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Mansi walk into room. Babli notice old woman in room and asks what is she doing here. Mansi says she is decorating room with flowers. Babli says she does not have to do that. Mansi walks out hiding her gun. Babli finds anklet on floor and reminisces gifting it to Mansi.

Suchi get ready as bride. Pihu praise her beauty. Suman tells Gulgule that it is an unique marriage as bride will go from this house and return back to the same house. Aarav as groom comes with baarat. Suchi look at him from balcony and praise him. Pihu also dances in baraat.

Wedding ceremony continues. Subodh remind Anandita that even he had brought baarat for her similarly. She says she wants to bring back new Pihu in their life and wants another child. Subodh get happy and hug her. Mansi shoots Subodh repeatedly. Subodh stand freezed. Anandita ask why he is not reacting and sees blood on her hand. Subodh collapses. Aarav and others notice that and run towards Subodh. Mansi remove her wig and try to shoot Anandita. Anandita identify her. Aarav run and hold goons. Gopal shut Pihu’s eyes to stop her from seeing her father’s murder and think he tried to stop Pihu from wishing which cannot happen, but she did not listen, he will keep her away for 7 days until Subodh’s last rights are performed. He disappears with Pihu. Suchi search for Pihu.

Pihu wakes up in the morning and does not find Suchi next to her. She walk out searching for her. Suman bring bags and asks Gulgule how will they carry these heavy bags in flight, call Suchi. Pihu walks to Suchi’s room and sees Suchi crying holding Pihu’s photo and telling where did she go, she is searching for her since 7 days, if she got mukti. Pihu says she is here and try to touch her, but cannot. Suchi says after Pihu’s papa’s death, where did she go. Pihu cry what happened to her papa, where is her mamma, she wants to meet her. She walks to Anandita’s house and sees her sitting senselessly and Aarav telling he cannot see her like this, she should cry and vent out her sorrow. She walk to Subodh’s photo and lights lamp. Pihu says why is papa’s photo garlanded like her photo.
Suchi enters. Aarav pick Pihu and Subodh’s ash pots and leaves. Pihu ask where is he going and follow him.

Pihu walks to lawn and sees Gopal there. She asks why her mamma is sitting like that, what has happened. Gopal smiles and says after Aarav immerses her ashes into water, she will get moksh/eternity and will have to leave this world. Aarav shows Pihu’s ash pot to Suchi and says she should immerse them in water and panditji told Pihu will get moksh. Suchi hold pot. Pihu runs and drops pot and runs away. Suchi says if it is Pihu and rush to Pihu’s room. Suchi cry and requests Pihu to meet her at least once, she always called her as Yashoda and made her a mother, how can she go without meeting her. She continues that she did not know how to cook, but she learnt how to prepare laddoo for Pihu. She continues crying holding Pihu’s photo. Aarav walk in and says it is time to go, Pihu got Moksh and left her, if god takes something, he returns something better. Pihu plead with Gopal to let her meet Suchi once. Suchi look at the room repeatedly and leaves with Aarav. Pihu walks behind her and reminisces asking Suchi to promise that she will not go away from her. Gopal ask Pihu to meet Suchi one last time. Pihu runs and hug Suchi. Suchi get happy feeling Pihu. Pihu hug Suchi one last time. Aarav tells Suchi it is time to go and she walks with him while Pihu pleads with her not to go. She follows them till road and sees a speeding truck heading towards Anandita and rescues her. Anandita can see her. Anandita emotionally says yes. Pihu hug her. Gopal says Pihu changed Suchi’s ilfe, united Aarav and Suchi, united her parents, etc., now her new chapter will start.

In chapter 2, Anandita runs around home searching for Pihu who is playing hide and seek. Anandita acts as searching for her smilingly and sees moving box. She opens it and does not find Pihu. Pihu wakes up from sleep calling mamma and realizes it was her dream. She thinks she is seeing this dream since 2 years, why mamma did not come at all to meet her. Pihu then hears door opening and gets afraid thinking ghosts came, she says she is a sweet ghost and lives in this house. Voice says this is his house. She says bhootu uncle, she stays here. Gopal comes in front her smiling. Pihu runs and scold him why did he frighten her. He taunts her that she was so afraid. Pihu sadly says she is expecting her mamma, she did not come to meet her till now. Gopal then enjoys butter with her. Pihu ask how did he get so much butter. He says today is janmastami. After finishing butter, he then plays flute. Pihu sit sadly. Gopal ask her what happened. She says today she died. Gopal says she has to give him a gift. She gifts him her doll. He says even she will get a special gift and disappears smiling…

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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