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Anupriya says this is not the first time and tells that she made coffee for Madhuri multiple times, and tells him about Madhuri and Atul’s betrayal. She says I am making coffee for her even today. Kalyani hear them. Sarthak ask her not to do anything which will make her old wounds greener. He turn to go and sees Kalyani standing there. Kalyani come to Anupriya and ask her to look at her. Anupriya burn her finger. Kalyani says you will not stop childish things. She make her wash her hand. Anupriya says I can take care of myself and ask her to take care of her mother. Kalyani ask what happened to you and says I know you are feeling uncomfortable and not liking her return. She ask what is my mistake? Anupriya says if you would have told me yesterday then I would have made up my mind. Kalyani says I thought it is my imagination. She says whatever happens, but….Madhuri call Kalyani. Kalyani tells Anupriya that she needs to go and stay with Madhuri as she need her more. She goes. Anupriya cry. Kalyani ask Madhuri not to be scared and don’t take stress. She ask her to meet her grand son. Madhuri ask if he is yours. Kalyani nod her head. Madhuri cares for Moksh and says he is good. She says my daughter has become a mother too and ask about him. Kalyani says he is Moksh. Madhuri says you will be happy to see your Nani. Kalyani think she shall not tell her about her past. Madhuri asks about her husband. Kalyani says he is ACP and went out of Aurangabad for training. She says Malhar ji will be happy when he sees you.

Atharv ask Malhar if they will be like this all their life. He ask if Aahir will not free them. Aahir bring two gifts for them and tells that their naxals are freeing from the jail using the security code given by him. He get a call from Sarkaar and tells him that all arrangements are done, the naxals will flee today. Malhar thinks I won’t let this happen, just have to get rid of these chains. Aahir ask him to see the clothes.

Rachit ask Kalyani how is Madhuri? Kalyani says Madhuri is trying to remember the past. Rachit tells that Naxals were not there. Kalyani says you called me to tell me this? She tells that she shall be very happy to get Madhuri, but she is very unhappy as Malhar is not with her. Rachit show faith in her and tells that she will get Malhar freed. He says Malhar ji will not be sitting quietly there.

Malhar think he can’t open the chain. Just then Aahir bring food and ask them to eat. Malhar ask if we will eat animals’ food. He asks him to bring proper food. He says I know you will not kill me. Aahir says I can keep you hungry and beat him. He says you have to do all the work to get roti. He ask his man to free him. His man says Sarkaar told not to open the chain. Aahir says Malhar will do all the work and then only he will get the food. Malhar smile. Aahir ask his men to take him to make food. He says today our men shall be freed from the jail, I have assured Sarkaar. Malhar think he has to do something within some hours. 

Anupriya bring coffee for Madhuri. Madhuri thanks her and asks what is her relation with Kalyani. Just then they hear a man scolding Pallavi for not delivery. Anupriya comes out. She tells that the delivery got late as the machine is not working. She says tomorrow she will get the order delivered. The man refuses to agree and insults Anupriya. Madhuri comes out and tells that this is not the way, you are talking to a lady, and she has already apologized to you.

Madhuri tell the client that this is not the way to speak to the lady. She says machines can malfunction and caused the delay. She had already apologized to you and now it is your turn. Kalyani says absolutely, else your order will be cancelled. The guy says sorry and tells that order shall be delivered by Sunday. Pallavi appreciates Madhuri for saving Anupriya’s respect and says Maayi couldn’t speak like you. Anupriya goes upset. Madhuri and Kalyani follow her. Anupriya asks if she wanted to make her feel low and insulted? Kalyani says Aai..she didn’t mean that. Madhuri ask why are you calling her aai. Kalyani think to tell Madhuri about her relation with Anupriya. She is about to tell her, but just then Anupriya tells Madhuri that she is not Kalyani’s Aai, but Saas. Kalyani get teary eyes. Madhuri apologizes to Anupriya and ask for apology. She says I interfere as he was insulting you. Asawari thinks Kalyani will be stuck badly between two mothers. Kalyani goes to Anupriya and asks what is all that? She says why did you lied to Madhuri that you are my Saas? Anupriya says I am not even your Saas, as I have no relation with Sarthak. She says God made me with incomplete relations and says I am neither anyone’s wife nor I am anyone’s mother. Kalyani ask why did you say that you have no relation with me? She asks if I am nothing to you? She tells the song that yashomati lalla..She says everyone regard Yashoda maiyya as Krishna’s mother, even though Devki is his mother. She says the relation between us is very deep like that of Yashoda and Kanha. She says you asked me to behave maturely, but you are behaving childish. She says if I have done something wrong and tells that if our relation breaks then I will be broken. She ask her to beat her and punish her, but don’t say that I am not your daughter. She says you are my mother and I am your daughter. She ask her to say something. Anupriya cry. Kalyani says ok, I will punish myself, may be you will get peace. She start doing sit up. Asawari bring Madhuri there and makes her see Kalyani doing situps infront of Anupriya. Asawari tells Madhuri that these things goes on here and says Kalyani is punished because of your mistake. Madhuri says I will go and talk to her. Asawari says you don’t know Anupriya’s anger and takes her with her. Anupriya hug Kalyani and says mistake is all mine, not yours. She says old wounds are scratched and don’t know what happened to me. She says I will handle myself. Kalyani says I will not let you break, your daughter, Kalyani is with you. She says I can understand the situation which is uncomfortable for you, and tells that their relation will never change under any circumstances and says nobody can come between us. Anupriya hug her and wipe her tears. She ask her to tell Madhuri that she is her saas, says if she comes to know about the truth then her condition will worsen. Kalyani says both Madhuri and you need me. She says I shall make sure that you don’t get hurt. She think she is feeling alone without Malhar ji and asks Ganapati Bappa to give her much strength.

Aahir take Malhar out and ask him to wash the utensils if he wants good food. He take out the note from his pocket and drops the pen by mistake. He asks the naxal cook to bring the list of items and asks Malhar to wash the utensils. He pushes Malhar down and tells that their friends are coming back, they shall make arrangements for jashn. Malhar manages to take the note/paper in his hand and writes something in it. He then keeps back the paper. The naxal looks at Malhar and takes the note. Malhar asks Ganapati to help him and says I have to stop the prisoners from fleeing.

Madhuri come to Anupriya and says I have seen how you were suppressing my daughter. She says if your saas would have done this type of behavior with you, then…She says every saas shall try to become a mother. She ask her to become Kalyani’s mother and then see the sweetness of their relation. Anupriya says you are thinking wrong. Madhuri asks if you are her Aai? Madhuri says you will not be her Aai, if she calls you and asks her to get the qualities of a mother first. Anupriya asks are you done, shall I do my work. Sarthak comes there and says I feel that we are doing wrong by hiding truth from Madhuri. Anupriya says it is wrong to hide any truth. Sarthak ask what am I hiding? Anupriya says nothing. Sarthak says I want to say that Madhuri’s mental condition is bad and we shall not tell her any truth. Sarthak get a call from orphanage. Anupriya sees the call. Sarthak says I will be back and picks the sister’s call. She thinks if he goes out and talk, then will I not know that you are going to talk to your daughter? She says I can’t bear now and tell truth to Kalyani. 

Kalyani tells Madhuri that her husband is busy and phone is not allowed in training. Madhuri asks are you hiding something from me and asks her to tell. Kalyani says a big thing happened and says I am telling you the truth. Just then Madhuri sees Anupriya and changes the topic. Kalyani also sees Anupriya and asks when did you come? Anupriya says I am coming out and asks her to be careful while making food. Madhuri says why your Aai behaves with you this way. Kalyani says she is a bit strict, but loves me a lot. Madhuri says you was telling me about your husband and asks her to tell.

Malhar takes out the vegetables to wash. He looks at Arbi and thinks he can use it as a weapon due to Maayi, I will see how they go to free their naxals.

Anupriya cry and think about Kalyani telling Madhuri that she did not say this even to Aai. She sees Sarthak going from there and follow him. Sarthak comes to the orphanage and sees Riddhi insisting to jump down from the table, to prove that she is a super girl. Sarthak says she will jump with her and prove that he is a super father. Riddhi says I can’t risk your life for me and gets down from the table. She hug him and says if something happens to you then what will happen to me? Sarthak says even I have only you and hug her. Anupriya hear this and cry. She sits on the stairs and asks why did you do this to me. She says I have understood and will never see any dream or have any hope.

Malhar tell the naxal that he has made dal, but don’t know how to make roti. The naxal asks him to serve the dal. Malhar serves the dal and adds raw taro root. 

Kalyani tells that Malhar is kidnapped. Madhuri ass what do they want from Malhar? 

Everyone start coughing. Aahir asks why is everyone coughing and asks what is added in the food. Malhar also coughs and recalls coughing at home. Anupriya comes there and asks Kalyani if she has boiled the taro root before cooking. Kalyani says no. Anupriya says Malhar can’t speak properly for 2-3 days. Kalyani says sorry and asks Malhar not to punish her. A naxal drops his phone by mistake and Malhar picks it. Kalyani shows Malhar’s picture to Madhuri. Madhuri recalls and tells Kalyani that she knows him and he is the same man who has helped me to escape from there, and told me that Kalyani is my daughter. Kalyani asks do you know him. Madhuri says yes and tells that those people were very dangerous and used to beat him a lot. Kalyani get worried. 

Malhar think to talk to Pawar and asks him to ask the new ACP to change the security code. He is about to call him, but Atharv comes there and snatch the phone from Malhar’s hand. He switch off the phone and breaks it stamping on it. Malhar shout Atharv and think if he got his memory back. Atharv calls him Baba and shows the crackers behind him. Malhar takes the crackers out of his back. Atharv tells Malhar that Aahir asked him to snatch the phone from your hand and break it. He says he asked me to looked like a villain. Aahir and the naxals come there. Aahir says I have seen you taking the mobile and asks what did you add in the food. He says you can’t meet Kalyani now.

Kalyani cry looking at Malhar’s picture and asks Madhuri to try to remember about the place and landmark, something. Madhuri says I don’t know and can’t recall anything. She sees Anupriya coming and changes the topic. Anupriya thinks they are hiding something. Kalyani calls her. Anupriya asks if she made food. Kalyani says no. Anupriya says I will make it and goes. Kalyani ask Madhuri if she remember anyone’s face etc. Madhuri says they used to beat him a lot, I don’t remember other than this. Kalyani goes out of the house and cry. She think of Madhuri’s words. She asks Ganapati bappa, in what situation he has put her in. She says she has never felt helpless before. She says I can’t handle so many problems at once, I can’t tell anyone. She cry. Anupriya comes there and calls her. Kalyani wipe her tears and turn towards Anupriya. Kalyani says she is feeling bad for Madhuri’s condition. She says I have seen her happy always, I am feeling bad. She says you have acted to be serious as my Saas and tells that Madhuri think you are my typical saas. Anupriya ask do you want to say anything? Kalyani says do I hide anything from you and says I never hide anything from you. Anupriya thinks what is the thing which you can tell Madhuri and not me? She think you had said that nothing will change between us, but change is visible. Kalyani thinks you are already worried because of kaka and Madhuri, how shall I tell you about Malhar ji. She thinks she has to search for him alone.

Malhar is badly beaten by Aahir with hunter. He hit him badly and apply salt on his injuries to give him more pain. He then presses the salt on his wounds. He says there is a good news, our men in Police uniform is getting our partners freed. Malhar writhes in pain. Atharv cry calling Kalyani.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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