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Pihu angrily tells Gopal that she wants to punish Mansi for trying to separate mamma and papa. Gopal smiles and permits her. She throws stone pebble on Mansi. Mansi gets afraid. Suchi walks to Mansi and confront why she stooped so low to send fake report to Anandita. Mansi says she can bark and even bite, with this report Anandita will leave Subodh and Aarav will get her married to Subodh. Suchi says she is too disgusting and walks away. Pihu sees Suchi talking to Mansi and gets angry with Suchi. Suchi says she was scolding Mansi instead and calm her down. Pihu decides to punish Mansi again and push her from rocking chair. Mansi falls down and cry. Suman rush to her to rescue followed by Suchi. Pihu warn Suchi not to help her. Babli walks in and lifts Mansi. Mansi alleges that Suchi pushed her and troubles her often. Suman says Suchi came just now. Babli calls Aarav and complain to him against Suchi, yells since Anandita and Subodh came to stay as neighbor, Suchi is venting her anger on Mansi.

Aarav walk to Anandita and Subodh’s house thinking they cannot stay here. He hear their fight and stop. Anandita shout at Subodh to get out, she does not want to hear any explanation. Aarav call Anandita and walk in. She find file on the floor and gets angry seeing Mansi’s pregnancy report.

Pihu draws Anandita’s sketch. Anandita walk outside house and cry that she feels Pihu’s presence her. Gopal plays flute. Sketch fly and goes near door. Pihu get happy seeing her mamma singing Mai teri… Anandita says she is going away from Subodh forever. Pihu plead with her not to go. Anandita leave with her bag while Pihu cry holding door. Gopal says he cannot tell her what Niyati devi has written in her fate..

Aarav walk into Subodh’s house and start beating him. He ask why did he betray Mansi, Mansi was pregnant with your child, so he has to accept Mansi. Subodh says Mansi is lying, but Aarav continues fighting with Subodh. 

At home, Babli pamper Mansi and ask her not to worry, Aarav will return home soon. Mansi smirk thinking Aarav has gone to bring Subodh for her.

Aarav try to hit Subodh with a metal object when Suchi interfere and stop him. She says Subodh is innect. Aarav says she does not know what Subodh did. Suchi says she knows everything and says Mansi is not mad and is just acting. Aarav shout that mom told a time will come when he has to choose between Mansi and his love. Suchi says he should realize the truth that Mansi is lying. Pihu walk in and ask Subodh if he is crying as mamma left him? Aarav hold Suchi’s hand and drag her home He tell Babli that Mansi is not mad. Suman, Babli, Gulgule stand in a shock. Aarav says Suchi has to prove that Mansi is not mad. Mansi acts as mad and says he is not mad. Suchi shows reports and says both mental hospital and pregnancy file has same doctor’s signatures, so they are fake. Babli ask what pregnancy? Aarav says they are checking office file and walk away with the files. Suchi walks with him and try to convince him, but Aarav get adamant and ask her to choose him or Subodh’s family. Suchi thinks she has to help Pihu at any cost, she says she love only him, but this time she is on Subodh’s family side. Aarav says he will wait until she changes her mind. Drama continues.

Shuchi says anyone can get these fake reports made. He says enough. You have to choose a side. Suchi says I will choose you in any life but I can’t let Bhootu go through this injustice. She says unless I prove that I am right I will be with my family. He says okay Succhi. If you are kicking your love and taking their side, I won’t marry you until I prove myself right. Please go from here. She leave.

Bhootu/Pihu come to Mansi. She says we will make you fool. She and Gopal come and tease her. Mansi screams. She hits him with a bowl. They make her run. She runs downstairs and says mama something is happening.

Aarav reach police station and requests to search Dr. Shukla. Constable ask him to go away as they are busy Aarav hopes to find Dr.Shukla soon to prove Suchi wrong and Mansi right. Gopal reach there and does leela, playing flute. Heavy gush of air starts and Aarav sees Dr. Shukla’s photo with pamphlet about Sujangarh mela where doctor will be found. He think of reaching there.

Aarav reach Sujangarh mela and search for Dr.Shukla. Dev meets him there and asks what is he doing here. He tells he is searching Dr. Shukla here to prove that Mansi is really mad. Devi asks if he wants to prove Suchi wrong and Mansi right. He says he wants to punish Subodh for his sins. She asks him to trust his love and not lose hope so easily. She then calls Suchi and informs about Aarav searching for Dr. Shukla as someone has kidnapped Dr. Sukhla and kept him in Sujangarh. Suchi says Dr. Shukla is the sole evidence to prove Mansi wrong, senses Devi in distress and asks reason. Devi says god is testing her relationship and love. Suchi says even her love is been tested, Devi should be courageous.

Suchi then gets ready to go to Sujangarh. Pihu comes and asks where is she going. Suchi says to help Aarav. Pihu insists to accompany her and she agrees.

Suchi says to Bhootu/Pihu we have to stay here and ask people where is the mela. Gopal come there. Bhootu/Pihu says what is he doing here? The mela is going on. Bhootu/Pihu ask Gopal what are you looking? He says you have to give my message to devi. She is upset. She doesn’t know what to do. She needs to see the right path. Devi comes to temple and says why did you do this to me God? I did everything. He got to know truth before I could tell him. Bhootu/Pihu come there. Devi says you here. She says when will this ice melt. Devi says it takes time. Bhootu/Pihu says I am thirsty so I am waiting for it to melt. Devi says it will melt in a while. Devi takes prasad. She says to pandit ji give her prasad as well. He says who? There is no one here.

Bhootu says to Gopal what are we looking at? Gopal says you have to find the doctor who will prove the truth. Bhootu/Pihu says how? Gopal says I will help you when needed. Suchi comes and says Bhootu/Pihu lets go.

Arav comes to mela and says I will find Dr. Shukla here. He looks here and there. He drinks a juice and gets drunk. He sees a woman and thinks its Suchi. He says I really love you but I wont meet you until I know the truth.
Suchi sees him and gives him water. He says let me find Dr. Shukla. She says I will show you how hid Dr. Shukla. He says don’t worry about me. You will know the truth soon.

Can You See Me Air on Zee World from Monday to Friday at 7pm

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