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Ranbir Accuse Prachi Of Having Exral-Marita Affair With Sidharth

Ranbir comes to Rhea and apologizes for getting angry on her. Rhea asks him to sit down and listen to her calmly and says the matter is there itself, why Prachi went with Sid out. Ranbir asks her to fight with Sid and leave Prachi and him. He says I don’t like this, don’t say such things. Rhea says I can ask where is Prachi, she is my sister. He says her call is not reachable. Rhea says even Sid’s phone is unreachable. She asks Ranbir why don’t he call Sid and asked. Ranbir says if they have went together then might have gone for professional work. He says Prachi is hardworking and professional and had gone for work before also, when she was unwell. Rhea says why she didn’t agree to come with you, when you said that she is your lucky charm, but she denied. He says it is my mistake that I came here and talk to you. He says I was wrong, you can doubt and do whatever you want, but don’t involve me. Rhea calls Sid and says Ranbir wants to talk to Prachi. She ends the call and says they are coming home. Door bell rings. Ranbir opens the door. Prachi is crying. Ranbir asks what happened? Prachi hugs him. Rhea asks where was you? Ranbir and I was worried and asks if they forgot that they have a family. Ranbir says not now.

Sid tells that he heard a guy talking on phone and conspiring to kill Abhishek Mehra and Pragya, your mom and dad. He says I called Prachi immediately. Prachi says Maa and Papa are in coma and hugs Rhea. Ranbir asks how? Sid says they were trapped in cold storage room. He says Doctor said that they are in coma, as the oxygen level dipped. Rhea is shocked and recalls her moments with Abhi. Ranbir tells Prachi that nothing can happen to her mom and dad when she is there. Rhea gets angry.

Later Ranbir and Prachi promote the shows tere bina jiya na jaye and agar tum na hote on Zee TV.

Rhea shout at Prachi for not informing her about Abhi and Pragya being in the hospital. She asks if they were just her parents. She asks if you wanted to be their good daughter, why didn’t you call me. She says I would have talked to them. Prachi says even I didn’t talk to them, when I reached there, they were unconscious, Doctor didn’t let me meet them and they went into coma. Rhea asks Sid, why he didn’t call her? Sid says your call was unreachable. Rhea says my phone was on, as I was waiting for you both. Prachi says I wanted to call you, but everything happened so suddenly, that I didn’t get the chance. Rhea says you have forgotten your husband and he has forgotten his wife. She says she will go and meet them. Sid says visiting hours are over. Prachi asks Sid to go and handle her. Ranbir says everything will be fine. Prachi hugs him and cry. He gets a call and says he has to go and see his inlaws.

Doctor asks nurse to talk to Sushma Tandon and tell her that they can’t discharge them in 4-5 days. Rhea comes there and asks Doctor about them. Doctor says Sushma Tandon wanted their treatment to be done by best doctors and says we also want to get them fine. Rhea comes inside the ICU and asks Abhi to open his eyes and see him. She says I have returned and meeting you after many years. She cry and says you were always with me, but I left you. She says sorry. Sid gets a call and goes out. Rhea then looks at Pragya at the other bed. She says I will not tell you sorry, and wants you to be there, you deserve to be there. She says you couldn’t become a good mother and also good wife. She says whenever you returned, you ruined my family. Aaliya comes there and says Pragya is a curse to our family. She says she has destroyed Mehra family and ended everything. Rhea hug her. She says we had a good family, Mehra and Kohli family, used to stay together. She says Ranbir and I used to love each other, then Prachi came between us and took Ranbir. And she (Pragya) took Dad. She says she is very alone. Aaliya says you can’t be alone with me. She says you would have got Ranbir that night. She says your love will be back to you, and he will become yours. Aaliya asks her to come with her. She calls someone and asks the person to reach the hotel. She needs her help. She then tells Rhea that the hotel is of her business friend and asks her to come there with Sid and Prachi. Rhea asks what we have to do? Aaliya says I have a plan.

Ranbir shows his presentation of his start up. The clients like his start up. Ranbir says it is my years long hardwork and says he wants his start up to be his own and wants to work hard on this. She says if I get your support then it can become big. They tell that they love it. The client tells that they are doing this project with him and even called the media.

Rhea asks Aaliya how did she know about Dad? Aaliya says basti guy work here. They see Sid coming and hide. Aaliya says I will leave. She pretends to make a call and speak to make Sid hear. She says Abhi and Pragya are in the ICU. She says Gaurav is accused of murder and asks someone to meet her in hotel room 505 and says you will get your money there. Sid hears her and get shocked. He calls Rhea, but she switch off her phone. Sid calls Prachi. Prachi picks the call. Sid tells about hearing a lady talking to someone about Abhi and Pragya in ICU and Gaurav is accused. He says I have a thought that she planned this, and meeting someone to give them money. Prachi says we have to catch her and says my parents are in coma because of her. She says I will not spare her. Sid says I will meet you there. Rhea switch on her phone and calls Aaliya. Aaliya asks what happened? Rhea says Sid called Prachi and told her everything. She says Prachi will go there, and Sid will go behind her. Aaliya asks Rhea to come there with Ranbir and says your life will change in 30 mins. Rhea tells Aaliya that Sid is calling her and picks the call. She picks the call. Rhea pretends to be emotional about her mom and dad and says I will talk to you after reaching home.

The clients ask to send the media inside. Prachi calls Ranbir and says there is no network. She asks driver to drive fast. Ranbir thinks Prachi will get mad with happiness, when she comes to know that our dream is fulfilled. He calls her, but her number is unreachable. Rhea calls him. The client asks him to sit. The reporters ask Ranbir about his start up. The client says it is awesome. Rhea gets Aaliya’s call and the latter tells her that she is going to the hotel room. Rhea says I didn’t talk to Ranbir. Aaliya asks her to bring Ranbir here. Sid follows Aaliya. Ranbir reads Rhea’s provocative message, that she saw them going inside the hotel room of Clinton hotel. He calls her and asks her not to say anything wrong. Rhea asks driver to continue driving. Sid calls Prachi. Prachi says she is in lobby. Prachi says she came to meet someone in room no 505. Receptionist asks her to sign. Ranbir signs the contract. The reporter asks how is he feeling. Ranbir says it is my wife’s dream, my dream is hers. He praises her and gets Sid and Prachi’s pic standing on the reception of the hotel. He gets doubtful. Rhea calls him and pretends to be sad and tells that I told, but you didn’t listen. She says Prachi took this big step due to you. She says if you haven’t stopped her, then she wouldn’t have stoop low. She goes on provoking him and says she is ruined because of him. She says Prachi got confidence to do this. He comes out of the meeting. The media and the client asks him to stay back. They say if you leave then this deal is cancelled. Ranbir looks back. Rhea goes on provoking him and says I noticed how Sid looks at Prachi. She says why you couldn’t see. She asks which meeting happens in room and asks if he wants this. Ranbir gets furious and hurt. He says I am coming and leaves from there. The client says this start up is over. Prachi and Sid come inside the room. They couldn’t find anything. Ranbir comes there.

Sid and Prachi wonder where the smoke came from. A room’s door is locked. Sid asks Prachi to leave, but she says she wants to check whose inside. Sid tries to open their room’s door, but someone locked it from outside. Prachi sees someone with a mask in a mirror, but by time she turns, that person disappears. Soon both Prachi and Sid faint because of smoke. Rhea and Ranbir reach there. Ranbir asks a staff to open the door saying he forgot his wallet. Ranbir gets shocked after the door opens. Rhea says, I told you. Now you believe it? Ranbir is in a shock and disbelief seeing Sid and Prachi sleeping together, holding each other’s hands. He screams, Prachi! Prachi and Sid wake up. Prachi says, thank God you came, Ranbir. He says, shut up. I don’t want to listen anything. Don’t try to tell me story because I saw everything with my own eyes. He asks since when this is going on? Prachi asks what do you mean? He says, your extra marital affair. Prachi asks what are you saying? Rhea turns to leave. Ranbir stops her saying Prachi and Sid should be ashamed. Sid asks what are you saying? Your wife is standing in front of you. Prachi asks Ranbir who put such nonsense in your mind? Rhea says, stop it Prachi. You found my home only to destroy. Sid asks what’s going on? Ranbir tells him not to be so shocked. Rhea starts acting and asks Prachi, you didn’t think once about my husband? Ranbir says, she didn’t think about her own husband! Rhea cries and walks out. She sits outside and enjoys all the drama. Sid says, I will go and explain everything to Rhea. I and Prachi just came here… Ranbir interrupts and says, to have fun. Prachi asks Ranbir isn’t he ashamed of saying such stuff? He grabs her and says, did you feel ashamed before doing all this? Then why should I feel ashamed? Rhea smiles.

Sid try to control Ranbir. Ranbir tells him to stay away otherwise his anger will burst on him. Ranbir asks Prachi, why did you do this? Was there anything missing in my love? You should have killed me if you wanted to do all this. I left my family, everything only for you. Generally girls leave their home after marriage, but here I left my home after our marriage. I took care of our home. I was fulfilling wedding vows, but you disobeyed them. Prachi says, it’s not like that. This is wrong. He says, you changed your character after marriage. Rhea gets happy. Ranbir continues, you betrayed me and that too with my brother? Prachi says, you loved me, you trusted me, please listen to me. He says not to touch him with her dirty hands. You insulted my love. You never loved me, but I loved you a lot. I did so much to make you happy, but you just used my love as a tissue paper whenever you wanted and then threw it away. If you wanted to have affair with someone else, then why did you marry me? Why did you pretend to love me? I feel you married me and then you wanted to stay with another man. He grabs Sid’s collar. Prachi is in disbelief.

Ranbir continues, why I couldn’t see this before? Everything was happening in front of my eyes. I used to think our marriage was perfect. I wanted to be number one husband, but I became number one fool. I was stupid, fool, mad. You were working whole day with Sid and you wanted to be in office always. Even at home, you were talking to him and praising him all the time. When people used to ask me that your wife works in the night? I used to be proud to say that my wife was hard working. Now I understood what work my wife was doing. Sid tells him that he is crossing his limits. Ranbir asks, do you know what’s limit? If husband and wife are in their house, then there is a limit to enter the house. If you’re talking to your co-worker, then you have to talk in the limit. Did you think about that? If you didn’t, then why should I think about limit? It’s my mistake. I trusted you. You are Raavan, you always had eyes on my Sita (Prachi). You used to say that Prachi is very good and you wanted a wife like her. You used to say that you were jealous of my and Prachi’ relationship. You didn’t think about me before doing all this, right? I feel like punching you. He was about to punch when Prachi stops him. Ranbir says sorry, I spoiled your boyfriend, actually husband’s shirt. You must have accepted him as your husband. Prachi says, I don’t want to say anything as you don’t want to listen. Our marriage has been cursed by an evil eye. He says it’s Sid who had evil eye on her.

Prachi is crying. Ranbir tells her not to cry, those are fake tears. When a well is dirty itself, how can water be clean? And tears of shamelessness dry themselves, they don’t come out. He says, I trusted you both so much and you both broke my trust. There was someone who warned me about your affair, but I said they are just friends. He tells Prachi that you fooled me by your sweet talks, so that I don’t ask you where you were. What you thought was my foolishness, it was my love and trust on you. You first broke my trust and now broke my heart. You said you wanted to go to work, but actually you wanted to go away from me. Prachi says, no one is going anywhere. You are here, I am here. Why can’t you see it? He says, you were with me, yes. But you used to love someone else. I was planning our future together and you were planning where to go with Sid. When you two became too close, you started bringing gifts. Those gifts were actually for Sid and whatever Sid didn’t like, you gave to me. You gave me jacket one day and I was uneasy. That was because it was used by Sid. I don’t want anything that’s used, be it jacket or yourself. Prachi says, enough! That’s enough. I won’t let you humiliate me more. What do you think that I betrayed you? Made fun of your love? It’s you who are making fun of our love. Did you forget that I have your name’s sindhoor. He says, who knows that sindhoor might be Sid’s name as well. Prachi says, not a word more. You have crossed all the limits. If you say a word more, then.. He asks so what? You will kill me? You think you will go away from me after that? You think that I will keep you with me after seeing all this? Never. I am angry at myself. I hate your face. I don’t know how I married characterless girl like you. I wish either I was dead or you were dead before seeing all this. I would have cried and lived my life by seeing garland on your photo, but I can’t see this. Why did you do this with me? He falls on his knees and cries. What was missing in my love? She also sits on her knees . She holds his hands and says, I haven’t done anything. He looks at her. He touches her face saying I loved you so much, I always wondered how you are so beautiful. I understood today. Betrayal is always beautiful. She says, I know you’re very hurt. Your faith is broken. But what about love? Love stays in heart only and the truth is I love you a lot. Keep your hand on your heart once and think whether your Prachi can do this. She can’t because she loves you a lot. She kisses him on cheeks and hugs him. She says I know nothing except loving you. I can’t remember anything except your name. Do you know why? Because I love you a lot and only you. Not just in this life, I will love you in all my lives. He touches her face and says, if you bring innocence on this face, then it will look even uglier. You should be ashamed that you lied by looking in my eyes. He warns her not to come close to him again. If she tries, then he doesn’t know what he will do. Prachi wipes her tears and leaves from there.

Prachi about to walk out of the hotel. Ranbir comes to her and asks if she don’t feel ashamed to be caught red handed, and then showing him attitude and walking out. Prachi says you didn’t leave anything. He asks shall I ignore? Prachi says you accused me wrongly and asks where did his love gone? She asks why he used to boost about his love. He says love is two sided, but my love was one sided, it was foolishness, you used to fool me. He says there was no doubt between Sid and you, and asks if she don’t love Sid until now and says I believe third person will come in your life. She shouts Ranbir. He says you are exposed and caught by me, asks her not to act to be good. He asks why is she feeling bad, as she is caught and he is talking about her lover. Prachi says lover, and says you are blinded by doubt and says whatever I say, you will think me wrong and I will not give any clarification. She says the way you are looking at me, this is wrong and I will not bear, as I am not wrong. She says we will talk when this anger goes. Ranbir says when relation is not left then what we will talk. He asks what I will do after seeing my wife on the bed with my brother and asks will I keep my relation with you. He says I got betrayal and understood that character is needed for marriage and not love. He says Rhea was right, you have ruined her house. He says when you couldn’t be loyal to your sister, then how you can be loyal to me. Prachi says when only the husband is accusing her, then their relation is not left. Ranbir says I filled kumkum in your maang, but you disrespected it and went to meet Siddharth. Prachi says marriage is a responsibility and both husband and wife fulfill their responsibilities. She says husband’s duty is to fulfill wife’s needs, give her respect and love and says when husband disrespect his own wife then nothing is left, where one sided decision is taken. She says it is wrong to take a decision without knowing the truth and says you can’t say that Siddharth and I have an affair. Ranbir says I was blinded since 2 years, and says I was ignoring your and Sid’s illegitimate relation. Prachi says when the truth comes out, you can’t forgive yourself. He says truth is out, even if I try to lift you, then also you can’t reach me. He says her tears are fake. Prachi says this is my genuine tears. Ranbir asks her to accept her mistake and she will feel light. He says if you agree then may be I can….He says I don’t want to talk to you, and don’t want to keep relation with you, and says why am I saying this? Prachi says because you love me. Ranbir recalls seeing them on the bed, and says I don’t want to see your face. Prachi says I will not clarify and will not plead infront of you, and will not plead for what I haven’t done. She says my trust is broken, but not my self respect. She says you never loved me, and was finding ways to leave me like your Mom and dad. He says don’t bring my mom and dad. Prachi says I didn’t say when you brought Rhea between us. She says I don’t love you and even you don’t love me. Ranbir asks why you didn’t tell me before. She says when I told that there is nothing between Sid and me, you didn’t agree, but when I said that I don’t love you, you agreed. He says I hate bewafa woman like you, and asks her to go away from his life, very far. Prachi says I am feeling very pain, as my dream broke today. She says I wish we wouldn’t have meet, I wish I had not fallen in love with you, I wish we wouldn’t have gotten married. Sad song plays….

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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