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Kalyani is with Atharv and makes him dance. She asks him not to make faces. Atharv says it is my cuteness. Rachit comes there and says he will teach dance to Atharv. He tells that kalyani and him are the best dancing couple in college. They dance. Atharv goes inside to bring the camera. Kalyani tells Rachit that they was the best day of her life. She says then next day was worse and slaps him asking why he went without telling him. Rachit says he went as mom got heart attack. Malhar hears them and gets upset. Rachit tells that if he had not gone then he would have confessed his feelings to her. Kalyani asks what and asks him to tell. Rachit says I started liking you, more than a friend. Kalyani is shocked. Rachit asks her to relax and says he is the same. He says if I had told you this during school time then our life would have been different. Malhar is upset and sad. Rachit says leave it, and starts dancing with Kalyani again. He says now girls come and go from his life. Malhar goes. Kalyani says it is good that you didn’t propose me, else your heart would have broken. Rachit says I wouldn’t have proposed you. Kalyani says I think that I would be happy in Pune, but my life took a turned and Malhar and Billu came in my life. She says Anupriya didn’t let her miss Madhuri, says this is the best thing happened to her. Malhar looks at Kalyani and his pic and gets sad.

Kalyani tell Rachit that the new turn in life was good, Malhar ji, Billu and Aai came in my life. She says Aai never let me miss my Aai after Madhuri left. She says they are the best thing happened to me, I can’t spend a day without them. Rachit says there is something in Malhar, but he is not expressive, but loves you a lot. Kalyani says atombomb and smiles. Malhar sees Kalyani and his pics and thinks of Rachit dancing with her. He recalls Rachit’s confession. He looks at her pic. Kalyani comes there. Malhar keeps the phone down. Kalyani asks if he is not happy with Swara’s sakarpura, as he thinks that it is helplessness for her. She says she might have agreed for Madhav, but uday might be the right person for her. She says let Sakarpura happen, if you still think that she is helpless then I will talk to Madhav and break this alliance. Malhar asks why she is saying this as she has also learnt to be in the forced marriage. He says if you had married with your wish, then I wouldn’t have been part of your life. He asks her. Kalyani is shocked. She holds his hand and keeps on her heart. She asks if he felt something. Malhar says this is childishness, when you keep hand on heart then only heart beat will be felt. Kalyani tells that our relation beat will beat in my heart till my last breath. She says you have named our relation as compromise. She says you will say that I am talking filmy, but what to do, when she gets emotional, she talks filmy. She cries looking at him. Tere bin song plays…..Kalyani tells him that she has to go to boil milk for Moksh. She gets up to go and asks him not to talk such nonsense things with her. She says she will get angry and will go missing, then keep searching her. Malhar thinks I know you have given your everything to this relation, but like me, our relation is forced on you. Pawar calls Malhar and tells that Aahir requested to make a phone call. Malhar says tap his phone. Aahir makes a call and says 40 L. Two police officers come there and tells that they have transfer orders of Aahir. Pawar sees it and let Aahir go with them.

Kalyani tells Anupriya that she called the dhobis to complete the target else Rachit will cut our salary. Rachit says I will not cut Aunty’s saree, but yours. Kalyani says she will give demo to them. Malhar comes to the Police station and asks about Aahir. Pawar shows the papers and tells that Inspector Mohite took him. He tells that Aahir made a phone call and said 40L. Atharv calls Malhar and asks what is his kurta size. Kalyani says 40L. Malhar understands and tells that Aahir is using clothes’ size code. Real Police office Mohite comes and shows the papers. Malhar is shocked and tells pawar that those inspectors were faked. Kalyani shows the demo of the detergent powder to the dhobis. The dhobis turn out to be naxals and they aim gun at Kalyani. Kalyani asks who are you? She hits them holding the bucket and rod, and tries to run, calls Rachit. They keep hand on her mouth and asks her not to make sound. Kalyani hits them, but one of the naxal hit on her head and she faints. Rachit comes out and thinks why there is no sound. He sees the dhobis keeping Kalyani in the cloth and tying it. He says what the hell and comes there. He fights with them. The naxals/goons beat Rachit and make him faint. They take Kalyani with them and leave Rachit there.

Atharv comes to Anupriya and tells that Moksh is crying as if he is missing Aai. Anupriya asks Swara to check the clothes and take selfie trying it. She takes Moksh and asks him to see spider man. Atharv goes to call Kalyani. Anupriya thinks why she didn’t come till now and hopes she is fine. She picks the jewellery set and gets her finger injured. She thinks if Kalyani is injured.

Pawar takes Malhar to the place where Aahir called. They check the place and couldn’t find anything, rather than clothes. Pawar says phone is here, Aahir called on this number. Malhar picks the receiver and asks Pawar to get all call records of the phone. He comes out and Kalyani’s mangalsutra falls down from his hand. He thinks he fought with Kalyani unnecessarily, thinks to go home and give Kalyani’s mangalsutra to her. The naxals are taking kalyani in the tempo and sees Malhar on the road. They speed up the tempo. Malhar gets doubtful.

Malhar look at the tempo. The tempo driver tells that ACP is standing, we shall speed up and leave. Malhar gets doubtful and comes near the tempo and stops it. He asks where is he taking the tempo? Driver says dhobi ghat. Malhar asks why he sped up the tempo. Driver says everyone gets scared seeing the Police, and tells that all his papers are in place. Malhar asks them to open the bag. They tell that they are the clothes for marriage decoration, but before that they have to get it washed in the dhobi dhat. The driver/naxal take out the pistol and keeps behind his hand. Malhar asks them to open the big cover. Mangalsutra falls down from Malhar’s hand. Kalyani gains consciousness and the mangalsutra falls on her hand. It falls down. Malhar asks about the tempo guys/naxals name and tells that Police is for their help. He finds his mangalsutra missing. One of the naxal gives it to him. Kalyani couldn’t call him, but struggles to call him. Malhar looks at the tempo.

Anupriya comes near the well and calls Kalyani. Atharv says Aai is not here. Moksh cries. Anupriya gets worried for Kalyani. Malhar is coming home and sees Rachit walking on the road. He stops the jeep and asks what happened to him. Rachit tells that some goons kidnap Kalyani and came home as Dhobi. Malhar realizes that the dhobi tempo took Kalyani. He recalls their threat. Malhar tells Rachit to take auto and go. Rachit tells that he can’t go and will come with him. Malhar says he can’t risk his life. Rachit says I will come. Anupriya calls Malhar and tells that Kalyani is missing and Moksh is crying a lot. Malhar tells that he called Kalyani to give statement against Aahir. Anupriya asks him to make Moksh talk to Kalyani. Malhar tells that he came outside and asks her to call him on video call. Anupriya calls him. Malhar tells Moksh that he will bring his Aai home and asks Anupriya to make him sleep. Anupriya asks why you got tears in your eyes. Malhar says nothing.

They come to the dhobi ghat. Rachit asks if the goons were his enemies. Malhar tells that he will not let anything happen to Kalyani and will pay any price to get her freed. They find phone ringing. Malhar picks the call and the caller/goon tells that his wife might be in the drum. Malhar runs to the nearest drum and searches for Kalyani. He checks in the big drum for Kalyani and takes out all the clothes from inside it. He finds the keys inside. Rachit asks what did he say? Malhar says he is playing puzzle game with me and tells that there must be a car nearby. He finds the car and sees laptop in the car. Kalyani shouts calling Malhar. Malhar tells that he will come and asks her not to worry.

Kalyani hears him and asks him to come. Just then phone rings in the car. Malhar picks the call and asks them what they want and asks them to leave his wife. Kalyani asks the goon to come infront of her. The goon tells that he has done bad with him. Malhar tells that he will do anything for his wife. The goon asks him to prove himself as traitor infront of Police, to save Kalyani. Kalyani says if you do this then I will not talk to you. The goon tells that if you couldn’t prove yourself as traitor then find your wife’s dead body in the chowk. Malhar agrees and says you will get news in 2 hours that ACP Malhar Rane is a traitor.

Kalyani asks who are you and why you are doing this with Malhar ji. She then tells Malhar that he can’t lose his respect and prestige, she knows what his uniform and job means to him. Malhar says I will not let anything happen to you. Just then laptop gets off. Rachit comes there and asks if she is inside. Malhar tells that Kalyani will be fine and will come back in 2 hours. He asks Rachit to do his work. Rachit comes home and tells that there is a problem in Uday’s grah and Swara’s engagement shall be postponed for sometime. Madhav asks how, we have done all the arrangements. Malhar comes to the Police station and recalls the goon’s words. Pawar comes and tells that he has to guard CM as he is coming.

Moksh is crying. Atharv brings Kalyani’s dupatta and sings song. Moksh keeps quiet. Atharv says I made him quiet. Anupriya says don’t know what happened to him, today he needs Kalyani. She gets worried. Kalyani asks Aahir if he is here and asks him not to force Malhar ji to be proved as a traitor. She says if he proves this then. She falls on the glass pieces and shouts Malhar ji.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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