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Nimmo walks to her room and finds money in an envelope. She finds a note that she is very special to him and he wants to help her monetarily. She nervously locks door and reads further. Someone calls her and asks if she got money, he wants to help her more as she is very special to him. Prince calls his friend and asks if he saw Pappi. Friend suggests to forget Pappi as police arrested him. Vivan sees shoe marks on floor and thinks if it is of thief’s. He then sees Prince nervously over phone to find out why Pappi is arrested and thinks Prince will create big problem. Prince tries to open box, it falls down and toys come out of it. Prince relaxes seeing toys. Vivan walks to him and asks to give him box, what is in toys. Prince arrogantly warns him to stop ordering him as he is not his BIL now. Vivan says he is his elder and snatches box. Meera snatches it and returns it to Prince and shouts at Vivan to spare her brother. Vivan says fine.
Meera then walks to Biji’s room and speaks to her. Biji’s condition worsens and she collapses. Meera gets worried and calls family. Dolly outside tells Aman they have to take Biji to hospital as her condition is worsening. Aman says he is a bad father, husband, and son. Dolly says he followed all relationships truly. Sweety informs Biji’s condition is worsening. Whole family rushes in. They all panic and try to arrange money from all sources, but fail. Dolly shouts to arrange money somehow. Nimmo watches nervously holding money. Meera rushes out of house to arrange money. Thief hiding in garden thinks they are all fool that they have drugs worth crores in toys, but don’t know about it. He has to steal toys and give it to boss, else boss will not spare him.

Meera goes to her sports academy office where officials are chatting and ordering samosa and pastries. She shows her medals to official and requests to lend her some money. They deny her request. Meera angrily confronts them she should have played cricket instead of kabbaddi, all her hard work is gone in vain. She leaves. Vivan watching everything hiding walks in and scolds them and warns to throw legal charges on them. They all get tensed.

Nimmo walks to Meera and gives her money. Meera asks how did she get this money. Nimmo nervously says her friend gave. Meera says she is hiding something and insists. Dolly calls Meera. Meera runs to Biji’s room followed by Nimmo. Doctor tells they have to take Biji to hospital soon. Laali walks in creating drama and asks doctor to take howmuch ever money he wants but save Biji. She taunts she knows Amar is broke now and Meera’s marriage is broken. Meera thinks why Laachi is acting, what is she up to.

Laali pays for Biji’s treatment and says family that they must be thinking she fights with Biji always, but she is also Biji’s daughter and is worried for her. Vivan opens briefcase when he sees someone peeping via window and runs out. Goon runs out and hides behind car, calls boss and says he could not get drug briefcase. Boss orders to get it at any cost, it has drugs worth crores. Vivan walks back in and hides seeing Mera. Meeera senses someone around, but walks in to Biji’s room. Doctor treats Biji and informs Biji’s condition is fine now. Amar thanks Laaali. Laali asks him not to forget her favor. Meera walks in and thanks Laali for her help on time and says only blood will help on time. Laali smirks. Meera then takes Nimmo aside and asks how did she get money. Nimmo nervously lies that her friend had gifted her gold pendant, she sold it. Meera insists. Nimmo agrees that her boyfriend gave her money. Meera asks to call her boyfriend here. Nimmo says he left India as Meera’s wedding drama was not ending at all. Meera sadly walks away.
Vivan leans on couch and imagines Meera taking care of him. Their nok jhok and romantic lukhaa chupi starts. Tum Hum nawa….song…plays in the background. Vivan wakes up hearing phone call. Kidnapper warns him that he has very less time, else he will lose 1 family member.

Meera sadly walks in corridor when Nimmo emotionally hugs her from behind and apologizing for hurting her and says her family’s sansar don’t let them lie, she actually got a letter and money in her room. Meera reads letter and asks her to inform her if she gets any call. Nimmo agrees. She calls given number and thanks man for helping her. Man says he loves her a lot since many years and cannot see her in trouble, so he sent money. She asks his name. He says Balli grover. Meera passes by speaking to someone when Laali stops her and alleges if she is spying her and says she knows she slept in Vivan’s house yesterday and trying to patch up, people will badmouth about her family. Meera says she did not and walks away. Dolly confronts Laali.

Vivan gets Pammi’s call who asks him to come and free them soon. Vivan asks where is she. She says she does not know which place is this, she took kidnapper’s phone and called him somehow and disconnects. Vivan continues where is she, Amaya.. He turns and sees Meera standing, gets tensed. Meera asks how are mummy ji and Amaya. He says it is none of her business. Meera taunts though Pammi gave birth to him, he is bought up by evil Roma, so he is very arrogant. He says he bought up Amaya, then what will she say now. Meera thinks Amaya gave her a number to call, calls it and finds it switched off, gets worried for Amaya.

Vivan tracks kidnapper’s location with Dr. Brar’s help. Meera at home thinks why Vivan ran away without answering her, if Amaya and mummyji are safe, she prays god for their safety. Brar says soon location will be traced and says it is of some warehouse near some temple. They reach warehouse. Vivan makes call and calls Amaya. They hear mobile rining and see a dead body with something fallen on it. Vivan says it is Roma as Roma wears same bracelet. Inspector sends body for postmortem. Vivan asks to find out who killed Roma. Brar says Roma troubled him so much, even then he cares for her, looks at this place, he feels something is wrong. Vivan asks if he means it is a trap. They hear kidnapping laughing.

Meera gets her mobile recharged, calls London on Amaya’s given number and asks if Mr. Kapoor’s daughter and wife came there. Man says nobody came here. Meera gets tensed. Dolly sees her and asks if she is tensed regarding Vivan, a person gets tensed when he/she cares for other person. Meera says how can Vivan change so much, she knew Vivan is a crook, but she fell in his love, people say right, love is blind. Dolly says it is god’s game and with her moral gyaan consoles Meera. Meera cry hugging her. Amar comes and cheers her next. Sweety and Nimmo also hug each other.

Vivan with police team search for kidnapper and find recoder. Kidnapper says they cannot hurt him, but he can hurt them. Brar says looks like this man is a psycho. Vivan says when he can kill Roma, he can harm maa and Amaya also, they should search for him soon. Kindapper attacks Meera and stabs her. Vivan shouts Meera and reveals it was his imagination. Brar asks if he is fine. He says yes and calls Meera’s landline, thinking he wants to know if she is fine. Nimmo walks towards phone and is to pick phone when Meera pick it and says hello. Vivan says he is very afraid and wants to express his love for her. Meera cannot hear and asks why no one is speaking. Vivan realizes his phone is mute. Meera think she wants to meet Vivan and tell him a lot, but her Vivan is lost, hope she can tell him what is in her heart. Vivan thinks hiding all this issue he is saving Meera from danger. Meera thinks if Vivan is trying to save her from danger, if he had called her. They both continue their concern for each other.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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