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Vivan returns home and reminiscing Meera’s words starts drinking liquor. Meera changes clothes and dries her clothes. Dolly gives her herbal concoction to ward off cold. Meera drinks it and feels drowsy and sleeps. Nimmo walks in and seeing her sleeping drapes blanket on her and hopes she could help her in her fight. Nimmo then goes down and sees Prince holding briefcase, asks what is it. Prince says it is his friend’s who helped him, he asked to keep it tonight. Nimmo says let us check what is in it. He try to open it and says it is locked. Nimmo asks to keep it safely and guard it whole night till he returns it to his friend.

Meera wakes up from sleeping hearing Vivan’s voice and thinks she is sleeping on other side, she should go to her sasural now. On the other side, Dolly cry seeing Biji’s condition. Sweety consoles her. Heavily inebriated Vivan wobbles in his room and imagines Meera coming there and laughing at him. Their chatting starts. He says he had to take her on a date, but he did not. She says let us inform family and go. In living room, Amar asks Dolly where is Meera. She says Meera is sleeping in her room.

Vivan and Meera’s chatting continues. Vivan walks to her holding rose and says he wants to tell her something. She asks to tell then and thinks when will express his love for her. They start romantic chat. A romantic song plaays in the background. Vivan gets back to Meera on bed and fixes mangalsutra in her neck and says their marriage is complete now. Their romance continues. Kidnapper peeping from other side of window thinks they are romancing freely and worryless, let him give them a gift. He burns paper and throws it inside room. They both see it, but continue their romance.

Inebriated Meera and Vivan see fire ball on floor and get on bed discussing it is raining outside and they are seeing hail stones as fire ball. On the other side, Prince opens door hearing someone knocking it. An arrogant goon walks in and says Pappi sent him to get box. Prince asks why did not Pappi come, he will call Pappi. Goon holds Prince’s collar and misbehaves with him to give box. Prince pushes him out and locks door. Nimmo calls family. In room, Vivan and Meera’s romantic chat starts. Meera asks if he loves him, let us play game. Their nok jhok starts. A romantic song plays in the background. He kisses her forehead. They then sleep on bed. Dolly asks Prince who was on door. Prince says someone identifying himself as Pappi’s friend and wanted box and tried to misbehave,

so he pushed him out and locked door. Dolly asks how did he arrange money. He says Pappi gave him, she knows Pappi. Dolly says something is wrong. Prince walks in shouting she does not trust her children at all, be it Meera or him. Sweety says children fight in this age, Dolly need not worry.
In room, Meera and Vivan fall asleep on bed. Goon jumps in via window. Vivan gets up and asks who is he. He runs inside house. Meera asks him to come and sleep. He falls asleep next to her again. Next morning, Meera wakes up and is shocked to see her sleeping next to Vivan. She kicks Vivan. Vivan in sleep asks her not to play kabbadi in sleep. She throws water on him and wakes him up. He wakes up and is shocked to see Meera in his room. Their argument starts. Meera’s sees Vivan’s ring locket in her neck, asks what is it, shouts at him, returns it and leaves. Vivan thinks if he got intimate with her under inebriation.

Dolly searches Meera. Nimmo says she was in her room. They both search Meera. Meera returns home. Dolly asks where was she. Meera says she slept in Vivan’s house last night. Dolly asks where was Vivan. Meera says she was with him. Dolly scolds if she has gone mad, they are divorced now and cannot stay together, society will blame her and not Vivan. Meera says she will handle it. Sweety walks into Prince’s room and asks what is the issue all about. He says he does not know. Bappi Chacha asks him to sort out his issues soon.

Meera cry in her room that she hates Vivan to the core, he spoilt her and her family’s life, what must have happened last night, why can’t she remember anything. Vivan takes bathe and thinks what must have happened last night..

Vivan walks to Meera and says he remembers now what happened last night. She says she does not care as he is the most hated person in her life who is trying to harm her family, paper relations don’t matter to her, only blood relationships mater, she does not care what he thinks, for her her family mattes most. She leaves. He thinks he will follow his promise.

Nimmo walks to her room and finds money in an envelope. She finds a note that she is very special to him and he wants to help her monetarily. She nervously locks door and reads further. Someone calls her and asks if she got money, he wants to help her more as she is very special to him. Prince calls his friend and asks if he saw Pappi. Friend suggests to forget Pappi as police arrested him. Vivan sees shoe marks on floor and thinks if it is of thief’s. He then sees Prince nervously over phone to find out why Pappi is arrested and thinks Prince will create big problem. Prince tries to open box, it falls down and toys come out of it. Prince relaxes seeing toys. Vivan walks to him and asks to give him box, what is in toys. Prince arrogantly warns him to stop ordering him as he is not his BIL now. Vivan says he is his elder and snatches box. Meera snatches it and returns it to Prince and shouts at Vivan to spare her brother. Vivan says fine.
Meera then walks to Biji’s room and speaks to her. Biji’s condition worsens and she collapses. Meera gets worried and calls family. Dolly outside tells Aman they have to take Biji to hospital as her condition is worsening. Aman says he is a bad father, husband, and son. Dolly says he followed all relationships truly. Sweety informs Biji’s condition is worsening. Whole family rushes in. They all panic and try to arrange money from all sources, but fail. Dolly shouts to arrange money somehow. Nimmo watches nervously holding money. Meera rushes out of house to arrange money. Thief hiding in garden thinks they are all fool that they have drugs worth crores in toys, but don’t know about it. He has to steal toys and give it to boss, else boss will not spare him.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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