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Asad storms out. Zoya comes after him. Zoya gives him the phone and battery and reemphasises that they shouldnt call the police right now. Zoya asks him to consider his medical health atleast and that its inhuman. Asad says that they dont deserve her consideration. Asad asks if he’s wrong. She says that the time is wrong. Asad says that that meansd he thinks that he is right and she is wrong, and she too admits without giving it a second thought. but wehn she does, she vents out her frustration and says that she is always right. Asad smirks as she leaves in a huff.

Later, Haider and asad sit outside, where they both realise that due to the women in their lives, they are always hassled. haider begins to vents out his frustration at the girls, when they dont know what they want. asad too blames them for being extra emotional, and over sensitive. Asad thanks him for helping zoya out of danger. haider says that he is always there for her and says that he meant it in a platonic sense. While they both are chatting, zoya screams out in anger at him. asad gets scared and ducks his macho sense and says that they should make the first move to get them back to normal. They both discuss how they would get their ladies to approve of them once again. They decide that they should let the girls cool today and would start tomorrow. They shake hands at that.

During the night, Mamu is very tensed and emotionally distraught, ans he is in zoya’s room. While zoya is asleep, mamu sits beside her, with the dollpiece in his hand, remembering how he had insulted her time and again, and then places it by her bedside, finding her waking in her sleep and caressing her face, and covering her with the blanket, he is about to caress his face, when razia stops him and drags him out, asking him to leave her. Resignedly, he walks out. Zoya wakes up, and sensing someone’s presence, she begins to look around, and finds the dollpiece open, making the music play. She wonders how was the music box on when she kept it off.

In his room, Mamu asks how dare she stop him. razia says that he has crossed his limits. Razia asks what in his love, would he say to his daughter. he says that he would tell her about the relationship. razia asks would he say that he killed her mother too. He says that he didnt kill her, and she did. Razia says that she would tell everyone that he killed her mother. Mamu lashes out that this is lie. razia says that she very well knows how to convert a lie into truth, and the dagger used for the murder had his and not her fingerprints on it, and tells him how she had gotten his fingerprints. She says that he betrayed her once and since then, she left any hope of his being loyal, and that the reason, she kept ecvidence against him. she asks him to think and keep his emotions under control. Razia says that if he tells zoya about him being her father, then she too would tell zoya, that he killed her mother. And then zoya’s love would turn in a quick second to hate. She leaves while mamu is distraught at his dilemma.

Mamu resignedly starts walking in the doorway. Zoya calls out to mamu, while he is the hallway, referring to him, as ABBU. He is stunned and turns around to face her, as he eyes her surprisedly and emotionally. When he sees her, he finds zoya, talking to herself that she misses her dada and wish he had been there with her. As she walks in, mamu is tensed with his situation and collapses on the sofa kept in the hallway, tear stricken.

At Haseena’s residence

Nikhat screams out for Nazma, saying that she would prove that she isnt mad, but doesnt find anyone. She decides to call up Nazma. But she sees chandbi and haseena. Nikhat is hassled, turns to Chandbi to tell her about the cellar and Sameera inside it. Haseena try to give her water to drink, but Nikhat says she doesnt want to, as she turns to Chandbi to talk, she too asks her to calm down and have some water first. Resignedly, she takes the glass and drinks the water. she understands that something is wrong and they both are together in it. soon she goes dizzy and falls on the floor unconscious. haseena and chandbi eye each other evilly, laughing at her torment.

At Ayan’s residence

As Zoya is angry, and Asad try hard to get her to talk, they find that mamu is seated on the breakfast table. mamu leaves his seat for asad to sit. Asad says that its good that he dropped his act but commends him for his perfect timing to fake an attack, and people actually felt that he was sick. mamu says that he cant prove anything, and he knows, that he may do anything, but asad wont trust him. Asad complies saying that he wont trust him. mamu says that he is right in his place. mamu says that only now could he understand the importance of relationships, and has been able to recognise them. While zoya is affected, asad angrily asks to save this for the police, as they would be all ears for this, as he wont be able to fool him with his sympathetic rant, and its good that he is finally able to speak. Zoya is tensed at the way asad reacts with mamu. He begins to try the phone. As asad moves out, zoya eyes mamu questioningly as to what brought this change in mamu. 

At Ayan’s residence

As Asad is about to call the police, razia comes in asking mamu to go inside, to come for meds or else his health would worsen. Mamu looks at zoya emotionally. Asad eyes him curtly, thinking that he’s a big actor. Zoya is again frustrated with his behaviour, as she thinks that he actually is ill, and they shouldnt think about bothering him all the more. Asad is irritated at her stance at being wrong in judgements. Zoya gets enraged at this, and asad tries to compose his sentence, trying to get her into a good mood, but she walks away in anger. Asad is tensed.

Razia reprimands mamu is in the room, for behaving weirdly when faced with zoya. Mamu says that he wont go according to her wishes. razia says that he would have to do, or else he knows what she is capable of doing. Mamu tells her by an example, that if he is ruined, her ruins arent far behind too, and threatens her that if he goes down, he wont let her survive too. razia composes herself and says that she is his wife, and wont want bad for him and only thought of his good. She goes onto compose his mood, saying that they would have tea together. while razia is busy preparing tea, mamu is shocked to receive a message. She turns around to find him gone. razia wonders where is he, and thinks that she would have to be extra cautious, about mamu, as anger compels a man to lose sanity and that mamu may pose a threat .

Both Haider and Asad are trying everything to get their ladies to talk to them again, with them being in a very angry mood with Haider actually rolling out papad, saying that this is what would get her mood right again, and Asad going down on his knees and begging for forgiveness. zoya says that they are getting married and hence she is all the more tensed that Asad mighnt just say sorry altogether, making him go down on his knees. But the ladies arent satisfied, and while Zoya tell Asad to continue his apology in a dramatic tone, humaira throws a banana peel, and asks him to walk on it, when he says that nothing is impossible for him. Haider decides to take on the challenge. Asad barely is able to control his anger as he fulfills Zoya’s wish, while haider in his bid to impress Humaira, tries to dance on the peel, and while his foot slips, and he tries to keep his balanace from falling on the floor, the seam of his jeans tears and humaira has a good laugh, while haider is embarassed. Zoya asks him to repeat his apology three times, to tease him all the more, causing him to be shocked and frustrated too. But he does comply, saying it three times. zoya is amused, and asad asks if she is done now. she again asks him to say 3 times, to forgive him. Asad is shocked, but complies nevertheless. But by the third time, his patience gives in. It gives zoya a chance to get back at him, for just doing this as a formality, and not meaning it from the heart. Shev tells him that once he is an MCP, he is always an MCP. Asad leaves in a huff. zoya says that this task isnt so easy.

Later, in the garden, asad and haider are again talking about how bad girls are to get in to a good mood, and start bitching about girls, and their weird behaviour, and should understand how difficult it was for them to do. They get aggresive with their anger and take onto teach the girls a lesson tonight.

Mamu finds tanveer at his front door, and reprimands her for coming here when he had told her not to. She says that he had promised, and hence he came, and since she was coming, she got some stuff for him too. She goes onto tease him regarding the same. He hands her a pile of money, and sends her off, saying that she shouldnt come ever again to this house. as she sees him going inside, closing the door at her, and thinks evilly, that she always gets to his house, for she wants to enter this house tonight only.

Haider asks asad to dress up fast as everyone has arrived. Asad doesnt understand what is he trying to insinuate. He agrees to hurry up. Zoya overhears asad and haider discussing about his bachelor party, wherein haider has arranged for wonderful girls to celebrate his last night as a bachelor. she fumes with rage hearing this. She 
At Haseena’s residence

Nikhat wakes up with a heavy head and wonders why is it so. She suddenly eyes heer surrounds and remembers what she had seen before dozing off. She goes onto tell nazma about it. she takes nazma and farhan and gets their attention, by telling about the doorbehind the paiting. as she goes onto remove the painting, she finds that there’s no door, and only pastered wall behind it. She tries to prove her innocence, while nazma and others feel sorry for her. haseena smirks. nikhat understands that she is behind this. Noone believes her. nazma asks her to stop concocting stories, and asks her to go to a psychiactrist. farhan too takes her from there. but nikhat insists, and farhan loses his temper, saying that they need to stop this, and that she desperately needs medical attention, as she has gone mentally insane, and that there’s no other option other than being forceful on her. while nikhat tries to protest her innocence, farhan locks her inside, as she keeps screaming. All leave except haseena and chandbi who smile evilly.

Nikhat overhears Haseena and Chandbi from room saying that they somehow silenced her today, but not for long, as today she has spoken in front of them, and tomorrow she might speak to outside people, who may just belive her. Nikhat overhears haseena and chandbi discussing, how dangerous it is for the live people to live on, as they may speak any minute, and there’s no problem with dead people as such, and hence nikhat would have to die and that too tonight. Nikhat is shocked to hear this.

At Ayan’s residence

Asad and Haider go out excited for their plan to party for his bachelor party. Meanwhile, while humaira follows asad and Haider in their car, herself being on a scooty, zoya hides herself in their trunk, and once, they go inside a bulding, zoya gets out and follows them to find out what they are upto. She decides to take her revenge on haider too for this.

Razia is tensed to see her stuff being moved, with the almirah. razia is frustrated when she gets to know that mamu has ordered this, and is angry that their destiny wont be seperated because of seperate rooms. she says that she wont be bothered for this, and can stay alone too, but is insulted that she is leaving this room. she evnts out her anger at the servants. Razia says that she wont be affected by this, while getting affected already. later, razia finds gifts and is surprised when the servants tell her that mamu has ordered for this. Razia wonders whats he upto. just then, she finds women coming in asking if all the preps are done. razia is shocked and asks what for. She says that they are planning to go to Umra, and she is also on the same flight as theirs. Razia thinks that mamu and his anger is behind this. she composes herself and asks them to have a seat. she thinks that this is enough and he is crossing his limits. She starts blabbering out saying that mamu has gone senile in this age, and walks into her room, shockeed to

Inside the undisclosed location

The party is all set with beautiful girls and hip and happening crowd. While haider openly flirts with the girls, asad too seems to enjoy, sending both the girls into a rage, who are watching hidden behind windows. Haider asks asad also to join and they both start dancing, while asad just moves to humour haider. Humaira and zoya are unable to control themselves and walk in. The lights go off, while zoya thinks that if asad does anything wrong, she would teach him a lesson. when the lights come back, the girls find that both of them are gone. They are confused as to where they vanished. Just then, zoya eyes asad’s silhouette in another room along with a girl, getting intimate and kissing her. she is shocked to see this.


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