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Sushma messages Pragya and thinks it will deliver when network comes. Mahesh says your idea was not bad, to bring Abhi here in cold storage room. Gaurav says the enjoyment will be double when Pragya comes here, and says game and rules are mine, so the result will be mine too. Mahesh asks what you thought about her. Gaurav asks him to enjoy the twist and turns. Pragya asks waiter about the terrace. Waiter says there is no terrace, just 5 floor in this hotel. He tells her about the cold storage in basement. Pragya is going there. Sushma calls her and says thank god, your call is connected. She asks him to go to red zone hotel’s cold storage room and says Abhi is there. Pragya says she is in the hotel and going to cold storage room. Sushma asks her to listen. Pragya ends the call. Sushma’s car is stopped by the traffic police. Gaurav comes out to call. Pragya is going from there. Sid think to call Prachi and thinks she will be happy. He asks Gaurav if network is coming? Gaurav says that side. Sid sees Pragya and thinks she is Prachi’s mom. He goes to other side to talk and thinks there is no network here. Gaurav calls his goons and asks if they got consciousness. Sid hears Gaurav telling that he has planned to kill both Abhishek Mehra and his wife Pragya. He says Abhi can be saved by Pragya. If she saves him, then its ok. He says if Pragya shows any smartness, then I will kill them both. Sid runs from there hearing him. Gaurav asks if he is mad, and asks goons to come out carefully. He thinks if Pragya don’t care for Abhi. He thinks she didn’t come yet. He comes to the cold storage room and finds his dad missing from there. He calls Pragya and asks if she is there, and asks her to come out. He finds Abhi missing from his place. He finds Mahesh unconscious and runs to him. He checks his pulse. Pragya recalls Mahesh threatening her with knife, and that’s why Pragya hits on his head with something. Gaurav says thank god, seeing his dad fine. Pragya is standing with unconscious Abhi on the wheelchair. Gaurav asks Pragya to come out.

Sid calls Prachi and says I have seen with my eyes. Prachi says I will come there, and says she will call Police. Sid says that guy is crazy. Prachi says we can’t leave that person, tells that she is coming there. Rhea hears them and thinks Prachi went to meet Sid for her extra marital affair. She left as if someone is in danger.

Gaurav comes near Pragya. Pragya comes infront of him and shows him knife. She then attacks him with the plate. Gaurav falls down and holds his head. Pragya looks at the stairs sign and is taking Abhi from there. Gaurav gets up and shoots in air. He comes to her and says you thought yourself as an expert, and asks her to apologize to him else…Pragya says what you will do, and says you will do what you was doing, and says such cheap person like you will not get forgiveness. She says he came to punish you, but now nobody can stop me from punishing you. Gaurav says you are on gun point and asks her to apologize, says I may leave you. Pragya asks him to surrender to Police and says may be I can forgive you.

Abhi gains conscious and makes Gaurav’s gun falls down. He beats him. Mahesh gets up and keeps knife on Pragya’s neck. Abhi says leave her. Mahesh says leave my son, else I will slit her throat. H says my son likes dialogues, but I want result on the spot. He says if you want your wife to be alive, then go to cold storage room and lock yourself. Abhi says I will go inside. Pragya says don’t go inside. Gaurav locks the door as Abhi goes inside. Abhi asks him not to harm Pragya. Pragya frees herself and shows knife to Gaurav and Mahesh. Gaurav hits Pragya on her head and locks her too in the cold storage room. Abhi holds Pragya and asks Gaurav to let Pragya go. Mahesh and Gaurav smile and leave from there.

Prachi is on the way. The driver says the road is blocked. Prachi gets down and asks the constable to let her go. The constable asks her to leave. Prachi says it is matter of someone’s life and death. Constable says everyone wants to say the same dialogue and says it seems I have to call the lady constable. Prachi runs and try to move the barricade.

Abhi asks Pragya to open her eyes and says if you faint then your body temperature will fall down. He says why you have come to save me. He shouts for help. He asks her to open her eyes, and says you have lost the dart game and shall obey me for 24 hours. He knocks on the door and says I will not forgive you, as you hug the troubles always, before it reaches you. He knocks on the door and asks for help again. He cries asking for help and says save my Pragya. Pragya gets up and hugs him. She asks if someone scolds when someone else is unconscious. Abhi looks at her and hugs her. Allah wariyan plays……Pragya says let me hug you. Abhi says I will hug you always. Pragya says always. Abhi says I want your permission. Pragya says did you know when you hugged me last time. Abhi says yes. Pragya says in court. He says after the court too, in the dreams. Pragya says you are businessman of talks. She says you are good person and does good business of heart. Abhi kisses on her forehead and says you have to pay the price for the business which I do. He says I have snatched your peace and happiness. He says I came to know why you stayed away from me since 2 years, and tells that why you hate me, and when you met me, why did you push me. He says I came to know everything and you shall know now. He says I didn’t fail your car brakes, and didn’t try to kill you. He says they used my name so that even if you are saved then you shall think me wrong. He says he heard Aaliya and Tanu speaking to Gaurav and confessing everything. Pragya says how can I believe that you can kill me. She recalls hearing his voice saying the same and says it is my fault to believe. Abhi says your death news came, but I lost the life. He says I don’t want to bear anything now and asks her not to go far from him. He says we will stay here. Pragya says here and asks him to do something so that they come out. He says we will hug each other and jokes. He asks if she is remembering something. Pragya recalls getting locked in cold storage room, while Abhi saving her. He says we will leave from here. Pragya asks him to think good for good result. They knock on the door. Gaurav gives money to the waiter and asks him to call him if Police comes. Waiter says ok. Mahesh says if anyone comes to know about our plan. Gaurav says he has plan B and C ready. Mahesh feels proud of him. Prachi is running on the road to reach there. A guy holds her and asks her to walk carefully. Abhi and Pragya knock on the door. Pragya says nobody will come here. Abhi says we are united to live and not to die. Pragya asks him to come and tries to clean his injury with her saree pallu. Abhi says it is small injury, let me knock on the door. She says if someone comes then we will shout. Abhi takes out his jacket and asks her to wear it. Pragya asks him to wear it. Abhi says you have given your everything to Gaurav. Pragya says it was not mine, but I got what is mine. Abhi says if you say this without shaking up, then it is good. They sit together. Abhi rubs her hand. Prachi reaches the hotel and searches for Sid. Abhi and Pragya reminisces their moments. Abhi asks Pragya to keep her eyes open and says someone will come to save us. Pragya says you are with me, nothing will happen to me. He rubs her hands and hugs her. Prachi comes to the cold storage room and shouts Maa and Papa. She tries to open the door. Sid brings the stretcher there and opens the door. Prachi runs inside and shouts Maa and Papa. She calls the ward boys to come inside and help. They take Abhi and Pragya on stretcher. Gaurav talks to the waiter. Waiter says hospital staff came and took them from cold storage room. Gaurav asks why didn’t you call me? Waiter says police haven’t come. Gaurav says if I will give instructions for everything. He asks why you didn’t call me. Waiter says we are trained to give what is asked. Gaurav asks him to end the call and tells Mahesh that now plan B. He calls his goon and tells that Abhishek Mehra and his wife are admitted to the hospital. He asks the goon to kill them both in hospital and send him photo. Goon says ok, work will be done. Prachi and Sid rush Abhi and Pragya to the hospital. Prachi asks doctor if her Papa will be fine. She then rushes to Pragya. Doctor treats both Pragya and Abhi in separate rooms. Ram Ram Jai plays..…

Doctor comes out and tells that Pragya is fine, and they are shifting her to ward. Prachi asks what about my Papa. Doctor says his case is quite complicated and asks her to wait until other doctor comes. Abhi’s doctor comes and says he is out of danger, and asks Nurse to shift him to ward. He asks them to come to the ward, as they will be shifting them in the same ward. Prachi goes to sign the form. She walks past the goon, who is wearing peon uniform. The goon sees Abhi and Pragya being shifted to the ward. Nurse asks who is he? The goon says he is Rakesh and came to give the file.

Prachi fills the form and tells Receptionist about her parents’s enemy trying to kill them. Peon comes there and tells that his uniform is stolen. Prachi realizes that she heard the guy talking that he is Rakesh. She runs. The goon takes off the oxygen support system and leave from the ward. Abhi and Pragya struggle for breathe. Prachi asks someone to hold the goon and says he wants to kill my parents. Sid holds the goon. Prachi comes to the ward and gets shocked seeing through the window pane.

Flashback scene of Gaurav calling Sushma and ask her to send Pragya there to hotel red zone’s cold storage room. Pragya gets informed by Sushma. She comes to the cold storage room. Abhi and Pragya are both locked in the cold storage room. Prachi saves them. She asks Someone to catch the goon who wanted to kill her parents. Sid runs behind the goon. Sushma comes there and the goons collide with her. Sushma asks Sid to catch the goon. Prachi checks Pragya and Abhi struggling to breathe and asks Doctor to check, as their oxygen mask is pulled off. Doctor goes inside the ward. Sushma says it is good that you called me. The Police comes there and arrest the goon. Prachi asks who is he? and who has sent him. Tanu is at Gaurav’s house and Mahesh offers her drink. Tanu says she drinks when she celebrates. Mahesh asks if you will drink hearing the death news of Abhi and Pragya. Tanu says just as I come to know about their death, I will drink. Police comes there with his team and hears Mahesh and Tanu’s conversation. Inspector says we didn’t know that crime confession is going on. Tanu tries to escape, but is caught by the lady constable. She asks why did you catch me? Lady constable says we know what you have done, else why you was running. Gaurav says Abhi and Pragya have doing this for business rivalry. Inspector says they are not in their senses and tells that the goon confessed and took your name. He tells Gaurav. Gaurav is shocked. Tanu says why you are arresting me, I am not involved. Inspector says then why did you come to take charity. He says court will decide, but we will not leave you. Mahesh says so you will arrest us? Inspector says yes and drags them out.

Ranbir comes home. Rhea gives him angry look. He asks if Prachi and doctor came? Rhea says Prachi is not at home. Ranbir says if Prachi is fine, and asks if she went out. Rhea asks what is his problem and says her home is getting ruined due to him. Ranbir asks her what she wants to say and asks her to tell clearly. Rhea says now you want to know clearly, though you don’t trust me. Ranbir calls Prachi. Rhea says she went with Sid, and says she must be fine as she is with him. She says they didn’t go to doctor or chemist, they went for a date and asks him not to wait for her. She says they will come late. Ranbir says enough. Rhea says I told and showed all lovestory, but you closed your eyes. Ranbir says you are mad and needs help, and says anything. He says Prachi is my wife and Sid is my brother and asks her to keep her bad thoughts in her mind. He says if you say this again then I will. He goes inside. Rhea looks on upset.

Prachi looks at Pragya and Abhi from the window pane and thinks of her moments with them. Rhea gets Shaina’s call, and asks her to tell why she called. Shaina asks what happened? Rhea says Ranbir always take Prachi’s name all the time. Shaina says she is his wife so he will take her name. Rhea tells Shaina that whenever she tells him that Prachi and Sid are having an affair, he refuses to believe her. She says Prachi said that she is unwell and will stay at home. Shaina asks if Prachi really went with Sid. Rhea says that is not the point, and says she is trying to prove affair with them. She says she showed them laughing, but Ranbir didn’t believe. Shaina asks her to do something drastic, so that Ranbir thinks that they are having an affair.

Prachi cries and hugs Sushma. Sushma says Pragya is strong, will defeat death and will return. She asks her to be strong being Pragya’s daughter and says everything will be fine. Sid looks at them. Doctor comes out and says as the mask was moved, they couldn’t get the oxygen. Sushma asks what happened to them? Doctor says they went in coma. Sushma says what were you doing and says I don’t want to lose my daughter again. Prachi runs inside. Other doctor says until we came, the patient couldn’t get oxygen and slipped in coma. Sushma says if anything happens to my daughter, then I will sue this hospital. She tells Sid that she can’t get weaken and will take her to London and will get her treatment. She says nothing will happen to my daughter. Prachi looks at Abhi and cries. Naina song plays…..She recalls her moments with Abhi. She then looks at Pragya and recalls her moments with her. She sits at Pragya’s bedside and says Maa, what are you doing here? She says you can’t lie down here, your place is with all of us. She says you always give courage to everyone, you can’t lie down like this. She says you have promised me that you will make Papa fine and everything fine. She says you have done it. She says I came late, if I had reached before, then would have done something. She asks Abhi to get up and cries. She hugs Pragya and says I will be with you. Doctor says meeting time is over and Sid to take her out. Prachi says Maa can hear me and I will stay here. Doctor says there is a way to treat Coma patient, and asks her to go. Prachi refuses.

Ranbir comes to Rhea and apologizes for getting angry on her. Rhea asks him to sit down and listen to her calmly and says the matter is there itself, why Prachi went with Sid out. Ranbir asks her to fight with Sid and leave Prachi and him. He says I don’t like this, don’t say such things. Rhea says I can ask where is Prachi, she is my sister. He says her call is not reachable. Rhea says even Sid’s phone is unreachable. She asks Ranbir why don’t he call Sid and asked. Ranbir says if they have went together then might have gone for professional work. He says Prachi is hardworking and professional and had gone for work before also, when she was unwell. Rhea says why she didn’t agree to come with you, when you said that she is your lucky charm, but she denied. He says it is my mistake that I came here and talk to you. He says I was wrong, you can doubt and do whatever you want, but don’t involve me. Rhea calls Sid and says Ranbir wants to talk to Prachi. She ends the call and says they are coming home. Door bell rings. Ranbir opens the door. Prachi is crying. Ranbir asks what happened? Prachi hugs him. Rhea asks where was you? Ranbir and I was worried and asks if they forgot that they have a family. Ranbir says not now.

Sid tells that he heard a guy talking on phone and conspiring to kill Abhishek Mehra and Pragya, your mom and dad. He says I called Prachi immediately. Prachi says Maa and Papa are in coma and hugs Rhea. Ranbir asks how? Sid says they were trapped in cold storage room. He says Doctor said that they are in coma, as the oxygen level dipped. Rhea is shocked and recalls her moments with Abhi. Ranbir tells Prachi that nothing can happen to her mom and dad when she is there. Rhea gets angry.

Later Ranbir and Prachi promote the shows tere bina jiya na jaye and agar tum na hote on Zee TV.

Rhea shout at Prachi for not informing her about Abhi and Pragya being in the hospital. She asks if they were just her parents. She asks if you wanted to be their good daughter, why didn’t you call me. She says I would have talked to them. Prachi says even I didn’t talk to them, when I reached there, they were unconscious, Doctor didn’t let me meet them and they went into coma. Rhea asks Sid, why he didn’t call her? Sid says your call was unreachable. Rhea says my phone was on, as I was waiting for you both. Prachi says I wanted to call you, but everything happened so suddenly, that I didn’t get the chance. Rhea says you have forgotten your husband and he has forgotten his wife. She says she will go and meet them. Sid says visiting hours are over. Prachi asks Sid to go and handle her. Ranbir says everything will be fine. Prachi hugs him and cry. He gets a call and says he has to go and see his inlaws.

Doctor asks nurse to talk to Sushma Tandon and tell her that they can’t discharge them in 4-5 days. Rhea comes there and asks Doctor about them. Doctor says Sushma Tandon wanted their treatment to be done by best doctors and says we also want to get them fine. Rhea comes inside the ICU and asks Abhi to open his eyes and see him. She says I have returned and meeting you after many years. She cry and says you were always with me, but I left you. She says sorry. Sid gets a call and goes out. Rhea then looks at Pragya at the other bed. She says I will not tell you sorry, and wants you to be there, you deserve to be there. She says you couldn’t become a good mother and also good wife. She says whenever you returned, you ruined my family. Aaliya comes there and says Pragya is a curse to our family. She says she has destroyed Mehra family and ended everything. Rhea hug her. She says we had a good family, Mehra and Kohli family, used to stay together. She says Ranbir and I used to love each other, then Prachi came between us and took Ranbir. And she (Pragya) took Dad. She says she is very alone. Aaliya says you can’t be alone with me. She says you would have got Ranbir that night. She says your love will be back to you, and he will become yours. Aaliya asks her to come with her. She calls someone and asks the person to reach the hotel. She needs her help. She then tells Rhea that the hotel is of her business friend and asks her to come there with Sid and Prachi. Rhea asks what we have to do? Aaliya says I have a plan.

Ranbir shows his presentation of his start up. The clients like his start up. Ranbir says it is my years long hardwork and says he wants his start up to be his own and wants to work hard on this. She says if I get your support then it can become big. They tell that they love it. The client tells that they are doing this project with him and even called the media.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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