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Rani wonders how he know about this, Jeewan says he know his friends well and is aware his sweetest memories are associated with this place. Rani look around, Jeewan asks if she feels bad that he and not Raaj is saying all this. Jeewan asks Rani to celebrate, as Raja has passed today. Rani inquires about his result, Jeewan says he got a compartment in the exam he didn’t take. Rani demands why he left that exam, although he had hotel project linked to it. Jeewan says for him, she and her friendship is important than this project. He might get many projects, but not a friend like her. He only want to see her happy and can go to any extent for that. Rani watch Raaj Mata and Raja standing behind and excitedly go to greet them, Raaj Mata says her Raja brought her here. Raja says he thought a lot about a gift, then thought this would be the best gift. Jeewan wipes his tears behind and leaves. Rani turns to introduce Raaj Mata to Jeewan but he had left already. Raja stops Rani and asks her to spend her time with Raaj Mata. Rani asks Raaj Mata if she remember this place, but she didn’t recognize. Rani reminds her of her childhood. Raaj Mata wonders how her son and daughter in law could keep her here. Raja takes their attention to cake. Raaj Mata tells Raja she has to return tomorrow, will he take her? Raja says no, from today she and Rani will live here. Rani makes Raaj Mata comfortable and goes behind Raja.

In the lounge, Rani watches the decorations of the hall. Raja comes from behind, he hands her a box to open. It was a small pendant, Raja qualify it’s for her as a memorandum of their friendship. Rani allows Raja to put it around her neck. He collects her tears in his hand, and says never from today. He presents her a bunch of rose, each one for the ten birthdays she spent without him. He bring her a dress and demands her to wear it for him. Rani comes draped in a red embellished dress. He drapes her head with the pallu behind and says he always wanted to see her this way, innocent and beautiful, a lot of time has spent but today he can tell her what she means to him. He comes close to kiss her, she gets away then hugs him tightly. Raja says she is his only, Rani says yes for him always. She then straightens up and says it’s too late, he must go. Raja confirms thrice before leaving, then turns to send her a flying kiss. A file lay on the table.

The next morning, Rani comes across Jeewan. She complains he left without informing her, Jeewan asks if she even noticed. She can never see anything in front of Raja, Rani minds that she wanted to introduce him to her Dadu. Jeewan wish Raja comes out to hear what Rani is thinking, he hopes all the misunderstanding in Raja’s heart are figured out. He eyes the file in Rani’s hand.

Rani comes to Raja’s room where he had been tossing balls. She knocks at the door, he reads a poetic verse with his eyes shut. She suggest to him to be an actor, he was ready to go had someone not stopped him. She brings the file, Raja says he thought about getting it signed. Rani asks if she reads the papers once, would he dislike; her Dadu taught her to read the papers once before signing. Raja says he would definitely dislike if she doesn’t read, then keeps the file aside saying she has been appointed as Project Head, she will get everything she needs for the project. She will be an important part of this project, she is, was and will be his. He asks Rani to read, Rani says she has read anything. Raja eyes her signing the papers. Rani assures him to do whatever he would ask her for. He gets closer again, Rani stops her. Raja says he said so. Rani invites him for dinner tonight.

At night, Rani is waiting for Raja at 8 pm. Raaj Mata asks why is she waiting so intently for Raja today, she narrates her own story, when she was eighteen once her grandfather came to her home. Her mother knew the truth watching her restlessness. She know Rani loves Raja and Raja also loves her. There is a knock at the door, a guard comes with a bouquet. Rani suspected.

At night, Raaj Mata asks Rani to have food, Raja must be busy. Rani goes plucking flower petals and counting if he would come or not. Raja comes from behind and swirls Rani in air holding her in his arms. Rani wakes up from her dream by the knock at the door. She is excited and goes to open the door. Raja stood outside, and smiles at her. Rani is shocked to see Bindu behind her, all dressed up. He boasts about Rani’s cooking to Bindu, then asks about Raaj Mata. Rani says she is asleep. Bindu comes inside with a heavy heart. Rani comes to kitchen, Raja follows her and try to convince her for not ruining her mood. Rani serves the food, Raja deliberately throws a spoon on floor and asks Rani to pick it up. Bindu sees a necklace and asks if Rani also has this pendant. She recognizes it to be hers, Rani stares at Raja. Raja asks if it’s hers, he found it in the palace and picked it up. Rani wipe her tears and returns the pendant. Bindu asks her to keep wearing it, she won’t take it anymore as she isn’t used to wearing stale items. Rani says even she isn’t used to it. She comes into the room crying. Raja comes to explain to Rani he was unaware she would dislike it, he still holds the same feelings for her that aren’t dependent upon anything. Rani complains to him about lying to her. Raja says he had no time to buy a gift for her, he had gone to bring Dadu. Whatever he said while gifting her the pendant was all true. He apologize and hugs her, she hug back but still stares at him angrily. Raja asks for a smile, she does. He takes her outside.

The next morning, Rani is waiting for Raaj Mata to hurry up. Raaj Mata bring yogurts and sugar, she is upset. Raaj Mata says at least he came, no matter late. She advices Rani to talk to him in a good mood, she is going to start a new task.

In the palace, everyone is having breakfast. Raja ses Rani and comments not bad, she came 5 minutes earlier. Bari Rani Maa offers Rani breakfast, it’s the first day of her work. Rani thank her, Bari Rani Maa insists on her to sit. Rani is about to take a seat but Raja keeps his feet on it. He wonders what he ate last night that ruined his health. Jeewan offers Rani his chair. The maids serves Rani with a tea. Bari Rani Maa asks Rani why is she shy, should she serve her. Raja hold Rani’s hand on the table and reminds her that her five minutes are over. Bari Rani Maa asks Raja to let her have breakfast, one shouldn’t snatch someone’s bite early morning. Rani she is confuse about Raja behaviour. Raja says today is her first day. Rani stands up at once accepting Raja is right and goes inside.

Rani comes upstairs angry. Raja follows her. Rani asks why is he behaving like this to her. Raja tells her that he is just serious about his work. Rani suggests there is something in his mind that he has been hiding. A delegate arrives, Raja welcomes them. Bindu is among them. Rani is about to show them a presentation, Raja sends Rani to get tea or coffee for them. Rani assures asking Juman, Raja asks her to bring it herself. They order her with their likings. Raja suggests that Rani must write them.

Raja begins with the presentation and hands Bindu the stick watching her present the model. Rani brings tea for everyone. Bindu had finished the presentation by then, she turns to lose her balance and resultantly her sandal is broken. Raja demands Rani to get another sandal from Lovey’s room. She throws it with a jerk saying it’s not her job and she won’t do it. She turns to leave but Raja holds her arm asking if she is angry. He knows how to make her up. He gets closer to Rani, Rani feels uncomfortable first, then slaps Raja pushing him away. Raja laughs mockingly, Rani shouts what has he been doing. Raja asks why she is behaving as if there was never something between them, does she feel shy because everyone is here. He explains to the delegates that she is over acting. Rani turns to leave, saying to go to hell with this job and him. Raja warns she will have to pay huge about it and follows Rani. Bindu gives a thumbs up to Bari Rani Maa. Raja holds Rani’s hand in the corridor and says its their commitment, she can’t leave this way. He carry her on his shoulders while she resists.

Raja bring Rani to store room, he remind Rani that she said I love you and not him. Rani couldn’t digest and with tears in her eyes she turn to face and says yes he never said, but if he doesn’t love her then what about all that. Raja says it was all lies, betrayal and illusion so that she herself tell him I love you Raja, she can do anything for him. He laughs mockingly pointing towards her. He boasts that a lot of girls have said this to him many times, this doesn’t mean he loves all of them. Rani asks what about what happened between them. Raja asks what happened, kiss? That may be her first kiss but not his, and why is she angry because of that as she had no objection then. Rani withdraws her hand, wipes her tears. Raja accuses the education system of the country, else the biggest idiot of this world could not be a topper. If she wondered she will ruin Rajveer Singh’s life and he will spare her. Did she think his childhood love will revoke so easily, but actually childhood hatred revoked? He came to know she is the girl whose silence took him to hostel, he had decided then and there to return with interest all she had done to him. Rani takes a step back saying this isn’t possible. Rani thinks about all the times Raja took care of her Dadu, Raja laughs that it was to make her believe her Raja is good at heart. Rani demands why he prevented her from rustication then. Raja insists only he has a right to punish her, he wanted to bring it moment by moment. He won her trust, and she herself saved him from getting suspended. Rani ask Raja if this is a bad dream, her Raja can’t do so. Raja holds her down on a table and says this isn’t a joke, it’s a punishment for taking him away of his family and home. He has been waiting for this day for a long time and wanted to break her trust the same way she did. She remained silent when Raja asked a witness from Rani that he didn’t hit Jeewan. Raja says he waited for this day so that not only him but she hates herself too to coming to him in palace. Raja says he went against his family on Lovey’s birthday party, to increase her trust on him. That night, she was in his arms the whole night. Rani cry.  Raja boasts about being able to show her worth there and then, but he didn’t even touch her. It’s interesting to break hope when the hope is really high. Bari Rani Maa thought he was caught again in her trap and came to kill her that day, he told Bari Rani Maa that he never forgave Rani. A punishment is beautiful when given as a gift, she trusts him blindly and when broken it will break Rani as well. Bari Rani Maa joined him in this game, and is ready to help him anyway. They all got together to trap her, Rani put her life, dreams and herself at stake for his sake. And on her birthday, he played his last card and that was her Dadu. He gifted her with something so that she can confess her love by herself. Rani fall on the floor, crying and broken while Raja smirk. 

Once There Was A King Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm Repeat At 4pm

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