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Pihu thinks she is seeing this dream since 2 years, why mamma did not come at all to meet her.

Pihu then hears door opening and gets afraid thinking ghosts came, she says she is a sweet ghost and lives in this house. Voice says this is his house. She says bhooth uncle, she stays here. Gopal comes in front smiling. Pihu runs and scolds why did he frighten her. He taunts her that she was so afraid. Pihu sadly says she is expecting her mamma, she did not come to meet her till now. Gopal then enjoys butter with her. Pihu asks how did he get so much butter. He says today is janmastami. After fiishing butter, he then plays flute. Pihu sits sadly. Gopal asks her what happened. She says today she died. Gopal says she has to give him a gift. She gifts him her doll. He says even she will get a special gift and disappears smiling…

Pihu gets afraid when she sees someone entering home and asks Gopal not to frighten her again. A lady Neelam enters and yells this is khandar, how will they stay here. Her husband Suraj enters and says Aarav sir gave us this house’s responsibility and they have to take care of it (they are Aarav’s maids). Pihu asks Gopal what khandar means. Gopal says old dilapated house. Pihu gets angry and breaks their mirror. Neelam gets afraid and says bhooth. Pihu says bhooth is right in front of them. An agent house to a man from outside and says this house is very small, he will get him a big house. Man says he likes this house as other house is seen clearly from here. Power comes back. Neelam continues showing tantrums. Suraj looks into her eyes. She gets shy and says now that mad will come.

Ambulance enters. Neelam says mad woman came. Suspicious man hurriedly removes camera and clicks photos from opposite house. Anandita is brought out of ambulance and taken into house. Pihu gets happy seeing her mamma and runs. She steps on electric wire and it emerges spark due to short circuit. Curtain catches fire. Anandita reminisces Subodh’s murder and shouts don’t shoot, don’t shoot. Suspicious man smirks from a distance.

Pihu gets worried for her mamma. Anandita sees Pihu and gets emotional. Pihu asks if she can see her. Anandita says yes and hugs her. Gopal says a dead daughter has to take care of mentally unstable mother now, it is her challenge which she has to complete.

Precap: Nurse says doctor does not spare patient until he gets well. Neelam says Anandita is not yet well. Nurse says someone did not want Anandita to stay in mental asylum. Suspicious man speaks to doctor over phone.

Pihu happily hug Anandita and asks where she had been. Anandita (mentally unstable) roughly whisks her and asks where did she go. Pihu gets afraid. Nurse tells caretakers Neelam and Rahul that Anandita is severely mentally ill and they have to take care of her. Neelam says they were told to take care of only this house, why don’t Anandita be sent back to mental asylum. Nurse says doctors don’t discharge such patients, but someone does not want Anandita to stay there. Suraj says Neelam can’t she see Anandita is alone and mentally unstable and needs their help. Suspicious man is shown who gets a call from doctor who says his work is done.

Pihu asks Gopal what happened to her mamma. Gopal says now she has to take care of her mamma like mamma used to take care of her before. Anandita panics that this is not her house. Pihu says this is her house and shows her bed. Anandita reminisces telling Pihu that this bed was gifted by her father during wedding. Pihu then shows her bangles and other belongings Anandita checks and happily says these are all hers. Gopal praises Pihu that she handed her mamma well and is a perfect daughter. He asks her to remove garland from Subodh’s phot before Anandita sees it

Anandita searches Subodh. Pihu says papa has gone to office. Anandita asks how can he go without informing her, get her phone, she will call him and confront. Pihu says papa went to Delhi. They both play on bed. Neelam sees that and thinks Anandita has gone mad totally. Anandita tries to switch on light and it shortcuits and catches fire. Neelam rushes in and sets off fire and yells at Anandita if she has totally gone mad, she would killed even her. She continues yelling. Pihu warns not to call her mamma mad. Anandita asks not to misbehave with elders. Neelam sees she is talking in air and walks away yelling.

Gopal rests on a swinger and smiles at Pihu. Pihu angrily says if Neelam misbehaves with mamma, she will not spare her. Neelam passes by and gets afraid seeing swinger moving and runs away. Pihu walks behind her saying she will not spare her. Gopal says more people will enter now, who all she will confront…

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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