and will go away from for sure.

Pihu angrily tells Gopal that she wants to punish Mansi for trying to separate mamma and papa. Gopal smiles and permits her. She throws stone pebble on Mansi. Mansi gets afraid. Suchi walks to Mansi and confronts why she stooped so low to send fake report to Anandita. Mansi says she can bark and even bite, with this report Anandita will leave Subodh and Aarav will get her married to Subodh. Suchi says she is too disgusting and walks away. Pihu sees Suchi talking to Mansi and gets angry on Suchi. Suchi says she was scolding Mansi instead and calms her down.

Pihu decides to punish Mansi again and pushes her from rocking chair. Mansi falls down and cries. Suman rushes her to rescue followed by Suchi. Pihu warns Suchi not to help her. Babli walks in and lifts Mansi. Mansi alleges that Suchi pushed her and troubles her often. Suman says Suchi came just now. Babli calls Aarav and complains him against Suchi, yells since Anandita and Subdoh came to stay as neighbor, Suchi is venting anger on Mansi.

Aarav walks to Anandita and Subodh’s house thinking they cannot stay here. He hears their fight and stops. Anandita shouts at Subodh to get out, she does not want to hear any explanation. Aarav calls Anandita and walks in. She finds file on floor and gets angry seeing Mansi’s pregnancy report.

Pihu draws Anandita’s sketch. Anandita walks outside house and cries that she feels Pihu’s presence her. Gopal plays flute. Sketch flies and goes near door. Pihu gets happy seeing her mamma singing Mai teri… Anandita says she is going away from Subodh forever. Pihu pleads not to go. Anandita leaves with her bag while Pihu cries holding door. Gopal says he cannot tell her what niyati devi has written in her fate..

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Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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