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LOST IN LOVE: Virat, a young police officer, marries a woman to honor the promise he made to Sai dying father. But when his former lover re-enters his life, he finds his heart pulled in both directions.  Don't miss the Premiering episodes of "LOST IN LOVE" on 16th April only on Star Life.


Sai Joshi, a young and outspoken girl from Gadchiroli aspires to become a doctor and dreams to study MBBS at the Nagpur Medical College. In Nagpur, Virat Chavan becomes an IPS officer and is posted to Gadchiroli.

Sai stays with her father Inspector Kamal Joshi in Gadchiroli and her world revolves around him. The local politician's son and goon, Jagtap, falls in one-sided love with Sai and harras her. Jagtap try to kill Kamal to get married with Sai. On topping 12th exam in Maharashtra state, Sai request her father to take retirement and move to Nagpur.

Virat joins his posting in Gadchiroli. Virat's car splash mud on Sai which makes Sai dislike him. Further, Virat asks Kamal to postpone his VRS on stage. Kamal accepts his senior officer Virat order which makes Sai angry. Virat and Pakhi gets infatuated with each other but Chavan family select Pakhi as Samrat's bride. Pakhi to stay with Virat gets married to Samrat and Virat promise Pakhi to not give her place to any girl. Pakhi confess love to Virat which Samrat overhears and leave for duty, heartbroken.

Kamal Joshi takes the bullet to save Virat from Jagtap shoot and Sai sees it. On his deathbed, Kamal asks Virat to take care Sai. Sai is devastated after her father death and try to commit suicide in her emotional state. After Kamal's funeral, villagers pressurise Virat to marry orphaned Sai. Sai request Virat to decline marriage proposal and remind him about Pakhi. Virat propose deal marriage and unwillingly, Sai gets agree for it. During marriage, Virat keeps reminding Sai to not expect any husband love and support from him as he already made promise to Pakhi. Sai also makes it clear that She will leave marriage once she complete MBBS. Pakhi gets shattered seeing Virat-Sai marriage but Virat assure her by disclosing deal marriage details. Chavan family refuse to accept Virat-Sai marriage as Sai is not from upper class, Shahānnau Kule Maratha, like Pakhi. Chavan family humiliates Sai by name calling Junglee, defaming Kamal death and his upbringing but Sai gives a befitting reply to them.

Virat face false accusations by Vithal Mane and gets suspended from job. Virat blames Sai for it. Further, Virat blames Sai to snatch away his love Pakhi and claims to ruins his life. Sai goes to police department and saves Virat job.

Sai comes to know Devyani-Pulkit past relationship and decide to track down the truth. Sai find a chance when Pulkit invites on lunch. Virat stops Sai physically and orders to close house main door and not open till he lock Sai in a room. But Sai does not surrender and goes to meet Pulkit. Further, Virat stops Sai to have food and claims to enjoy on his money when Sai returns home. Sai decided to leave the house but Ashwini makes Virat realise his mistake and Virat apologize to Sai and stops her.

Sai expose the Chavans's act of making Devyani mentally ill, Devyani-Pulkit separation and putting newly born Harinee in orphanage. Sai plans to reunite Devyani and Pulkit by getting them remarried. Pakhi writes fake letter to stop Sai and Virat agrees with Pakhi. Pulkit gets kidnapped by Chavan family's goon. Later, Pulkit and Devyani were getting married but was stopped by Bhavani, Ninad, Omkar and Virat. Sai and Pulkit shows proof to prove Pulkit's innocence but Virat refuses to believe and goes away. Sai gets Puklit and Devyani . Virat throws Sai from the house at midnight and stops Ashwini to give food to Sai. Pakhi and Virat calls Sai as gold digger and mentally challenged person. Sai arrange for evidence and brought it in front of Virat. Then, Sai goes back to Gadchiroli. Virat does not take any action against his family's crimes and forgive them. Virat apologies to Sai and ask her to return but she refuses. Virat goes on a mission and gets shot. A emotional Sai rushes to the hospital and takes good care of Virat. Both reconcile and Sai return home.

On Harinee's birthday, Sai mend Devyani-Harinee's relationship and conveys Chavan family to accept Harinee. Meanwhile, Pakhi confess her feelings again which Sai see it. Sai ask both of them to clear their stand in front of family. But, Virat claims Sai's questions are cheap and does not requires any answer. Pakhi calls Sai a Nurse and ask her to take money and leave the house. Chavan family support Virat and Pakhi and humiliate Sai further. But, Sai gives befitting reply to them.

Sai gifts saree to Pakhi's mother on anniversary after Virat permission. Pakhi and Chavan family humiliate Sai and ask Sai to apologize to Pakhi. Sai has emotional breakdown due to constant bullying and harassment and agrees with their claim of calling herself incompetent and difficult person to be fit in Chavan family.

Ninad childhood dream gets complete when Sai surprise him with Harmonium, which Sai brought it from her scholarship money. Ninaad felt speechless and gives blessing to Sai. Pakhi traps Ajinkya to meet unwell Sai in bedroom and Chavan family sees Pakhi's action but keeps mute. Virat gets angry and harm Ajinkya physically and question Sai's character. Sai feels hurt and goes out of house but gets hit by car. Virat apologize to Sai by crying in front Kamal photo and she forgave him.

Virat plans a trip to Mahabaleshwar to celebrate marriage anniversary. But he lies about this to Sai and Chavan family that this trip is an official one. Pakhi misses Virat and touches his things to feel him in bedroom. Pakhi fake cry about Samrat and blame Sai to enjoy with Virat on her miserable time. Chavan family sympathies with Pakhi. Virat narrates a fake love story to Sai but Yoga instructor interrupts them and speak about Virat-Pakhi's love story. Sai gets agitated as she thinks Virat was telling Pakhi and his love story with could not get complete due to her. They have argument over anniversary celebration and Sai leaves the place. Virat gets hurt by Sai's behaviour and decided to take revenge.

Sai meets Samrat in hospital while helping an injured child, who belong to Samrat's NGO. Sai convince Samrat to return home and Samrat gets agree. Samrat reveals that Pakhi never wanted to marry him and ask for divorce from Pakhi. Sai takes good care of unwell Virat but he continues to be rude with Sai. Next day, Pakhi helps Virat to wear his T-shirt in bedroom and ask him to meet in cafe alone. Pakhi confess love to Virat again and ask him to divorce Sai. Sai visits cafe with her friends and gets hurt to see Virat and Pakhi holding hands and spending time. Virat orders Sai not to speak about cafe at home but Shivani overhear Sai's rambling while passing through her room and cafe truth comes out. Virat compares himself and Samrat with Lord Ram and Lakshman and claims Pakhi as very innocent and emotional person who met him at cafe to discuss about Samrat, although the truth was totally opposite. Samrat believe in Virat word's and drops divorce proceedings.

Pakhi plans a Puja at home to make Virat jealous. Sai denies to become part of her drama and wants to attend her college but Virat forcefully locks Sai in the room. Sai decides to leave house due to overpowering and rude behaviour of Virat towards her. Devyani sees Sai packing her stuff and inform Virat. Pakhi says Devyani to stay out it but Devyani calls out her. Virat shout on Devyani and asks her to behave with Pakhi properly. Sai leaves the house but gets into an accident while saving a child from falling into pit on road. Sai's friend takes her to the hospital. Devyani shares her superstition about Virat-Sai safety and Ashwini ask Sai to get back home for Virat safety. An emotional Sai agrees with Ashwini request and return home.

Ashwini separates Sai and Virat's room to give them some space. Sai and Virat give their relationship a fresh start, this time as friends.Sai falls into Virat's love and wants to confess. Meanwhile, Pakhi enjoy being in Virat's arms and plans to spend night with him in bedroom. Sai try to confess her feeling on diwali but Virat leaves for mission.

Virat and Naxalite Shruti flew from jungle after shooting a bullet to his best friend Naxalite Sada(Sadanand). Virat introduce Shruti as his wife in hotel to protect her from police and Mohit caught them . Police inform Virat that Sada's dead body is missing but Virat ignores it and continue to be off duty to hide his treason act of protecting Naxalite Shruti. Mohit reveals to the family that Virat was with Shruti in a hotel room as Mr and Mrs Chavan. Sai is devastated to hear this and plead to clear the matter. Virat ignore Sai and strictly warns family to not say a word against his Shruti. Sai keeps requesting Virat to reveal the truth but Virat enjoy to be Shruti's husband and continue to spends his whole time with Shruti only. Sai joins Pulkit to assist in hospital. Sai feels betrayed seeing Virat and Shruti as husband-wife. Further, Virat signs Sahas birth certificate as father in front of Sai and Sai gets heartbroken. Chavan family witness Virat caring Shruti and see Sahas as son of Virat in his birth certificate and they disown him. Virat and Shruti starts living together as husband and wife in a separate house.

Police departments suspend Virat to have 2 wives. Sai to save Virat job and reputation ask for divorce and submit backdated divorce papers with Police departments. Police gives clean chit to Virat due to Sai's papers and ask him to join back duty. Shruti confess her love to Virat and hug him but both of them were caught by Sada who escaped by acting dead. Shruti feel upset seeing Sada alive and stands against him to protect Virat. Sada gets angry. Sada kidnap Sai and ask Shruti to return. Virat gets injured in landmine blast while rescuing Sai and Police arrest Naxalite Shruti and Sada for their criminal activities.

Sai feels guilty having Virat on death bed due to her kidnapping by Sada. Chavan family put blames on Sai for their bad behavior with Virat and linking Shruti as Virat wife. Sai accepts all false accusations in her guilt. Sai worship Lord Shiva in temple for Virat's health. Doctor informs to get a injection to save Virat. Sai arranges the injection after many hurdles and saves Virat life. Virat gets out of danger due to Sai effort and comes to consciousness. Virat blame Sai for his condition and ask Sai to leave hospital. An emotional Sai keeps apologizing to Virat.

Virat request police departments to release Naxalite Shruti from all charges. Chavan family apologize to Shruti and continue to blame Sai to justify Virat's traitor act. Virat displays his displeasure to Shruti to have her in jail and blames Sai for their conditions. Shruti kiss Virat and confess her love again. Virat promise Shruti to fulfill Sahas's fatherly duty. A guilty Sai tries to apologize to Virat in many ways but Virat continues his rude behavior.

Virat returns to Chavan Niwas and Chavan family gets happy to get rid of Sai. Sai to apologize to Virat return to Chavan Niwas during Holi. Chavan family supports Pakhi when she suggest to throw Sai in Holi fire to get rid of her and Bhawani when she denies Sai to enter in house and deny food to Sai. Sai bears all insult to mend her relationship with Virat. Still Virat continue his rude behavior with Sai. On Holi, Sai manages to bring Virat to the Holi function.

The next day, Sai reads a letter from Rajeev, who was Shivani's ex-fiancée. Sai decides to meet him without Shivani's knowledge. Rajeev tells Sai about feeling guilty after leaving Shivani and tells her that he only loved Shivani but Virat sees him and puts him in jail and accused him of mental abuse towards Shivani. Virat warned Sai not to meet Rajeev again as he left Shivani on the wedding day and Shivani cut her hand. Shivani learns that Sai met Rajeev and confronted her. Sai reveals that Rajeev was feeling guilty after leaving you and wanted to patch up. Both of them visited Rajeev in jail. Shivani forgives Rajeev and starts afresh. Sai convinces Virat to get Rajeev and Shivani married but refused to do so.

On Ram Navami, Virat organizes a function near the temple and invites the entire family. The entire family sees Rajeev with Shivani and takes her away, but the entire place caught on fire and Rajeev saves Shivani by risking his life and get unconscious. After seeing Rajeev's love for Shivani, the entire family arranges for Rajeev and Shivani's wedding. Sai finishes her last exam and Virat breaks all ties with her. On Rajeev and Shivani's sangeet. Rajeev gets an heart attack but Sai saves him and takes him to the hospital. Sai tells Virat to forgive his family and she takes the blame upon herself for doubting him and says that his family isn’t at fault. She cries remembering her mistake and ask him not to go away from his family. Later on the same night, Virat forgives his family.

The next day, Sai goes missing and Virat tries to find her everywhere but in vain. Virat regrets for not telling his feelings to her. Later, Sai and Virat confess their love to each other in front of the entire family and guests. The entire family is happy except Pakhi, Bhavani, Sonali and Omkar. Later They announce that Both Rajeev-Shivani and Virat-Sai will be married in the same day and same time. Bhavani stops Sai and Virat during the pheras and gives 2 options to Sai. Either leave the house and become doctor or leave the dream of becoming doctor and become the daughter in-law of this house.


  • Ayesha Singh as Sai Joshi: An MBBS student; Alka and Kamal's daughter; Virat's wife 

  • Neil Bhatt as ACP Virat "Viru/Shiva" Chavan: Ashwini and Ninad's son; Sai's husband

  • Aishwarya Sharma Bhatt as Patralekha "Pakhi" Mohitepatil Salunkhe: Vaishali and Shailesh's daughter; Samrat's wife

  • Yogendra Vikram Singh as Samrat "Jeeva" Salunkhe: Mansi and Ashok's son; Patralekha's husband

  • Shailesh Datar as Ret. Col. Ninad Chavan: Mansi, Nagesh, Omkaar and Shivani's brother; Ashwini's husband; Virat's father

  • Bharti Patil as Ashwini Chavan: Ninad's wife; Virat's mother

  • Mridul Kumar as Omkar "Omi" Chavan: Mansi, Nagesh, Ninad and Shivani's brother; Sonali's husband; Mohit's father

  • Mitali Nag as Devyani "Devi" Chavan Deshpande: Bhavani and Nagesh's daughter; Samrat, Virat and Mohit's cousin; Pulkit's wife; Harinee's mother

  • Yash Pandit as Dr. Pulkit Deshpande: Devyani's husband; Harinee's father; Sai's professor

  • Yamini Malhotra / Tanvi Thakkar as Shivani Chavan: Mansi, Nagesh, Ninad and Omkaar's sister; Amey's former girlfriend; Rajiv's wife

  • Sonia Singh as Anuradha, Rajiv's younger sister

  • Adish Vaidya / Vihan Verma as Mohit Chavan: Sonali and Omkaar's son; Devyani, Samrat and Virat's cousin; Karishma's husband 

  • Sneha Bhawsar as Karishma Chavan: Mohit's wife

  • Dimple Shaw Chauhan / Roopa Divetia as Mansi Chavan Salunkhe: Nagesh, Ninad, Omkaar and Shivani's sister; Ashok's widow; Samrat's mother

  • Hirva Trivedi as Harinee Deshpande: Devyani and Pulkit's daughter; Madhuri's foster daughter

  • Vishavpreet Kaur as Vaishali Mohitepatil: Shailesh's wife; Patralekha's mother

  • Atul Mahajan as Shailesh Mohitepatil: Vaishali's husband; Patralekha's father

  • Jitendra Bohara as Sunny: Virat and Samrat's best friend

  • Suraj Sonik as Aniket More: Sai's best friend

  • Tejasvi Khatal as Madhuri Patil: Pulkit's foster sister; Harinee's foster mother

  • Anjana Nathan as Usha: Sai's caretaker; Kamal's foster sister

  • Nivaan Sen / Vineet Kumar Chaudhary as Sadanand Pawle: A Naxalite; Virat's best friend; Shruti's husband; Saahas' father

  • Shafaq Naaz as Shruti Pawle: A Naxalite; Sada's wife; Saahas' mother

  • Siddharth Bodke as Jagtap Mane: A local goon obsessed with Sai; Kamal's murderer

  • Ganesh Yadav as Vitthal Damodar Mane: Jagtap's father, a local politician and goon at Gadchiroli 

  • Jitendra Trehan as DIG Sanjeev K. Salaskar of Nagpur: Virat's senior officer

  • Jia Sheth as Pari: Sai's best friend

  • Bhagya Bhanushali as Balakram: Sai's best friend

  • Somesh Sharma as Ajinkya Mhatre: Sai's college friend

  • Riddhi Gupta as Sandhya: Sai's college friend

  • Shalini Singh as Neha: Patralekha's best friend

  • Kushagre Dua as Amey Gupte: Sarita's husband; Shivani's former boyfriend

  • Minoli Nandwana as Sarita Gupte: Amey's wife

  • Pankaj Vishnu as Inspector Pawar

  • Rakesh Rajwant as Officer Gopal Shinde

  • Aditya Bansal as Milind: Sai's college friend

  • Ami Joshi as Aishwarya: Sai's college friend

  • Keshav Ashwani as Sai's college friend

  • Yash Abbad as Sai's college friend

  • Sunila Karambelkar as Swapna: Ashwini's elder sister

  • Abhineet Kaushik as Bhau: a goon

  • Deepak Soni as Inspector Sachin Kadam

Guest appearance

  • Vaishnavi Prajapati as Payal "Chikoo" Joshi

Lost In Love

Developed byLeena Gangopadhyay
Written byRajesh Chawla
Screenplay by
  • Vishal Vatwani
  • Renu Vatwani
  • Laxmi Jaikumar
Story byLeena Gangopadhyay
Directed byJaideep Sen[1]
Ashwini Saraswat
Jafar Shaikh
Ranjeet Gupta
Rohit Fulari
Creative directorSiddhartha Vankar
Theme music composerDhruv Dhalla
Opening themeGhum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin
ComposerNishant Pandey
Country of originIndia
Original languageHindi
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes490
CinematographyShailesh Manore
  • Ashish Singh
  • Satish Thakur
Camera setupMulti-camera
Running time22–25 minutes
Production companiesCockcrow Entertainment
Shaika Films
DistributorStar India
Original networkStar Plus
Picture format
Audio formatDolby Digital
Original release5 October 2020 –
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Star Life

16 April 2022

Post a Comment


  1. Thank you very much, so far I'm enjoying Lost In Love, but Pakhi is always over reacting.

  2. What a lousy and stupid storyline why is Sai always the one to suffer? Why you make Virat the hero? when his the one who mistreated Sai. Virat was the one who didn't tell Sai the truth .His git the nerve to blame her and his stupid arrogant selfish family. You story lines Sucks
