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Raja come to the room and find notes stuck on different walls. Raja smiles reading them, and says she cares for him but doesn’t trust him.

Rani comes to study where Jeewan is studying. Raja comes to Gayatri’s room, Meenu is there and tells Raja that Gayatri called her here to study together. At the study Rani tells Jeewan that Raja isn’t playing any games, he has his dreams. Jeewan reminds Rani that those who don’t work hard never have dreams fulfilled. Raja gets everyone served on plate, he never work hard and will never do. Raja is walking towards the study room. Jeewan tells Rani that Raja doesn’t need anyone. Rani tells Jeewan if he thinks he didn’t get his share, he must earn it not snatch Raja’s rights. Rani turns to leave, Jeewan clutches her arm and reminds Rani how Raja used to torture her in college. He wonders if she began trusted Raja if he once saved her. He tells Rani that Raja only wish to win her. Raja hears this. Rani says this is right Raja doesn’t want to pass. Raja turns away. Rani tells Jeewan late that this doesn’t mean he can’t pass in the exam hall, Rani is tensed as Raja hadn’t arrived yet. She was wonder about her own promise with Kaal.

Rani inquires Raja why is he so angry that if he saw her talking to Jeewan he didn’t come for exam. Raja hold her back, and says she has forgotten everything. He wants to fulfil his dreams along with her, why she told Jeewan that Raja doesn’t care for anything. Rani tells Raja she trust him. He demands why she withdraws her hand if he hold it, back up if he try to come close. Rani hug him from behind and assure him that she trust him, she is ready to do anything to prove this. Raja turns to her, and tells her to think again, what if she fall weak. Rani steps closer to him assuring him that she has already think about it. Raja hold her face and is about to kiss her when she backs away. Raja says those who trust never backs away, he leaves the room.

On the dinner table, Rani asks Raja to talk to him. He interrupts and ask Bindu to pass yogurt. Rani keeps a hand over his, Raja asks what she is doing, people are watching. Rani ask him to talk to her, he tells her to do it. Rani says later. Raja ask if she has a problem about talking to him in front of people. Bari Rani Maa asks what she wants to discuss. Raja says to Rani only false talk are done secretively, here everyone is her own (staring at Jeewan). Rani says alright, she wants to say she only trust him the most in this world and demands another chance. Raja asks her to do what he asks for, in front of everyone. Raja says he wants her to slap Jeewan in front of everyone right here. Jeewan asks if he is mad. Rani stands up and comes to Jeewan. He stand up too and forbid Rani to do so, is she a slave of Raja. Rani looks towards Raja, holds her hand up then asks Raja why he is bringing Jeewan between. Raja stands up saying talking big is easy, taking action is difficult. He leaves the table. Jeewan stops her by holding her hand, he tells Rani one must be friends with someone who is eligible. Bari Rani Maa says Rani must tell Raja about her promise, Raja might do it in pity. Rani says she had put on stake, her life and her dreams. Now her friendship is at stake, it will either win or lose but won’t bend. Bari Rani Maa cheers she doesn’t need to do anything, the people of ego lose in hands of their own attitude.

Raja lay on his bed, Rani reads aloud outside his room. Raja is being irritated, then asks Rani to go somewhere else to study or read by heart. Rani says she is used to studying this way, there is no place in the palace where she can study. Raja goes inside and stuff his ears by cotton. He hears Rani get a cough, brings water for her and rubs her back. Raja tells Rani if she doesn’t trust him, what the need to do all this. How would it matter to her if his dreams are broken? Rani says if he isn’t going to listen, what's the need to talk. Raja says it doesn’t matter to him, he neither will take exams nor do the project.

The next morning, Rani pray in temple that she broke her promise once in childhood and resultantly lost her father. Today again, she joint both their promises here, her dreams are also her Dadu’s and she is everything to her. Today she wants God’s side by herself. Jeewan join Rani in the temple. He apologize to her, it’s because of him that she and Raaj had a fight. He is always upset when she watch her doing so much for him, as he is indifferent. Jeewan says if Raja cared about her, he must be here than him.

Bindu comes to Bari Rani Maa and cheers that they will now win the game. Rani will leave the village as Raja won’t go to take exam. Jeewan hears this and wonders if Rani has put her study at stake to get Raja his project.

At the exam hall, Jeewan thinks about all the challenge, promises and Rani. Rani is upset waiting for Raja. Jeewan stands up to leave the class.

Raja is in the palace when Jeewan arrives. He holds his collar and beat Raaj badly, calling him cheap as a girl put her life at stake and he doesn’t care for her. He shouts that Raja doesn’t understand Rani has put her life at stake to get him his dreams. She is conditioned to leave her dreams if he doesn’t pass the exams. Rani trusted him but he never did, she trusted her friendship but Raja isn’t worth either her friendship or her trust. Raja run to the exam hall, Rani cheers watching him and stands up from her seat. She says she is sure he won’t break her trust. VP asks what is happening here. Raja apologizes for coming late. The examiner object   that he can never come late for exam. Raja reminds the exam is taking place at his place. They get seated to take the exam. Raja close his eyes recalling Rani’s lectures. Rani watches him fill the paper. The exam time is over.

In the corridor, Rani turns to look at Raja. Both walk the distance between each other. He holds her shoulder and demands if she has gone crazy, was she going to sacrifice her dreams for him, and he, like an idiot wanted proof for her trust. He is sorry that he couldn’t trust her. Rani hug him, wiping her tears. She says they have passed the exam of trust, now they just need to pass college exam. Jeewan watches this from behind a wall and leave.

Jeewan is frustrated inside the room, Rani comes to thank Jeewan for bringing Raja. Raja would one day realize how good Jeewan is. Jeewan says one day Rani would realize Raja isn’t worth it, he will now speak to her only when she realizes who is right and who is wrong.

Rani comes to Raja’s room, he is serious and makes her sit with him and prepare for exam. Bindu is worried in the examination hall about passing the exam. Rani and Raja pray in the temple, Rani then advices Raja it’s the last exam. He must read the question paper carefully. Raja knocks her on the wall and says he has to talk to her after exam, it’s about them. Rani asks to say it right now. Raja says when situation, place and time are favorable. Rani qualify for a right thing to be said, any situation, place and time is favorable. Raja assures he will first speak to her, then his parents and lastly her Dadu.

Rani is on the terrace watching moon. She is worried about the result. Raja joins her saying he saw someone talking to stars for the first time. Rani says stars sometimes determine our luck. Raja says they can even go against her, Rani says she will throw them all in dustbin then. Rani says time passed so quickly this year. Raja is excited about new girls, as the old ones are so boring. Rani is annoyed and turns to leave, telling him to go and speak to the new girls. Raja laugh.

At midnight, Rani walks through the corridor complaining that Raja didn’t remember her birthday. She comes to a room, the table with the cake had been set there. A bucket full of roses fell on Rani, she holds a balloon with a note. It reads, Happy birthday Rani. He doesn’t know how to say, may be tonight tells her what he has not been able to. Tomorrow is the future that awaits them. Rani kiss the note cheering that he didn’t forget.

The next morning, Rani knocks at Raja’s door, looks inside and wonders where Raja had gone so early. She hits Bindu on the way, Bindu again insults her for being a tail who can’t leave Raja alone for a while. Rani asks her about Raja, Bindu says he went outside last night so Rani must wait for him. Rani is upset about seeing this Bindu’s face early in the morning, she then worry about her result. Meenu brings cake for Rani and tells her that she has topped again. Rani is concerned for Raja’s result, Meenu sadly says Raja failed all her expectations, he just passed with 50% marks. Rani cheers that this is her best gift. Meenu asks about his whereabouts. Two men come to the hall playing violen, Meenu says it must be by Sir. One of the musician hands Rani with a note, she reads it and smiles.

Rani walks to her old house, wondering what surprise Raja planned. Someone blind folds Rani, she says she has been dying to see him. It comes out to be Jeewan smiling, he wish her birthday. He accepts to be angry but couldn’t forget his friend’s birthday. Rani wonders how he know about this, Jeewan says he know his friends well and is aware his sweetest memories are associated with this place. Rani look around, Jeewan asks if she feels bad that he and not Raaj is saying all this. Jeewan asks Rani to celebrate, as Raja has passed today. Rani inquires about his result, Jeewan says he got a compartment in the exam he didn’t take. Rani demands why he left that exam, although he had hotel project linked to it. Jeewan says for him, she and her friendship is important than this project. He might get many projects, but not a friend like her. He only want to see her happy and can go to any extent for that. Rani watch Raaj Mata and Raja standing behind and excitedly go to greet them, Raaj Mata says her Raja brought her here. Raja says he thought a lot about a gift, then thought this would be the best gift. Jeewan wipes his tears behind and leaves. Rani turns to introduce Raaj Mata to Jeewan but he had left already. Raja stops Rani and asks her to spend her time with Raaj Mata. Rani asks Raaj Mata if she remember this place, but she didn’t recognize. Rani reminds her of her childhood. Raaj Mata wonders how her son and daughter in law could keep her here. Raja takes their attention to cake. Raaj Mata tells Raja she has to return tomorrow, will he take her? Raja says no, from today she and Rani will live here. Rani makes Raaj Mata comfortable and goes behind Raja.

In the lounge, Rani watches the decorations of the hall. Raja comes from behind, he hands her a box to open. It was a small pendant, Raja qualify it’s for her as a memorandum of their friendship. Rani allows Raja to put it around her neck. He collects her tears in his hand, and says never from today. He presents her a bunch of rose, each one for the ten birthdays she spent without him. He bring her a dress and demands her to wear it for him. Rani comes draped in a red embellished dress. He drapes her head with the pallu behind and says he always wanted to see her this way, innocent and beautiful, a lot of time has spent but today he can tell her what she means to him. He comes close to kiss her, she gets away then hugs him tightly. Raja says she is his only, Rani says yes for him always. She then straightens up and says it’s too late, he must go. Raja confirms thrice before leaving, then turns to send her a flying kiss. A file lay on the table.

The next morning, Rani comes across Jeewan. She complains he left without informing her, Jeewan asks if she even noticed. She can never see anything in front of Raja, Rani minds that she wanted to introduce him to her Dadu. Jeewan wish Raja comes out to hear what Rani is thinking, he hopes all the misunderstanding in Raja’s heart are figured out. He eyes the file in Rani’s hand.

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Once There Was A King Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm Repeat At 4pm

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