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In the room, Rani clutches Raja’s collar demanding who gave him the authority to decide for her life. A person doesn’t give his toy away so easily, she isn’t a toy or an animal. She will not marry anyone except him, else wait for him for whole of her life. Raja clutches her tight, and decisively says she will have to marry Jeewan else leave this city. Rani asks why, because if she stays around him he won’t be able to control his heart. How can he order her, if his own heart doesn’t follow them? Raja turns to leave, Rani stops him saying it’s her decision she will neither marry Jeewan nor leave the city. She came here to fulfil her grandmother’s dreams. Raja warns to break all her dreams, get her rusticated and get her thrown out of this house as well. Rani argues this city is huge. Raja warns to tell Raaj Mata the truth that she is wasting her life behind a guy who isn’t worth her. Rani cups his face saying she will decide this, he must once look at himself with Rani’s eyes and he will understand his worth for her. Raja confirms again if she won’t say a yes for this proposal, and heads outside.
In the hall, Raja comes to tell Raaj Mata the truth. They think he loves Rani, but he never did. Raaj Mata questions what was it about that he cared for her and saved them. Raja says its for friendship, its not love. He neither believes in love nor marriage, but Jeewan does. He loves Rani and wants to marry her, whom Rani should marry then? Rani comes from behind and orders them to get out, drag them out of her home and shut the door from inside. She wasn’t ready to listen to Jeewan’s explanations as well and cries behind the door. Raaj Mata and Meenu come to help her, Rani cries hugging Raaj Mata.
At night, in the palace, Jeewan cursed Raja. He shouldn’t have come into Raja’s talks, he even ruined his friendship. Raja says if Jeewan wants Rani to love him, he must do something. Jeewan says he has always been her support whenever Raja hurt her. Amrita hears them talking. Raja advices Jeewan to make place for himself in her heart, so that she is left with no place for someone else in her heart. Jeewan thanks Raja and leaves watching Amrita standing at the door. Amrita comes complaining Raja that he made fun of love and marriage both. Why does he want his brother to marry Rani? Raja tells her that Rani would neither leave Amirkot nor them, if these clashes continue among them they will break any one of them. Marrying Jeewan is one way he can save Rani from himself.
Rani comes to Raaj Mata about her non-match stroller. Raaj Mata says if one doesn’t match, some other will. She explains if Raja doesn’t love her, there is no need for her to waste her life behind him. If he doesn’t value her love, it’s of no use to wander behind him. She has seen her son living without his first wife after her death. Rani says her Baba only loved once. Raaj Mata was upset as she doesn’t want Rani to bear the same pain as her son and daughter in law.
In the college, Raja feels Rani’s arrival in the class and turns around smiling. She walks towards him, some rose petals fell over her from over the fan. Jeewan comes with a red rose for Rani, kneels in front of her asking for her hand. Raja felt curt, while Bindu enjoys as he proposes Rani. Everyone laughed, Rani looks towards Raja who turns his face away. She leaves the class annoyed, Raja comes to scold Jeewan. Jeewan says this is love, and Raja told him to show it to her. Raja says there is difference between showing love and making a fun of it. Jeewan asks what to do, Raja says he will do whatever has to be done now.
In the balcony, Rani wonders what she should know. Raja loves her but isn’t accepting it, Jeewan doesn’t understand her. She is worried for her Dadu being sandwiched in this all. Raja overhear this conversation and thinks how he had forgotten the only passage to Rani’s heart goes from her Dadu.

At home, Raaj Mata enjoyed with some jokers. Jeewan comes holding his hands to Rani, and dances with Raaj Mata who looked fresh. Jeewan was happy peeking from behind the curtain, Rani was moved at his presence and follows him outside. On the door, she asks if he still think he doesn’t love her. Jeewan come there, she tells him that he is actually the puppet in hands of Raja. Raja said she Jeewan proposed her in the class, Raja said and he brought jokers to cheer Raaj Mata; he loves him must also be Raja’s thought. There is no difference between him and Raja, one wants to get out of her heart and other wants to get in, both without her will. If they involve her grandmother in this game, she won’t tolerate. They have always fought for toys since childhood, but she isn’t a toy. She
goes inside, both were left there on the door.
Raaj Mata was working in the kitchen, she tries to take a bottle from above the shelf that hit her head, and she fell on the floor. Rani comes shouting her name, Raja and Jeewan hurries inside as her head bleed. Raja gets the doctor, while Jeewan bandages her head. The doctor inspects Raaj Mata, then assures there is nothing to worry about. Jeewan assures Rani she will be fine and asks her let Raaj Mata rest. Rani comes behind him thanking, Jeewan forbids her thank someone who belongs to you. Raja comes there agreeing Jeewan, they haven’t played with her emotions. He had been playing games, but Jeewan truly loves her. Today, she must hear what is in Jeewan’s heart, what he always wanted to say. He reads a letter, Jeewan was shocked reading that fake script. It was saddening as Raja reads, he always dreamt for a girl who loves him in spite of all his weakness, he never thought he will get such a girl but he found one. He fall in love with her, and it increases daily. He will love her till death, and even after dying. Jeewan stares at Rani who cries, then goes consoling her as he can’t even think about hurting her. He always want to be her side, and marry her. Raja drops the letter and leave upset. Jeewan promises to keep her happy. Rani says neither he can’t keep her happy, nor would she stay happy there. Jeewan was sad that she loves someone who doesn’t love her, and the one he loves doesn’t love him. He requests her think about him once, and steps pass the letter on the door.
At night, Raja sat with bonfire. Amrita comes complaining about his condition even when Rani hasn’t agreed to marry. What will happen to him when she will take rounds of marriage with Jeewan? Bindu asks Jeewan if Raja loves Rani, why he would help Jeewan marry her. Rani asks Raaj Mata she is really confused, how she will be able to stay with Jeewan. Raaj Mata says it would be difficult to stay with Raja when he doesn’t love her. Raja tells Amrita that he will compel Rani to marry Jeewan, if she marries him she will be hurt daily; because he Rajveer, is his father Kaal’s son. He is a wild animal who will do the same to Rani as Kaal did to Amrita. Jeewan tells Bindu to take care of Raaj, as after he gets married to Rani Raja will be left alone. Rani finds the letter fallen on floor, it was an empty paper that Raja had read. She says this means Raja lied to her.
The next morning, Raja comes out of his room shocked to find Rani pouring tea for him. He comes closer to find it was Bindu, dressed like Rani. She smiles at him, saying he didn’t come downstairs for breakfast so she brought it here. Raja was puzzled, then asks Bindu if she is fine; how she has been dressed. Bindu says she felt a bit changed today. Raja laughs that this change doesn’t suit her, she looks good the way she is. Bindu inquires if she can’t change overnight if he can. Raja takes a bite, and makes a bad face. Bindu asks how it is, Raja lies that it’s nice. She asks him to thank her, he turns around saying yes it’s good. She asks him for a thankyou kiss, he denies. She wasn’t ready to let him go this way, he tries to stop her but she herself moves forward. Rani watches this from the window, as Raja push Lovey behind. She stood upset in the window, Raja follows her.
She was running downstairs upset, Raja comes to explain she is thinking wrong. Rani says it must have happened for her to understand he doesn’t love her. He finds it easy to let her marry Jeewan, so that she stay in front of him but she wants to be with him. They look in the mirror, Raja slaps break it. Rani says the mirror, no matter broken, always show the reality. Raja turns to leave, but the glass had hurt Rani’s hand. Raja turns around and curtly says he doesn’t love her, if she comes near him she will only get hurt. He takes a cloth piece to tie over her bruise, saying he and happiness could never get along well. Rani questions who is he to take decisions for her life, Raja shouts he has because she is his…. Rani stops him asking what?
PRECAP: Rani shows the letter to Jeewan, she tells Jeewan not to interfere between the game between her and Raja. Jeewan shouts back that he has nothing to do with the games Raja plays. Rani is his life only.

Rani agrees to marry Jeewan but only on a condition that he stay there. She will hold Jeewan’s hand only if he hands it to Jeewan, and takes a promise. He keeps his hand over her, Rani laughs that he promised but won’t be able to fulfil it; he loves her a lot and can’t see her marry someone else. This is her faith on her love, Mr. Rajveer Singh.
Rani comes to Jeewan who was playing dart to show her the fake letter Raja read. She asks why he lied with Raja, Jeewan tries to explain that was Raja…. He apologizes her. Rani says he must be ashamed, they have considered her life a game and they have won this game as well, she told Raja she was ready to marry him (Jeewan). Jeewan cheerfully moves towards her but she stops him, she says she only agreed to marry him only to show Raja
won’t be able to see her marry someone else. This is a game between her and Raja, Jeewan must not interfere in this game. Jeewan stops her saying it must be a game for Raja, but for him Rani is his life. He loves her dearly, and will surely marry her now. Rani was tensed, Jeewan throws the arrow without looking at hits its aim perfectly.
On the table, Kaal throws the plate away angrily, as Rani is only a maid and doesn’t worth being more than this. Raja asks what if Bari Rani Maa had thought the same for him, Rani was born in poor family but has a gold heart. She realizes the worth of relations and will never let this family disperse. Kaal questions Raja why he himself doesn’t marry her. Raja qualifies she isn’t good for him, Jeewan loves Rani. In royal families, sons are only considered to be worthy, they must sometimes be considered humans as well. Bindu agrees Jeewan loves Rani a lot. Kaal wasn’t ready for this marriage at any cost, and leave the table. Raja announces this marriage will take place, if he agrees they will take his blessings but if he disagrees it will take place without his blessings. Raja curses Bari Rani Maa’s brought up in front of her regarding Raja.
Raaj Mata was happy about Rani’s decision, if she has taken this decision in pressure it won’t prove fruitful then. Bari Rani Maa tells Raja his decision is wrong, he wanted to revenge Rani then why he wants her to marry Jeewan who loves her. Raja apologizes for not being able to share the reasons with her now. She hugs Raja. Raaj Mata wasn’t ready to let her marry Jeewan if she loves Raja. Rani says she wants to make Raja realize his love, and was sure he will stop this marriage. Raaj Mata assures being with Rani.

Once There Was A King Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm Repeat At 4pm

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