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The Episode starts with Kabir and Soni asking Amrita to spend time in the penthouse, Pritam is already downstairs. Angad says it won’t be right. Kabir says we can at least do this for Amrita, Pritam is also family now. Angad says done, take Amrita upstairs, I will get few things. Amrita says let me go inside and see once. Angad says 5 mins, you will like to live in the penthouse. She recalls Karan. She says your brothers are also mad like you. Angad and Kabir come and take Amrita to the penthouse. They see the same candle light table arrangements. She recalls Karan. She smiles seeing the decorations. She asks why did you keep wine bottle here, I can’t drink. Angad says its fruit wine. She says smart boy. He asks her to live her life and feel the old moments. He says we will stay outside. They go out. Amrita smiles and thinks of Karan.

Soni sees Pritam sleeping. She sits near him. She recalls how he saved her. She covers him with blanket. He wakes up and holds her. He asks what were you doing. She says I saw the blanket slipped, you were shivering, so thought to cover you. He asks her to go, he can take care. She goes smiling. He says I m fine in my penthouse. Angad and Kabir see Amrita talking to Karan. She says congrats, you have become a dad, our baby just looks like you. They smile hearing her. Pritam comes upstairs. He sees Angad and Kabir. He says why are they looking inside my room. He asks what are you looking inside. Angad says stop. Pritam says its my room, why can’t I go. Kabir says stop for some time. Angad says Amrita is inside. Pritam asks what is she doing inside. He sees Amrita talking to imaginary Karan and celebrating. Amrita says I m very happy and wanted to celebrate this moment with you in this penthouse, Kabir and Angad fulfilled my wish. Angad says Karan and Amrita used to come here, its their personal space, she was missing him a lot, so we got her. Kabir says we wanted to ask you, but you were sleeping. Amrita says everyone is so happy, even the tenant, his name is Pritam, everyone thinks life has come back home, can you feel our happiness, I m upset, you stay much away from me, you don’t appear, are you annoyed with me, don’t be, you are the support of my loneliness, I miss you a lot. Pritam, Angad and Kabir look on and cry. She sees Pritam at the door. She comes out. Pritam stops her and says don’t go, you can sit there, I will go. She says no, sorry, I should have not come in your room, I had my memories here so I had come, forgive me. He says don’t go, you can sit here as long as you want. She says no. He says past should be lived if its beautiful, you are lucky that your memories are so beautiful and sweet. She asks isn’t your past beautiful. He says past has sweet and bitter memories, I have more of bitter memories. Angad asks why are you saying so. He says yes, memories are bitter. Pritam says no, some sweet memories are also there, but faded, forget it, you live your moments. Amrita says I have lived it, thanks. She asks Angad and Kabir to come. Kabir asks Pritam to sleep downstairs today. Amrita says yes, don’t take risk today, you need support. Pritam thinks you love your past so much, what are you, I didn’t see anyone like you. She thinks you hate your past so much, what are you. He slips on the stairs. She holds his hand and shouts careful. He says I m fine. Angad asks her to go to the room, they will get Pritam. She goes. Pritam looks on.

Its morning, the goon sees Amrita and the baby. Guneet gets fruits. Angad says this is puja items. Guneet says pandit will come at 11am. Nimmo says ask Amrita to get ready. Amrita says I have to change, Soni is with the baby. Kabir comes. She asks why do you look in tension. Guneet says he would have something on his mind. Angad asks Kabir the matter. Kabir says nothing. He thinks Shetty didn’t call me, shall I call him, no. Pritam says I m going for a bath, its baby’s Naamkaran today. Kabir asks how will you take a bath. Dada ji says come, I will give you a bath. Pritam says no need, I will take a bath myself. Soni goes to see them talking. Everyone smiles. Dada ji says if you are ashamed of me, then Angad and Kabir will give you a bath. Angad says I won’t. Kabir says I will help. Pritam says no need, I will take a bath. He goes for a bath. Dada ji asks him not to apply soap to his foot, else he will slip. Angad asks him to leave Pritam on his own. Dada ji says he is already injured. Pritam looks for his underwear. He says did it fall outside. He calls out Angad, and asks did my underwear fall outside. Goon sees the baby.

Guneet says your underwear isn’t here. Everyone jokes on him. Pritam says I will handle it, don’t worry, you all go. Kabir says I will go and get it, which colour do you want. They all joke. Pritam says I m getting insulted on an underwear, they all are mad. Soni asks them to get all the underwears. Pritam says I don’t want to wear any underwear, I mean I will handle it, let me take a bath, don’t you all have to get ready, baby’s Naamkaran is today. Amrita says let him take a bath. He thanks her and taunts. Nimmo says you are taunting her. Pritam says I want to take a bath, you all are discussing on my underwear, we should declare this house as a museum. Amrita asks do you think our house is a museum, we wanted to help you, we just asked the colour of the underwear. He asks is everyone here wearing matching underwear. He asks Dada ji to explain her, she should be with the baby. She asks Kabir not to get Pritam’s underwear now. They all laugh. Goon enters the room. Baby cries. Nimmo scolds Soni for leaving the baby alone. Amrita asks why did you leave him alone. They go to the baby. Goon hides. Nimmo gets hyper. She asks Amrita to feed the baby. Amrita asks Soni to shut the window. Soni shuts the window. Kamli says I have done the cleaning. Nimmo asks her to clean the penthouse, Pritam will go upstairs after a bath. Kabir talks to Meera. She asks him to accept Shetty’s offer. He says later, I m busy in baby’s Naamkaran today. She says wow, what name is decided. He says Amrita has decided it, its a surprise, she didn’t tell anyone. Shetty comes. He asks her to call Kabir. Kabir says tell me to apologize to me. She asks Shetty to apologize to Kabir. Shetty says he cheated me, I won’t apologize. Kabir says I won’t join the job. She says he said he will not join. Shetty says okay, I will never apologize. He goes. She says you lost the job. Kabir says talk to him, I want this job. She asks him to handle now. Angad comes. He asks what happened. Kabir says nothing. Angad says Pritam took a bath, we have to take him upstairs. He thinks what is Kabir doing. Angad and Kabir take Pritam upstairs. Pritam asks them to get a pram and take him out. Hey laugh. Goon looks at him and aims at him. Pritam says I will change and come for baby’s naamkaran. Kabir says I will get it. Pritam says no, your family will research on my banyan also. They laugh and go upstairs. Goon shoots. Pritam bends down. Kabir asks where are your clothes. Pritam says I will manage. Neighbor sees his window shot. He asks who are you, what are you doing there. He calls out Angad and Kabir to see someone is running from back stairs, someone is there. Angad and Kabir run to see. Goon flees. Guneet asks who is there. He says there is no one. The man says someone was there, he was going towards the penthouse. Pritam thinks enemies reached the house, I won’t let anything wrong happen.

Everyone sits in the puja. Dada ji asks Pritam to sit. Pandit says puja is completed, you can name the baby now. Pammi says I want to know. Baljeet says name him Jaswinder. Angad asks Amrita to say it now. Nimmo says have some patience, we will start the rasam. Dadi asks Amrita to write the name on the rice grains. Amrita says I just thought of one thing, Karan told me once that I have his Ansh, he was right, that’s why, my baby’s name will be Ansh. Everyone smiles and claps. Amrita asks Nimmo how did she like the name. Nimmo says you told it right, this is also my Ansh, my Karan’s Ansh.

Amrita says I didn’t keep Rahul’s name, is this name also of your friend. Pritam says how can Karan’s Ansh be of someone else, its a lovely name. Amrita tells the baby his name, Ansh. Everyone claps. Everyone gives gifts to the baby. Dada ji asks Pritam won’t he bless Amrita and Ansh. Pritam says surely. He says congrats. Amrita nods. Pritam says you are really your dad’s Ansh, your dad loves your mum a lot, you also love her, take care of her, she is good like your dad, a beautiful person, if you become half like your mum and dad, then think your life is successful. Everyone claps. Baljeet asks Pritam to give shagun to the baby. Angad says he didn’t go out since morning. Pritam says I got a gift. He recalls Rahul. Dadi asks when did you get this, its so lovely. Soni and Amrita recall the toy. Pritam gives it to Ansh. She says that’s… He signs yes.

A New Life Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 5pm

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