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Refusing to get scared,Manasi sits beside Suchi and expresses her hatred for her. She reminisces how she had to go to jail because of her and had to tolerate the humiliating taunts that she is insane,all because of Suchi.Looking at Suchi,she promises herself that she will certainly take her revenge by killing Suchi first and then Anandita. As a shocked Pihu watches, she cry for her failed love but feels happy thinking that once Anandita is killed she can get back Subodh. She lifts Suchi and places her in the open grave. In the meantime, the scared men comeback and Manasi order them to start filling it with soil. Pihu finds a huge boulder nearby and pushes it towards Mansi. The boulder rolls down and Mansi falls into the ditch. As she gets up and regains her balance, Pihu hits her with a stick on her head. As her men take her away to attend to her injuries, Pihu find some water left by the goons and sprinkles on Suchi’s face to revive her. When Suchi regains consciousness she asks where is Mansi. Pihu explains that Mansi is very dangerous and she is only pretending to be insane, she intends to kill her first and then Anandita.

Suchi return home, Suman tried to give her water but she refuse to drink. Aarav come there in haste and hug Suchi and on being questioned by Aarav about her attacker, reveals that his sister Manasi has masterminded the atrack and tried to kill her. Suchi tells Aarav that Mansi tried to kill her and reveals whole story, says Mansi is not mad and is just acting. Babli shouts she is wrongly alleging her daughter to take revenge, Mansi is sleeping in room. Suchi says she is not and cannot reach home so early. Babli warns to stay here silently or leave her home. Suchi says she will leave right now. Aarav stops and says Mansi will not go anywhere. Suchi says she is sure Mansi is not in her room. Babli challenges. Suchi takes them all to Mansi’s room. Babli sees pillows on blanket and thinking Mansi is sleeping asks Suchi if she will go herself or shall she pack her bags. Pihu removes blanket from pillows. Everyone are shocked. Suchi signals to leave blanket. Pihu does same. Suchi says now they realized she was telling truth. Aarav says Mansi plays hide and seek often. He and Babli search Mansi all around.

Mansi acting as mad returns home and calls Aarav. Aarav rush down. Mansi tying fake bandage around her head says she went out behind ball and met with an accident. Her goons walk in and say she met with an accident and they took her to hospital. Pihu says these are same Mansi’s goons who tried to bury her alive. Suchi says these are Mansi’s goons who tried to kill her. Goons act. Mansi also act. Babli slap Suchi. Suchi angrily walk to her room. Aarav try to walk behind her, but Mansi stops him and says it is hurting. Aarav pampers her and thinks he knows Suchi does not accuse anyone wrongly, but he is also sure Mansi is mentally ill and cannot do any crime.

Suchi cry leaning on her bed. Pihu consoles her and says she will not spare that bad aunty Mansi. She walk to store room where Mansi is sitting on rocking chair. Mansi think Suchi’s luck is very good that she escape always, she has to get rid her off Aarav’s life somehow. Pihu walks in and angrily swings rocking chair and throws things to frighten Mansi. Mansi get afraid. Suchi walks in and challenges that she will expose her truth soon in front of Aarav. Mansi challenges that she cannot do anything and act as mad again challenges that she will get rid of Suchi out of Aarav’s life before upcoming festival. Drama continues… Babli sees Suchi in Mansi’s room and yells if one slap was not enough, why did she come to Mansi’s room, get out. Pihu says Suchi let us go from here. Pihu goes and sits on stairs sadly. Aarav walks in and apologizes to Suchi on his mom’s behavior and says he did not expect mom would slap her. He says he will hire best detectives in town and will make sure the culprits who kidnapped her are caught and even who is impersonating Mansi. Suchi syas Mansi is not mad and she will prove it.

Pihu feel sad for Suchi. Gopal enters and praises Pihu that she proved that she is a good daughter to Suchi. She requests to help Suchi somehow. Gopal says only Pihu can help Suchi and she should keep her eyes and ears open. Pihu think she can keep ears open, how can she keep eyes open. She try to keep her eyebrows open. She even sleeps with her eyes open.

In the morning, Gulgule watches party video. Pihu sees Mansi’s entry in party and shows it to Suchi. Suchi says now she will show this CD to Aarav and prove that Mansi was present during the party and even harmed Anandita. Mansi walks in saying she will show this video only if she can get it. She takes CD from player while Suchi try to stop her. She then runs and Suchi/Pihu run behind her. Pihu throws painting on her face and CD falls. Pihu calls Suchi and asks to take the CD away soon. Suchi runs and pick the CD and rushes to her room to keep it. Pihu continues troubling Mansi by sprinkling talcum powder on her. Gulgule enters and thinking her as ghost shouts bhooth. Suman enters holding broom. Babli entes and says it is her daughter and asks what did she do to herself. Suchi walks in from outside and acts as pity on Mansi. Mansi says Suchi harmed her. Babli says Suchi is coming from outside. Pihu laugh.

Suchi take Aarav to her room and shows video saying Mansi was in party and harmed Anandita. They don’t see Mansi in video and Suchi is shocked. Aarav asks where is Mansi and leaves. Gopal tells Pihu that he told her already to keep her eyes and ears open. Mansi reminisces exchanging CD with her new fabricated CD. Drama continues…

Anandita cry reminiscing Pihu. Mansi travels in car and stop seeing Subodh on the road. She think she still love him and wants him at any cost. She gets out of car and clash with Aarav. Her doll falls down. Aarav pick her doll and return it her. He sees Mansi and walks towards his car. She starts acting mad and cry. Subodh returns to her. She hug him tightly. Babli sees that from window and feels sad that Subodh still did not go away from his affair with Mansi. Subodh leaves freeing himself. Babli comes and scolds Mansi why is she repeatedly going behind Subodh, don’t she know he spoilt their live?

Pihu requests Gopal to teach Mansi a lesson. Gopal says when she make anyone mad with her mischeives, what is Mansi. Pihu like his idea and starts pestering Mansi. She keeps fake cockroach in Mansi’s food plate. Mansi shouts cockroach. Babli rush in. Pihu silently takes cockroach away. She then keeps rubber lizard on Mansi’s clothes. Mansi gets afraid and looks herself in mirror and sees no lizard. Pihu then keeps rubber scorpion. Mansi shouts scorpion and beats it with bat angrily. Babli try to stop her and gets hurt. Aarav also walk in. Mansi says scorpion. Pihu silently takes it away. Babli says she is acting mad. Aarav think Mansi will be a threat to people, so he should shift her to mental hospital back soon. Pihu tells Gopal that Mansi’s lies are putting her in trouble, it is tit for tat. Gopal says she is right.

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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