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Raja brings Rani to the room, Rani asks whose room is this. Raja says its Rani Gayatri’s, she has been named after her. Rani was excited and wish to see her photo. They head to store room, Raja tells Gayatri that Rani Gayatri was killed in this same palace. He qualifies that some say a dakot came to kill Rani Gayatri, others say she was killed saving her daughter but no one exactly know where her daughter is. He makes rani fearful saying sometimes
people hear her anklet at night. A single bed foot fell off, Rani shouts in fear. He holds her and brings her to the photo. Raja leaves from behind her. Rani says she must have felt afraid, but she isn’t; it seems she has come into her mother’s lap. She turns to see Raja wasn’t behind, suddenly the walls begin to vibrate and bulbs get on and off. Rani was afraid at once. Raja appears from a side, Rani hugs him. He laughs, Rani beats him for leaving her alone. Raja asks if she will hit him, what people would say. She was annoyed why he made her fearful. He cups her face saying he knew she would hug him then, and he likes it a lot. It seems she also needs him, he wonder what is happening to him. He has never felt so before. Rani backs up saying she didn’t understand what he is saying. Raja demands her for his return gift, and asks her to sign her new job’s contract papers. He can’t begin his work until she signs them. She was quizzical if he prepared these contract papers before, did he know she is going to say a yes. Rani asks for some time, if she signs the papers he would become her boss. Raja was ready to get written that he will work as her assistant. Rani asks for some time to think if she will be able to manage work and studies together. Kaal asks her to come along him, he has to let her meet his new project’s project head.

On the table, Kaal asks Rani if she will eat here. Bari Rani Maa explains that Raja and Rani are friends now, and Rani will stay here until hostels are repaired. Kaal offers her a seat. Bindu objects where has family’s self-respect gone, their maid would have food with them? Raja stops him, Bari Rani Maa reminds Bindu of some manners, and good families don’t misbehave with their guests; if she can’t talk in a good way she must go to her room. Bindu leaves the table. Rani heads behind her but Raja stops her and offers her a chair.
Bari Rani Maa gives a good news to Kaal, Raja wants to take the responsibility of changing this palace to a hotel. Kaal asks Raja if this is true. Raja says yes, he will do whatever Kaal asks for if he is allowed to handle this project. Kaal decisively says that he can’t get this project, only bearable burden should be kept at weak shoulders. Raja has always broken his hopes. Kaal couldn’t pass his college exams for three years, how will be hold this burden. He leaves the table, Rani assures Raja that Kaal would agree. Bari Rani Maa utters if a dad doesn’t trust his son, no one can be of any help.
Raja and Rani come into the room, Raja was enraged and shows Rani all the maps of the projects he had worked on. Rani demands why he didn’t tell Kaal about it all. Raja says that Rani’s silence let him down in Kaal’s eyes so much that he never trusted him again. After meeting Rani, he wanted to change himself and prove that he isn’t as bad as he appears to be. Kaal broke his heart again and wipes his tears. Rani comes to him, but he pushes her out of the room demanding to be left alone.
Bari Rani Maa tells Kaal that she has seen Raja change in last few days. Kaal says only weather change, people don’t. Rani comes from behind and qualifies that like love fear is also powerful. She is Raja’s friend, now Raja isn’t rude and stubborn anymore. He has really changed in last few days. Kaal says he has failed thrice, it would be a big deal if he only pass his exams. Rani assures that Raja would pass the exams this time, she trust her friend and friendship, if he clears the exams would he give Raja a chance for hotel. Kaal says this opportunity is not for Raja but of Rani, if he still fails it would be considered as her loss.
Raja was watching all the maps, Rani comes to him. He asks what this is. She says this is a chance to fulfil his wish, his father can give him a chance to work in hotel project but he has a condition. Raja must pass the exams.

Raja inquires Rani how she did this. Rani recalls about putting her dreams at stake, if Raja fails this time she will leave her dreams and go away from Amirkot forever. Kaal promised Rani if Raja succeed this exam, he will get the project of the hotel. Raja cheers, hugs then holds Rani in his arms swirling her around. She demands to leave her, he drops her on floor and runs outside.
At night, Raja comes to tease Rani with feather in sleep. Rani wakes up and asks what he is doing. Raja says she firstly called his name in sleep, then inquiring what he is doing here. She denies having taken his name, he insists she did. She pushes him away but he holds her hand saying he loves it when she takes his name. He kiss her arm, she calls his name repeatedly. Rani wakes up at once from sleep,
then curses herself for dreaming this way. She watches the time, it was about 8 in the morning. She hurries to wake Raja up for study, and knocks at Raja’s door. Juman comes from behind and quizzically watch Rani, she recognizes Juman at once then introduces herself. Juman says Raja wakes up around 1am, Rani climbs through the window into his room. His book was lying nearby, she watches Raja hasn’t even read yesterday’s lesson. She throws some water over Raja, then turns around. He shouts at her, then wears his shirt. Rani insists on him to get ready in next ten minutes, after that they will study together. She comes to study room, Jeewan was there. Jeewan says he heard she and Raaj are about to study here, so he thought about repeating the history. Rani recalls about helping Jeewan before, and tells Jeewan it isn’t appropriate for him and Raaj to study together. Jeewan asks if its Raaj’s will or hers, she backs away as Jeewan steps towards her, arguing if she is Raja’s slave, he insists on her that he was never her enemy like Raja. He always wanted to be her friend, but she rejected him and didn’t trust her. Raja arrives there and asks Jeewan to question him anything he wants to. Jeewan taunts him for having failed in class for three years, he must get out from between them. Raja qualifies Jeewan came in between him and Rani, then him and his father. It’s in the way he was born. Jeewan points a finger at Raja shouting, Rani comes between them. Raja warns Jeewan to leave, he does. Raja asks Rani to begin for what he woke up so early.
Jeewan comes to Kaal and demands him to do the hotel project. He accepts Raja is older than him, but he won’t let him down. Kaal asks till when his sons became so responsible, until today both went opposite ways; how there ways got same? Jeewan insists that he always wanted to be a good son of Kaal, he never let him down. He will take better marks than Raja, and requests Kaal to give the project to him.
Raja jokes as Rani tries to teach him chemistry. Rani tells Raja that chemistry is like real life, two people meet and have effects over each other, like they first met as enemies then became friends. Similarly, elements react and make bonds. Raja comes to Rani and asks what time is required to make a long lasting relation. Rani reminds him they have little time, Rani appears worried. Raja inquires her about this worry. Rani asks Raja if he and Jeewan can’t give each other second chance. Raja was enraged saying if a brother is like him, it’s better to have an enemy. Jeewan himself is a problem, he gets upset that Jeewan made him away from Kaal. He deprived him of everything he ever liked, Kaal could even hear Jeewan’s ah but not his scream. He was always his enemies, had he not been an illegitimate child he would have got him pushed out of the house. He and Kaal only bear one another. Kaal arrives there clapping, he wonders why he has been doing this all when they don’t care for him. He asks Raja why he is posing to be changing. He informs Raja that this hotel game now has a third player as well, Jeewan appears from behind. Kaal reminds Raja that the hotel project goes to the one who gets better marks, he warns Rani this time she might not win. Kaal leaves, Raja grabs Jeewan’s collar. He reminds Jeewan he will not lose either this game nor Rani, Rani only belongs to him.

Raja slips a note from beneath the door. Rani says he has been waiting for him outside, Raja goes annoyed that he will see till when she keep on waiting. Juman was passing by the corridor, he asks if he should bring food for Rani as she sat on floor studying. She thanks him for the offer.
At night, Raja wakes up and walks outside. He was shocked to see Rani asleep there on the floor. He was about to hold her face, then turns away annoyed. He then turns around and covers Rani with his coat. Rani wakes up and turns to see Raja’s room door opened. She runs inside. Raja was sitting in his friend’s company playing guitar as they drank. Rani passes by, Raja comes to hold her hand. She withdraws her hand as everyone is watching. Raja holds it again and drags her out. Rani tells him she
came to take him with her, it’s time to study and not to sing. Bindu taunts at Rani being an assistant. Raja argues he would do what he wants to. Raja was stubborn and denies cooperating. Rani reminds him that vivas are starting from tomorrow. Rani insists on Raja to concentrate on his studies, passing the exams is important for them both. Bindu and Raja’s friends argue if Raja has to work hard like the poor, what’s good in being born in a royal family. She reminds Rani that Raja isn’t her slave. Rani replies that Raja wants to prove himself to his father, and she won’t let Raja come between his dreams; not even Raja. Bindu tells Raja to go with this assistant, they can’t bear her lectures anymore. She takes everyone inside.
Meenu asks Rani why she is insisting on Raja to study. Rani says that Raja and Rani’s dreams are connected to each other. Rani says she is as stubborn as raja is, if he considers himself to be a Raja she is also Rani. Raja comes to the room and finds notes stuck on different walls. Raja smiles reading them, and says she cares for him but doesn’t trust him.
Rani comes to study where Jeewan was studying. Raja comes to Gayatri’s room, Meenu was there and tells Raja that Gayatri called her here to study together. There, Rani tells Jeewan that Raja isn’t playing any games, he has his dreams. Jeewan reminds Rani that those who don’t work hard never have dreams fulfilled. Raja gets everyone served on plate, he never work hard and will never do. Raja was walking towards the study room. Jeewan tells Rani that Raja doesn’t need anyone. Rani tells Jeewan if he thinks he didn’t get his share, he must earn it not snatch Raja’s rights. Rani turns to leave, Jeewan clutches her arm and reminds Rani how Raja used to torture her in college. He wonders if she began trusted Raja if he once saved her. He tells Rani that Raja only wish to win her. Raja hears this. Rani says this is right Raja doesn’t want to pass. Raja turns away. Rani tells Jeewan late that this doesn’t mean he can’t pass
In the exam hall, Rani was tensed as Raja hadn’t arrived yet. She was wondering about her own promise with Kaal.

Once There Was A King Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm Repeat At 4pm

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