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Gaurav get worried and call Contractor. Contractor asks him for 10 lakhs rs. Gaurav says I will transfer it to your account. Pragya reach court and think this time, you have messed with Mrs. Pragya Mehra, and it will prove costly for you.

Prachi wake up and call Ranbir, says it is 10 am. Ranbir comes there and asks her to have breakfast first. Prachi says you have presentation and asks him to go. He says I will make you eat with my hand and brought your favorite breakfast. She says I will eat, you go. He says you don’t want to eat with my hand, I will go. She says don’t get angry, I will eat. She eats it and asks did you make food? He says I went to get flowers for you, but shops were closed. He says then I thought to make breakfast for you. Prachi calls him near her, and says you are the best husband, I am the luckiest girl. She says I know you didn’t sleep all night and was seated by my side. Ranbir says I can see anything, but can’t see you in pain. when you are happy, I feel that everything is fine, and my life came to a standstill, if you get unwell. He says I will never love anyone. Prachi says if he plans to love someone. He says no. Prachi says she just wants him to be hers and looks at him. Ranbir says I am yours always. Sid comes there and asks Prachi to have hot sheera. Ranbir asks Prachi, if she ordered him and asks from where did you come between us? Rhea comes there and says Siddharth haven’t made tea for me till now and made Sheera for her, not bad. Prachi says he knows how to make sheera, but don’t know how to make tea. Prachi takes sheera from Sid and thanks him. Ranbir asks how did you know that Sheera will lower the fever? Sid says once I had come to your rented home and was unwell. He says Prachi had made sheera for me, and also taught me. Ranbir asks when? Prachi says you was not at home that time. Sid says I learnt to make sheera from her. Rhea smiles. Ranbir looks upset, as Prachi and Sid do hifive. Ranbir says I will make kada for you. Prachi says this sheera is enough. Ranbir insists and goes. Prachi asks Sid if he wants Sheera. He says no. She says I will not give.

Abhi is brought to the courtroom and think Pragya haven’t reached till now. Aaliya asks if he is fine? Tanu says you will be freed today. Abhi ask how? Tanu says I trust the law. Inspector ask Aaliya and Tanu to move from there, and says only his wife is allowed. Tanu says she wants to talk to him. Inspector ask them to sit. Tanu tells Aaliya that Gaurav didn’t call since Pragya signed the papers. Gaurav comes there and sits, tells that he don’t betray the ones who are with him. He think where is Pragya, where did she go after inviting me here. Judge comes there. Prosecution lawyer Anmol Malik ask Abhi to come to the witness box and tells about the accusation on him, that Abhi ordered to break the wall, it fell and resulted in 6 people’s dead. Defence lawyer tells that he didn’t give any order to break the wall. Prosecution lawyer says Contractor Subhash told that Abhi had given him orders. Subhash comes to the witness box and tells about himself first. He says he had come to the site, I told him that the office side can fall if they break the wall, but he ordered me to break it, as he wanted sunlight in his office. Abhi says he is lying. Contractor lies and says he was neither concerned for his office and that poor people. Abhi says I asked him to strengthen the wall, and not to break it. Prosecution objects him. Defence lawyer says my client has full right to tell. Judge says Abhi is not threatening, and just clarifying his side. Prosecution ask can you prove in court that you didn’t ask Subhash to break the wall?

Prosecution lawyer ask Abhi if he has proofs that he didn’t give any orders to Subhash to break the wall. Abhi says why will I do this, and risk many people lives? Prosecution lawyer says this is right, that no person can harm himself, but wants big profit, like Abhi. He says he intentionally asked contractor to break the wall, so that it collapse and his wife can claim a big amount from insurance. Abhi says this is not true. Defence lawyer says my client’s wife never wanted to do this, and his wife will come. Judge says court will not wait for his wife as the accused is her husband and not her. He asks defence lawyer, if he wants to say something. Abhi says I want to say, and tells that Gaurav has direct involvement in the case. Prosecution lawyer says you are accused, and you are trying to divert the court. Judge says he gave wrong order for his greed which made 6 people lose their lives. He says this court wants to give an example to such people, who do such things in greed. Aaliya asks Gaurav to give proofs? Gaurav says he don’t want to give, and says Pragya is not here. He says your brother is being punished for being Pragya’s husband. He says very soon Judge will give his verdict, that if he will get hang punishment or life imprisonment. He says whatever happens, it will be in the news tomorrow. He says I will leave. Judge says Abhishek Mehra is guilty and this court. Pragya comes there and says my husband is innocent. She says I got late as I was gathering these proofs. Judge asks Pragya to come to the witness box. Prosecution lawyer warns her not to divert the court and not to waste time. Pragya says guilty will be punished. She says she is his wife. Aaliya thinks of Gaurav’s words and tells Tanu that he can’t betray us, I will bring him to court. She goes.

Pragya says she wants to call Santosh Jain, cousin of Subhash jain. Prosecution lawyer says there was no permission for him to come here. Judge gives him permission. Pragya says Mr. Santosh was there when Abhi went to talk to Subhash. Santosh comes to the witness box. Defence lawyer asks if Abhishek Mehra asked Subhash to break the wall. Subhash says no. He says he gave orders not to break the wall and says when he left, Gaurav Thapar came there and talked to my brother to break the wall. Prosecution lawyer says it is a good story, but baseless. He says I told you not to waste time, and you can get punished too. Pragya says she got late to collect the proofs. She says there was no building contract between Gaurav and Subhash. She says then also Subhash’s bank account gets credited with 10 lakhs rs by Gaurav Thapar. She says after my husband, Gaurav Thapar met Subhash. She gives the CCTV footage and bank statement of Subhash. Santosh tells that he didn’t believe Subhash when he told him in drunk condition. He says he couldn’t believe when Pragya told him about Subhash took money from Gaurav to frame Abhi. The judge sees the CCTV footage and declares Abhi innocent and asks the Police to arrest Gaurav and Subhash. Subhash try to run and gets caught. The judge frees Abhi of all charges. Abhi and Pragya have a hug.

Aaliya comes home. Tanu asks her to calm down. Aaliya asks how? Tanu says you will not get anything. Aaliya blames herself for whatever happened with Abhi. Tanu says we will talk to Gaurav. Aaliya says he refused to talk to us and left without giving the proofs. She says Pragya came to court, but what she will do. Tanu says she had said that she needs time to get proofs. Aaliya says she must have wasted the time and tells that Gaurav has cheated us. Tanu says call him, I will scold him too. Aaliya says I called his father, and even he didn’t know where Gaurav is. She shout. Tanu ask her to stop talking for sometime. Aaliya throws the things and get angry.
Pragya says sorry for coming late. Defence lawyer says I was scared. Abhi says then you would acted to get heart attack and get sometime from judge. Defence lawyer says it happens in films, I was about to ask for time. He says your entry is filmy. Pragya thank Santosh. Santosh says our family would have been ruined due to my brother’s doings. Inspector ask Abhi to come with them for the paper work. Pragya ask Abhi to come home fast after finishing the paper work. Abhi goes with Inspector. Allah wariyan plays….

Ranbir is in the kitchen and thinks to make kada for Prachi, so that she gets fine soon. He thinks what to add in kada, and adds water. He checks on the internet. Pallavi comes there and asks what are you doing in the kitchen. Ranbir says actually, and says no. She asks what does he wants? Ranbir says I want to make kada for Prachi and says you might not know. Pallavi tells the ingredients used in kadai. He asks do you know? She says yes. He says you look sweet while making kada. She says she is just helping her son and asks him not to take another way. She says my motherly love is just for you, and you can’t force me to shower my love on her. She says I never wanted you to marry her, and I still feel the same for her. She puts the ingredients and asks him to boil it and give to Prachi, when it is boiled. Rhea come there and says Moms are always right. Ranbir says I don’t want to talk to you. Rhea says I didn’t say anything, but there is much to say. She says you have seen what happened in the room, and asks what do you think, if you close your eyes, truth will be hidden. She says whatever is inside today, will come out and you will be blamed for your family’s embarrassment, as you closed your eyes after seeing everything. Ranbir asks her not to cross her limits. Rhea says you don’t know what is called crossing the limits. Ranbir says if you talk such things with me again, then I will tell Sid and Prachi what is going on in your mind and you are trying to put in my mind too. He says they are just friends. Prachi thanks Sid and says she will go and see baklu. She says she calls him baklu. Prachi says she is so lucky to have Ranbir as her husband, he is so romantic. Sid says Ranbir is lucky and asks if she is fine. He says they have meeting at 2 pm. Prachi says Ranbir is good than you and asks him to go. Rhea tells Ranbir that they are childhood friends and asks if he don’t trust her. Ranbir says we came a long way and says whatever you are saying, my home will be ruined. Rhea comes to him and says you don’t know what I am doing. She says my life’s regret is that my childhood friend never believed me. She says you knew that I love you so much, but you never trusted me. She says I can do anything for my true love. Ranbir looks on.

Gaurav opens the champagne bottle and adds it in the glass. He rejoices. His dad calls him. Gaurav says he is in the hotel and has a meeting with some clients, with whom he wants to send Pragya’s property. Mahesh asks him to let him speak and says you are thinking big.

Gaurav tell Mahesh that his life has changed 360 degrees, her husband is behind the bars, and I am outside. He asks his dad to enjoy his victory. Mahesh says Aaliya had come here, and said that you have cheated her. Gaurav says Aaliya will be quiet, I have shown their value to one by sending him to jail, and to other by bringing her the on road. He says I am getting Aaliya’s call and ends the call. Tanu ask Gaurav to give them their money. Aaliya says my brother is in jail because to you. Gaurav says your brother is in jail, becuase to his bad deeds, and asks them not to talk like illiterate, else he will block them and then they shall shout on road. He ask them to talk with manners. Tanu says I had doubt on you. Gaurav says Tanu can test the persons. Aaliya says I don’t need money, just needs the proofs to bring Bhai out. Gaurav refuses to give her share from Pragya’s property and also will not give proofs. Abhi is coming to Aaliya. Aaliya says you have cheated us. Gaurav says I agreed to your sayings, and you thought that I am working as per your plan. He says I made you taste your own medicine. Aaliya ask him to give proofs. Gaurav ask why are you pleading for Pragya. Aaliya says she is pleading for her Bhai. Tanu says why are you pleading and tells that he shall give our share. He says it was my action, my proofs and my plan and you want your share. I have done everything. Aaliya says if I haven’t convinced Pragya, then she wouldn’t have given you her property. Tanu says you have betrayed Pragya and both of us. Gaurav says if you had not talked, then also Pragya would have given me her property. He says just 30 mins left, I will sell Pragya’s property and will leave from India. Tanu says you don’t know us, when we haven’t spare Pragya, then we will not spare you. She says you can’t think what we can do to you. She says the pragya, whom you thinks so strong, we haven’t left her, then who are you? Gaurav says you might have gotten her beaten up etc. Tanu says we got her car brakes failed and created so many doubts in her mind, that she feel that her husband got the car brakes failed, and says we created so many doubts that Pragya trusted that Abhi tried to kill her. She says we had almost killed her, and will do the same thing with you. Gaurav says I am Gaurav Thapar and is not scared of your threats. He ends the call. Aaliya turns and sees Abhi standing.

Ranbir says you have all these things in your heart still, and says I thought you have moved on. Rhea says yes, we both are married now. He says you said that…Rhea says I just said that how much I..I never said that I want to get you. She slips intentionally, and Ranbir holds her. Prachi look at them. Ranbir says I helped Rhea. Rhea asks did she ask you, and says this is called trust issues, you both need more love. She goes. Prachi says she has noticed this in the office, she is weird. She says she was staring at you weirdly. Ranbir asks do you think that your husband is getting attracted to someone. Prachi slaps him lightly and says my husband is one woman man, and is out of the world. Ranbir jokes with her. Prachi hug him and says I am feeling strange, just as something is about to happen.

Aaliya says Bhai, you have come home. She ask if court left you? Tanu says I was telling Aaliya that my prayers were answered. She is about to hug him, but Abhi push Tanu and asks Aaliya not to call him brother. He says you both shall get punished and asks them to get out, and push Aaliya. Tanu asks what did Pragya tell you? Abhi says your heart, mind and thoughts are all corrupt. Aaliya asks what happened? Abhi says I heard whatever you said, how you tried to kill Pragya 2 years back, failed her car brakes, how you used my name to kill her. A fb is shown. Aaliya recall Pradeep talking to Pragya in Abhi’s voice. Abhi says now I came to know why Pragya didn’t meet me for 2 years, and when she came, she was angry. He says now truth is out, it can be hidden. He says she loves me so much and named all the property on Gaurav’s name to save me. He says now I came to know about your truth. He tells Aaliya, how she can trap him with Gaurav, and Pragya tried to save him and gave everything to Gaurav. Aaliya says I was worried for you. Abhi says Gaurav’s enmity is better than you. He says you used me so that Gaurav gets Pragya’s property. He says you put hang rope on my neck and asks why you were born? He says I let you stay here, as you said that you will respect Pragya. Aaliya says I will respect her. Abhi says when you don’t respect your brother, why will you respect Pragya? Tanu asks where will I go? Abhi asks them to go. Tanu says I am your wife. He thinks of Tanu’s confession, and holds Tanu’s hand to throw her out. He push Tanu out of the house and asks her not to show her face to him again. He then pushes Aaliya and asks her to leave. Tanu says you can’t do this? Abhi says I can do so much, but don’t want to go to jail by killing you, else Pragya’s sacrifice will go to waste. Tanu says I saved you from molestation charges. Abhi says you saved me so that you can marry me. He says so that you can trap me. Tanu says Aaliya said that you had never divorced Pragya. Abhi says you tried to kill Pragya, but she returned to my life. Aaliya says I told her that she is doing wrong. Tanu says you have done big betrayal and says Aaliya made me sit in the mandap, she brought me home and made me replaced Pragya on the mandap. She says Aaliya does mistake and I get blamed. Abhi says I am feeling ashamed that I had some relation with you both. He says you don’t know the meaning of relation and says relation is a complete word, real relation, kumkum relation. He says though Pragya had hatred for me, she has fulfilled all the relations, but you both have fulfilled enmity relation. He says Pragya’s enemy is my enemy. He takes off mangalsutra from Tanu’s neck and says you have no right to wear this, the one who has right on this, who has right on me. He says nobody can separate Pragya from me, not you both. He closes the door. Aaliya asks him to open the door.

The Clients/buyers come to Gaurav. Client tells that you had said that everything is on Pragya’s name. Gaurav says yes. 

Pragya gets surprised to hear what Sushma said, and asks when did you do this? Sushma says I was about to tell you on call, but call got disconnected. She says I was scared when you let Aaliya and Tanu come in the house. She says I have signing authorities and that’s why I named all the properties on Prachi’s name. I didn’t know that Gaurav is our enemy. She says Prachi’s signs are not on those papers, so you didn’t lose anything. Pragya says you didn’t tell me or anyone. Sushma says he might have known by now. Pragya says you have done a miracle and says what he might be doing after knowing this. 

Gaurav checks the papers and gets angry. The clients leave.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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