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Rhea’s Evilness Crosses All Limits As She Humiliates Prachi. Prachi Leave The Kohli's House.

Rhea is happy. Sid walks out. Aaliya comes out of the room and signs Rhea. Rhea smiles. Siddharth tells Ranbir that he is doing wrong. Ranbir hits him and says don’t say anything. Sid asks him to beat him and says your words are hurting me than your beating. Ranbir beats him more. Prachi looks on shocked. Sid says beat me, but don’t say anything to Prachi, she is innocent. He says we have come here. Ranbir says to sleep here and asks what a girl and guy do in hotel room. Prachi says I can’t bear anything against my character. Ranbir asks them to stay together and leave him. Rhea smiles. Ranbir asks them to marry so that they stay together and asks them not to come to the hotel room. Prachi gets angry and slaps Ranbir. Ranbir says this is our last meet, I will never forget your betrayal and slap. He says don’t touch me from now onwards, as there is nothing between us. Sid asks if he is mad? Ranbir beats him more. Rhea enjoys the sight. Prachi is standing in shock.

The people come there and stop Ranbir from beating him further. He says Prachi, its over. Prachi says it is good that you said, else I would have said. She walks away from the hotel with tears in her eys. Rhea smiles happily. Ranbir walks behind Prachi. Song plays….Ranbir says I will curse the day all my life, I met you. She gets shocked and looks at him as he goes in his car. She shouts No.

Ranbir stops the car and recalls seeing them on the bed. Prachi is running on the road. Ranbir gets out of his car and recalls her words. She sits down on the road shattered and crying. Ranbir is also shattered and cries, asking why did you do this with me? Prachi says you have betrayed me, why did you doubt?

In the hotel, the doctor checks Sid and asks him to visit the hospital. The manager asks him to get the check up done. Sid says I am fine. He asks Manager to take him to CCTV room, and asks him to show the CCTV. Manager says yes. Aaliya hears them, and is still there.

Rhea comes home and hugs Pallavi, playing her emotional cards. Pallavi asks what happened? Rhea says Sid betrayed me and having an affair with Sid. She says I knew and told Ranbir, but he had blind faith on Prachi. But today he saw them together in hotel room together on the bed. She acts and cries. She says Ranbir got very angry and broken his relation with Prachi. She says I will break my relation with Sid, and can’t leave with that betrayal Sid. She says that betrayal Prachi. Prachi comes there. Rhea tell Pallavi that Ranbir got very angry and broke all his relations with Prachi. She says now I will break my relations with Sid and can’t stay with that betrayal person. Prachi comes there. Rhea asks how dare you to come here, after breaking my home. Prachi says listen to me, don’t say this. Rhea says you have ruined my home, before it sets up. Prachi says you are my sister, believe me, nobody has betrayed anyone. Rhea says you are not my behen, but sautan and tried to snatch my husband. She says call yourself anything, but don’t call yourself as sister. She says you couldn’t become good wife, bahu and sister etc. Prachi says don’t say this, I want to do everything with you, but can’t betray you, you are my own sister. Rhea says you are lying and you gets happy when I cry. She says when you saw Dad that he loves me more, then you tried to snatch him from me and then snatched Ranbir from me and now Siddharth when I tried to move on. She asks until when you will snatch with me and asks her to kill her and stop everything. Prachi says I can’t think of this. Rhea says you will do this, and calls her Dayan, says Dayan is better than you, and says she leaves atleast 7 houses, but you….She says you used to say that I am your sister and that you see your mayka in me and you have so much hatred for me. She asks if your mother taught you this, both are same, mother has ruined my dad’s house and daughter has ruined my home. Prachi gets angry and slaps Rhea. Pallavi asks how dare you to slap my bahu. Prachi says she is my mother too, and asks how can you say this? She says we are of the same tree, then how can reflection be different. Prachi says I will not hear anything against my mother, and says she is in coma. She says you are angry now and asks her to think again. She tells Pallavi that she is careless, but not greedy and tells that Ranbir and Rhea has a misunderstanding. Pallavi asks her to get her stuff and leave from there. She pushes her.

Ranbir recalls their words and misunderstands. He doubts Sid and Prachi. He thinks he was telling Rhea that they were just friends and says I loved you, and you. He says you betrayed me. He asks how will I live without you, I can’t live. Dida comes there and asks whom you are throwing out. Pallavi tells her that Prachi couldn’t become the good wife and betrayed Ranbir. She says she married Ranbir on Rhea and his marriage, and betrayed him today and have relation with someone. She says Prachi and Sid were together in a hotel room. Dida is shocked. Pallavi says she will do what she has learnt from her mother. Prachi says enough and says you can blame me, but not my mother. Rhea shouts at Prachi and asks her to leave, else she will kick her out from here. She says you will not agree like this and is about to push her. Dida says stop Rhea, don’t touch her and says Prachi can’t think of this. Rhea says ranbir saw with his eyes and says they were on the bed sleeping together and asks whom you will believe, Prachi or Ranbir. Dida says Prachi can’t do this. Prachi says everyone has a misunderstanding and says sid and I. Rhea asks her to tell if they were in the room and gives promise of her mother. Prachi says yes. Dida is shocked. Pallavi says leave from here, we don’t want to talk. She says now mummy ji has seen your real face and pushes her. Prachi goes to her room. Rhea cries to gain sympathy.

Rhea hugs Pallavi and cry. She thinks finally everything happened as I wanted. If Sid was here, I would have end his chapter too. Vikram comes there and asks what happened? He asks if anything happened? Pallavi says she wants Pandit to do kriya karam. Sid watches the CCTV and sees Aaliya in it. He asks them to show her face. Aaliya keeps watch on him. Prachi comes to her room and cry recalling their moments. She recalls his words. She says he only…..Prachi cries. She packs her bags. Ranbir comes home and walks shattered. Song plays….Pallavi sympathizes with him and says I know what that girl has done with you, I can understand what you are going through, she was never right for you, I tried to made you understand, but you was blinded. She says she betrayed you big and didn’t care even for your love. She says it is good that you broke off with her. He says she is sitting shamelessly in room and asks him to tell that he shall leave from home. Dida calls him, but he goes.

Prachi sees Ranbir coming to room. She is about to go. He holds her hand and asks her not to go. Prachi cries and hugs him. It turns out to be her imagination.

Prachi cry and wiping her tears. She sees Ranbir standing at the door. She takes her stuff and is about to go. Ranbir ask her to close the door while leaving. Siddharth asks the hotel staff to show the face. The manager asks her to show the face. Just then electricity goes off. Sid sees Aaliya on the computer screen, but couldn’t see her face. He thinks she might run if I turn. The manager says I saw her. Aaliya runs from there and hides. Sid comes out and tells the manager that the hotel staff is helping her, and says when that lady went inside, the door was open and when we went inside, it was closed, and then smoke, asks how is it possible. The manager says we have smoke detectors and we will know. Sid says someone might have switched off the detectors. Aaliya goes from there. Manager meets Aaliya and says I haven’t shown your face to him. Aaliya asks him to delete the footage. Manager says our scores are settled now. Aaliya thinks now Rhea will get Ranbir and Prachi will be out. Prachi asks Ranbir to look at her once, and says you haven’t doubted on my character, but on my love. She says what I can answer and says love is sacred and pure, tells that she can’t live without him, all the relation is with him, and you know it. She says you have left me alone midway and didn’t think where will I go? She says I want to ask you, if your love was truth. He says you knows well. Prachi says I thought if that was a dream, or if this is dream. Ranbir says I got betrayal from you and you have ruined everything. He says you are not Prachi, whom I loved. Prachi says we both are same, and asks what did I do, that you thought my love as beautiful betrayal.

Ranbir thinks of their moments. Prachi says it is the test of our time, and hugs him. She says I was with you in your testing times and asks can’t you stand by me. She says I have no respect without you, and asks how people will look at me, and asks me to stop me and call me chikchiki and says I will stay back. She asks him to stop him once. He hugs her. It is Ranbir’s imagination and it breaks hearing the door closing. He comes out of the room and sees her going.

Sid comes home and sees his Shraadh happening with garland on his photo. He asks what are you doing? Vikram asks Sid to leave. Rhea smiles. Pallavi picks the pot and pours water on her head. Rhea evilly smiles. Pallavi then breaks the pot. Sid asks what are you doing. Pallavi says your shradhanjali is going on, and we are getting rid of you. Sid says I didn’t play with this house respect. Vikram scolds him and says you didn’t keep our respect and says the girl whom you married, have betrayed her. Sid says no, I didn’t betray her. Vikram slaps Sid for having illegitimate relation with Prachi. Pallavi says Prachi was the enemy of the house and you have become the same, I can’t bear you even for a second. Sid says how can I betray this house, which gave me so much. Pallavi says you are dead, I have done your tilanjali and will not done shradh every year. Sid asks her to hear. Vikram asks him not to force him. Sid says how can I do this, you called me Lakshman. Pallavi says when you came here, I thought my Ranbir came, but when Ranbir came, you was not the same Sid. She calls him wolf and says you are dead for me, you have ruined my Ranbir’s home, and now has no place for you. Dida comes there. Vikram asks her to donate Sid’s clothes to poor. Sid tries to clarify. Pallavi asks him to respect their old relation and leave. Sid starts walking out. Pallavi says nobody shall take Sid’s name in this house.

Ranbir looks at Prachi. Bheege mann plays.. Rhea is standing afar. Ranbir goes inside and closes the door. He sits on the door and cry. Prachi cry. She starts walking. Prachi calls Rhea. Rhea says don’t utter a word, leave from here. She says we have no relation left now and says you have snatched my husband from me, my house. She says I will not come to see your face even if you are dead. She acts to cry and asks her to leave. Prachi is leaving and thinks of her marriage with Ranbir. Sad song plays…..Rhea comes to the room and sees Ranbir crying badly. She again acts.

Prachi is leaving and looks at everyone standing. Rhea sits with him and says I can understand your pain, we both are going through the same pain. She says you didn’t see and says Sid left and now Prachi is leaving. Ranbir gets up to try to stop Prachi. Rhea says they will go far and stay together, without any restrictions. She says they wanted to do this, to ruin our house and set their own house. Ranbir gets angry. Rhea smiles.

Ranbir is about to go out to stop Prachi. Rhea says they will go far from here and stay together, they will stay together without any restrictions and fear. They wanted this, ruined our house and set their own house. Prachi falls down on the door, just as she is about to leave. Vikram, Pallavi and Dida look at her. Prachi gets up and looks at them. She gets hit by the door and steps out of the house. Rhea comes near Ranbir. 

Pallavi tells Dida that she has become Gandhari and was blinded due to Ranbir. She curses Prachi never to be happy and says I will never forgive her for 100 births. She says she will get cursed by a mother, I will curse her daily so that she cry daily and get punished daily. Dida says Prachi is not like this. Pallavi says do you think that she is innocent and says she went from here silently and Ranbir didn’t stop her either. She says he is stopping his tears and says this might become the pain for lifetime. 

Ranbir goes out from the room. Rhea smirks evilly and walks out behind him. 

Prachi recalls Ranbir’s words and walking on the road. She stumbles recalling his words. She runs on the road and is about to get hit by the car. She stops. Song plays….She faints and falls down on the road. Sushma is in the car and comes out. She holds her and asks what happened?

Pallavi tells Rhea and Ranbir that they both are responsible for whatever happened. She says you were about to get married, but Ranbir married Prachi. She says Rhea you let that marriage happen and today the destiny brought you at the same place when you both were separated. She says when your journey is same, then why the way shall be different. She says I want you both to get together and says I am getting you both married. Dida and Vikram are shocked. Ranbir is shocked. Rhea smiles and hides her smiles. Pallavi says this was destined.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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