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Mansi sitting on swinger thinks she has to separate Suchi from his brother. Gulgule while playing football finds party DVD. Aarav stops Suchi and asks what she wants to say him. She says she is going to pay important bills and will speak to him later. Aarav asks her to meet him at a restaurant and express what is in her heart. Suchi leaves with Pihu and at Subodh’s house sees award organizer giving award to Anandita and telling he is sure Subodh’s daughter would be happy seeing her papa receiving award. Anandita takes award. Subodh sees that and shouts at organizer he does not need award. Anandita asks to stop acting, if he did not want to receive award, why did he call organizer here, why is he using their daughter’s name to receive award.

Gulgule plays party CD, but finds it blank. Mansi thinks nobody would doubt she is mad, so she will get Suchi out of Aarav’s life. Suchi returns home and hears a sound from store room. She walks in. Mansi was sitting on rocking chair and hides. Suchi searches who is inside. Mansi comes from behind and hits Suchi’s head. Suchi collapses. Mansi then laughs and says she erased Suchi’s name from Aarav’s life. Pihu sees that and says this aunty is not mad, she will tell everyone. Mansi walks out of store room. Pihu runs in and tries to wake up Such

Suchi collapses after Mansi hits her from behind and walks away. Pihu tries to wake up Suchi and goes to take Gopal’s help. Aarav calls Suchi and thinks why she is not picking his call and messages, where she must be. Pihu pleads Gopal for help. Gopal says he already told it is fate game and he cannot help. Pihu says she helped him whenever he needed, she got him laddoo when he wanted, searched flute for him, etc.. He says Suchi proved her motherhood and now it is Pihu’s turn. He disappears while Pihu continues to plead not to go. Mansi walks towards room holding lock, thinking she will disappear Suchi in a way that even god cannot find her. Pihu drops things in front of her, trying to stop her. Vase falls on Mansi and she sits writhing in pain. Pihu rushes to room again and tries to wake up Suchi.

Suman returns home with Gulgule and calls Suchi, asking her what she will eat. Pihu runs and say Suchi is in that room, save her. Mansi gets up and locks door. Pihu drops grocery bag and then walks holding watermelon. Gulgule sees his watermelon rolling and runs behind it. Pihu stops near door. Gulgule sees Mansi outside door and runs getting afraid, while Pihu pleads that Mansi is not mad. Aarav returns home calling Suchi and asks Gulgule if he saw Suchi. Gulgule says she is not seen since afternoon and must have gone out. Pihu runs to him and pleads to come with her.

Pihu pleads Gopal’s idol to help her, feeding him sweets. She says he knows everything and should help her until she prays him. Mansi passes by dropping keys. Pihu picks it silently and tries many keys unsuccessfully. Mansi walks in and is shocked to see lock shaking. Pihu drops key in fear. Man si sees keys on floor and picks it. Pihu runs away to seek help. Babli sees Aarav worried for Suchi and says he should let Suchi go with whoever she wants to. Aarav asks her to stop and says Suchi must have gone to Anandita’s house. Pihu says mamma can help. Aarav walks to Anandita’s house and asks if Suchi came there. Anandita says no.. Aarav says he is worried about Suchi and will find her out at any cost.

Aarav walks to his car and thinks where Suchi went. Pihu writes a note and fixes on Anandita’s door. Aarav sits in his car and looking at Suchi’s pic reminisces telling Suchi to meet him at Royal Villa hotel and tell what is in her heart. Gopal walks to Pihu and tells her act will reveal her presence to her mamma and will break her promise made to Suchi. Pihu reminisces promising Suchi that she will not go in front of her mamma. Gopal tells Pihu that her path will change a lot. Pihu removes note and returns home. She sees Suman over phone informing Sarla about Suchi gone missing. Pihu keps note next to Aarav, but he walks away. Mansi acts as mad and then seeing note on sofa picks it. Gulgule sees paper and says it is his paper. Mansi reads note that Suchi is in store room and eats it while Gulgule tries to snatch it. Aarav walks near room and over phone asks inspector to find out Suchi soon. Suchi frees herself and gets up, but Mansi walks in again and hits her head. Suchi collapses again. Pihu pleads Aarav to stop, but he leaves. Pihu says she will go to mamma and asks Gopal not to stop her, she will go to any extent to save Suchi. Gopal says when she has taken a decision, she should face consequences.

Aarav breaks open the locked store room door and goes in followed by everyone except for Manasi.They find only Suchi’s mobile there but not Suchi.Finding Aarav worried,BaI rushes to Manasi’s room and seeing her fast asleep, with a sheet fully coverging her ,breathes a sigh of relief.
Manasi is seen ordering her goons to hurry up .They put an unconscious Suchi in the back seat of a vehicle.Pihu frantically tries to stop them from taking away Suchi,completely forgetting that she can neither be seen nor heard.No one hears her and the van speeds away with Manasi sitting in the front. Finding a motorbike following them ,Pihu decides to ride pillion and follow Manasi.
Aarav calls the police ,the inspector suggests that Suchi might have gone out leaving her mobile and met with an accident. Aarav becomes emotional and says hat nothing will happen to Suchi. He requests the inspector to start searching for his beloved.
The van reaches a lonely forest area and stops there.An excited Manasi jumps out and orders her goons to take out Suchi and start digging a grave her. As the men follow her instructions,Pihu tries all means to revive Suchi but fails.Meanwhile One of her men gets a bright idea ,when told,Manasi agrees and complements him saying that she will pay him an extra Rs10000/.-Accordingly he takes out a poisonous snake and leaves it near Suchi so that even if anyone discovers her body later on,it would look like a death by snake bite.As the snake approaches Suchi,Pihu helplessly prays Gopal to help her save Suchi.
When Gopal appears ,Pihu begs for some powers to tackle Manasi and her goons.Gopal agrees and reminds Pihu that it is time to fulfil her responsibility as a daughter and save her mother.

Pihu first scares away the snake with a stick.Seeing the snake slither away,Manasi becomes restless and orders her men to finish digging Suchi’s grave.As the men approaches an unconscious Suchi,Pihu in an attempt to stop them ,starts throwing stones at them .Some of them even feel unseen hands beating them. The terrified men run away leaving a furious Manasi alone with an unconscious Suchi.Refusing to get scared,Manasi sits beside Suchi and expresses her hatred for her.She reminisces how she had to go to jail because of her and had to tolerate the humiliating taunts that she is insane,all because of Suchi.Looking at Suchi,she promises herself that she will certainly take her revenge by killing Suchi first and then Anandita.As a shocked Pihu watches,she cries for her failed love but feels happy thinking that once Anandita is killed she can get back Subodh.She lifts Suchi and places her in the open the meantime ,the scared men comeback and Manasi orders them to start filling it with soil.Pihu finds a huge boulder nearby and pushes it towards Manasi. The boulder rolls down and Manasi falls into the ditch.As she gets up and regains her balance,Pihu hits her with a stick on her head.As her men take her away to attend to her injuries,Pihu finds some water left by the goons and sprinkles on Suchi’s face to revive her.When Suchi regains consciousness she asks where is Manasi.Pihu explains that Manasi is very dangerous and she is only pretending to be insane,she intends to kill her first and then Anandita.

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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