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Mitali tells Aaliya whatever she has made. Aaliya says you shall make Tanu have sweets, as she is very angry. Tanu says she is listening everything. Mitali says Aaliya is right, I shall make some sweets in breakfast. Abhi comes downstairs and asks where is Pragya? Mitali says she must be coming. Tanu says I need to talk to you. Pragya comes there. Abhi asks what happened, if I can’t ask where is she? Pragya says you can ask. Mitali says he always ask where is Pragya? Tanu says you are behaving as if you are falling in love. Pragya smiles. Tanu says why are you behaving as a teenager. He says even if I am in love, then who are you to ask me. Tanu says I am your wife and stayed with you during your bad times. Abhi says you was staying in my house, but you was not my wife. He says Pragya is my divorce and I had never divorced her. He asks her not to show right on him, and says I had never given you right to show on me, as it is just of Pragya. Pragya looks on.

Abhi tell Tanu that he had given her comfort to stay with him, and not given her any rights, as the right is of just Pragya. He says I have many complains and questions with her, which I will do it myself later. Tanu asks don’t you love me? Abhi says when did I tell you, that I love you? He says did you ever get a feeling of giving your life for someone or can’t live without someone, no. He says you was staying with me, as there was no place for you to stay. He says tell any one thing which makes me fall for you, and says I don’t love you and will never love you in future too. Shagun says Inspector saheb comes. Inspector comes with the constables and says you are under arrest. Aaliya asks for what? Inspector says he is accused of 6 persons’ death. Aaliya says you are blaming wrong person. Mitali asks if he is talking about that incident, when you had beaten the guys. Inspector says Mr. Abhi had given orders to break the wall for renovation and 6 people have died, as the building collapsed. Aaliya says you can’t blame my brother. Abhi says I didn’t give order for break east side wall. Pragya says I am the company owner and asks how can you blame him. She says if any incident happens there, then I am responsible. He says the contractor who was doing renovation, had warned Abhi that people will lose their lives, but Abhi said that he don’t care for anyone’s lives and wants sunlight in the office. Abhi says I didn’t say this, I asked them to strengthen all the walls so that the people staying there, don’t have any problem. Inspector says this will be decided by the court. Pragya says that contractor is lying, he can’t do this. Inspector says I have talked to him already, he is not lying, but your husband is lying. He says for your Sunlight, you have killed many lives. Pragya says you can’t say this for my husband and tells that he can’t do this with anyone. Inspector asks her to let him do his work. Pragya calls Contractor and asks him to tell that her husband haven’t given him any orders. The contractor says your husband ordered me to break the wall, even though I warned him. Abhi says I didn’t ask you, and says you are lying. Contractor says court will decide, you are threatening me. Inspector asks Constable to arrest him. Aaliya says you can’t arrest my brother. Pragya says you can’t arrest him. Abhi says I haven’t done anything, while he is taken away by the Police. Pragya stands shocked.

The contractor Subhash is in Gaurav’s home or office. He looks at him. Gaurav comes there and asks Contractor to break east side wall and let the sunlight come inside. Contractor says it is not safe, and tells that just now I told Abhi. Gaurav says you can get 20 years salary at once. Contractor says people can die. Gaurav says leave them on their destiny and do as I say. He says I promise that you will not be blamed. Fb ends. He gives him money and recalls Pragya slapping him. He thinks your time is gone, now this is my time, and see what I do with you.

Pragya asks Aaliya and Tanu, who is involved in this? Aaliya asks who are you to question us, and says we can ask you and say that Bhai went to jail due to you. Tanu says she has the habit to accuse others. Aaliya asks how dare you, how can you think that I can send my brother to jail. Pragya says I am his wife. Tanu interferes. Pragya says he has no relation with you and says I will not leave anyone harming him. Aaliya asks her to go and save him. Pragya says I will save him. Aaliya says bhai went to your office. Pragya says for whom you works. Aaliya says I don’t work for Gaurav. Pragya says Abhi has a doubt that you still work for him. Aaliya says Bhai had just doubt and you are blaming me. She says if this would have happened, then Bhai would have seen me in his office. Pragya says office. I didn’t say this, you have told it yourself. Aaliya says you have said bhai went to drop me to Gaurav’s office. Pragya says I told home, and says you told office. She says I am sure that you are supporting him, only Mitali Bhai and you both know about the renovation. Tanu says we had gone to meet Gaurav, as he wants to take revenge from you, but he can’t do anything wrong with Abhi. Pragya swears to throw them out of Abhi’s lives. Tanu says you have tried before and got unsuccessful. Pragya says last time she didn’t swear, but time even her destiny will support her. She goes out in a hurry. Mitali asks Aaliya if the family members will be kicked out one by one. Aaliya says shut up. Mitali says I will ask Mummy ji and Dadi to stay in Punjab, and says our stay will end here. Tanu asks her to see what she will do. Aaliya asks Mitali to leave her alone. She thinks if Pragya is right, that Gaurav have done this, then he should haven’t brought Bhai in this matter.

Gaurav plays chess and thinks only he can defeat himself in this game. Pragya is in the car and calls lawyer, asking him to get bail and reach the PS. Gaurav calls Pragya and asks how is she? He says just now I came to know about your husband’s arrest. Pragya says the truth will be your arrest which will come in newspaper tomorrow. Gaurav asks what did I do? Pragya says you will not be saved from my sight now, after you tried to harm my husband. Gaurav says I want to come in my heart and guarantees to get him freed. She ends the call and asks driver to stop the car. Gaurav hears the door bell and thinks she might have come here. He sees someone on the door.

Media comes to the PS and questions Abhi for the 6 person’s death. Constable takes them from there. Pragya comes there. Abhi says sorry to Pragya for feeling ashamed infront of society and media. Pragya says you don’t need to feel ashamed and says let society and media come, I will clarify them. She says I have full trust on you and knows that you can’t do anything wrong. He says it is your trust that I can’t do anything wrong. Pragya says I had forgotten this feeling and says when you are hurt, I am feeling pain. Abhi says sorry. Pragya says don’t say sorry, this feeling is also necessary. She asks him not to think anything and says you look good in our room, I can bear you there, but not here. He asks shall I break it? Pragya says no need of herogiri, lawyer is coming and you will get bail, then can come with me. He asks her not to cry, and says you have lost the dart game and shall obey me for 24 hours. Pragya says we will go home and play another game. He says so that you can win and asks what she wants him to become.

Gaurav asks Aaliya what she is doing here? Aaliya says today a sister has come for her brother, and says I had only told you that Bhai went for office renovation. Gaurav says what do you mean, I don’t understand. She asks why are you trapping my brother. He says I like you more when you are relaxed. Tanu says you can’t win Aaliya’s heart by hurting Abhi. Gaurav says I want to take revenge from Pragya and now she will know who is the real boss. Aaliya says you are targeting my brother to take revenge on Pragya. He says I will get your brother freed, when Pragya asks for my help. Tanu says but you will not help her directly. Gaurav says I will agree when she fulfills my dreams. Tanu says another lover of Pragya. Gaurav says business, and says I want a business which gives me much money for years. Aaliya asks why Pragya will give you business. Gaurav says I have the proof which can prove him innocent.

Gaurav tell Aaliya and Tanu that he wants such a business which will give him a huge sum of money, which took years to count. He says Pragya will give me this business. Aaliya asks why Pragya will give you this business. Gaurav says as I have the proofs which proves Abhi’s innocence, and says Pragya will do deal with me and I will get my wishes fulfilled, I won’t let anything happen to your brother. Tanu says Pragya becomes Devi for Abhi and will not beg infront of you, she will take out her other hands like Maa Durga and will kill you like a rakshas and will snatch Abhi from you. Purab says this evil mind will prove costly for her. The lawyer informs Pragya that the bail application is rejection as the prosecution lawyer gave reasons that if he is bailed out, then can threaten the family members of the deceased persons, or can buy the contractor to change his statement. He says else you can send your husband far from India being so rich. He says judge rejected the bail plea hearing this. Pragya says why will we do this? He says everyone does this. Pragya says I will not do this, and trust law and its procedures. The lawyer tells that the law works on proofs, six people are dead, and media will hype such case. Pragya thinks of Gaurav’s words. She goes from there. Abhi thinks of Pragya’s words. Benaam Rishta plays….Pragya comes to Abhi. She asks when you went to meet contractor, if Gaurav was there. Abhi says no, he was not there. Pragya says I am trying to enquire. Abhi asks if Gaurav is behind this. Pragya blames herself. Abhi says he must have done this, as I had beaten him. He asks her not to blame herself. Pragya tells him that Gaurav called and offered help. Abhi says no need to take his help, I am getting bail. Pragya says bail is rejected. She says she will not only take him out, but will also bring out the truth infront of everyone. He asks her to listen and says you said that you are feeling bad to see me here, you got this feeling after a long time. He says even I have felt something and missed such a feeling, and says I am liking to see you with me, and knows that someone is standing with me. He says I might not take the name, but I have some connection with her, and have many complains too. He asks her to go. She says I will return soon. He asks her not to cry. She goes.

Gaurav hears the door bell and says suddenly I became important for everyone. He opens the door and finds Pragya. He says he got lucky, and thought that she will come to meet him in the morning itself. Pragya says she wants to know the truth and asks why he has done this? Gaurav says what is important for you is to get your husband out, and not how to get me jailed. He says why Tanu and Aaliya haven’t understand that your life is stuck in Abhi’s life. He says you knows well that I can save him, and also knows that bail is rejected. He says you wanted to roam being sati savitri. She asks how he can help him? Gaurav says I have proof that he is innocent and you shall give the price. She asks what do you want? He says Marcus company’s 100 percent shares, all factories of East Delhi, and also your event business. Pragya says you will get, but what is the proofs? He says I have the recording in which Abhi has told clearly to Contractor that he don’t want him to break East side wall, as he don’t want to put anyone’s lives in danger. He says he wanted to renovate all the office, so that everyone stays safe. Pragya says so this is done by you. He says you have solved the mystery and asks when I am getting my amount. Pragya says now you have to pay for it. He aims gun at her and snatches her phone. He deletes the recording. Pragya says she will prove his lie and walks away from there.

Gaurav says you have to return to me, and shall give me whatever I am asking. He says you shall return to me, I am getting angry. Pragya goes to Contractor’s home. Contractor gets tensed and opens the door. Pragya asks Contractor, how much he is paid for his lie? Contractor says I don’t know who is Gaurav. Pragya asks him to tell the truth in court and says 6 people are dead. She says Gaurav has admitted the truth. Contractor says why shall I tell that I am guilty? Pragya says you will get punishment, and asks him to name the money on his children, as it will be useful for them when he goes to jail.

Ranbir asks Pallavi about Vikram. Pallavi says he had food early. She says you shall go to Teji’s house and bring Dida back after 3-4 days. She is helping her in the decoration. Rhea comes there and sits on the dining table. Pallavi asks where is Prachi? Rhea says she must be with Sid. If he is in office, then she is in office, if he is in canteen or study room, then she will be there. Pallavi says I heard that she is doing some project with Siddharth, she doesn’t do housework, atleast she does some office work. She says she is good in it. Rhea asks who said this? Pallavi says Vikram said this, she is efficient in office work. She says she doesn’t look like typical office going women, but good at it and you look like office going woman, but efficient in house work. Rhea gets upset. Pallavi asks Ranbir to come with him, as she has to do some paper work of foundation.

Aaliya is walking in the house. Tanu asks if she is thinking about marrying Gaurav? Aaliya asks what is good about him? She asks if you are fine? Tanu says Disha and Purab got separated due to you. She says you have done bad and is calling him bad. She says Abhi loves Dadi a lot. She says whatever you have done is for your selfish reasons. Aaliya says I always loved Bhai and Rhea, I can do anything for them. Tanu says you are bad for Prachi. Rhea says I never accepted her. She says Gaurav will not give proofs, as Pragya will never give him whatever he demands, and Sushma aunty will refuse her. Tanu says Pragya loves Abhi a lot. Aaliya says even I love Purab, but will not give hard earned money to anyone for him. She says Gaurav called and said that Pragya refused. Rhea thinks of Pallavi’s words and gets tensed.

Ranbir come behind Rhea and asks what did you tell Mummy there? He asks Rhea to stop and says I told you not to think that way, else your marriage will spoil. Rhea asks shall I close my eyes and pretend as if everything is fine in my married life. She says I can’t keep others in lie, that everything is fine in your marriage. Ranbir shouts Rhea. Rhea asks him to vent out his anger on Prachi and fight with her, and be honest in the relation. Ranbir says you wants to see honesty, and says you haven’t changed, but has acquired some good qualities, but still your bad qualities is with you inside. He asks her to keep her misunderstanding or doubts with herself and says whatever you imagine and the accusations, I am involved, my wife is involved and my brother is involved too. He says due to your overthinking, you will ruin 4 people’s lives. Rhea says you have mind, then why don’t you use it. you can’t control your anger as your wife and brother are involved. She says I am angry as my sister and husband are involved and betraying my friend. She says we are born and stayed in the same house, went to same school, if we had married and then says we are married to each other brother and sister, our relation is changed, and tells that she can’t see Prachi telling these things to him. She says let me be clear, anyone can bear to see relations breaking, but can’t bear heart break or trust breaking, from the person whom she/he loves a lot. Ranbir asks her to stop. Rhea says I will prove that whatever I told you, is truth. Prachi comes there and asks what is truth?

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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