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Kalyani shout Malhar ji as she falls on the glass pieces. She cry. Malhar feels her pain and cry looking at her. He says you think me wrong, tells that he loves his uniform very much, but he loves her more. He thinks my first love is just you….Kalyani. He recall their romantic moments. Kalyani cry in the captive place and gets injuries. Malhar sits down on the road. Tere bin jee na pawunga plays….Kalyani think don’t take any wrong step for me, I don’t care about my life for you and Billu. She cry. Malhar sees Kalyani and his picture and imagine her coming there. He hug her and cry badly. Song continues to play. He kisses on her hand and smiles while crying. He finds that it is just his imagination and looks everywhere. He shouts Kalyani…Kalyani shout Malhar ji. Malhar think I can give my life for you, proving a traitor is a small thing. He says I am coming. Anupriya worry for Kalyani. Swara asks her not to worry and says she is with Dada. She says Doctor said that Moksh is fine and asks her to relax. She ask Anupriya why did they come to this orphanage. Anupriya tells that she along with Keshav spent their 12 years here. She tells that she wants to give her first salary to this orphanage. Orphanage caretaker comes there with a girl. Anupriya calls her. Sister greets her. Anupriya tells that she got a job. Sister blesses her.

Atharv takes the toy from the girl. Atharv says this is our toy. Anupriya asks him to give back the toy. Atharv says it was brought by Sarthak Kaka. Anupriya asks him to return the toy back to the girl. He asks what is your name? The girl says Riddhi Rane..Anupriya is shocked. She recalls Sarthak telling him about his dream to stay with his wife and daughter Riddhi. Anupriya asks who is she? Sarthak says if he have a daughter then he will name her Riddhi. Fb end. Anupriya ask Swara to take Atharv and Moksh out. She asks Sister about the girl. Sister tells that sometimes parents don’t want kids after their birth. Anupriya asks about her parents’ name. Sister checks in the file and says mother is Mitali and father is Sarthak. Anupriya is shocked and taken aback. She look at Riddhi. Atharv asks Anupriya to call Baba and tells that Moksh continues to cry.

Malhar comes to the Police station and looks at the freedom fighters pic. He recalls the kidnapper asking him to prove himself as traitor if he wants to rescue his wife. He kisses his cap and keeps on his chest. He cries and looks at the stars on his shoulder. Pawar comes and tells that he has kept checking on all check post and tells that Aahir will be caught today. He tells that he has to go on a duty for CM. Malhar wears the cap.

The goons come to Kalyani and take her from there. Kalyani says you can’t prove Malhar ji traitor. Malhar comes to the CM. CM says we met you in Nagpur 6 months back, tells that he can never forgive his wife. He tells that she had risked her own life to save others. Malhar is silent. CM asks what happened to you. Malhar aims gun at CM. CM is shocked. CM’s PA calls Commandos. Pawar takes gun from Malhar’s gun and asks what you are doing? CM asks his PA to get all stars and medals taken off from his uniform. He says he is a traitor. Commandos hold him. Malhar thinks he has to act to be traitor for Kalyani. He cries as the medals and stars are taken off from his uniform. CM asks commandos to beat him. Pawar looks at the gun and thinks it is empty then what sir is going to do. The commandos beat up Malhar and take him. Pawar gets shocked.

The goons bring Kalyani somewhere and checks the time. Kalyani asks them to leave her. The goon says if ACP don’t prove himself as traitor then we will kill this girl. Kalyani asks them to kill her and take revenge from Malhar, but don’t prove him traitor as he loves his uniform, job and nation very much. They ask her to be silent. Kalyani says I will fold my hand, don’t force him. The commandos take Malhar in the car. Malhar checks the time and thinks he has to reach to Mall’s parking lot in 10 mins. Kalyani asks them to kill her, but don’t do anything with Malhar. Malhar holds the commando driver and tries to stop the car. The goon says just 1 min is left. Kalyani says Malhar ji will not bend down infront of you. He asks other goon to crush her under the car wheels. Kalyani is blind folded and cries.

Kalyani ask the goons/naxals not to do anything with Malhar. They are about to crush Kalyani under the car wheels and speeds up the car towards her, but Malhar comes there and stops the car with his hands. He continues to hold the car and asks Kalyani not to worry as he has come. Kalyani asks Malhar to go. The goon raises the car, but Malhar holds the car stopping it. His uniform tears up as he exerts pressure on the car to stop it. Kalyani is blindfolded and asks Malhar what is he doing? Malhar succeeds to push the car back and removes his torn shirt. He says I have proved myself as traitor infront of all the department. Kalyani is shocked. Other goon comes and tells that Malhar is saying truth, he is kicked out by his department. Kalyani asks why did you do this? She says nothing is more big than you and Billu and asks why did he do this? Malhar is about to go to kalyani, but the goon stops him threatening to kill Kalyani and him. Malhar warns him not to touch Kalyani and asks her to go, says Rachit is waiting for you. Kalyani says I will not go without you. Malhar asks her to go home. Kalyani asks how can you say this? Malhar asks do you trust me? Kalyani says I trust you a lot and haven’t trust anyone like that. She says I can’t let you do.

Malhar touches her cheeks and says I will come home safely, but right now you please go home safely. Kalyani hugs him and cries, while the goons continue to hold both of them. Malhar asks Kalyani to agree to his sayings and gives his promise, then Moksh’s promise. He says one of us have to be alive for our child’s upbringing and tells that she is his strength and he gets strength from her, but be her weakness. The goon asks them to stop their love story. Malhar says you want me to come with you, Kalyani shall go out from here safely, then I will come with you anywhere you want. Kalyani shouts no, I will not go. Malhar says for Moksh. Kalyani asks goons to leave her and shouts Malhar ji. The goons take her out. Rachit is waiting for her and opens her blindfold. The goon takes their pic and shows to Malhar. They take Malhar in car while blindfolding him. Kalyani tells Rachit that they have to go back and save Malhar. She says from where I came? She comes to the place and cries holding Malhar’s torn uniform. She says why did you prove yourself as traitor, how I will forgive myself? Why did you do this and cries. Rachit says we will search him with Police’s help, but right now you have to come home as Moksh is crying. He says we have to hide your injuries. Kalyani says I don’t want to go. Rachit takes her from there.

Anupriya cries in her room and recalls seeing Sarthak’s daughter. A fb is shown, she thinks Riddhi can’t be of Sarthak’s daughter. Just then Riddhi’s father comes to the orphanage, Riddhi meets him and hugs him. Anupriya sees Sarthak as Riddhi’s father and is shocked. Sarthak asks Riddhi if she likes drawing book and colors. She says colors broke. Sarthak says he will buy new colors. Fb ends. Anupriya’s inner self asks her why she is getting so much questions to ask Sarthak, when she don’t love him and don’t accept this marriage? Atharv comes there and says Aai came and asks Anupriya to come. He takes Moksh to Kalyani and tells that she came. Kalyani asks Moksh to be quiet. Madhav comes and asks Kalyani about her injuries and asks where is Malhar? Rachit says Malhar went for training and will return after a week. Madhav asks why you are crying? Anupriya says as Moksh was crying. Anupriya thinks how to tell Kalyani about Sarthak’s daughter and thinks she can’t tell her. Kalyani thinks she can’t tell Aai about Malhar ji and will bring him back from this situation like savitri brought her husband back.

Malhar is tied up to the rod and beaten up badly. Aahir is with the goons/naxails and reveals his face. Malhar looks at him. Aahir says mosquitoes are dangerous here and bites hard, but you will get habitual to it, this is your house. Malhar says our baba haven’t taught us this? He says Baba is an artiste and when he comes to know about him, what he will feel. Aahir asks him to stop it. He says I don’t accept that you are my brother Aahir and says once you served the punishment, I will help you. Aahir asks him to help himself and asks him to look in the camera, and tell that he is with Naxals in their conspiracy against Naxals. Malhar laughs and asks who are making you do this. Aahir asks him not to do time pass. Malhar says you are doing this and says I am the same malhar rane who got ready to arrest his baba, kaka and got many officers thrown out for corruption and faced bullets on his body many times. He says just like soul leaves the body after the death, this uniform will leave my body. He says whoever is listening to me, listen to Malhar rane and says vandemataram. Someone is hearing him on the CCTV. The person calls Aahir. Aahir says just as you wish, your work will be done.

The Naxals take Malhar to the jungle. Malhar sees pyre there. Aahir signs other naxalite to burn the pyre. Malhar tries to run, but Aahir holds him and asks him to show how much he loves his nation. He signs the naxal to throw the Indian flag on the burning fire. Malhar pushes the naxals and run to hold the flag. He runs and jumps to catch the flag. Aahir is shocked. Malhar holds the flag and throws the burning wood logs using it. He sees Madhuri tied and kept on the pyre. He gets shocked and thinks this is Kalyani’s Aai, she is here. Aahir asks him how he will save the people. Malhar digs the flag rod in the ground and takes out Madhuri from the burning pyre. He says Aai. Aahir hits on Malhar’s head. Kalyani and Rachit come to the police station. Kalyani tells Pawar that some goons has kidnapped Malhar and asks him to call commissioner and bring the search team. She sees Pawar and Rao standing helplessly. The new Inspector comes there and tells that this is not vegetable market. Kalyani says she is wife of ACP Malhar Rane. The New ACP says he is the ACP now and tells that he is a traitor and tried to kill CM. He says such man shall be hanged. Kalyani says Malhar did what they asked him to do. She cries and says no. She says my Malhar ji is not a traitor and asks Pawar to say. She says I will tell the truth and tells that some goons kidnapped her and blackmailed Malhar, so he agreed to their sayings. Pawar says I agree and gets afraid seeing the new ACP. Kalyani asks him not to be afraid and tell. She asks Rao to say that Malhar is not a traitor. She sees them bending their heads. ACP asks her not to do tamasha and leave immediately. Kalyani says she will not go until Commissioner comes there. ACP says if you don’t go then I will kick you out. Rachit asks if this is the way to talk to ladies. Kalyani takes off ACP’s gun and asks him to call Commissioner there.

Malhar and Madhuri are tied. Malhar asks her how she came here and tells that Kalyani gave fire to your dead body, so how come you are alive and came here. Madhuri asks do you know me and my house. She says Kalyani name seems to be familiar and asks who is she? Aahir comes and asks her to stop talking else she will be dead. Malhar thinks they don’t know about her being Kalyani’s aai. Madhuri asks Malhar to tell about her. Malhar apologizes to her and tells that he doesn’t know her. He asks Aahir if this is their kranti, keeping the helpless woman captive. Aahir says she heard us and that’s why she is captive. Malhar asks what she will do against you all. Aahir asks him to give statement that he is with naxals in support of their kranti against the nation. Malhar says I will never say this. Aahir beats him with rod. Madhuri asks them to leave him.

Kalyani asks ACP when Commissioner is coming. ACP says you are putting yourself in trouble. Kalyani thinks she knows what Malhar’s duty means to him. Kalyani recalls coming to the Police station and telling that Malhar has forgotten his house. Malhar tells her that she knows that work comes first than other things. Kalyani asks if work is more important than Moksh and her. Malhar says yes. Fb ends.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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